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Sep 26 2016 02:16pm
Quote (EA7 @ Sep 26 2016 02:12pm)
The ONLY reason they were forced to report on it was a PRIVATE CITIZEN captured a video of her flat out collapsing.

Once it was uploaded on twitter and got a ton of views it was too late and they were forced to report it. Believe me, if that guy didn't capture the video not one network would cover it at all.

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Sep 26 2016 02:18pm
Quote (j0ltk0la @ 26 Sep 2016 12:16)

Caps are for high IQ alphas with glistening, well oiled pecs firmly grasped in another man's warm embrace nohomo

This post was edited by AiNedeSpelCzech on Sep 26 2016 02:18pm
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Sep 26 2016 02:20pm
Quote (AiNedeSpelCzech @ Sep 26 2016 09:18pm)
Caps are for high IQ alphas with glistening, well oiled pecs firmly grasped in another man's warm embrace nohomo

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Sep 26 2016 02:20pm
Quote (AiNedeSpelCzech @ Sep 26 2016 02:18pm)
Caps are for high IQ alphas with glistening, well oiled pecs firmly grasped in another man's warm embrace nohomo

The man who fuck your girl votes for Trump too
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Sep 26 2016 02:22pm
Quote (bena2OO5 @ Sep 26 2016 01:31pm)
I enjoy getting called a zionist btw

is that like pillow play when a woman likes being called a whore or a cunt?

Quote (EA7 @ Sep 26 2016 02:12pm)
The ONLY reason they were forced to report on it was a PRIVATE CITIZEN captured a video of her flat out collapsing.

Once it was uploaded on twitter and got a ton of views it was too late and they were forced to report it. Believe me, if that guy didn't capture the video not one network would cover it at all.

See the problem with that is I don't believe you, like at all.
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Sep 26 2016 02:26pm
Quote (dro94 @ 26 Sep 2016 12:20)

See, it's funny coz his name is Todd Gurley.

Quote (j0ltk0la @ 26 Sep 2016 12:20)
The man who fuck your girl votes for Trump too

If there's one thing that I'm absolutely certain of, it's that there's zero chance that my better half would ever touch a Trump supporter with a ten foot pole. She's got pretty high standards, tbh.
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Sep 26 2016 02:28pm
Quote (AiNedeSpelCzech @ Sep 26 2016 02:26pm)
See, it's funny coz his name is Todd Gurley.

If there's one thing that I'm absolutely certain of, it's that there's zero chance that my better half would ever touch a Trump supporter with a ten foot pole. She's got pretty high standards, tbh.

How about a Johnson supporter with a 10 inch johnson?
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Sep 26 2016 02:29pm
Quote (AiNedeSpelCzech @ 26 Sep 2016 12:05)
That is incorrect.

It's the first time I've ever seen him up in any of their models. Maybe he has been up before? HRC has held a consistent lead in the polls-only and polls-plus forecasts, but that lead has dwindled to less than 55% sometimes in recent weeks.

Clinton could still win in a landslide, but it's time to accept the fact that this is a real race, and Trump very well could be our mext president. He has the momentum and her campaign has coughed up a lot of points in recent weeks.

Trump's bid for the White House is not a joke, and we should take the prospect of a Trump presidency very seriously. The fact that Donald Trump has greater than a 1% chance of being president is concerning, to be quite honest, let alone 45% or more. Entering these debates, anything can happen.

Quote (Voyaging @ 26 Sep 2016 12:35)
I know you know, just a reminder to everyone else that that is referring to the now cast i.e. if the election were held today who would win. Meaning it is affected by what are usually temperature fluctuations in the race.

Their polls-plus and polls only which are better predictors both have Clinton at 53.2%.

Meanwhile Vegas has her at about 62%.

Vegas predictions are still my favorite. They are most robust to day-to-day polls and shenanigans and are a good indication of the overall political market.

That said, I've seen Trump with about a 40% chance in some books.

This post was edited by ThatAlex on Sep 26 2016 02:30pm
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Sep 26 2016 02:29pm
Quote (thesnipa @ Sep 26 2016 12:28pm)
How about a Johnson supporter with a 10 inch johnson?

Libertarians freaks in da bed

and in public
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Sep 26 2016 02:35pm
Quote (ThatAlex @ 26 Sep 2016 12:29)
It's the first time I've ever seen him up in any of their models. Maybe he has been up before? HRC has held a consistent lead in the polls-only and polls-plus forecasts, but that lead has dwindled to less than 55% sometimes in recent weeks.

Clinton could still win in a landslide, but it's time to accept the fact that this is a real race, and Trump very well could be our mext president. He has the momentum and her campaign has coughed up a lot of points in recent weeks.

Trump's bid for the White House is not a joke, and we should take the prospect of a Trump presidency very seriously. The fact that Donald Trump has greater than a 1% chance of being president is concerning, to be quite honest, let alone 45% or more. Entering these debates, anything can happen.

Literally just glance down right below the nowcast to the chart that shows the historical trend, it's kinda hard to miss if you have eyes. July 25-29, to be specific. Right between the conventions, I do believe.

It's definitely a race tho, terrifying as that is. :(

Quote (Beowulf @ 26 Sep 2016 12:29)

That face is my feel when I read the headline at the bottom.

This post was edited by AiNedeSpelCzech on Sep 26 2016 02:36pm
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