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Feb 11 2007 04:28pm
I have permission from wfg-dude to post this here. I'm adding some information that we both feel as good additions to this guid.
I didn't want to setup a full guide under my name, when I would be taking alot of my information from the one that I used to build my zon. I just put my own additions below that I found that helps this build vs certain characters.

Quote ("wfg-dude")
We don't have anything stickied for zons so if this guide is worthy... I hope it helps anyone making a cs zon. Last thread was flamed a lot so this should be a little cleaner...

Things to know about charged strike (cs):
1. There are 2 types of damage dealt by this attack one requires attack rating (ar) one does not.
1a: physical damage of the javelin itself requires ar to hit and can be added to the second damage (lightning damage) when attacking an enemy.
1b: lightning damage for cs ALWAYS HITS! Damage, however, ranges from 1 (yes that is a ONE) - max cs damage which will be discussed below.

2. This build is all about maximum number of skills since the primary damage is lightning: more skills = more damage! Period!

3. Nothing increases the damage dealt by cs zons EXCEPT SKILLS. NOTHING! Elemental damage charms/jewels will only add to physical damage if you hit with physical attack.

4. CS zons are kinda like glass cannons. They either kill quick or die quick. Since their damage is purely elemental they can be stacked against.

5. You can "farcast" cs to hit opponents...for a guide on it go here: http://wirsz.phpwebhosting.com/LLDBB2/viewtopic.php?t=7805&highlight=farcast

6. Unless u kill quickly...prepare to use a lot of mana. Pubby duels...mana pots!...Arena...use dtm items and pray!

The Build:
I've built a lvl 49 cs zon and a lvl 30 cs zon. The level 49 kills 75% of pubbys especially casters, trappers, and ww barbs (unless they use tgods u will own all barbs!). Actually anyone that doesn't sorb/stack u will own in a very short time (usually 1-3 hits). I've even taken out good hammers in 2-3 pokes and since they rarely use slow gear (xcpt arach) u will be fast enough to whoop they azz and take their gold  If you see em run to town to switch to their wisp/tgods...leave game and thank em for gold... 

Pcrown - 1skill, 15%frw, +20vit, +20energy, rep life. This helm is good enough to be used even for the elite gear cuz the mods on this are hard to beat! If you find +1zon skill helm with stats, life, mana, and frw, ...then u can replace pcrown. Socket this helm with stat jewels (str/dex)...if the jools have any other useful mods...great! DTM wouldn't be a bad idea either along with ur stats.

Javelins: Debates exist, but, I prefer maiden javelins simply cuz they have lower reqs! My current javs are 2javelin skills/ 20% ias. The max for this items is 4 javelin skills/30% ias. Ceremonial javs seem to spawn 3-4 skills more often than maidens do... but hte reqs are just ridiculous! The highest str item on my zon is Rhyme grim sheild at 58 str. Ceremonial require 109 dex!!! Even eth/rep ones would be questionable! Stick with maidens: 33str/47dex. Put the extra 60+ points into vitality! 

Gloves: 2 javelin/10%ias are great ones...stats make em better...but plain 2skill/ias will be great starters.

2 x soj's - no other option IMO.
ammy: I prefer 1 zon skill ones. Obviously, stats and res are optimal on this ammy. starter could be eye of etlich or telling of beads. Find a rare soon tho 

Shield: Lots of options!
Rhyme: Grim or Bone (defense don't matter much so up to you). You want this shield for many reasons: Cannot Be Frozen (CBF), Mana regen, GFg blocking mods! Also has res...but w/e...this is my first and only choice on shields. Only other choice could be (if you want to spend the stats...sigon shield) remember skills are key! Many reasons I don't like sigons tho are: Ugly as hell!, 64 str req (with -req jool in it) which means I lose almost 10 stat points! Up to you.
Another good choice for pure blocking: Whistans...also gives Half Freeze Duration (HFD). and only 53 str req. So you save 5 stat points over a grim rhyme.

Belt: 15% dr string. Ull be fighting melee so dodge + max block + dr = GFG! use a stat/fhr belt if u wanna boost ur life more...but hard to beat string IMO.

Cow King boots if you need the dex points for ur javs. Sanders are great for the frw and the 15 stat points. I keep a pair in my stash at all times. I prefer cow kings until someone can prove to me why the frw of sanders is more worth the extra 5 stats.

Armor: Peace runeword! Period...end of discussion! mage looks prettiest...but use anything u wish! Some ppl like twitch for ias/stats/etc...up to you...remember cs is about +skills. With stacked res you won't do much damage so you can't afford to sacrifice too much damage IMO.

Charms: lifers are fine...ull still beat most ppl. Ultimately shoot for 15life/12 mana sc's. 

1 point dodge (my skill is 7 with skill items = 42% dodge  )
1 pt jab/psn jav (pre-reqs)
Max CS
Max Lite bolt (good secondary ranged skill)
Rest in Powerstrike synergy

*Note: If you plan on running/farcasting place a point in EVADE along with DODGE 

Bad - Mediocre charms = 1k life, 300 mana
Cs Damage with starter gear = 1-1k

Strategy: None...go poke ppl in the eye! Don't stand near barbs when they ww...wait till they almost done...then poke em and watch em bend backwards as they die! Run vs casters/trappers/bone necros.  Only way they can killme is if they start spammin before I get in their grill! Or if they use tele...then I'm toast! Pesky hammers that run while spamming hammers...don't chase em...throw lite javs at em and hope to hit. If they get annoyed enuf they will try to charge u to cast...then go poke em in the eye and laugh at em when they die! Always stand in their blind spot (about 6-7 o clock on a watch) when poking them. Hammers miss u if ur standing in that spot.

If you can master farcast it is very effective especially vs. casters.  For this skill you'll be running most of the time which means u may not have max block so be careful to run away if someone comes near.  Farcast is also the UBER noob killer. 

Edit: Lots of ppl seem to use farcast as they run around the screen. I've tried it and it is a lot of work and hard to hit moving targets especially charging hammers! So, if you can get good with the keyboard and figure out how to hit and run at the same time...go for it. Otherwise jabbing them works pretty well IMO!

Have fun! Anything I missed I'm sure ppl here will fill in any gaps... Peace!

EDIT: Forgot ias/fhr tables:
IAS: 6, 16, 30, 52, 89 (using maiden javelins)
FHR: 20, 32, 52, 86

Gloves + 20ias javs = 3rd bp. Twitch will only take u to 4th bp if you get 30% ias on javs. I can't think of a way to hit last bp...so up to you if u want to hit 3rd or 4th bp. IMO if you can't hit 4th bp...peace is only armr to use!!!

Quick note on Dodge-Lock:  Lvl 30 cs zon in an arena duel shouldn't experience this too much.  However, vs very fast swinging melee what happens is the zon sometimes gets "locked" into dodging motion which means she can't attack.  2 reasons you may not have to worry about this: 1. You are fighting open category so your primary opponents are casters.  2.  If farcasting/running it's hard to be dodge-locked.  If you stand toe to toe with a 4 frame zealot then don't be surprised if he ****s u.

Quick note on FRW:  I never could figure out the calculations for frw to see if sanders frw > cow kings for stats.  I suggest going to the stickies for the calcs/tables and try to figure it out for yourself. It's been 27 years since I've been in school and had to do math so... have fun!  :twisted: If you can't figure it out maybe throw a few frw charms on ur girl and see if u like the speed better than u like the life... otherwise, I'd stick with pure life or life/mana charms and whatever boots make u happy.

Quote ("fu8ar")
I use both, sanders vs runners, and ck when I'm tanking people.  I don't see the point in putting that extra 5 stats into dex when you can use both items and save the 5 stats when you put on ck.

With only the 30ias bp and my gear below, my dmg is as follows.

4/30ias maiden javs
Pruby Pcrown
15ed Peace Mp
15ed Grim Rhyme
2x sojs
1zon 4str 8dex xx res ammy
2zon 10ias rare gloves
ck or sanders depending on if I need max block or I'm chasing a runner

60-144 physical
1-1519 light

So, you see thats a drop of 300 total max dmg per bolt and loosing a extra bolt as well so another 1.6k max dmg lost between using the last ias bp or just using the first ias bp.  I shoot 8 bolts with the 30ias setup.

Now, if I just go for the 52ias bp, using these items.

sanders boots
sigs shield (the three items above give me the str to use sigs shield w/o adding any charms)
rare 2java 10ias gloves

I hit 60ias which is the 52ias bp.  My dmg is as follows.  I shoot 7 bolts with this setup as well.

38-118 physical
1-1435 light dmg

Only a drop in about 100 dmg per bolt, so its not that bad.  Also, with all of these setups I still maintain max block as well.

I still have problems vs nado druids, but I can now take most smiters but the regen ones.  The regen smiters I can get almost dead right before they kill me unless they charge away to regen life like lil bitches.
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Feb 11 2007 04:37pm
Very nice. I used the 30 ias bp on my zon and found it sufficient for most dueling but there were times I wished I had the 52 bp, mostly vs smiters and ww barbs.

I also used sanders exclusively because I hate switching gear, wether it be for prebuff or blocking or w/e...only time I switch gear on my barb is to put on a shield or put on a 2nd honor, heh. Very nice guide's from both of you.

If you find yourself dueling a lot of high frw chars (nec's, ele druids, trappers) then investing in a 1 zon 30 frw circ w/ some res and/or mdr on it would probably be a good deal smile.gif
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Feb 11 2007 04:39pm
well not really
charged strike has a nasty name lock like whirl wind
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Feb 11 2007 04:43pm
yeah, but you have to get up to the person in the first place to get that to happen. and you cant desynch em like w/ namelock ww nearly as well. just a suggestion, i found that pcrown was usually good enough w/ sanders though.

another thing to add in there, on a ww barb or charger if you shift+cs them you can look like you are fc'ing someone because by the time your attack animation gets off they are already a ways away from you, and it still hits smile.gif
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Feb 11 2007 04:50pm
Quote (bigspot_05 @ Sun, Feb 11 2007, 05:43pm)
yeah, but you have to get up to the person in the first place to get that to happen. and you cant desynch em like w/ namelock ww nearly as well. just a suggestion, i found that pcrown was usually good enough w/ sanders though.

another thing to add in there, on a ww barb or charger if you shift+cs them you can look like you are fc'ing someone because by the time your attack animation gets off they are already a ways away from you, and it still hits smile.gif

I know that, I get accused of fc alot when I don't even have the program or w/e it is needed to do it. I just stand there and name lock while they ww through me, and they shortly die after. I still use the 52ias bp more than any other except when dueling sorcs, I use the rhyme peace setup to give myself extra resistances otherwise with the 52ias bp setup and the current charms I have I don't have max all res, just 6 away from the light res and 20 from poison usign 52ias bp.
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Mar 1 2007 08:27am
Hope you don't mind me bumping this, but I want a couple more lld cs zons out there.
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Jul 19 2007 08:42am
It was good i suppose until you got to the armor part lol

ok heads up cs zon's aren't only just about skills my lvl 30 cs zon has 1.1k life and 1.6k dmg.... s/s's have been posted in the past

Yes you are correct when saying peace is a great armor....vs several chars......but not vs chars that require you to have fhr/ias.....

most cs zons only get from 30-50 ias without twitch...... so it is very helpful to put on twitch vs other cs zons my zon currently ranked #1 cs on east doesnt use peace vs other cs zons it switches to twitch/ryhme this reason is obvious twitch=ias/fhr everything you need to kill another lld cs zon

its fine to have have fhr but fhr alone does nothing without ias......

this theory has been proven true time and time again ....

my help on your some what moderate build
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Jul 20 2007 04:59pm
Quote (cursedelf @ Thu, Jul 19 2007, 09:42am)
It was good i suppose until you got to the armor part lol

ok heads up cs zon's aren't only just about skills my lvl 30 cs zon has 1.1k life and 1.6k dmg.... s/s's have been posted in the past

Yes you are correct when saying peace is a great armor....vs several chars......but not vs chars that require you to have fhr/ias.....

most cs zons only get from 30-50 ias without twitch...... so it is very helpful to put on twitch vs other cs zons my zon currently ranked #1 cs on east doesnt use peace vs other cs zons it switches to twitch/ryhme this reason is obvious twitch=ias/fhr everything you need to kill another lld cs zon

its fine to have have fhr but fhr alone does nothing without ias......

this theory has been proven true time and time again ....

my help on your some what moderate build

Did you get to the part of myself quoted in the original post talking about the 52ias bp with 90fhr? I use mostly Sigs shield socketed with a 2str/9dex/-15% jewel with twitch so that I pick up 1 of my lost skill points when switching from peace to twitch.
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Jul 20 2007 07:31pm
Quote (cursedelf @ Thu, Jul 19 2007, 03:42pm)
my zon currently ranked #1 cs on east

actually i am #1 cs zon on east sorry
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Jul 20 2007 07:44pm
Quote (Mr_Bilson @ Sat, Jul 21 2007, 01:31am)
Quote (cursedelf @ Thu, Jul 19 2007, 03:42pm)
my zon currently ranked #1 cs on east

actually i am #1 cs zon on east sorry

You too? i thought i was
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