Quote (Knoppie @ 3 Jul 2018 14:01)
Make Germany a shitty place to be poor in, and immigration wouldn't stop. A few would choose a different country to migrate to, but is that worth making Germany a shitty place to be poor in?
your argument makes no sense
why would we have to become a shitty place? cut all benefits for illegals, period
only citizens and working foreigners will get a penny from the state, thats the norm pretty much everywhere in the world except here
these "refugees" are traveling through quite a few safe countries to come here, all the places between their shithole and germany dont seem to be good enough
turkey is safe, greece is safe, the balkans are safe, spain, italy etc yet everyone wants
you do realise that its not about fleeing anything anymore, because its their plan from the beginning to come to ger"money"