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Posts: 13,458
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Oct 10 2019 12:51pm
Quote (TheE1337 @ Oct 10 2019 12:09pm)
Punishment fits the crime, amirite?


The irony being that this punishment is more likely to create an even more hostile person.
Angered by the fact that people can afk, troll, hard int while never saying a word only to receive no punishment for their toxic behavior.
Don't be tempted by that. It'll only snowball negatively from then on.

Either you grind out honor through arams and normals for a couple months..
Muteall carrylord in ranked playing for elo only.

Being denied end of season rewards wont change the fact that you'll be playing versus plat + opponents.
Or being in the top 20% of the playerbase.

Take the L and continue Winning.

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Oct 10 2019 01:45pm
Quote (Poonisher @ Oct 10 2019 01:51pm)
The irony being that this punishment is more likely to create an even more hostile person.
Angered by the fact that people can afk, troll, hard int while never saying a word only to receive no punishment for their toxic behavior.
Don't be tempted by that. It'll only snowball negatively from then on.

Either you grind out honor through arams and normals for a couple months..
Muteall carrylord in ranked playing for elo only.

Being denied end of season rewards wont change the fact that you'll be playing versus plat + opponents.
Or being in the top 20% of the playerbase.

Take the L and continue Winning.

Yea, I may just play ARAM for the forseeable future.

No use in playing a mode that makes me mad half the time.
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Oct 10 2019 02:24pm
Quote (Poonisher @ Oct 10 2019 01:51pm)
The irony being that this punishment is more likely to create an even more hostile person.
Angered by the fact that people can afk, troll, hard int while never saying a word only to receive no punishment for their toxic behavior.
Don't be tempted by that. It'll only snowball negatively from then on.

Either you grind out honor through arams and normals for a couple months..
Muteall carrylord in ranked playing for elo only.

Being denied end of season rewards wont change the fact that you'll be playing versus plat + opponents.
Or being in the top 20% of the playerbase.

Take the L and continue Winning.

It is terribly frustrating that I got hit with that punishment...you've got these players just suckfeeding that are the main reason why so many of these so called competitive matches are necessary to climb LP.
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Oct 10 2019 02:38pm
Here are the logs for my chat ban/honor level reset, in case anyone is curious, or for the luls.

Game 1
SonataNumber14: that sure is a lot of squishies
SonataNumber14: tasty
SonataNumber14: fk
SonataNumber14: ok
SonataNumber14: bot stop
SonataNumber14: you're behind
SonataNumber14: stop fighting them
SonataNumber14: jsust clear the wave
SonataNumber14: DO NOT FIGHT
SonataNumber14: relax
SonataNumber14: just
SonataNumber14: STOP
SonataNumber14: dying
SonataNumber14: that its
SonataNumber14: get vision
SonataNumber14: dont die
SonataNumber14: easy win
SonataNumber14: laning is over
SonataNumber14: doesnt matter wehere farm comes from
SonataNumber14: leona is int
SonataNumber14: report
SonataNumber14: STOP
SonataNumber14: fighting
SonataNumber14: they are ahead
SonataNumber14: fk
SonataNumber14: visiont here
SonataNumber14: jax u cant push that far if we dont have pressure
SonataNumber14: they coming top
SonataNumber14: yoink
SonataNumber14: we only have 2 pinks on map
SonataNumber14: whoever doesnt have one out
SonataNumber14: buy
SonataNumber14: mb
SonataNumber14: first mistake for me
SonataNumber14: sry
SonataNumber14: i think our bot lane is brand new tbh
SonataNumber14: i know
SonataNumber14: that was my fault
SonataNumber14: wtf
SonataNumber14: really
SonataNumber14: go play norms
SonataNumber14: for like 1000 games
SonataNumber14: stall
SonataNumber14: kai
SonataNumber14: u really shoujld stop taking farm if ur just gonna die
SonataNumber14: leona...
SonataNumber14: wtf?
SonataNumber14: stop running into dark jg alone
SonataNumber14: its not hard
SonataNumber14: YES
SonataNumber14: if you cant see them
SonataNumber14: they're probably there
SonataNumber14: jesus christ
SonataNumber14: u sure cant split if we dont have pressure
SonataNumber14: ...
SonataNumber14: jax...
SonataNumber14: u cannot split if our turrets are being taken
SonataNumber14: there wa sa wave mid
SonataNumber14: mother of god
SonataNumber14: ...
SonataNumber14: you all die
SonataNumber14: the same wayh
SonataNumber14: over and over
SonataNumber14: no
SonataNumber14: u were terrible too
SonataNumber14: stop dyign
SonataNumber14: good thing the game doenst continue after lane...OH WAIT
SonataNumber14: dense
SonataNumber14: STAY BOT
SonataNumber14: WTF
SonataNumber14: NOT ALL 4 AT ONE TURRET
SonataNumber14: FUCK ME
SonataNumber14: gg
SonataNumber14: amazing
SonataNumber14: how are any of you in gold?
SonataNumber14: honest question
SonataNumber14: these guys havent even played bot games
SonataNumber14: leona
SonataNumber14: are u boosted/
SonataNumber14: answer honest
SonataNumber14: you've never played more than 10 games of league
SonataNumber14: i can tell
SonataNumber14: like
SonataNumber14: literally the worst
SonataNumber14: dont play ranked if you're terrible
SonataNumber14: i hate playing with players like you
SonataNumber14: contribute NOTHING
SonataNumber14: give away the game
SonataNumber14: OH NO
SonataNumber14: gg im done
SonataNumber14: report leona
SonataNumber14: for int
SonataNumber14: and move on
SonataNumber14: yea
SonataNumber14: facechecking dark jg
SonataNumber14: 9 times
SonataNumber14: no intention there
SonataNumber14: dont play ranked
SonataNumber14: thats all
SonataNumber14: its rude to everyone that tries
SonataNumber14: if you dont play to compete
SonataNumber14: then dont play ranked
SonataNumber14: simple as that
SonataNumber14: maybe solitaire is more your speed
SonataNumber14: pfc we dp
SonataNumber14: ofc*
SonataNumber14: no inhibs
SonataNumber14: lol
SonataNumber14: im reporting them
SonataNumber14: thats all
SonataNumber14: i didnt do anything
SonataNumber14: i never insulted you
SonataNumber14: dont play ranked
SonataNumber14: if thats how you play


Game 2
SonataNumber14: actual shaco supp?
SonataNumber14: looks sex
SonataNumber14: sexy*
SonataNumber14: neat
SonataNumber14: olaf
SonataNumber14: panth
SonataNumber14: swain is supp
SonataNumber14: holy lord i love our team
SonataNumber14: play aroudn his boxes
SonataNumber14: pretty much
SonataNumber14: ill save me W for peel as well
SonataNumber14: seeing as you dont play cait, youll need it
SonataNumber14: :P
SonataNumber14: just a joke ofc
SonataNumber14: glhf
SonataNumber14: we're ok
SonataNumber14: nice and slow
SonataNumber14: 6 deaths and laning isnt even over cait?
SonataNumber14: that was terrible
SonataNumber14: lol
SonataNumber14: ol
SonataNumber14: why
SonataNumber14: report jg for int
SonataNumber14: wtf
SonataNumber14: we can win late
SonataNumber14: gonna split
SonataNumber14: dont die
SonataNumber14: no it isnt
SonataNumber14: i just wona game like this
SonataNumber14: exactly like this now
SonataNumber14: lol
SonataNumber14: cait your positioning...
SonataNumber14: you cannot be away from team
SonataNumber14: ever
SonataNumber14: or u die
SonataNumber14: im not flaming
SonataNumber14: just telling you
SonataNumber14: thats YOUR fault
SonataNumber14: its really not hard
SonataNumber14: u cant defned that alone
SonataNumber14: wtf
SonataNumber14: u charge in solo
SonataNumber14: dont greed
SonataNumber14: cait...
SonataNumber14: lol
SonataNumber14: BARON
SonataNumber14: DO IT
SonataNumber14: ARE U KIDDING
SonataNumber14: BARON IS UP
SonataNumber14: THEIR JG IS DEAD
SonataNumber14: HELP
SonataNumber14: report
SonataNumber14: such a terrible player
SonataNumber14: akali is focus
SonataNumber14: rest is ez
SonataNumber14: dont wipe
SonataNumber14: while im gone
SonataNumber14: do NOT fight
SonataNumber14: im gonna split bot on respawn
SonataNumber14: play around baron
SonataNumber14: everyone died
SonataNumber14: again
SonataNumber14: amazing
SonataNumber14: they have elder
SonataNumber14: u all die
SonataNumber14: brilliant
SonataNumber14: this is why you dont play splitpushers in this elo, ladies and gents
SonataNumber14: ...
SonataNumber14: you really just said YORICK
SonataNumber14: isnt a split pusher
SonataNumber14: you have no clue
SonataNumber14: also
SonataNumber14: udyr for int
SonataNumber14: we all know that right?
SonataNumber14: udyr for int
SonataNumber14: udyr for int
SonataNumber14: you cant peel olaf
SonataNumber14: you kill him
SonataNumber14: thats it
SonataNumber14: udyr always dead
SonataNumber14: never near objective
SonataNumber14: great jungler
SonataNumber14: also cant gank
SonataNumber14: good game
SonataNumber14: thanks for losing us the match
SonataNumber14: you as a player are a joke
SonataNumber14: thats what assassins do nerd
SonataNumber14: you are bad
SonataNumber14: stay bad
SonataNumber14: gl
SonataNumber14: hf
SonataNumber14: easy report
SonataNumber14: gl
SonataNumber14: hf
SonataNumber14: gl with the report kid

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Oct 10 2019 02:42pm
Yep, I flamed...but come on...
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Oct 10 2019 03:00pm
That last sentence lol
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Oct 10 2019 03:07pm
From what I've seen it's usually a string of games over a few days. They usually just grab the worst of the bunch

Usually 1-2 games per week really doesn't matter unless your using a few choice words

I think a month is enough time to get back to honor 2 though. But with chat restriction it seems like it takes alot longer. See where your at after 20 games

This post was edited by potentate on Oct 10 2019 03:08pm
Posts: 34,442
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Oct 10 2019 03:12pm
Quote (Poonisher @ Oct 10 2019 04:00pm)
That last sentence lol

Yep, lol. Got rekt.
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Oct 10 2019 05:02pm
Quote (potentate @ Oct 10 2019 04:07pm)
From what I've seen it's usually a string of games over a few days. They usually just grab the worst of the bunch

Usually 1-2 games per week really doesn't matter unless your using a few choice words

I think a month is enough time to get back to honor 2 though. But with chat restriction it seems like it takes alot longer. See where your at after 20 games

Kind of crazy that I got any punishment for how mild my insults were... still, I should've just kept chat off like I was.
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Oct 10 2019 05:31pm
Riot is way too sensitive on what they punish for. It's so fucking dumb, especially if they don't even look at context. Yet, it does make sense that they don't want people to type. But when you get trolls, especially duos that flame or int, it is kind of unreasonable to expect any self respecting person to not defend themselves or say something. Riot's just a big gaping vagina but then again they're California based and not sure why I would expect anything less.
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