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Sep 30 2016 07:36pm
Quote (kayaa @ 30 Sep 2016 21:32)
lol @ people thinking all trump supporters are confederate supporters lmao

typical bigotry and gross generalizations - a common leftist democrat maneuver. kind of like leftist democrats instituting policy that explicitly states that minorities are too poor and too stupid to get voter id cards, when the nation of India has 400 million people with voter IDs.
Quote (ThatAlex @ 30 Sep 2016 21:33)
Even easier than that. Seriously, there is so much Trump fodder out there. You don't even have to be that creative.

i like the fodder where Michelle Obama tells the people that if you can't run your own house, you have no damn business running a country.

MICHELLE 2008: One of the things, the important aspects of this race is role modeling what good families should look like -- and my view is that if you can't run your own house, you certainly can't run the White House. Can't do it!

This post was edited by excellence on Sep 30 2016 07:38pm
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Sep 30 2016 07:37pm
Quote (kayaa @ Sep 30 2016 07:32pm)
lol @ people thinking all trump supporters are confederate supporters lmao

it's a joke bruv
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Oct 1 2016 05:47am
Disgusting lies from this infowars reporter.

Alicia Machado is not a porn star, thats a big BS. There was an old homemade sex video back in 2003 in which someone that looked like her was having sex with a guy, but if you see closely it isnt her, but someone similar, this was clarified back in 2003 as a fake. Also, just because you have one private homemade sex video with your girlfriend/partner, etc doesnt mean you are a porn star lol, who hasnt done this in their lives?. I suppose this makes me (and like 80% of this generation) a porn star too according to this infowars reporter?. Anyway, she wasnt the one in that video and no, she is not a porn star.

Also, the "accused of driving the getaway vehicle for a murder attempt" is another BS. She wasnt even driving the vehicle that crashed and got a person killed, it was a transit accident and she wasnt even driving. Could have happened to anybody.

The "she threatened to kill a judge" dont know about that. The only thing they might be right on this video of lies and difamation is about having a child with a mexican drug lord, which is not confirmed but most likely true because she was dating a mexican drug lord when she was living in Mexico. Yeah, she is not a saint, but all those lies in this video are pathetic.

Oh and by the way, its not Alicia "MaKado" its Machado, with an "CH". Its pronounced with a "CH" of Child, not with a "CH" of Chaos.

My opinion on what Trump should had done. Just fucking ignore the subject!!! dumbass!!!. When Hillary mentioned the Miss Piggy and housekeeper (well done idiot with an uncontrollable tongue) comment from Trump to Alicia back in 1997, he could have easily disregarded that saying its a lie or exageration and MOVE THE FUCK ON!!! BUT NO!, instead Trump decides to fall in the trap and allows himself to be dragged into the dirtyness and starts insulting her and saying more bullshit. He could have easily moved on and ignore the subject. No doubt that he is his own enemy.

This post was edited by Golden_Order on Oct 1 2016 05:57am
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Oct 1 2016 09:32am
Trump starting to complain about Bill's past infidelities. You know it is over when somebody who married an escort is pointing the finger at another man for enjoying women a little too much. Bill isn't even running. Is Hillary this unassailable?

Election is over already. Trump is imploding. The GOP just had their least serious presidential candidate ever.
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Oct 1 2016 09:46am
Quote (Skinned @ 1 Oct 2016 11:32)
Trump starting to complain about Bill's past infidelities. You know it is over when somebody who married an escort is pointing the finger at another man for enjoying women a little too much. Bill isn't even running. Is Hillary this unassailable?

Election is over already. Trump is imploding. The GOP just had their least serious presidential candidate ever.

(c)linton decided to make the 2016 election about shit that happened in the 90s

you know when hillary called black men super predators and threatened the women who slept with her husband.

why do you support such anti-black anti-women behavior???? guess its just more racist misognyst behavior from skinned our local village bigot.

E: she started her divisive campaign back then it seems

This post was edited by excellence on Oct 1 2016 09:51am
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Oct 1 2016 09:54am
Quote (Skinned @ Oct 1 2016 10:32am)
Trump starting to complain about Bill's past infidelities. You know it is over when somebody who married an escort is pointing the finger at another man for enjoying women a little too much. Bill isn't even running. Is Hillary this unassailable?

Election is over already. Trump is imploding. The GOP just had their least serious presidential candidate ever.

So when Trump brings up something from the past, say, like how Bill sexually assaulted women then let Hillary destroy their reputations, is just him imploding..

But when Hillary brings up something Trump said 25 years ago, it's just par for the course, & not at all desperate

Oh the delusions
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Oct 1 2016 11:18am
LOL Bernie supporters live in their parents basements... hahahahahhahah
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Oct 1 2016 12:45pm
Quote (excellence @ Oct 1 2016 10:46am)
(c)linton decided to make the 2016 election about shit that happened in the 90s

you know when hillary called black men super predators and threatened the women who slept with her husband.

why do you support such anti-black anti-women behavior???? guess its just more racist misognyst behavior from skinned our local village bigot.

E: she started her divisive campaign back then it seems


Tweets for twits.

It is always opposite day with you.

Doesn't it get old?

How does it feel to support a candidate that doesn't even have a platform?

Quote (IgoSoHard @ Oct 1 2016 10:54am)
So when Trump brings up something from the past, say, like how Bill sexually assaulted women then let Hillary destroy their reputations, is just him imploding..

But when Hillary brings up something Trump said 25 years ago, it's just par for the course, & not at all desperate

Oh the delusions

Trump isn't even talking about his opponent. He is talking about his opponent's spouse. Would it be proper for Clinton commenting on Trump's mail order bride?

Really that is beneath her though. Not Trump though. Nothing is beneath that bottom feeder.

I love how the so-called party of personal responsibility refuses to own their statements and actions so often. I'm not sure when the last time I seen a Republican with a spine. Rand Paul?

This post was edited by Skinned on Oct 1 2016 12:47pm
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Oct 1 2016 12:47pm
Quote (TB12 @ Oct 1 2016 09:18am)
LOL Bernie supporters live in their parents basements... hahahahahhahah

Hillary sure is good at insulting the voters
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