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Sep 26 2016 12:48pm
Quote (Sakuraba @ Sep 26 2016 10:43am)
Trump flag next to a MAGA flag


Will Trump Disavow?
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Sep 26 2016 12:59pm
I wonder how the debates will go. I think Trump will crush Hillary even with the moderators being really biased.
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Sep 26 2016 01:07pm
Quote (EA7 @ Sep 26 2016 12:59pm)
I wonder how the debates will go. I think Trump will crush Hillary even with the moderators being really biased.

I like how you cucks can watch the news cycle center on Hillary's organ health and the polls reported all show a close race yet you still play the same card. "THEYRE ALL BIASED", the cry of the followers of a universally flawed candidate.
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Sep 26 2016 01:07pm
Quote (thesnipa @ Sep 26 2016 07:08pm)
How many "main" parties do you guys have in parliament? I'd assume there are some VERY far left/right individuals given how much less important it is to appear center in a multiparty system.

Its like the difference between a monotheistic deity and polytheistic religion, one has good/bad higher powers because that polar relationship is a requirement but in polytheistic we see both good and bad aspects of each individual god as well as gods that represent different aspects to different people. God's of strength and destruction, war and knowledge, thieves and cleverness.

From 2010-2015 it was Conservatives ~ 330 seats, Labour ~ 280, Liberal Democrats ~55, then like 10 DUP (northern irish), 1 Green.

Then in the 2015 general election the Conservatives won an outright majority and labour lost ALL EXCEPT 1 of their Scottish seats to the SNP (Scottish National Party...guess what their flagship policy is?). The lib dem's also got crushed, they went down to 8 seats. UKIP have a seat now.

I like Labour and Corbyn but he really is too far left, he would get Labour killed in a general election but his naive young supporters can't see it. It may seem irrelevant because the next general election is in 2020 (they're every 5 years), but because Theresa May wasn't elected as Prime Minister, she may call a snap election to consolidate power and confirm her mandate.

From now on I'll be voting Lib Dem as opposed to Labour, and while it's bad for the country that Labour is no longer a credible opposition to the Conservatives, I will enjoy tasting the Corbynista tears when he gets destroyed in a general.

This post was edited by dro94 on Sep 26 2016 01:08pm
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Sep 26 2016 01:12pm
Quote (majorblood @ Sep 26 2016 12:48pm)
Will Trump Disavow?

does it matter? trump is pretty much hitler!
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Sep 26 2016 01:14pm
Quote (Sakuraba @ Sep 26 2016 08:12pm)
does it matter? trump is pretty much hitler!

people said that about hitler too
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Sep 26 2016 01:16pm
Quote (thesnipa @ Sep 26 2016 03:07pm)
I like how you cucks can watch the news cycle center on Hillary's organ health and the polls reported all show a close race yet you still play the same card. "THEYRE ALL BIASED", the cry of the followers of a universally flawed candidate.

the only thing reported was "hey trump is unhealthy too!"
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Sep 26 2016 01:23pm
Quote (bena2OO5 @ Sep 26 2016 01:16pm)
the only thing reported was "hey trump is unhealthy too!"

Actually what was reported was the farce of a doctor's note and then the "medical exam" that Dr Oz read from the same farce of a doctor who wrote the note. Without doing any tests himself.

So given the obvious fake Dr Note and a farce on an exam we don't even know enough about Trump's health to say who's the more healthy one.

But, overall, its pretty hard for the media to be objective when Trump's plans consist of:

1. we're gonna make a wall
2. we're gonna clean up washington, what a mess
3. we're gonna be respected abroad
4. we're gonna defeat ISIS, don't worry how
5. we're gonna cut taxes by more than they're ever been cut
6. we're gonna make everyone pay us in trade deals, but we won't lose any friends
7. we're gonna make america great again

What of the above is there to report on, other than the fact that no tangible plan exists to put them into effect? Should they just report "hey Trump has plans, we like people who say they have plans, no need to hear them."

I know you're a base intelligence troll from Canada who has no horse in the race, but i'd hope even a lowbreed such as yourself is smart enough to smell the propaganda in Trump's speeches. Wait, nvm, im talking to a zionist. You'd prob eat a pound of Ham if the regime told you it was a carrot.
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Sep 26 2016 01:31pm
Quote (thesnipa @ Sep 26 2016 03:23pm)
Actually what was reported was the farce of a doctor's note and then the "medical exam" that Dr Oz read from the same farce of a doctor who wrote the note. Without doing any tests himself.

So given the obvious fake Dr Note and a farce on an exam we don't even know enough about Trump's health to say who's the more healthy one.

But, overall, its pretty hard for the media to be objective when Trump's plans consist of:

1. we're gonna make a wall
2. we're gonna clean up washington, what a mess
3. we're gonna be respected abroad
4. we're gonna defeat ISIS, don't worry how
5. we're gonna cut taxes by more than they're ever been cut
6. we're gonna make everyone pay us in trade deals, but we won't lose any friends
7. we're gonna make america great again

What of the above is there to report on, other than the fact that no tangible plan exists to put them into effect? Should they just report "hey Trump has plans, we like people who say they have plans, no need to hear them."

I know you're a base intelligence troll from Canada who has no horse in the race, but i'd hope even a lowbreed such as yourself is smart enough to smell the propaganda in Trump's speeches. Wait, nvm, im talking to a zionist. You'd prob eat a pound of Ham if the regime told you it was a carrot.

I enjoy getting called a zionist btw
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Sep 26 2016 02:12pm
Quote (thesnipa @ Sep 26 2016 08:07pm)
I like how you cucks can watch the news cycle center on Hillary's organ health and the polls reported all show a close race yet you still play the same card. "THEYRE ALL BIASED", the cry of the followers of a universally flawed candidate.

The ONLY reason they were forced to report on it was a PRIVATE CITIZEN captured a video of her flat out collapsing.

Once it was uploaded on twitter and got a ton of views it was too late and they were forced to report it. Believe me, if that guy didn't capture the video not one network would cover it at all.
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