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Posts: 757
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Aug 3 2024 08:39pm
(Sunday – 4 Aug)

The FAVOR of the MOST HIGH rests upon you. I speak of you: CALM and PEACE. PROTECTION and Harmony. It is I who CARRY you, says the LORD. You will not FEAR. I have instructed My ANGELS for your CARE and provision... in all areas... also in your FINANCES. Nothing or no one will ever be able to take you out of MY HANDS. Be CALM and calm. I am your GOD and your FATHER. It's I who brought you HERE. You TRUST Me not only for today, but you also trust Me for the FUTURE. Also for your precious FAMILY and friends. I am with you every SECOND. Your SAVIOR and Saviour. Your PHYSICIAN and Counselor. Even now, at this moment, My Divine POWER and Strength FLOW through you, from head to toe.
Thank You FATHER.
I receive it now in the Name of JESUS. Amen.

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Aug 4 2024 09:31pm
(Monday – 5 Aug)

I choose to always work through CHANNELS, says the LORD. Especially human channels. I can work through angels too. But PEOPLE are mostly the angels I use. ORDINARY people… and WOUNDED people. You don't even have to be PERFECT before I can use you. Right through history I have used broken people. Broken people who are WILLING and available. You don't have to be perfect to spread LOVE. It's the greatest MINISTRY on earth... to DEMONSTRATE My love to a broken humanity.
Thank you for being willing to be My channel in this world.

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Aug 5 2024 08:04pm
(Tuesday – 6 Aug)

YOU don't eat out of TRASH CANS. You FEED yourself with the BREAD of LIFE. You eat My WORD and Promises, says the LORD. You drink at the FOUNTAIN of Living Water. You feed yourself with EDUCATING friendships and conversations. You feed yourself with QUALITY TIME at My feet. Your OPINION and IDENTITY are not determined by the politics or economics of the day. You put My WORD and PRINCIPLES above any human word or opinion. You always have AUTHORITY when you act within My WORD. The TRUTH fights for YOU. Therefore you are always FREE within the Value. I am the TRUTH.
Thank You Father in JESUS ​​Name! Amen.
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Aug 6 2024 09:18pm
(Wednesday – 7 Aug)

(This message is NOT for everyone.)
YOU had so many DREAMS. You have seen, tasted and experienced it all so CLEARLY. You BELIEVED you were born to fly with the EAGLES. But here you are now standing next to your CRUSHED dreams. It's all over... in pieces. Your HONOR has been offended. Your heart is in TAGS. Was it so wrong to dream then? The dreams were your energy... your IDENTITY... your breath. But just when you think it's all over, your BIGGEST SURPRISE comes. The LORD says: It is not OVER yet. My DREAMS for YOU stand firm. But I will EXPORT MY way...which will be the BEST for you. That's why you TRUST ME like a little child. And you ENJOY your FATHER'S DREAMS that come true in your life. To GOD all the GLORY.
Thank You Father in JESUS ​​Name. Amen.

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Aug 9 2024 09:37pm
(Saturday – 10 Aug)

YOU REFUSE negative CONVERSATIONS. Refuse a CRITICAL mindset towards any other person or yourself. Refuse BITTERNESS and retaliation. Refuse words of misery, FAILURE, sickness and poverty. Your words are a REFLECTION of who you really are. Refuse TORMENT and worry. It drains you and STEALS your joy. Refuse to see the devil in everything. Rather see the HAND of GOD in everything. He will make EVERYTHING work out for your GOOD. That's what the WORD says. I am with YOU.
Thank You Father in JESUS ​​Name. Amen.

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Aug 10 2024 07:32pm
(Sunday – 11 Aug)

THERE are people who have been telling you certain NEGATIVE rubbish from LITTLE. Negative things about yourself. Limiting and Degrading Words. Labels that haunted you like ghosts. But TODAY I announce your DELIVERANCE, says the LORD. The old man is dead, and a NEW MAN is BORN. A NEW PERSON with a brand new IDENTITY. New Values ​​and Principles. A new frame of reference. A new VISION and Creation Purpose. New AUTHORITY and KNOWLEDGE. The Truth sets FREE. The old things are GONE. Behold, all things have become NEW. It is no longer you who live in your own strength, but I who live in and through you.
Thank You Father in JESUS ​​Name. Amen.

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Aug 11 2024 08:39pm
(Monday – 12 Aug)

WHEN you PRAY for others, you stand amazed at your own PRAYER HEARING. When you INSPIRE others, your own energy levels and INSPIRATION increase. The prosperity and happiness you BLESS others somehow always comes BACK to you 100-fold. Sow GRACE to others' weaknesses, and you will be amazed at how much grace you RECEIVE when you need it. Sow genuine FRIENDSHIP, and you will never lack GENUINE friends. When you want to change your HARVEST, you first change your SEED. The MOST HIGH guarantees your MIRACLE HARVEST.
Thank You Father in JESUS ​​Name. Amen.

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Aug 12 2024 08:31pm
(Tuesday – 13 Aug)

I'm talking about you... JOY OF LIFE and FULFILLMENT. How many fulfilled people do you know? People who are ENTHUSIASTIC about life and their work? How many people do you know who HATE and curse their job? Which is hopelessly frustrated every day. Let me ask the question: How can the LORD bless a person who HATES his or her work? How many people do you know who are really excited about JESUS ​​and his WORD? GOD created every human being to live PASSIONATELY. To FULLY live and FULFILL your creation purpose. To make your DREAMS come true every day with the LORD's strength and wisdom. That's exactly what I pray about YOU today in JESUS ​​Name! Divine joy of life and INSPIRATION. Supernatural PASSION and fulfillment. I give it to you, says the LORD.
Thank You FATHER. We fix it in JESUS ​​Name. Amen.

Posts: 757
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Aug 13 2024 07:49pm
(Wednesday – 14 Aug)

I am sending YOU a NOW WORD, says the LORD! Every day I supply you with FRESH MANNA from My Treasure Rooms. I know exactly what YOU NEED. Your Heart and Spirit are OPEN to My INSPECTION and Revelation Knowledge! I am sending you a NOW WORD for a NOW IMPACT in your life and circumstances. Also for your HEALTH and FINANCES. Your FAMILY and future. You HEAR what others don't. Your EARS are fine-tuned to the WHISPERING of My WORD and My SPIRIT. My sheep know My VOICE and follow Me. There is an INTIMATE BOND between the SHEPHERD and his SHEEP (John 10). The WORDS that I speak to you are SPIRIT and are LIFE (John 6:63). The enemy flees from my WORDS (Matt 4). Even now, as you read here, you experience My GENTLE VOICE in your HEART, your SOUL and your SPIRIT.
Thank You Father in JESUS ​​Name. Amen

Posts: 757
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Aug 14 2024 07:49pm
(Thursday – 15 Aug)

I experience the POWER of the HOLY SPIRIT as I now receive and send this message from the LORD. I put my faith together with YOUR faith for the FULFILLMENT of the LORD'S PROMISES in YOUR life and circumstances. I believe with you for HEALING in your body, but in your emotions, thoughts and memories. May the LORD PROVIDE in all your need for the RICHES of His GRACE. May you experience a PEACE that only JESUS ​​can give you. May you feel more genuine LOVE than ever in your life. May you also experience our SPIRIT CONNECTION at this moment in JESUS ​​Name. Something POSITIVE always happens when we PRAY TOGETHER and BELIEVE together. It is I who do the IMPOSSIBLE for you, says the LORD. You behold My GOODNESS and GREATNESS.
Thank You Father in JESUS ​​Name. Amen.

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