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May 5 2024 06:58pm
(Monday – May 6)

STOP looking back, says the LORD. STOP brooding over things you will NEVER be able to change. STOP blaming and 'blame shifting'. STOP judging others and wanting to fit into your mold. STOP self-punishment and self-criticism. STOP always thinking others are better than you. STOP putting man-made LIMITATIONS on yourself. STOP COMPARING yourself to others. STOP thinking you can and must CHANGE others to think like you. STOP thinking that I am angry with you, says the LORD. STOP thinking you have to earn MY grace. You now RECEIVE the GIFT of My UNDESERVED GRACE and ABUNDANCE. My forgiveness and ACQUISITION. My tons of love and PROVISION. My HEALING and RESTORATION. Receive the BREAKTHROUGH you have been PRAYING for for so long. You are also experiencing My breathtaking NEARNESS and LOVE NOW as you read here.
Thank you JESUS. Amen.
Posts: 759
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May 6 2024 06:43pm
"Enough criticism"
(Tuesday - May 7)
You no longer need criticism. You no longer need pressure and stress. You don't need to say and crack yourself more badly. What you need is more grace and support. More understanding and inspiration. More encouragement and recognition. You need more unconditional love and acceptance. You need divine rest and peace. You need my soft voice in your spirit, says the Lord. The Divine say of the Holy Spirit. I give it to you, says the Lord. You experience my breathtaking closeness and love now as you read here.
Thank you Jesus. Amen.

"Breakthrough offering"
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May 8 2024 06:49pm
(Wednesday – May 8)

In CHRIST you discover your TRUE IDENTITY… WHO you really are. To feel inferior is a LIE. Sickness and misery are not your reality. To feel FAR from the LORD is not the truth. It's a false reality. GOD is NEVER far from us. WHAT is one's reality? That's what you CONSIDER as the TRUTH and the reality. But that is only your OPINION of reality. Your PERCEPTION. And our perception is often totally removed from the truth. We are not what we FEEL. Nor what other people think of us. It's all just perceptions and opinions. There is only ONE REALITY: We are who GOD says we are. Everything in your life changes when you make GOD's reality your reality. If GOD says you are PRECIOUS and SPECIAL, then you live by that REALITY. In CHRIST alone you discover your TRUE IDENTITY and REALITY! You are also experiencing it NOW as you read here.
Thank you JESUS. Amen.

Posts: 759
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May 8 2024 06:50pm
(Thursday – May 9)

You're so STRESSED and EXHAUSTED. Don't try to carry the whole WORLD on your SHOULDER, says the LORD. You are not built for it. You EXHAUST yourself with inhuman BURDENS and PRESSURE. You WORRY about things you have NO CONTROL over... and for which you are not RESPONSIBLE at all. Don't try to play GOD. You cannot CARRY and CONTROL everything and everyone. I know you MEAN well. But it STEALS your joy and energy. It is I who hold the UNIVERSE in My hands. You will only RELAX when you surrender everything into MY HANDS. TRUST me completely with everything. I am not asking SUPER FAITH. I only ask for CHILDHOOD, sincere faith. Little MUSTARD SEED praise. Even now, as you read here, you EXPERIENCE that I REMOVE THE BURDENS from your shoulders and give you DIVINE REST and CALM. I will still your STORM.
Thank you JESUS. Amen.

Posts: 759
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May 9 2024 06:57pm
(Friday 10 May)

YOU are MY beloved CHILD, says the LORD. Day and night you are in My THOUGHTS. I have already given My LIFE to YOU... and I CONTINUE to give Myself to you. My EVERYTHING. My BREATH. My SPIRIT My ANOINTING. My GLORY. My gentle WORDS in your Spirit. You already have EVERYTHING in ME. I hold nothing back. My TREASURE ROOMS are open to you. Everything in Me is ABUNDANT and UNLIMITED. The GOLD and the SILVER belong to ME ... and also to YOU (Hag 2:8). All that is mine is YOURS (Luke 15:31). That's exactly what My WORD says: You're an HEIR of GOD and a CO-heir with JESUS (Rom 8:17). You are also EXPERIENCING it now as you read here.
Thank you JESUS. Amen

Posts: 759
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May 10 2024 06:18pm
What do you expect?
(Saturday - May 11)

I speak about you in Jesus Name: You live with a divine, positive expectation. You don't expect misfortune and misery. When you expect misery, you attract misery to you like a magnet. No, you expect my health and blessings, says the Lord. My protection and faithfulness. You expect my smile and acquittal over you. My goodness and favor. You expect my financial provision and care. It is I who take care of you every day. You expect my peace, love and joy. It is me alone who can give you calm and rest. You expect my presence and harmony in every aspect of your life. Let it be for you according to your faith. You also experience it now as you read here. I'm with you.
Thank you Jesus. Amen.

Miracle seed
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May 11 2024 04:41pm
(Sunday 12 May)

THANK YOU JESUS for this Special PERSON who is now PRAYING with me. I OPEN the curtains of your life, says the LORD. For too long your curtains had been closed and DARK. The SUNRAYS of My GLORY come in and ILLUMINATE every FACET of your life. The curtains are wide OPEN. You can see OUT to the outside. You can see FAR. DIVINE VISION and INSIGHT. Your MIND and MIND are open. You experience a NEW INSPECTION... a fresh PERSPECTIVE on your life and FUTURE. You look at others and at yourself with NEW EYES. The BRIGHT LIGHT of My WORD shines in your THINKING and SPIRIT. You UNDERSTAND things better than ever. Divine REVELATION KNOWLEDGE. It is the SPIRIT of RENEWAL that enlightens your soul. You BEHOLD My breathtaking GLORY with new EYES of the SPIRIT. You are also experiencing it NOW as you read here.
Thank you JESUS. Amen.

Posts: 759
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May 12 2024 07:30pm
(Monday – May 13)

I AFFIRM your dynamic EMOTIONS...emotions of HAPPINESS and PROSPERITY. Emotions of energy and ENTHUSIASM. Emotions of LIFE and ABUNDANCE. Emotions of JOY and PEACE. I CUT OFF in JESUS Name emotions of FEAR and unbelief...emotions of NEGATIVITY and unforgiveness. Emotions of inferiority and CONFUSION. You experience DIVINE emotions of LOVE and ACCEPTANCE. Emotions of CALM and rest. Emotions of JESUS' PRESENCE and EMBRACE in your life. It is I who CARRY you, says the LORD.
Thank you JESUS. Amen.

Posts: 759
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May 13 2024 07:29pm
(Tuesday – May 14)

YOU take possession of your Promised Land... in JESUS Name. It's LEGALLY YOURS. The LORD GAVE it to you. It's your Legal INHERITANCE. But there are two sides to the matter. One side is that the LORD GIVES it. The flip side is that you and I have to OWN it for ourselves. We take possession of it with SPIRIT WEAPONS… and with SPIRIT STRATEGIES. It's a MIND WAR. And JESUS is our LEADER. You act with SPIRIT-AUTHORITY and -AUTHORITY... in My NAME, says the LORD.
Thank you JESUS. Amen.

Posts: 759
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May 14 2024 07:44pm
(Wednesday – May 15)

Come and SEEK with Me, says the LORD. Come with your SORROW and pain. Come and HIDE with your FEARS and anxiety. It's My PEACE you're LONGING for. My Strong arms are wrapped around YOU. As a HEN PROTECTS her chicks, so I protect YOU. It is My PEACE that I pour over you NOW.
Thank you JESUS. Amen.

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