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May 6 2023 12:03pm
Quote (CPK001 @ May 6 2023 03:34am)
Did you both watch the Coronation? They read Colossians out 1:9-20

9 For this reason, since the day we heard about you, we have not stopped praying for you. We continually ask God to fill you with the knowledge of his will through all the wisdom and understanding that the Spirit gives, 10 so that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God, 11 being strengthened with all power according to his glorious might so that you may have great endurance and patience, 12 and giving joyful thanks to the Father, who has qualified you[f] to share in the inheritance of his holy people in the kingdom of light. 13 For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves, 14 in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.

15 The Son is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. 16 For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him. 17 He is before all things, and in him all things hold together. 18 And he is the head of the body, the church; he is the beginning and the firstborn from among the dead, so that in everything he might have the supremacy. 19 For God was pleased to have all his fullness dwell in him, 20 and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether things on earth or things in heaven, by making peace through his blood, shed on the cross.

Oh how good and wonderful it is that they read the same verse that offends you to no end.

Long live the King, a true Protestant
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May 6 2023 04:38pm


Write me an essay on how the secular, historical, non Biblical writings regarding Christ and shortly thereafter, affirm the resurrection of Jesus Christ :


The resurrection of Jesus Christ is a central tenet of the Christian faith, and is regarded as a miraculous event that forms the basis of Christian belief. While the New Testament of the Bible provides a detailed account of the resurrection, there are also secular and historical writings that attest to the event.

One of the most significant secular sources to affirm the resurrection is the Jewish historian Flavius Josephus. Josephus, who was born in the first century AD and lived through the first Jewish-Roman war, wrote extensively about Jewish history and the Roman occupation of Palestine. In his Antiquities of the Jews, Josephus mentions Jesus twice, and in one of these references, he describes how Jesus was crucified under Pontius Pilate, but that his disciples claimed he had appeared to them alive on the third day after his death.

Another secular source that affirms the resurrection is the Roman historian Tacitus. In his Annals, Tacitus describes how Nero blamed the Christians for the Great Fire of Rome in 64 AD, and how they followed a man named Christus who had been executed by Pontius Pilate. Tacitus also states that Christus "suffered the extreme penalty" and that his followers "had their name from him." While this reference does not explicitly mention the resurrection, it provides independent confirmation of the historical existence of Jesus and the events surrounding his death.

The Roman philosopher and statesman Seneca the Younger is another notable historical figure who wrote about the resurrection. In his Epistles, Seneca mentions the Christian belief in the resurrection, and describes it as a belief in the immortality of the soul. While Seneca does not directly affirm the resurrection, his writing provides evidence of the early Christian belief in the resurrection and the impact it had on Roman society.
Other historical sources that affirm the resurrection include the early Christian writer Clement of Rome, who wrote in the late first century AD about the resurrection of Jesus and its significance for Christians. The apostolic fathers, such as Ignatius of Antioch, also wrote about the resurrection and its importance for the Christian faith.

In conclusion, while the New Testament of the Bible provides the most detailed account of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, there are also secular and historical sources that attest to the event. These sources, which include Flavius Josephus, Tacitus, Seneca the Younger, and the early Christian writers, provide independent confirmation of the reality of Jesus' life, death, and resurrection, and testify to the profound impact that this event had on the early Christian community.
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May 6 2023 04:39pm
Quote (CPK001 @ May 6 2023 10:34pm)
Did you both watch the Coronation? They read Colossians out 1:9-20

9 For this reason, since the day we heard about you, we have not stopped praying for you. We continually ask God to fill you with the knowledge of his will through all the wisdom and understanding that the Spirit gives, 10 so that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God, 11 being strengthened with all power according to his glorious might so that you may have great endurance and patience, 12 and giving joyful thanks to the Father, who has qualified you[f] to share in the inheritance of his holy people in the kingdom of light. 13 For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves, 14 in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.

15 The Son is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. 16 For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him. 17 He is before all things, and in him all things hold together. 18 And he is the head of the body, the church; he is the beginning and the firstborn from among the dead, so that in everything he might have the supremacy. 19 For God was pleased to have all his fullness dwell in him, 20 and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether things on earth or things in heaven, by making peace through his blood, shed on the cross.

Oh how good and wonderful it is that they read the same verse that offends you to no end.

Nothing says holier then thou more than the Royals/monarchy/popes. If you worship or simp for these people then you are a true sheep. As an entrepreneur I am sad that this kind of marketing still works in 2023.
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May 6 2023 05:58pm
Quote (CPK001 @ May 7 2023 10:38am)


Write me an essay on how the secular, historical, non Biblical writings regarding Christ and shortly thereafter, affirm the resurrection of Jesus Christ :


The resurrection of Jesus Christ is a central tenet of the Christian faith, and is regarded as a miraculous event that forms the basis of Christian belief. While the New Testament of the Bible provides a detailed account of the resurrection, there are also secular and historical writings that attest to the event.

One of the most significant secular sources to affirm the resurrection is the Jewish historian Flavius Josephus. Josephus, who was born in the first century AD and lived through the first Jewish-Roman war, wrote extensively about Jewish history and the Roman occupation of Palestine. In his Antiquities of the Jews, Josephus mentions Jesus twice, and in one of these references, he describes how Jesus was crucified under Pontius Pilate, but that his disciples claimed he had appeared to them alive on the third day after his death.

Another secular source that affirms the resurrection is the Roman historian Tacitus. In his Annals, Tacitus describes how Nero blamed the Christians for the Great Fire of Rome in 64 AD, and how they followed a man named Christus who had been executed by Pontius Pilate. Tacitus also states that Christus "suffered the extreme penalty" and that his followers "had their name from him." While this reference does not explicitly mention the resurrection, it provides independent confirmation of the historical existence of Jesus and the events surrounding his death.

The Roman philosopher and statesman Seneca the Younger is another notable historical figure who wrote about the resurrection. In his Epistles, Seneca mentions the Christian belief in the resurrection, and describes it as a belief in the immortality of the soul. While Seneca does not directly affirm the resurrection, his writing provides evidence of the early Christian belief in the resurrection and the impact it had on Roman society.
Other historical sources that affirm the resurrection include the early Christian writer Clement of Rome, who wrote in the late first century AD about the resurrection of Jesus and its significance for Christians. The apostolic fathers, such as Ignatius of Antioch, also wrote about the resurrection and its importance for the Christian faith.

In conclusion, while the New Testament of the Bible provides the most detailed account of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, there are also secular and historical sources that attest to the event. These sources, which include Flavius Josephus, Tacitus, Seneca the Younger, and the early Christian writers, provide independent confirmation of the reality of Jesus' life, death, and resurrection, and testify to the profound impact that this event had on the early Christian community.

Flavius was born 37 years after jesus. He only writes how what he heard from deciples in other words just copy paste of stories. Tacitus some 250 years after same as Flavius just reposting what someone else claimed. Tacitus doesn't even give the source for his claims.
Seneca was not present during the supposed Resurrection and never met this jesus character as he lived in Rome. He never wrote or claimed anything regarding Jesus so not sure how he is proof of anything. Christians are grasping at straws here
He basically said similar/same things that Jesus also claimed to have said
For our discussion purposes there is little doubt that a person named Jesus could have existed. However there is no proof of him resurrecting, doing miraculous healing etc. At best you can hope for is a Jewish carpenter with some really wise teachings who helped the sick and the poor but with an exaggerated resume. It was super common practice at a time to deify rulers give them superpowers from Pharaohs to Roman emperors

ChatGPT is nothing more than popular opinion regurgitated it has no proof. Once again you are reaching to prove your claims without actual poof.

Both you and xfrodobagginsx are reaffirming what someone else reaffirmed about someone else's reaffirment essentially a long and loud echo chamber with no proof.

This post was edited by addone on May 6 2023 06:07pm
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May 6 2023 06:01pm
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May 6 2023 07:38pm
Quote (Modulok2405 @ May 6 2023 01:04am)
You are lost, dude. Theres nothing that could get you back to logic anymore. Everything you say contradicts another thing you said, nothing makes sense, its all crap from start to finish.

You are posting videos, quoting dudes and the bible and thats all you do. Your brain cant do anything on its own. You hear what you wanna hear, read what you wanna read, see what you wanna see and thats it. Thats what you are. A braindead zombie who sucks gods cock.

Quote (addone @ May 6 2023 03:29am)
Never claimed to be the smartest person. That's another one of your many assumptions.
I know that you know that I know you are not very bright. Yes I make fun of that only because its true. It must be extremely difficult to admit that you are wrong and your belief system is complete donkey doodoo.
For you to question your belief system requires not being gullible and to have a rational thought. That you havent demonstrated, and probably too scared to explore.

I'll give you a start. Try asking yourself what if everything I believed about God and the Bible is wrong. What if I didn't blindly fell for this dogma? Why did i need the Bible for my drinking problems? Was I too weak to handle my addictions without outside religious stories?

Best of luck.

athiest/antitheism in it self is a 'cock sure statement

Quote (Jupe @ May 6 2023 05:54am)
it really do ask the question: was he better off being a deadbeat alcoholic or is he better off now obsessed with an anti-life religion

your so hopeful

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May 6 2023 07:43pm
Quote (Meanwhile @ May 6 2023 05:01pm)

lol what atheist/antitheists do after they screech about separation of church and state.
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May 6 2023 07:53pm
Quote (addone @ May 6 2023 04:58pm)
Flavius was born 37 years after jesus. He only writes how what he heard from deciples in other words just copy paste of stories. Tacitus some 250 years after same as Flavius just reposting what someone else claimed. Tacitus doesn't even give the source for his claims.
Seneca was not present during the supposed Resurrection and never met this jesus character as he lived in Rome. He never wrote or claimed anything regarding Jesus so not sure how he is proof of anything. Christians are grasping at straws here
He basically said similar/same things that Jesus also claimed to have said
For our discussion purposes there is little doubt that a person named Jesus could have existed. However there is no proof of him resurrecting, doing miraculous healing etc. At best you can hope for is a Jewish carpenter with some really wise teachings who helped the sick and the poor but with an exaggerated resume. It was super common practice at a time to deify rulers give them superpowers from Pharaohs to Roman emperors

ChatGPT is nothing more than popular opinion regurgitated it has no proof. Once again you are reaching to prove your claims without actual poof.

Both you and xfrodobagginsx are reaffirming what someone else reaffirmed about someone else's reaffirment essentially a long and loud echo chamber with no proof.

REEEEEEEEEEEE throw away historical documents unless i cock sure approve of them..........

Atheist Stumped by Overwhelming Evidence for Jesus' Existence...From an AGNOSTIC LIBERAL Scholar!

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May 6 2023 08:06pm
Quote (addone @ May 7 2023 08:39am)
Nothing says holier then thou more than the Royals/monarchy/popes. If you worship or simp for these people then you are a true sheep. As an entrepreneur I am sad that this kind of marketing still works in 2023.

I'm the one who wanted Australia to become a Republic after the Queen passed, doesn't look like that's happening.

Quote (addone @ May 7 2023 09:58am)
Flavius was born 37 years after jesus. He only writes how what he heard from deciples in other words just copy paste of stories. Tacitus some 250 years after same as Flavius just reposting what someone else claimed. Tacitus doesn't even give the source for his claims.
Seneca was not present during the supposed Resurrection and never met this jesus character as he lived in Rome. He never wrote or claimed anything regarding Jesus so not sure how he is proof of anything. Christians are grasping at straws here
He basically said similar/same things that Jesus also claimed to have said
For our discussion purposes there is little doubt that a person named Jesus could have existed. However there is no proof of him resurrecting, doing miraculous healing etc. At best you can hope for is a Jewish carpenter with some really wise teachings who helped the sick and the poor but with an exaggerated resume. It was super common practice at a time to deify rulers give them superpowers from Pharaohs to Roman emperors

ChatGPT is nothing more than popular opinion regurgitated it has no proof. Once again you are reaching to prove your claims without actual poof.

Both you and xfrodobagginsx are reaffirming what someone else reaffirmed about someone else's reaffirment essentially a long and loud echo chamber with no proof.

You're right in that these people were not present during the Resurrection. However the disciples were present. Who are the first eye witnesses? 3 women, followed by the disciples. We can read the eye witness accounts in the Gospels.

Tell me, if someone were to make up something extravagant as the Resurrection, then why would they put in the first eyewitnesses of 3 women? The testimonies of women were not considered concrete as men were held in a much higher regard. If you read the accounts of the Resurrection story in Matthew, in order to disprove a miracle like the Resurrection would require another miracle in itself. Are you seriously considering that Roman Soldiers, who were set up to guard the tomb would sleep through an Earthquake? That's what they were told to say. If Roman Soldiers slept on the job and lost what they were meant to guard, do you have any idea of the severe repercussions that would be?

Stories are passed down from generation to generation. Ever sit down and chat with your Grandad? He must have all kinds of stories about what life was like during the World War era. When your fellow siblings get old they can tell their Grandkids the same stories. I somehow doubt that you will reach that age though.
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May 6 2023 10:17pm
Quote (CPK001 @ May 7 2023 02:06pm)
I'm the one who wanted Australia to become a Republic after the Queen passed, doesn't look like that's happening.

You're right in that these people were not present during the Resurrection. However the disciples were present. Who are the first eye witnesses? 3 women, followed by the disciples. We can read the eye witness accounts in the Gospels.

Tell me, if someone were to make up something extravagant as the Resurrection, then why would they put in the first eyewitnesses of 3 women? The testimonies of women were not considered concrete as men were held in a much higher regard. If you read the accounts of the Resurrection story in Matthew, in order to disprove a miracle like the Resurrection would require another miracle in itself. Are you seriously considering that Roman Soldiers, who were set up to guard the tomb would sleep through an Earthquake? That's what they were told to say. If Roman Soldiers slept on the job and lost what they were meant to guard, do you have any idea of the severe repercussions that would be?

Stories are passed down from generation to generation. Ever sit down and chat with your Grandad? He must have all kinds of stories about what life was like during the World War era. When your fellow siblings get old they can tell their Grandkids the same stories. I somehow doubt that you will reach that age though.

Is your job to move goal posts all day?

I just dispelled your argument of how the outside sources don't support the claim and are unreliable. Already you back to simping on how the Bible is credible because it tells stories.

The Bible talks about dragons, demons, angels, actual magic like parting the sea, bringing people back from the dead. Talking snakes, and cramming the entire species of all animals on a wooden boat for a year just so that a mad skywizard could kill everyone because he got offended by people using free will. There is a line between an interesting story that your grandpa with dementia told about his time when he was fighting nazis to batshit crazy religious propaganda.
Extravagant doesn't =/= credible or true.
You are like a little timmy who still believes in Santa, Easter bunny and God and Spiderman.
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