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Jan 14 2011 07:59am
Karthus, The Deathsingerby Marcusd0
(Cost: 6300 IP or 975 RP)

The vast quantities of magical energy that have been released during Valoran's numerous Rune Wars have scarred much of Valoran. Many remote locales continue to be twisted by residual magic, making them places where few dare to go. The Howling Marsh is one of these places, and the self-appointed overlord of this land is the lich known as Karthus. Some speculate that Karthus was a mage who, in life, was foolish enough to enter the fetid waters seeking his fortune, and that he was forever transformed by whatever dark magic permeates the swamp. On the darkest of nights, Karthus is said to sing the tales of those who have succumbed to the swamp, past and present.

Karthus has come to the League of Legends seeking personal magical power and influence. While not entirely as malevolent as an undead lich, he cares little for the consequences of death upon the living. Karthus can make the ground beneath his foes erupt, causing massive damage to those caught in the blast. He can create a wall of tangible pain, crippling foes who are foolish enough to pass through it. Being a lich, he feeds off the misery of others in two different ways either by defiling the environment around him or by feasting on the magical essence of those he fells in combat. Karthus may also sing the song of death itself; those who hear his baleful dirge are wounded to their very soul, and it is nearly impossible to escape this woeful aria.

Stats -

Health 390 (+75 / per level)
Mana 270 (+61 / per level)
Move Speed 310
Armor 11 (+3.5 / per level)
Spell Block 30 (+0 / per level)
Critical Strike 1.75 (+0.25 / per level)
Health Regen 1.1 (+0.11 / per level)
Mana Regen 0.8 (+0.08 / per level)

Abilities -

(Personal thoughts, for full info about abilities read down)

Death Defied - What?! Did you just die!? Use your 'E' and spam 'Q'. Creeps/champs, doesn't matter just use ur mana! If there's noone around, put up a wall ('W') right before you die. Rather do something then nothing..

Lay Waste - Ah, good old Lay Waste. This attack is a basic and easy attack, right? Wait.. They just run away from them? Correct.. If you play @ mid lane (wich I do 99.99% of the time w/ karthus) learn how they play. Get it behind them, forward them, left/right to them! Do NOT put it under their feet, especially if they got boots.

Wall of Pain - This spell is useful in 2 (two) situations, 1) If they enemy run away, you basically put the 'W' at them and kill them all, or if your about to die. You put the 'W' at them and run away. Smart aye? And do not forget, the spell reduce the armor/magic resist. So while killing nash/dragon or enemies. Just put up your 'W' and they die easier. Many ppl forget that, and ppl who don't play karthus ask me "LOL U SLOW NASH, UGER?!" Clearly they don't understand the armor/magic reduce.

Defile - THIS SPELL IS AWESOME, I KILL CREEPS FAST AT LVL 4! True that, but the mana bar just decreased and entered Justin Biebers pee-pee size. Do not use this spell at low lvl (if you don't die, or got (almost) full mana, use is wisely at low level) This is however a OP abilitie at lvl 18 with the blue buff.

Requiem - One of the most epic spells in game imo. But watch out for these champs with absorb etc like - Morgana & Garen. And remember "Banshee's Veil" & "Zhonya's Gourglass" is very frustrating..

Pros / cons -

+ Huge nuke.
+ Nice harass.
+ Creep/champ steal, eZeZeZ.
+ Help teammates, escape/kill easy. (gank, carry etc etc)
+ Find eniemes with his 'W' (if they're trying to kill nash or buffs)
+ Good mana and mana regeneration if used correctly.
+ Awesome mid champ.
+ Enemy needs (if your doing well) 2 buy magic res stuff, wich cost a lot of gold.

- Low HP
- Ulti useless in some points, like I mentioned.
- Crap if you barely get any takedowns. (O'rly)

Skilling Order -

1 - Q
2 - W
3 - Q
4 - E
5 - Q
6 - R
7 - Q
8 - E
9 - Q
10 - E
11 - R
12-15 - W/E/W/E
16 - R
17-18 - W

Summoner Abilities -

Good -

Flash/Ghost - I prefer ghost on Karthus but flash is good too.
Heal - I always use heal, gotta love how to lure them and they think they can kill you and then you just heal b)
Teleport - I prefer not using teleport, but if your that guy who recall 1 more time then the rest, then get teleport.
Clarity - If the problem with recalling is cuz of the mana, get clarity instead. Don't forget, if you recall you don't gain the same exp when slamming creeps. Stay as long as possible on your lane.

Decent -

Exhaust - Since you got your wall I don't find this useful, but if you fail or it's on CD. Exhaust is useful I guess...
Ignite - Low dmg, but if you wanna take buff @ lvl1, take ignite.
Cleanse - If your in a teamfight and people target you, the best way to get away is probably with cleanse or heal.
Clairvoyance - I've never really used this while playing karthus but it's useful if your teammates didn't catch the enimes life and your not sure if they had hp enough to get slained by your ulti.. Then maybe.. This is a good spell.

Bad -

Fortify - Good spell on wrong champion.
Smite - Enough trolling.
Revive - I said, enough trolling....
Rally - Your just not getting it, aye?

Masteries & runes -

9/0/21 or 21/0/9, prefer 9/0/21.

9x Greater Mark of Insight
9x Greater Seal of Vitality
9x Greater Glyph of Focus
3x Greater Quintessence of Fortitude

Items -

First get the "Meki Pendant" & 1x Health Potion + Mana Potion, then pretty much however the game goes get one of these first : "Tear of the Goddess" / "Boots of Speed"

If you got 1-2 kills, keep going for "Sorcerer's Shoes"

If your at the same amount of kills get "Mejai's Soulstealer", if you got like 3kills+ early, get "Amplifying Tome" before "Tear of the Goddess" / "Boots of Speed".

When you get those 3 (three) items get, "Archangel's Staff" then "Rod of Ages", start with the "Ruby Crystal" and work up till you get the "Rod of Ages"

Now it's pretty much up to you, I usually get another "Archangel's Staff" and then "Rabandon's Death Cap".

If crap tanks, you could get "Frozen Heart" / "Rylai's Scepter"

If the game continues, buy elixirs and if you want replace "Sorcerer's Shoes" with "Lich Bane"

Other items you could consider yourself buying - "Abyssal Scepter" , "Deathfire Grasp" , "Void Staff"

How to play Karthus at mid lane -

If your gonna kill them, try to wait until you get your wall.
Don't be afraid if you play vs another caster, be aggresive.

But do NOT play aggresive versus - Anivia, Mordekaiser or Akali. Though all of these champs sucks without ulti. With ulti = hard to kill.

Watch out for snare champions like - Lux, Morgana & Ryze.

What your mostly gonna do in this lane is spam 'Q' if your close to his turret. If it's the other way around. Lure him. Act like your playing safe and auto attack/'Q' the creeps. And when you get the chance, slow him and kill him. By killing them doesn't always mean - OH HI LAY WASTE I'MMA LET YA FINISH BUT DEFILE IS SO COOL.

Play smart, lure them and use different tactics. Deffensive/Offensive/Aggresive. And put up wards aswell, they do help.

And by playing a karthus means you gotta keep your head in the game. Your ulti is needed. Check the other lanes and look at the enemies hp. Talk with your mates. Check if they got heal or not, your ulti is not always a ks/hrhrhr I killed you when my teammates failed. It could be useful in teamfights (when your not included) by taking down huge % of the enemies life and gain assists. Use it smart and realize it's more then just a ks spell.

In teamfights -

Try stand abit behind and spam 'Q' , your easy to get killed if your in the gangbang. If they do fine and you got a good tank, get in and do your 'E'. Save your wall as long as possible and slow them if someone is trying to escape.

Farming -

It's actually possible to get the golem @ lvl1 WITHOUT SMITE. Buy elixir and a health potion. Use health/ignite and QQQQQQQQQ.
However, since karthus do not have any huge mana problem. I do not take the buff if not needed. If I take the buff, it's cuz the cooldown reduce.
Farming is way easy though, if you got the buff just use your 'E' and 'Q' them. Remember your ulti DOES NOT do any damage on creeps. So don't be a jackass and finish the dragon with your ulti or something. But use your 'W' like I said before. [/SIZE]

Ask me questions, gimme some criticism or feedback. Or lmk if my spelling/grammar sucks. B)
Posts: 191,803
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Jan 14 2011 08:00am
Random info :

3skins avaiable + classic one.
Health (Weak)
Attack (Weak)
Spells (Strong)
Difficulty (Hard)

Full info about spells -

Death Defied - (Innate): Upon dying, Karthus enters a spirit form allowing him to continue casting spells for 8 seconds. During this time his abilities cost no mana. His death timer is also reduced by 20% to compensate.

Lay Waste - (Active): Creates a delayed blast at Karthus' cursor position. After 0.5 seconds, deals magic damage to each nearby enemy, damage is doubled if it hits only a single unit.

* Cooldown: 1 second
* Range: 875
* Area of Effect:

Cost: 20 / 26 / 32 / 38 / 44 Mana

Magic Damage: 40 / 60 / 80 / 100 / 120 (+0.35 per Ability Power)

Wall of Pain - (Active): Karthus creates a wall between 2 obelisks at target position. Any enemy passing this wall have their armor, magic resistance, and movement speed reduced for 5 seconds. The wall lasts 7 seconds.

* Cost: 100 Mana
* Cooldown: 18 seconds
* Range: 1,000

Wall Width: 800 / 900 / 1,000 / 1,100 / 1,200

Armor & Magic Resist Reduction: 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 / 35

Slow: 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 / 80 %

Defile - (Toggle) - Off: Karthus steals energy from his victims, gaining mana on each kill.

On: Defile drains Karthus' mana to deal damage to nearby enemies each second.

* Cooldown: 0.5 second
* Area of Effect: 450

Mana Gained: 20 / 27 / 34 / 41 / 48

Cost: 30 / 42 / 54 / 66 / 78 Mana per second

Magic Damage: 30 / 50 / 70 / 90 / 110 (+0.25 per Ability Power) per second

Requiem - (Active): After channeling for 3 seconds, Karthus deals magic damage to all enemy champions.

* Range: Global

Cost: 150 / 175 / 200 Mana

Cooldown: 180 / 150 / 120 seconds

Magic Damage: 250 / 400 / 550 (+0.7 per Ability Power)

This post was edited by Marcusd0 on Jan 14 2011 08:01am
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Jan 14 2011 08:28am
Great guide, great karthus player :thumbsup:
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Jan 14 2011 08:46am
- Ulti useless in some points,
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Jan 14 2011 09:53am
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Jan 14 2011 09:53am
Quote (Aniv @ 14 Jan 2011 15:46)
- Ulti useless in some points,

Banshee's Veil & Zhonya's Hourglass >
Posts: 18,148
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Jan 14 2011 09:53am
Quote (Marcusd0 @ Jan 14 2011 08:53am)
Banshee's Veil & Zhonya's Hourglass >

vlads pool, sivir spell shield, morgana black shield, etc etc
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Jan 14 2011 09:55am
Quote (cooper888 @ Jan 14 2011 03:53pm)
vlads pool, sivir spell shield, morgana black shield, etc etc

yi meditation, sion shield shen shield
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Jan 14 2011 09:56am
Quote (inVerse @ 14 Jan 2011 16:55)
yi meditation, sion shield shen shield

Yeah :-)

And people healing like - Nidalee, Taric, Kayle etcetc
Also at high lvl ppl with high life steal could easy take some creeps fast.
Posts: 18,148
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Jan 14 2011 09:56am
Quote (inVerse @ Jan 14 2011 08:55am)
yi meditation, sion shield shen shield

rammus ball curl, etc etc
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