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Posts: 4,367
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Jan 23 2019 08:26pm
Quote (TheE1337 @ Jan 23 2019 08:20pm)
I don't think I'd say she's not WORTH learning, since she's quite strong in capable hands.

She has a lot to learn mechanically, so she may slow down learning about theory of the game.

Realistically shouldn't be playing a complex champ like riven until diamond if you care about climbing ranked. If you are strictly a casual player then sure learn riven
Posts: 52,626
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Jan 23 2019 09:01pm
Quote (Atychiphobiaa @ 23 Jan 2019 22:26)
Realistically shouldn't be playing a complex champ like riven until diamond if you care about climbing ranked. If you are strictly a casual player then sure learn riven

Not really. Riven can be played from High gold+ effectively.

Diamond isn't a mechanic ceiling, high gold is.

Nothing wrong with trying her out when ur lower elo. It helps you figure out the game.

This post was edited by ChrisKz on Jan 23 2019 09:02pm
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Jan 23 2019 09:39pm
Quote (ChrisKz @ Jan 23 2019 10:01pm)
Not really. Riven can be played from High gold+ effectively.

Diamond isn't a mechanic ceiling, high gold is.

Nothing wrong with trying her out when ur lower elo. It helps you figure out the game.

If you are insinuating that there is not a mechanical difference from gold to plat, plat to diamond, gold to diamond then you probably aren't diamond.
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Jan 23 2019 09:40pm
Quote (Atychiphobiaa @ Jan 23 2019 09:26pm)
Realistically shouldn't be playing a complex champ like riven until diamond if you care about climbing ranked. If you are strictly a casual player then sure learn riven

i'm guessing you weren't around when i tried to main ezreal
i couldn't get the account out of silver :cry:
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Jan 23 2019 09:41pm
Quote (Atychiphobiaa @ 23 Jan 2019 23:39)
If you are insinuating that there is not a mechanical difference from gold to plat, plat to diamond, gold to diamond then you probably aren't diamond.

I'm plat, but there really isn't too much of a difference from plat to diamond. Unless ur talking diamond 1?

Application of game knowledge is the real barrier.

I was also talking about minimum ability, not most ideal.

This post was edited by ChrisKz on Jan 23 2019 09:42pm
Posts: 4,367
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Jan 23 2019 09:42pm
Quote (ChrisKz @ Jan 23 2019 10:41pm)
I'm plat, but there really isn't too much of a difference from plat to diamond. Unless ur talking diamond 1?

Application of game knowledge is the real barrier.

plat 2 to diamond 4 sure there isn't a huge difference. plat 1 to diamond 2+ is a huge difference

E; If your only goal is to "have fun" then sure play it at any rank. If you are competitive and want to get good or try to, then playing a mechanically intensive champ with no clue about mechanics its a waste of time and will only hold you back

This post was edited by Atychiphobiaa on Jan 23 2019 09:49pm
Posts: 1,010
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Jan 24 2019 02:45am
Riven is fine if you're aiming to play for fun, if you are aiming to improve faster then Riven is not a good choice. You'll have to spend almost all your attention on something that's not important to learn early on (difficult mechanics on a champion that's difficult to play to full potential). You'll need 100's of games on Riven where you just focus on the mechanics part, where you could instead pick up a simpler champion and focus on the important parts of the game :)

I would recommend the following champions for each role, these are somewhat easy champions to get the hang of and leaves you a lot of room to focus on the minimap, CSing, rotations and simpler trades.

Toplane: Garen, Darius (Annie)
Jungle: Rammus, Warwick
Midlane: Annie, Lux, Morgana
Support: Morgana, Brand, Leona (Annie)
ADC: Miss Fortune, Sivir

But if you're just aiming to play for fun and take it at any pace then any champion you want to play is fine, it will hurt your learning curve, but that's not important in that case :)
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Jan 24 2019 07:48am
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Jan 24 2019 02:35pm
Quote (Rurounin @ Jan 24 2019 03:45am)
Riven is fine if you're aiming to play for fun, if you are aiming to improve faster then Riven is not a good choice. You'll have to spend almost all your attention on something that's not important to learn early on (difficult mechanics on a champion that's difficult to play to full potential). You'll need 100's of games on Riven where you just focus on the mechanics part, where you could instead pick up a simpler champion and focus on the important parts of the game :)

I would recommend the following champions for each role, these are somewhat easy champions to get the hang of and leaves you a lot of room to focus on the minimap, CSing, rotations and simpler trades.

Toplane: Garen, Darius (Annie)
Jungle: Rammus, Warwick
Midlane: Annie, Lux, Morgana
Support: Morgana, Brand, Leona (Annie)
ADC: Miss Fortune, Sivir

But if you're just aiming to play for fun and take it at any pace then any champion you want to play is fine, it will hurt your learning curve, but that's not important in that case :)

I;ve been focusing on learning Poppy and Annie
I stopped playing riven and jumped to them

trying to watch youtube as much as I can but I am becoming addicted to clicking play lol
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Jan 24 2019 04:36pm
Quote (Icantgetit @ Jan 24 2019 03:35pm)
I;ve been focusing on learning Poppy and Annie
I stopped playing riven and jumped to them

trying to watch youtube as much as I can but I am becoming addicted to clicking play lol

Here's some sites I frequently browse for information.

For item builds depending on lane:
www.champion.gg (easier to read)
www.lolalytics.com (lots of information, stick with champion.gg until you feel comfortable)

Checking your matchups:
www.op.gg (there's a ton of them, personally I use this due to old habbits)

General information:
www.youtube.com (of course, look for coaching videos aimed at lower elo players at first. One tricks for the champs you play can be a great source of information, synapse if you just need some league fix.)

On youtube I follow SoloRenektonOnly, Valkrin (kinda afk there atm), foggedftw2 and LS (lastshadow9)
I got quite a few more but those are mostly for fun and not very educational for what you play.

Good luck! Feel free to PM anytime if you have any questions that I might be able to answer.
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