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Apr 26 2011 10:28am
Quote (hATemOnkEy @ Apr 26 2011 04:26pm)
In principle her gender, sex or sexuality have nothing to do with the issue. Violence was used on an undeserving and unresisting individual.

It has so much to do with the issue though. Transphobia is one of the least discussed forms of hate, but one of the most socially acceptable forms (as evident with this thread). To ignore the transphobia within this issue is to do a great injustice to trans-persons, and really, society.
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Apr 26 2011 10:29am
Quote (Handcuffs @ Apr 26 2011 12:26pm)
Bolded: Why not?

Of course I made such a statement, I can't take into consideration the thoughts and feelings of 'minor girl X', as I have no idea how they view the world. Also, my mere being within the same bathroom as the child shouldn't do any harm, especially considering that one of the characteristics of human bathrooms is an increased level of privacy. The only realy issue would be the shock to the system that the child may experience after having grown up in a society that has segregated bathrooms.

...try this one on for size !

...because to do so is obscene and depraved . Do those words exist in your world ?
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Apr 26 2011 10:29am
Quote (hATemOnkEy @ Apr 26 2011 11:26am)

For taking a piss? Seriously?

Would you want a man following your teenage daughter into a public women's restroom?

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Apr 26 2011 10:30am
Quote (Handcuffs @ Apr 26 2011 11:26am)
Bolded: Why not?


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Apr 26 2011 10:30am
Quote (ArcticShadow @ Apr 26 2011 04:25pm)
I don't see why a man dressed up as a girl should get a free pass to use a female's bathroom, when a man dressed like a man would probably be arrested for going into a female's bathroom with two teenage girls.

First off, you clearly need to look up what it means to be transgendered.

Underlined: Would never be a problem if we had human bathrooms. :)
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Apr 26 2011 10:32am
Quote (WidowMaKer_MK @ Apr 26 2011 04:29pm)
...try this one on for size !

...because to do so is obscene and depraved . Do those words exist in your world ?

How is my mere presence within the same bathroom as a minor girl obscene?

Bold: No need for personal attacks.
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Apr 26 2011 10:32am
Quote (Handcuffs @ 26 Apr 2011 17:28)
It has so much to do with the issue though. Transphobia is one of the least discussed forms of hate, but one of the most socially acceptable forms (as evident with this thread). To ignore the transphobia within this issue is to do a great injustice to trans-persons, and really, society.

By focusing on that aspect of the issue (violence against a certain group) in stead of just the issue (violence), you promote the categorization of different groups within a society.
We are all individuals with rights, no matter our skincolor, gender, sexuality, ... By focusing on one aspect of a group of individuals, you make that aspect an issue.

By focusing on the fact that (in this situation) a transgendered person was beaten, you lose sight of the plain fact that a person was beaten.
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Apr 26 2011 10:33am
Quote (ArcticShadow @ Apr 26 2011 04:30pm)

Discretion? What, is your penis going to fly out and twirl around as soon as you walk into the bathroom? Give me a break...
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Apr 26 2011 10:34am
Quote (ArcticShadow @ 26 Apr 2011 17:29)
Would you want a man following your teenage daughter into a public women's restroom?

If he's just there to take a piss because the mens restroom is full? Using a different stall?

Are you suggesting that men lose all sense of decency when they set foot in a women's restroom and start raping every underaged girl in sight?
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Apr 26 2011 10:35am
Quote (Handcuffs @ Apr 26 2011 11:30am)
First off, you clearly need to look up what it means to be transgendered.

Underlined: Would never be a problem if we had human bathrooms. :)

From Wiki:
Transgender is the state of one's "gender identity" (self-identification as woman, man, neither or both) not matching one's "assigned sex"

Let's not pretend this was not a man.

The fact that he has identity/psycological issues is irrelevant. Men don't belong in public female's bathroom with teenage girls.
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