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Nov 30 2021 12:28pm
Quote (EndlessSky @ Nov 30 2021 10:26am)

We conceivably already live under corporate shareholder fascism.


And the hippies of the 1970s are the biggest enablers and corporate dicksuckers

Carlin said it best - "from Cocaine to Rogaine"
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Nov 30 2021 12:30pm
Quote (Goomshill @ Nov 30 2021 12:40pm)
The timing of it is sure suspicious. Dorsey steps down, and twitter simultaneously adds this new extremely open-ended rule they can cite to purge pretty much every trending story that doesn't suit their agenda.
They could purge any pictures of Jussie Smollett's Nigerian trainers, or Darrell Brooks Jr, or George Floyd while doped up, or especially Hunter Biden- and then turn around and allow pictures of Kyle Rittenhouse in highschool or Barron Trump or whoever else they want to target.
They'll just cite their total and unaccountable discretion

the streisand effect of censoring silly things as Twitter and Facebook do has done more to further information spread than anything Fox News could ever have dreamed of.

the "covid 19 information" button on posts is like a flame for anti-vaxx moths. if it doesnt have that tag they dont even see the message as credible.
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Nov 30 2021 12:32pm
Quote (Nibthebarb @ Nov 30 2021 01:28pm)

And the hippies of the 1970s are the biggest enablers and corporate dicksuckers

Carlin said it best - "from Cocaine to Rogaine"


Lucky for us njag is BASED AF
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Nov 30 2021 01:02pm
Quote (Black XistenZ @ Nov 30 2021 11:51am)
I mean... even today, Twitter is already a left-wing echo chamber in large parts. And a cesspool in general.

If they become more or less openly partisan, that might have a positive impact in the long run by facilitating a split of social media along partisan lines. Alternatives to Twitter/Facebook cannot succeed as long as a big chunk of the people on the right-of-center spectrum still stick with the originals. Twitter becoming unbearably partial and partisan might push out the remaining conservatives and normies.

Twitter is ground zero for the leftwing echo chamber sure, but they aren't at the point of purging everyone who isn't a true believer, unlike say Reddit. They're bad enough to ban Trump and manipulate algorithms and censor trending stories, but they still let people like Andy Ngo exist despite whole campaigns to get him banned. You can still read twitter threads that mock the authoritarian left, you can still see people post about Ilhan Omar's brother-husband or Hunter Biden's crackpipe. I think that this rule change probably heralds the end of all that, the first real signal of a crackdown that's going to come soon. I imagine its aimed squarely at Andy Ngo himself, the whole "we changed the rules so we can ban you" thing. They won't settle for adjusting algorithms and allowing the coexistence of rival political groups while skewing in favor of one. The only reason to make a rule change like this is if you intend to start a real purge.

I think it can be described as saying that Twitter is already at a level of censorship we'd laugh as unrealistic dystopian tripe just a couple decades ago, but now plan to charge ahead and go even harder and shake off the pretense

This post was edited by Goomshill on Nov 30 2021 01:03pm
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Nov 30 2021 01:03pm
Quote (Goomshill @ Nov 30 2021 02:02pm)
Twitter is ground zero for the leftwing echo chamber sure, but they aren't at the point of purging everyone who isn't a true believer, unlike say Reddit. They're bad enough to ban Trump and manipulate algorithms and censor trending stories, but they still let people like Andy Ngo exist despite whole campaigns to get him banned. You can still read twitter threads that mock the authoritarian left, you can still see people post about Ilhan Omar's brother-husband or Hunter Biden's crackpipe. I think that this rule change probably heralds the end of all that, the first real signal of a crackdown that's going to come soon. I imagine its aimed squarely at Andy Ngo himself, the whole "we changed the rules so we can ban you" thing. They won't settle for adjusting algorithms and allowing the coexistence of rival political groups while skewing in favor of one. The only reason to make a rule change like this is if you intend to start a real purge.

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Nov 30 2021 08:49pm
Quote (EndlessSky @ Nov 30 2021 12:32pm)

Lucky for us njag is BASED AF

Yes...yes he is. B)
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Dec 7 2021 10:39am

An update to the case of the Minnesota rioter who threw the heavy manhole cover at a police officer during the riots, which was in a video shared widely and knocked the officer unconscious and caused a head injury and possible spinal damage.
The wonderfully talented prosecutors office under the direction of Keith Ellison has brought the case to a conclusion and Brayshaun Gibson will get a suspended sentence with house arrest, and will also drop charges against him for felony theft on 10 instances as well as felony assault for throwing rocks at police cars. He won't serve any prison time, won't go to jail, and has been out the whole time while his case was pending. He was facing up to 30 years in prison, but will serve 0.
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Dec 7 2021 10:45am
Quote (Goomshill @ Dec 7 2021 11:39am)

An update to the case of the Minnesota rioter who threw the heavy manhole cover at a police officer during the riots, which was in a video shared widely and knocked the officer unconscious and caused a head injury and possible spinal damage.
The wonderfully talented prosecutors office under the direction of Keith Ellison has brought the case to a conclusion and Brayshaun Gibson will get a suspended sentence with house arrest, and will also drop charges against him for felony theft on 10 instances as well as felony assault for throwing rocks at police cars. He won't serve any prison time, won't go to jail, and has been out the whole time while his case was pending. He was facing up to 30 years in prison, but will serve 0.

Herp derp Soros isn't real
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