You don't always need a roaming mid to win
If your lane has so much pressure. Draw their jungles attention and help free up your side lanes, deep ward, pressure first turret
If your playing something like an azir ori corki it's generally a farm lane, and a win if you can stop other laner from roaming. Different mid champs can exploit their lead in different ways.
Yes you should be pushing your lead to other lanes, but you don't want to do it without proper vision, jungle proximity etc. Sometimes it's just as good to be hiding in fog lol
Quote (yoda_noob @ Sep 3 2019 07:08pm)
how do you have a negative w/r and still get way more lp then you lose im like 10 w/r ahead gold 3 and i lose more lp then i gain... anyways as a mid laner you should not be sitting in lane 24/7 with a lead objectives and pressure is the point to make not that you can kill 1 person at a diminishing returns rate over and over again that accomplishes nothing but gets you ahead and 1 person behind first few kills its okay to recall right away and buy your items so your stronger when you come back and can kill your opponent again but once you accomplish 1 item or even the 2 build ins you have sufficient enough damage to shove the wave in 1 1/2 combos and roam so if you can kill the laner shove lane and roam to the side lane even to apply a little damage and recall you can get back to lane by the time the enemy pushes lane to your tower since mid is so low that is acting 3-4 steps ahead and allowing you to secure objectives or push your lead effectively gl in games though
Depends on where the losses come from, loss streaks, amount of games played etc
Losing vs higher mmr opposing teams will affect your mmr less than losing vs lower mmr
This post was edited by potentate on Sep 4 2019 10:57am