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Jan 7 2021 03:36pm
Some might say it’s still premature (lol) but now that trump is undoubtedly on the way out and his political career is also probably finished, how will history judge this term

I think it definitely has been an action packed term. What do you think the objective pros/cons were over the last 4 years? If you’re on either side of the aisle, I am sure you can pick one thing you thought he said or did well, and conversely mistakes he made even if you were a supporter of him. Since I’m an obvious critic I’ll say something I enjoyed

I appreciated summer Spring/Summer 2019 China flex. I definitely disagreed with the mechanism, aka tariff approach instead of a global initiative. In one weekend he placed tariffs on Mexico , France , China , and Canada lol. however I agreed with the rhetoric and sentiment even though the implementation was sloppy. Keeping China in check is still a high priority issue for me that I think the world has to work together with

The consistent lack of foresight and double downing really fucked him. With covid and with the election results. If he would have conceded (after his legal challenges) and established an open and publicly visible transition, he could have maintained a viable legacy. Guess this is what happens when you keep company like Giuliani close. The $2000 check video segment after he lost the election, what stopped him from releasing this video earlier, say the week prior to the election? Poor tactics

Now that the trump faction will likely die out of mainstream politics, it will personally mean I’ll be able to vote Republican again, minus joni Ernst. It’s sad because I do think trump had the potential to be a good populist president if he was able to control himself. He had some absolutely golden opportunities this year to cement the next term, that he completely squandered.

This post was edited by Bazi on Jan 7 2021 03:49pm
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Jan 7 2021 04:09pm
Criminal justice reform, healthcare cost transparency.
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Jan 7 2021 04:21pm
Quote (obisent @ Jan 7 2021 04:09pm)
Criminal justice reform, healthcare cost transparency.


His biggest failure was his handling of the pandemic. TBH, had he managed a reasonable response at the Federal level, and not denied the problem for months, he likely would have won re-election.

This post was edited by Surfpunk on Jan 7 2021 04:24pm
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Jan 7 2021 04:22pm
He exposed America
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Jan 7 2021 04:34pm
Quote (obisent @ 7 Jan 2021 17:09)
Criminal justice reform, healthcare cost transparency.

two incredibly good facets. also multiple peace deals, no new military conflicts/expansion, and playing hardball with China.

Quote (Surfpunk @ 7 Jan 2021 17:21)

His biggest failure was his handling of the pandemic. TBH, had he managed a reasonable response at the Federal level, and not denied the problem for months, he likely would have won re-election.

yep. as we have stated here a few times he only had to say “Fauci and Birx are taking care of this theyre the experts” and petitioned Congress for more relief funds for the people and yelled at them when they didnt saying look im trying to help the people. this would have absolved him of all blame and made it look like hes doing the responsible things. actually those were the responsible things to do. oh and sold masks on his campaign site

the great branding tycoon forgot how to brand a product everyone was buying anyway

This post was edited by excellence on Jan 7 2021 04:36pm
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Jan 7 2021 04:37pm
Quote (excellence @ Jan 7 2021 04:34pm)
two incredibly good facets. also multiple peace deals, no new military conflicts/expansion, and playing hardball with China.

yep. as we have stated here a few times he only had to say “Fauci and Birx are taking care of this theyre the experts” and petitioned Congress for more relief funds for the people. this would have absolved him of all blame and made it look like hes doing the responsible things. oh and sold masks on his campaign site

the great branding tycoon forgot how to brand a product everyone was buying anyway

Yeah, while I wouldn't buy one (or that of any political candidate), they would have sold like hotcakes. Big missed opportunity there.
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Jan 7 2021 04:39pm
the best thing about trump were his efforts to withdraw american troops stationed in germany. granted, it was for the wrong reasons, and he unfortunately was too incompetent to achieve what he set out to do, but i really liked the idea.

the worst things were his politicising a pandemic, resulting in tens of thousands of preventable deaths / sabotaging the iran nuclear deal and exiting the paris climate accord / undermining democracy through rhetoric and actions, which ultimately lead to a coup attempt / filling the supreme court with corporate shill judges to strengthen the donor class' monopoly on legislation, firmly establishing a de facto oligarchy
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Jan 7 2021 04:46pm
Trump's successes were largely not a result of his direct action and will be short lived. For instance his action on China basically accomplished nothing and will be reversed as soon as the next administration comes in. I really like that his administration sued for healthcare cost transparency, but without strong enforcement that's not going to be long lived either and is largely a bandaid over the real problem. I have yet to see anybody point how the middle east deals were actually facilitated by him, outside of vague "he made Iran angry so it made the other countries hate each other less by comparison".

I was hesitant to before yesterday to say that Trump would ever break out of the bottom 25% of presidents, but after what we saw yesterday he's going to compete with Coolidge for the lowest spot for the next 100 years at least.
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Jan 7 2021 04:58pm
The pros have been that PaRD has been more active. The cons have been that PaRD has been more active.
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Jan 7 2021 05:01pm
Criminal justice reform, Supreme Court picks, and the Middle East peace deals are the highlights. He might go down as the worst president in American history.
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