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Aug 18 2024 05:15pm
Don't spam the topic please this is our clan recruitment topic.

Quote (Cambria @ Aug 19 2024 09:07am)
How much did ^rawcore pay to get in?

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Aug 19 2024 12:21am
Quote (h1phop @ Aug 19 2024 12:31am)
you've been projecting your pathetic existence for 3+ years now

u never beat no one good
cause u bade
your d2 skills are similar to english
you think its comprehend
but its barely legible
and awfully just
paragraphs for days
more deaths than fairy tails ~~~~~~

It goes even worse than that lmao

yesterday he went ballistic on me, taking the defense of ukraine, covid vaccines, Biden and I dont remember what else tbh. Born to lose, aside with losers

This post was edited by Melatonina on Aug 19 2024 12:22am
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Aug 19 2024 06:21am
Quote (Melatonina @ 19 Aug 2024 08:21)
It goes even worse than that lmao

yesterday he went ballistic on me, taking the defense of ukraine, covid vaccines, Biden and I dont remember what else tbh. Born to lose, aside with losers

You've been spamming the French forum on these topics for years. no one answers you because you say nonsense. only 1 or 2 people comment to make fun of you..
just one message to comment on your comments and conspiracy theory in 2024.
you were so ashamed that you couldn't give an answer.. yu prefers to comment and answer in another section..
no wonder a person like you who suggests meetings with people to explain themselves but who doesn't come to the appointment..

Do you want us to talk again about where you put your shirtless photo while threatening people and thinking of disturbing them?
everyone laughed, a real gag. You were so ashamed that you didn't come to terms with it by saying that it was your cousin's photo. Grandpa's boxers and the woman's very poor quality tattoo (a butterfly) was really funny.


Cryto fake billionaire , real asshamed
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Aug 19 2024 06:35am
Quote (Melatonina @ Aug 19 2024 02:21am)
It goes even worse than that lmao

yesterday he went ballistic on me, taking the defense of ukraine, covid vaccines, Biden and I dont remember what else tbh. Born to lose, aside with losers

Pinokiot is by far the most cringe user on this platform tbh.. there are some good dramas around and they can be fun but with him its just impossible to smile. Reading a post of him is actually painful

Im so angry he is french... where is the kick button ?
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Aug 19 2024 06:50am
Quote (Youshould @ Aug 19 2024 08:35am)
Pinokiot is by far the most cringe user on this platform tbh.. there are some good dramas around and they can be fun but with him its just impossible to smile. Reading a post of him is actually painful

Im so angry he is french... where is the kick button ?

Why are you angry because he's French?
Like the fact he french change something

This post was edited by HanibalJack on Aug 19 2024 06:51am
Posts: 9,218
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Aug 19 2024 07:10am
Quote (HanibalJack @ Aug 19 2024 08:50am)
Why are you angry because he's French?
Like the fact he french change something

Because im french myself. I dunno where you are from but if you had someone that cringe from your country posting on a public platform you would be angry too xD
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Aug 19 2024 07:28am
Quote (Youshould @ Aug 19 2024 09:10am)
Because im french myself. I dunno where you are from but if you had someone that cringe from your country posting on a public platform you would be angry too xD

Ah...Je cromprend
Tu le voix étent un honte pour le quebec ou la France.
Si tu es francais tu es epargne, je croix qu'il es Quebecois.
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Aug 19 2024 11:20am
Quote (Youshould @ 19 Aug 2024 15:10)
Because im french myself. I dunno where you are from but if you had someone that cringe from your country posting on a public platform you would be angry too xD

je pense que les persone raciste ne sont pas intéressantes .
je ne te veut pas dans mais alliées.

bref , si tu ne comprends pas mais poste cela n'ai pas un problème. la plupart de mais poste sont juste des fan jaloux et des perdants qui n'assument pas leurs défaites. je ne fait que répondre avec crédibilité pour afficher leur mensonges.
cela m'amuse de montrer les mensonges des gens qui me jalouse de manière malsaine.
cela est drole de voir des perdants frustrés rater leurs tentatives de mensogonge humiliant.
la plus part d'eux sont des clones , je connais leur technique et leur mensonge parcoeur, ils ne les renouvelles pas . j'ai donc une longueur d'avance. je prend plaisirs à leur répondre et à leur rapeller la réalité. cela les faits rager au points de faire amies avec leur ennemi pour s'allier contre moi.

quand je suis dans la game low level duels , ils appellents touts leurs amis avec alerte discord pour avoir de l'aide.
je finis toujours gagnant en 1 vs xx full bm . cela est vraiment drôle de les voir affirmer le contraire sur jsp.. leurs amies connaise la vérité, mais ils sont tellment désespérés que leurs amis affirme le contraire. cela prouvent qu'ils nassume vraiment pas les terrible humiliation pvp .. certain on dépenser des fortune dollard , mais ils perdents en xx avec bm contre gm pinokiot. ils savent très bien que je ne dépense pas de dollars et que je suis trophy gears. cela les rend hystérique. j'adore.

moi je reste dans le réel parce que eux et moi savons la réalité. pas besoin d'exagérer pour rigoler de eux. eux viennent essayer de faire semblant que je suis un noob pour que des joueurs non actif lld les croivent. cela et inutile , l'avis et les pensées des joueurs non lld ne m'intéresse pas.
les vraix gamers lld voient bien qui à le dessus sur qui in game.
ils voient bien qui apelle les renforts sur discord fakeLLD Gm.

pas étonnant ,


I think racist people are not interesting.
I don't want you in but allies.

In short, if you don't understand, but post it, it's not a problem. Most of the posts are just jealous fans and losers who don't take responsibility for their defeats. I am only responding with credibility to expose their lies.
it amuses me to show the lies of people who are jealous of me in an unhealthy way.
It's funny to see frustrated losers fail in their attempts at humiliating lies.
most of them are clones, I know their technique and their lies by heart, they do not renew them. so I have a head start. I take pleasure in responding to them and reminding them of reality. This makes them angry to the point of making friends with their enemy to ally themselves against me.

when I'm in the low level duels game, they call all their friends with discord alert for help.
I always end up winning in 1 vs xx full bm. it's really funny to see them say the opposite on jsp.. their friends know the truth, but they are so desperate that their friends say the opposite. this proves that they really don't take on the terrible pvp humiliation.. some people spend fortune dollars, but they lose in xx with bm against gm pinokiot. they know very well that I don't spend dollars and that I am trophy gears. it makes them hysterical. I adore.

I stay in reality because they and I know reality. no need to exaggerate to laugh at them. They come and try to pretend that I'm a noob so that non-active lld players will believe them. that is useless, the opinion and thoughts of non-lld players do not interest me.
real gamers see clearly who has the upper hand over whom in the game.
they see clearly who is calling for reinforcements on discord fakeLLD Gm.

no wonder,

Quote (HanibalJack @ 19 Aug 2024 15:28)
Ah...Je cromprend
Tu le voix étent un honte pour le quebec ou la France.
Si tu es francais tu es epargne, je croix qu'il es Quebecois.

Non je suis francais , donc le raciste va mal dormir ce soir
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Aug 19 2024 11:31am
Quote (PiN0ki0T @ Aug 19 2024 01:20pm)
je pense que les persone raciste ne sont pas intéressantes .
je ne te veut pas dans mais alliées.

bref , si tu ne comprends pas mais poste cela n'ai pas un problème. la plupart de mais poste sont juste des fan jaloux et des perdants qui n'assument pas leurs défaites. je ne fait que répondre avec crédibilité pour afficher leur mensonges.
cela m'amuse de montrer les mensonges des gens qui me jalouse de manière malsaine.
cela est drole de voir des perdants frustrés rater leurs tentatives de mensogonge humiliant.
la plus part d'eux sont des clones , je connais leur technique et leur mensonge parcoeur, ils ne les renouvelles pas . j'ai donc une longueur d'avance. je prend plaisirs à leur répondre et à leur rapeller la réalité. cela les faits rager au points de faire amies avec leur ennemi pour s'allier contre moi.

quand je suis dans la game low level duels , ils appellents touts leurs amis avec alerte discord pour avoir de l'aide.
je finis toujours gagnant en 1 vs xx full bm . cela est vraiment drôle de les voir affirmer le contraire sur jsp.. leurs amies connaise la vérité, mais ils sont tellment désespérés que leurs amis affirme le contraire. cela prouvent qu'ils nassume vraiment pas les terrible humiliation pvp .. certain on dépenser des fortune dollard , mais ils perdents en xx avec bm contre gm pinokiot. ils savent très bien que je ne dépense pas de dollars et que je suis trophy gears. cela les rend hystérique. j'adore.

moi je reste dans le réel parce que eux et moi savons la réalité. pas besoin d'exagérer pour rigoler de eux. eux viennent essayer de faire semblant que je suis un noob pour que des joueurs non actif lld les croivent. cela et inutile , l'avis et les pensées des joueurs non lld ne m'intéresse pas.
les vraix gamers lld voient bien qui à le dessus sur qui in game.
ils voient bien qui apelle les renforts sur discord fakeLLD Gm.

pas étonnant ,


I think racist people are not interesting.
I don't want you in but allies.

In short, if you don't understand, but post it, it's not a problem. Most of the posts are just jealous fans and losers who don't take responsibility for their defeats. I am only responding with credibility to expose their lies.
it amuses me to show the lies of people who are jealous of me in an unhealthy way.
It's funny to see frustrated losers fail in their attempts at humiliating lies.
most of them are clones, I know their technique and their lies by heart, they do not renew them. so I have a head start. I take pleasure in responding to them and reminding them of reality. This makes them angry to the point of making friends with their enemy to ally themselves against me.

when I'm in the low level duels game, they call all their friends with discord alert for help.
I always end up winning in 1 vs xx full bm. it's really funny to see them say the opposite on jsp.. their friends know the truth, but they are so desperate that their friends say the opposite. this proves that they really don't take on the terrible pvp humiliation.. some people spend fortune dollars, but they lose in xx with bm against gm pinokiot. they know very well that I don't spend dollars and that I am trophy gears. it makes them hysterical. I adore.

I stay in reality because they and I know reality. no need to exaggerate to laugh at them. They come and try to pretend that I'm a noob so that non-active lld players will believe them. that is useless, the opinion and thoughts of non-lld players do not interest me.
real gamers see clearly who has the upper hand over whom in the game.
they see clearly who is calling for reinforcements on discord fakeLLD Gm.

no wonder,

Non je suis francais , donc le raciste va mal dormir ce soir

Faite un pvp pour regle ca :P
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Aug 19 2024 11:51am
Quote (Rawcore @ 19 Aug 2024 01:15)
Don't spam the topic please this is our clan recruitment topic.


read above, dont spam here. we are recruiting defenders here.
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