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May 13 2013 06:39am
I decided to write a guide for Throw Barbarian.
Its not my idea for build. Its been long time that guide is not present so i decided to write, because it is realy strong and underestimated character.

Here I want to thanks johanncocaine for inspiration for this build and many clues that I will mention here.

I distinguish this build for three possible way of building. Its up to you what you choose.
NONE IS STRONGER / BETTER , its just because all the people have different playstyle.
Since im on LLD scene I had many different Throwbarbs. Also sold few fully builded and im proud they kill good chars no problem :)

1. Standard:
  • Max Ias (both switch)
  • Standard 75 FRW
  • High Life 900+HP
  • Damage 200-1000+ / 200-1200+

2. DMG build
  • Medium Ias (both switch)
  • Standard 75 FRW
  • Medium Life 600+HP
  • Damage 200-1200+ / 200-1500+

3. FRW build
  • Max Ias (both switch)
  • High 130+ FRW
  • Medium Life 600+HP
  • Damage 200-1000+ / 200-1200+

remarks: alternative builds are shortly present at the end of the guide (they are more fun then serious)


str: to use gear
dex: to use spear
vita: rest
energy: 0


Bash: 1
Double Swing: 12
Double Throw: 1
Throw Masery: 13

Two of Three points (I prefere spear master and Inc stamina)
Spear Mastery: 1
Inc Stamina: 1
Iron Skin: 1


Max Ias:
One hand throw must have 60+ IAS
Double hand throw must have 70+ IAS (only RIGHT hand spear IAS is calculated)
Medium Ias:
One hand throw must have 30+ IAS
Double hand throw must have 40+ IAS (only RIGHT hand spear IAS is calculated)


NON ETH - you will play duels , not wait untill 150 spears repair in 30minutes.
Throwin Spear - ONLY OPTION (you can dex bug it - it is good manner, don't worry)

One Hand (Spear + Shield) ###############

DMG Build (Medium IAS)
105%Enchanted Damage <> 20 Max Damage <> Knockback <> 8 Min Damage / 5% ctc AMP <> Increesed Stack (max 80 + 80 = 160spears)
Other Builds (Max IAS)
10+IAS <> 105%Enchanted Damage <> 20 Max Damage <> Knockback / 5% ctc AMP <> Increesed Stack (max 80 + 80 = 160spear

If you dont build DMG barb it is like a MUST to have Increesed Stack mod
You will need 120+ stack of spears to finish a duel
BUT duel vs paladin or other close combat char does not need many spears (you will kill fast or die fast)

Double Throw (Spear + Spear) #############

DMG Build (Medium IAS)
Right: 10+IAS <> 105%Enchanted Damage <> 20 Max Damage <> Knockback / 8 Min Damage / 5% ctc AMP <> Increesed Stack (max 80 + 80 = 160spears)
Left: 105%Enchanted Damage <> 20 Max Damage <> Knockback <> 8 Min Damage / 5% ctc AMP <> Increesed Stack (max 80 + 80 = 160spears)

Other Builds (Max IAS)
Right: 10+IAS <> 105%Enchanted Damage <> 20 Max Damage <> Knockback / 8 Min Damage / 5% ctc AMP <> Increesed Stack (max 80 + 80 = 160spears)
Left: 105%Enchanted Damage <> 20 Max Damage <> Knockback <> 8 Min Damage / 5% ctc AMP <> Increesed Stack (max 80 + 80 = 160spears)

Remember that only one spear IAS is calculated - Right Hand.
Right hand is this which is equiped first

If you dont build DMG barb it is like a MUST to have Increesed Stack mod
You will need 120+ stack of spears to finish a duel
BUT duel vs paladin or other close combat char does not need many spears (you will kill fast or die fast)

  • Primal Helmet : 3socket <> 3 Throw Masery <> (3 Shout) <> (3 Spear Mastery or 3 Inc Stamina or 3 Iron Skin)
  • Circlet: 20frw <> 30%Enchanted Damage <> 2soc <> extra if rare: 10rep life <> 40life <> 40mana / res
  • Circlet: 10rep <> 30%Enchanted Damage <> 2soc <> extra if rare: 20FRW <> 40life <> 40mana / res
Helm Jewels:
  • 20%Enchanted Damage <> 6dex <> 4str <> 30 light/fire res (dont mix with min-max dmg jewels - its bugged and will not provide dmg)
  • 20Max Damage
  • 4-15 Damage

  • 1mastery <> 40life <> 10rep life <> extra: 40mana <> 40res <> 12%DTM
  • Angelic

  • 120ar <> 30fire/light res <> 40mana or 30other res <> 5rep life extra: 5str <> 5dex <> 10life
  • Angelic (if use amulet , use one)

  • Twitchthroe [20 MAX DAMAGE JEWEL] or [4-15 DAMAGE JEWEL]
  • Gothic Plate 4x [20 MAX / 4-15 DMG] (or any combination you like ^^)

  • Kite Shield: 30/20block <> 2soc <> 17FHR <> extra: 12%DTM <> 30 Cold Res <> 10HP
  • 2x [20 MAX / 4-15 DMG] (or any combination you like ^^)

KITE SHIELD is MUST (only shield that you can str bug - you will read later why)
Yes , Cold Res. Remember you need to have max res ALSO on double throw switch
Vs casters you will more likely use double throw so resistances from shield are kinda useless there.
Cold res is mostly ignored so it is good add here

Cow King Hooves



Number of each of them depends on equip you have and build you choose

15life <> 7fire res (as many as you have 75res - WITHOUT ANYA)
15life <> 7light resist (as many as you have 75res - WITHOUT ANYA)
15life <> 7mana (If you decide for GCs , fill up places where you can)

3max <> 20AR <> 5FRW (as many as you need for build 75FRW or 130+FRW)
3max <> 20AR <> 5dex (only one ! you need it just to BUG throwing spear)
3max <> 20AR <> 5str (Standard build and FRW build - just one , DMG build needs 24+STR from charms)

6max <> 48AR <> 7FRW (as many as you need for build 75FRW or 130+FRW)
6max <> 48AR <> 6dex (only one ! you need it just to BUG throwing spear)
6max <> 48AR <> 6str (Standard build and FRW build - just one , DMG build needs 24+STR from charms)
6max <> 48AR <> 20life (This is alternative for 15life <> add SCs , you gain DMG by cost of life. Its up to you how many use)

Only one LC/GC with dex and str. Only DMG barb needs 24+str from STR charms
(DMG barb needs 24+ because : Not bugged str must be 46 or less(to bug kite shield 47str req) and armor needs 70str to wear)

STR bug is needed to bug SHIELD - Because enemy do not see SPEAR and SHIELD
If you bug shield enemy does not know when you walk with 2 spears and when you have blocking mode.
DEX bug is needed to bug SPEARS - You will throw INVISIBLE throwing spears.

How bug works ?##################
Your character BASE stat + stats from items we name NOT BUGED STATS

If item needs 50 str or 50dex for egzample you need to have:
NOT BUGED str or dex < 50
and rest from CHARMS

Egzample Kite Shield:
and you have:
6max <> 48AR <> 6str
Total STR : 45 + 6 = 51
Kite Shield requires 47str - So you can equip it (51str) , and its bugged (not visible for enemy on screen , because not bugged stats 45 < 47)

Egzample Throwing Spear
and you have:
6max <> 48AR <> 6dex
Total DEX : 65 + 6 = 71
Throwing Spear requires 65 dex
Spear will be not bugged (visible for enemy) because you have NOT BUGED DEXTERITY : 65
it is not less then requirement



Most you use KB spear + Shield , using double throw VS paladin is very risky.
Double throw when they are offscreen (most often TVT) or when they charge away.
When you double throw when they are attacking - it is suicide.
Keep Middle distance!

Many double throw is way you win.
Keep Middle distance! From close distance he can switch for combat-melee mod

Similar to Charge/Zeal but you will more likely double throw him.

Just run away and doublethrow / one hand throw. Ignore fact that she is close - they desync alot.
I even double throw when i see them close to me while running - i know they will desync in a moment.

BF sin (blade furry)
Double Throw all time. Just avoid blades as you can. Easy duel

Trap sin (fire traps)
Double Throw all time. Just avoid blades as you can. Easy duel

PH sin (phase hammer)
Hard duel.
You need to keep her offscreen. Alternative is keep close to walls/swamps, so PH does not stun you so much.
If she targets you you keep run away , so she lose namelock on you.
Alternative is to try double throws when you lucky namelock her too. FHR helps here


DMG build or STANDARD build
Remember this duel is way harder then you see it here. But its possible to win. I proved it to amas that underestimated my thrower :)

At all distances you can win. She will avoid close distances for sure - this is best for you. Let ama make distance that she likes.
Dont run after amas , they are faster or the same speed. Its suicide
Now is skill part :
You will need to do alot of double throws when you are 100% safe. Many fast switches to shield when she strikes.
Never stop attacking. Its either double or one hand.
If she go for exchange vs one hand or double throw - she is dead.
Dmg build weaknes is that he cannot switch weapons so fast as Standard. Because more time attack takes.
It hurts especialy when you double throw and she GA.

FRW build
You keep preasure on her. Run after her and keep one hand / double from close distance. She will run out of stamina vs this barb easyly.
Read clues written above.

Java / Jabba
Same tactic like vs kick assassin

Start with some attacks offscreen. When he lose some part of life you start offensive mode.
Dont give up when you started offensive.
Knockback is very usefull vs them
Cold dmg is very usefull vs them (1-2 sources) - when you hit once they are way easier target if you are close.
When you are running out of spears try double swing / bash

Never seen one on euro
I guess the same as vs kick assassin

Keep distance they like. Many double throws is way to win.
You can try some exchange from close distance - but its bit better for necro.
When you are running out of spears try double swing / bash

Same tactic like vs kick assassin

All elements
Keep distance they like. Many double throws is way to win.

Concers or other melee
Same tactic like vs kick assassin

Its your place to showoff skills ; )

Alot to write but main clues:

Main idea is to target people who dont expect you (they attack somebody else).
Its very good way to punch out one person from enemy team.

You very like this distance in TVT - easier to hit people then in 1v1. Your attacks are not visible and strong.

Not offscreen all time
Some team partners forces you to go full offensive (if enemy team is more distance like)

Have fun !

Alternative build could go for:

The same as DMG build , But MAX STR STATS.
You will end up with 400life and low FRW (30+) , but dmg is insane (up to 2k Max double throw)
Warning: shield will be not str bugged
I tried it , it can win if enemy let you play offscreen :) Very funny build
This is true glass cannon build , not bow ama 900hp max dex ^^

The same as DMG build, but:
ETH REP 2soc AncientArmor [2x 20max] nice if -20 or -30%req
Helmet Must be primal with 3throw master <> 3shout <> 3soc (prefered iron skin too)
You exchange some charms for 15/7def SCs. Or use 5frw/18def LC instand of 5frw/3max.
One asks: Why frw and def
More skills: Double swing stats -> Shout stats (as many as you like)
Answer: Its more like TVT build.
High def , High dmg , Life 600+
Low frw allowes enemy decide how duel will look like.
I tried it , bow amas or casters gain alot power vs this type of build.

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May 13 2013 07:15am
vn1 guide mate
Posts: 18,878
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May 13 2013 11:05am
Gj, very complete guide. You did a solid efforf there. Grats.
Posts: 11,664
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May 13 2013 11:16am
Quote (Jerm @ 13 May 2013 14:15)
vn1 guide mate


Quote (johanncocaine @ 13 May 2013 18:05)
Gj, very complete guide. You did a solid efforf there. Grats.

thanks, ye quite an effort :)


If anyone is interested to make such for serious I can give FREE good starter spears.
Posts: 41,160
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May 13 2013 12:53pm
very good job, thx ;)
Posts: 306
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May 13 2013 03:25pm
Lots of work shows. This Needs To Be Stickied

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May 13 2013 03:27pm
Very nice :)

gj mate ^_^
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May 14 2013 04:55am
nice guide mate :hail:

This post was edited by pichachu on May 14 2013 04:55am
Posts: 32,186
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May 14 2013 03:23pm
i found this excerpt a bit disturbing and insulting...

BF sin (blade furry)
Double Throw all time. Just avoid blades as you can. Easy duel

Im not sure who you played against with a bf or bf/kick hybrid....but it should have been your most challenging duel.

dbl throw all the time is gonna get you ate for breakfast against a decent build
Posts: 306
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May 14 2013 03:38pm
true there should be a rider on it stating xcept slumbering giant's

she's been a evil little bitch to duel since I've known her. <_<
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