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Sep 25 2016 06:33am
Quote (Betaging @ Sep 24 2016 12:52am)

wow you're even more clueless than i thought

on what fucking planet is cruz qualified to be a supreme court justice

Let's start with what YOU believe the "prerequisite qualifications" are to be nominated as supreme Court justice.

This post was edited by NekoSama on Sep 25 2016 06:33am
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Sep 25 2016 06:38am
Quote (dro94 @ Sep 23 2016 07:50pm)
political career saved in a facebook post. trumpies will like cruz again, cruz's evangelical base will still think back to his defiant convention speech. the word genius gets thrown around a lot, but cruz really is one

I like his principles.

Does anyone else find it hilarious that a frenchie is more involved in American politics than frenchie politics?

Perhaps this is the reason the mudslimes are taking over all of the europeon countries.

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Sep 26 2016 09:06am
Quote (bogie160 @ Sep 17 2016 05:58am)
He wrote a piece specifically about it.

He thinks it has a Trump house-effect, which it almost certainly does based on the way they decided to weight respondents, but he likes that it follows the same group from poll to poll and he thinks it's a useful barometer, once the house effect has been taken into account, for how the race is progressing.

The race has clearly tightened, there are several new avenues for a Trump victory that didn't exist a month or so back.

I guess you didn't read that piece very clearly -- neither it/he/any of what you wrote disagreed with what I wrote originally -- you just restated it. Exactly as I said, if he thinks he can glean value from it by including it in his model then that's his choice. It's still a panel. Panels can be incredibly useful when executed properly (this one however is dogshit). It obviously has incredible flaws as I mentioned; if he feels like he can remedy them through adjustment then he's free to try that, he's built a model that calls for including basically any and all available polls with the belief that his model can "fix" the bad ones. Regardless of how the model performs, it's still garbage in/garbage out; he can't pretend the survey doesn't have immense flaws or that it's not a panel. He's simply saying implicitly by including it "no big deal, these are trivial concerns that can be corrected."

I think people really need to understand this point: the race hasn't tightened, some public polls have tightened. Trump might honestly have exactly zero additional avenues for victory that he didn't have one month ago: he was always going to need to win Iowa, Ohio, Florida, keep North Carolina from getting poached, and then push into the ring of WI/CO/VA/PA/MI that he has had nothing going for him so far. That was true then and it's true now.
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Sep 26 2016 09:51am
Trump is currently up 54.5-45.5 in FiveThirtyEight's now forecast.

First time the site has predicted a Trump victory in any of its models.

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Sep 26 2016 09:55am
Quote (ThatAlex @ Sep 26 2016 10:51am)
Trump is currently up 54.5-45.5 in FiveThirtyEight's now forecast.

First time the site has predicted a Trump victory in any of its models.


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Sep 26 2016 09:58am
Anyone else think the new CNN commercial for the debates looks like they're advertising a UFC fight or something? It's going to be a joke.
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Sep 26 2016 11:05am
Quote (ThatAlex @ 26 Sep 2016 07:51)
Trump is currently up 54.5-45.5 in FiveThirtyEight's now forecast.

First time the site has predicted a Trump victory in any of its models.


That is incorrect.
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Sep 26 2016 11:10am
A reminder to all that Obama was +3 in polls vs. Romney on the morning of the first debate.
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Sep 26 2016 11:35am
Quote (ThatAlex @ Sep 26 2016 11:51am)
Trump is currently up 54.5-45.5 in FiveThirtyEight's now forecast.

First time the site has predicted a Trump victory in any of its models.


I know you know, just a reminder to everyone else that that is referring to the now cast i.e. if the election were held today who would win. Meaning it is affected by what are usually temperature fluctuations in the race.

Their polls-plus and polls only which are better predictors both have Clinton at 53.2%.

Meanwhile Vegas has her at about 62%.

This post was edited by Voyaging on Sep 26 2016 11:38am
Posts: 64,718
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Sep 26 2016 11:43am
Quote (Voyaging @ Sep 26 2016 11:35am)
I know you know, just a reminder to everyone else that that is referring to the now cast i.e. if the election were held today who would win. Meaning it is affected by what are usually temperature fluctuations in the race.

Their polls-plus and polls only which are better predictors both have Clinton at 53.2%.

Meanwhile Vegas has her at about 62%.

Map has Trump at 63% chance to win Florida. Closed the window after seeing that.
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