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Posts: 77,591
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Aug 10 2017 06:20am
in a world where people discuss taxing the 1%, one brave libertarian argues that it's time for the 99% to give back to the 1% since society at large was never good for anything anyway
also ayn rand is awesome

It's time to gore another collectivist sacred cow. This time it's the popular idea that the successful are obliged to "give back to the community." That oft-heard claim assumes that the wealth of high-earners is taken away from "the community." And beneath that lies the perverted Marxist notion that wealth is accumulated by "exploiting" people, not by creating value--as if Henry Ford was not necessary for Fords to roll off the (non-existent) assembly lines and Steve Jobs was not necessary for iPhones and iPads to spring into existence.

Let's begin by stripping away the collectivism. "The community" never gave anyone anything. The "community," the "society," the "nation" is just a number of interacting individuals, not a mystical entity floating in a cloud above them. And when some individual person--a parent, a teacher, a customer--"gives" something to someone else, it is not an act of charity, but a trade for value received in return.

It was from love--not charity--that your mother fed you, bought clothes for you, paid for your education, gave you presents on your birthday. It was for value received that your teachers worked day in and day out to instruct you. In commercial transactions, customers buy a product not to provide alms to the business, but because they want the product or service--want it for their own personal benefit and enjoyment. And most of the time they get it, which is why they choose to continue patronizing the same businesses.

All proper human interactions are win-win; that's why the parties decide to engage in them. It's not the Henry Fords and Steve Jobs who exploit people. It's the Al Capones and Bernie Madoffs. Voluntary trade, without force or fraud, is the exchange of value for value, to mutual benefit. In trade, both parties gain.

Each particular individual in the community who contributed to a man's rise to wealth was paid at the time--either materially or, as in the case of parents and friends, spiritually. There is no debt to discharge. There is nothing to give back, because there was nothing taken away.

Well, maybe there is--in the other direction. The shoe is on the other foot. It is "the community" that should give back to the wealth-creators. It turns out that the 99% get far more benefit from the 1% than vice-versa.
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Aug 17 2017 06:26pm
Meanwhile in australia a white woman dresses up as a black beekeeper and goes to parliament to express her feminist support for islam while a pair of klansmen look on in disapproval. She insisted that her choice to dress up as a beekeeper in the presence of males reflects the natural choice a woman my make and is not reflective of women adopting the values of their oppressors in an oppressive culture (unlike western culture which is steeped in patriarchal misogyny).

Muslim leaders stepped over the recent dead bodies of infidels from on going series of daily terrorist attacks to express concerns that her choice of attire may inspire another alt right attack like that one incident in the US earlier this year.


“I would not change a thing; I am not embarrassed by what I did. I have created debate, it needed to be done.” Ms Hanson told Seven Network.

She said her stunt was not an attempt to ridicule the Islamic faith but part of a campaign to ban the burka in Ausralia.

“The whole fact is that wearing the burka is not a religious requirement. It is a choice. It is not, it is not mandatory to wear it. There are a lot of Muslim women in this country that are not where the burqa,” Senator Hanson said.


Muslim leaders have expressed concerns over One Nation leader Pauline Hanson’s burka “stunt” in the Senate, warning it could encourage US-style “alt-right” attacks on their community.

Attorney-General George Brandis yesterday rebuked Senator Hanson for what he described as an “appalling stunt” after she arrived for Senate question time dressed in the full-body Islamic dress, which covers the face.
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Aug 17 2017 07:30pm
Quote (duffman316 @ 17 Aug 2017 20:26)
Meanwhile in australia a white woman dresses up as a black beekeeper and goes to parliament to express her feminist support for islam while a pair of klansmen look on in disapproval. She insisted that her choice to dress up as a beekeeper in the presence of males reflects the natural choice a woman my make and is not reflective of women adopting the values of their oppressors in an oppressive culture (unlike western culture which is steeped in patriarchal misogyny).

Muslim leaders stepped over the recent dead bodies of infidels from on going series of daily terrorist attacks to express concerns that her choice of attire may inspire another alt right attack like that one incident in the US earlier this year.


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Aug 18 2017 05:53am
Quote (IceMage @ Aug 18 2017 03:41am)

Lenin's statue will be protected due to it being private property
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Aug 19 2017 09:23am

Duffman fapping material right there.
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Aug 19 2017 09:49am
Quote (IceMage @ Aug 19 2017 10:23am)

Duffman fapping material right there.

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Aug 19 2017 09:54am
Quote (IceMage @ Aug 18 2017 06:41am)

They should instead hoist a statue of John Brown, a true American hero.

Quote (majorblood @ Aug 18 2017 06:53am)
Lenin's statue will be protected due to it being private property

Well that is somebody's statue then, which pretty much makes it off the table. It would be a good place for another alt-right vs. antifa brawl out. These things, if you take away the ISIS tactics some people are employing, look like European soccer matches, complete with police in riot gear :thumbsup:

Guys, this kind of stuff going on in America is our baseline. It has been happening since the very beginning of our country and there was a lull in the 90s and early 2000s. Just enjoy the show.
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Aug 19 2017 09:56am
Quote (Skinned @ Aug 19 2017 10:54am)
They should instead hoist a statue of John Brown, a true American hero.

Nah, guy was a traitor.

Quote (Skinned @ Aug 19 2017 10:54am)
Well that is somebody's statue then, which pretty much makes it off the table. It would be a good place for another alt-right vs. antifa brawl out. These things, if you take away the ISIS tactics some people are employing, look like European soccer matches, complete with police in riot gear :thumbsup:

Guys, this kind of stuff going on in America is our baseline. It has been happening since the very beginning of our country and there was a lull in the 90s and early 2000s. Just enjoy the show.

Yeah, but at least in the past there was a good side you could root for. White supremacist vs antifa isn't fun to watch if one of the non-violent protesters gets killed. Imagine the media reaction if a member of antifa ran over a white supremacist... Don Lemon would be throwing a party on CNN.

This post was edited by IceMage on Aug 19 2017 10:01am
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Aug 19 2017 10:11am
Quote (IceMage @ Aug 18 2017 04:41am)

The monument, erected in 1926 by the United Daughters of the Confederacy, and the Lenin statue are both on private property. Still, Murray said, he believes they should be removed.

Da fuq?

Welcome to 2017, the age of the PC-authoritarians.

This post was edited by ofthevoid on Aug 19 2017 10:11am
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