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Mar 3 2018 03:37pm
Zealer should look something like this:

1800 life 450 mana 5K Charge 5K Zeal 45DR 85IAS Gores + Gulli
I have 1 point Vigor, 1 point Medi and 10 Repl from gear as well.

This post was edited by ferdia on Mar 3 2018 03:40pm
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Mar 4 2018 02:38am
Some things i need to add for Zeal :

Non DR Setup [ Peace vs Dusk ]


With regards to Peace runeword the problem here is deciding where to socket the IAS jewel in the Small Crescent setup. i.e. if you socket the shaft then you are missing 15ias in the Peace setup. One option ( I will have to test ) is using a Naga since with lvl 22~23 Fanaticism you only need 60ias to reach max Zeal speed (i.e. Oath + Gloves). On a side note if the IAS jewel could somehow be fit in then Frostburns might even be an option noting you probably want more mana in this matchup due to the fact it can be a long duel.

For the time being i will test the slower speed, consider a circlet with IAS vs Sorc's, in combination with Peace instead of Shaft / Gulli

Craft belt - best possible would be something like 24fhr 80 life 30 cold res and 5? replenish life
Circlet Options - Possibly where Naga is being considered.
Fools Weapon - Discuss AR bonus
Visionary Helmet - Discuss AR bonus
Angelic Options - Discuss AR bonus

I will probably transfer the Zeal to a single guide since its the build that is closest to completion.

This post was edited by ferdia on Mar 4 2018 03:05am
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Mar 4 2018 03:36am
Spirit ST

As duels are in normal, we don't have the same resistance problems as are experienced @ HLD. Therefore, wherever possible, you should be using a Ed/Ar ST Spirit, noting the damage boost is pretty incredible compared to a Resistance based Spirit.
I currently use an imperfect 61ed/101ar (obviously I will try to improve on that), and to compare the two:

Resistance Spirit:

Zeal Damage 2561-5257 [7818/2=3909 avg damage]
Charge Damage 2358-4842 [7200/2=3600 avg damage]

Ed/Ar Spirit:

Zeal Damage 2718-5578 [8296/2=4148avg damage]
Charge Damage 2515-5162 [7677/2=3838.5 avg damage]

i.e. ~320 more max damage or ~ 478 more avg damage

We do however have Fire Resistance problems (No fire res on Spirit unfortunately!), and thus : A 3/20/20 small charm currently gives me +30 damage on Spirit Res setup and +32 damage on Spirit Ed/AR setup. Without Fire resistance anywhere in gear, that means I need 55 fire res, or x5 20/11's, which is at worst, a loss of 160 max damage. Comparing the loss of this max damage vs the damage boost attained (320-160), its a no brainer to almost always use Ed/Ar Spirit shield. The only place where a Res shield is optimal would be in TvT where you are vs the likes of Conviction / Blizz.

places to look for fire resistance from gear would be in your rare/craft slots.
i.e. Gloves, Ring, Amulet (and possibly circlet). A quick glance at stuff that I was GOING to sell, but WON'T now and i find this ring:

118ar 14 str 14 dex 75 mana 27 fire res 35% Gold Find, which is acceptable :)

This post was edited by ferdia on Mar 4 2018 03:48am
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Mar 4 2018 04:14am
and since its me, 1 or 2 mules later I find:

The only problem with these gloves is that they don't have mana - in a matchup where you want to add mana to your character.
To my mind the easiest way to get fire resistance (certainly 1v1) would be to get a Craft OW belt (say 10 OW 80 life 30 fire resistance)
but again, 20/11's are more then adequate as well.

This post was edited by ferdia on Mar 4 2018 04:28am
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Mar 4 2018 05:26am
Peace Runeword

also known as the 25% chance to do Double Damage option. Noting that we are a zealer, this is the ultimate armor vs casters.

The "basic" Peace setup [ Used vs Assa, Nec, Sorc and Pure Rabies ] :

Peace Runeword
Gulli 15ias/30ed

The issue we have with Peace is that we lose the IAS/ED from the Shaft. While there is room in stash for a 2nd Gulli (the optimal choise; and again, IAS/ED) we are left with Str issues. Here we return to the fundamental point - we are vs casters, so we can switch out String of Ears.
the best possible belt to my mind would be a 24fhr 9 str 80 life 30 fire res belt. Since I have ever only seen 1 such belt in the last 10 years, the alternatives are a Rare belt 24fhr 15 str 60 life + Fire Res or, simply, Thundergods or IK belt.

With the zeal guide at an acceptable level, i'm going to repost it here before transferring it to its own topic.

This post was edited by ferdia on Mar 4 2018 05:45am
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Mar 4 2018 06:46am
Some quotes which I will use.

This quote applies to most "perceived" click-and-hold builds (Smiter, Zealer, Rabies Druid, Java etc.):

Camden: ...class disadvantage to most other chars... As such, to win, you must simply outwit and outplay your opponents the majority of the time. Thus, as a forewarning, don't be frustrated if you get your ass kicked a lot... Even though most consider (build)to be a "skilless" build, to play well they're no more simple than many other chars.
Marvel. : Up charging is pre-charging directly upwards(cursor top of screen in the middle) in anticipation someone is about to teleport on you. it's basically a way to get tons of free kills, especially vs. druids since it hits past summons. basically you'll just hear yourself hitting them a bunch of times... if it stops you should charge down/away quickly. with good practice you'll be baiting people a lot, using it as an offensive escape, and you should have an extremely good sense of when to use it.

This post was edited by ferdia on Mar 4 2018 07:11am
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Mar 4 2018 06:48am
Vs Opponents:

Charge / Zeal is very strong, and thus alot of matchup's will be quick and dirty.

Vs Amazon
Bowa: Charge / Zeal - duels will rarely last more then 1 minute.
Java: Charge / Zeal - duels will rarely last more then 1 minute.

Vs Assassin
Trapper: Charge / Zeal - duels will rarely last more then 1 minute.
Kicker: Zeal > Kicker.
Ghost (59) : On EU we allow Ghosts to LvL to 59. thats not very nice for a Zealer, noting dual claw damage does insane damage. Take your time and try to catch the assassin on the wrong foot. Beware of Dragon Flight > WW.

Vs Druid
Fury: Zeal > Fury
Rabies: Rabies is actually difficult to duel vs. Even with Poisen Res stack, you will die in 2 rabies. Charge / Zeal and continue to attack even when hit by rabies. It becomes slightly more tricky if your opponent has 1-point Fury [ still do-able ]
Tele Druid: still to test this (not many tele druids!). Up Charge goes through minionrs direct to the Druid by the way.

Vs Paladin
Libby: You have little to no chance of winning a FT5 vs a Libby, but you may take rounds off one if he makes mistakes. Try to attack from below.
Pure FoH: You have little to no chance of winning a FT5 vs a FoH, but you may take rounds off one if he makes mistakes. Stacked Light resistance required here.
V/T: You have little to no chance of winning a FT5 vs a V/T, but you may take rounds off one if he makes mistakes.
Smiter: Charge/Zeal. Smiters have unblockable attacks while your attacks can be blocked...
Charger: A charger will do double your charge damage, but wont have a secondary attack, try to catch him with Zeals

Bone Nec: This is a very hard matchup, bonewalls and namelocked spirits can insta-kill you. take your time and jump the Necro when the oppertunity presents itself

WW Barb: Realistically you have no chance vs a good barb.

Light: Noting that Light sorc's need to be middle distance to hit you, and that you can wear Thundergods, this matchup is winnable, Take your time, don't eat lightnings, and you will get results
ESBlizz: Another very difficult matchup. get stack, get extra mana, and be patiant.
ESFB: If Light sorc's are OK and ESBLIZZ are next to impossible, then ESFB are middle of the road to hard. They can hit you from well off screen, and alot of chasing is involved. this is another matchup where you need to rely on stacked mana to keep going.

This post was edited by ferdia on Mar 4 2018 07:10am
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Mar 5 2018 12:08pm
OK, might as well start the VT Guide for Frank:

49 V/T Guide

Do you want to have no friends ? Would you like to charge around the bloodmore, disliked by everybody ? Do you want to play the most hated build @ MLD ? Then you have come to the right place! Welcome, the MLD Vindicator/Templar Guide.

This post was edited by ferdia on Mar 5 2018 12:09pm
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Mar 5 2018 12:26pm
Quote (ferdia @ Mar 5 2018 07:08pm)
Do you want to have no friends ? Would you like to charge around the bloodmore, disliked by everybody ? Do you want to play the most hated build @ MLD ?

Well, I do think there's blame -- yes, I think there's blame on both sides. You look at -- you look at both sides. I think there's blame on both sides. And I have no doubt about it, and you don't have any doubt about it either.

In the end, you're measured not by how much you undertake but by what you finally accomplish.

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Mar 5 2018 12:31pm
Quote (ferdia @ Mar 3 2018 04:37pm)
Zealer should look something like this:

1800 life 450 mana 5K Charge 5K Zeal 45DR 85IAS Gores + Gulli
I have 1 point Vigor, 1 point Medi and 10 Repl from gear as well.


my lvl 18 has 100 less mana
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