Quote (Black XistenZ @ 13 Dec 2023 00:53)
He says that the Israeli government must/should change its approach. But I wouldn't overrate his statements, he's contradicting himself quite a bit and has clearly lost the plot. He's dithering because this conflict is driving a wedge in his electoral coalition. Progressives and Muslims are mostly pro-Palestine and absolutely irate, Jewish Americans and the DC establishment are varying degrees of pro-Israel. With an election coming up in less than 11 months, he can't afford to lose ground with either faction.
There's like 2 % of muslims in US, what the point to associate them with half of voters ?
It's blatant clear this israeli gov is deviant since a while already, lmk i guess it's a signal that things are not ok...
Lol Netanyahu put the jewish americans noses in their own shit, like some stupid masters are doing to their puppy.