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Jul 12 2018 02:43pm
Quote (Saucisson6000 @ 12 Jul 2018 22:37)
To be honest im ready to have my country to pay 4% gdp for military, but certainly not with USA@Nato.
The "new and real" world order is to switch between china/russia/usa as a third party and taking advantage of it, end of story.

russia will never become a big power player again. they have 140m people and an economy the size of italy. dont get fooled by their nukes and their willingness to invest more of their gdp into the military than most western countries - even if they wanted to, they simply dont have the capacities to challenge the EU, the US or China. also keep in mind that Russia and China have historically never trusted each other and been rivals rather than allies most of the time. and they have unresolved territorial disputes in far east siberia, where almost all the population is on the chinese side and almost all the natural ressources are on the russian side. as soon as russia would overextend in conflicts in the west or the middle east, china would happily invade parts of that region.

This post was edited by Black XistenZ on Jul 12 2018 02:44pm
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Jul 12 2018 02:55pm
Quote (Saucisson6000 @ 12 Jul 2018 21:37)
To be honest im ready to have my country to pay 4% gdp for military, but certainly not with USA@Nato.
The "new and real" world order is to switch between china/russia/usa as a third party and taking advantage of it, end of story.

that 4% target is absolutely ridiculous, the 2% are already insanely high. if germany spent 4% of its GDP on defence, we alone would have a military budget that's more than TWICE as high as russia's, rivaling china's - i'm sure this would totally not lead to another arms race and our neighbours would be completely comfortable with it...

again, the minimum spending approach is idiotic as it implies that potential threats increase and decrease based on the productivity of your economy. i'm not against spending more and meeting realistic strategic targets, but this whole discussion is a clear attempt to benefit the american arms industry, emperor bonespur even openly advertised to buy rockets and guns from his owners. how brainwashed would a person have to be not to realise that, or even call their own country 'freeloaders' for not buying into the military hysteria...

isn't it funny how when all our intelligence agencies say that russia is meddling with western elections, trying to undermine our democracies, and divide our societies, the right wing goes: 'russia is a nothingburger, putin did nothing wrong, you're just making excuses for losing elections' - but when the emperor says 'buy more weapons, spend more on military' the cult goes 'oh my god, russia is about to invade everyone and there's nothing we can do if we don't make daddy's donors even richer right fucking now!!!11!1!'
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Jul 12 2018 02:56pm
Quote (Black XistenZ @ 12 Jul 2018 21:43)
russia will never become a big power player again. they have 140m people and an economy the size of italy. dont get fooled by their nukes and their willingness to invest more of their gdp into the military than most western countries - even if they wanted to, they simply dont have the capacities to challenge the EU, the US or China. also keep in mind that Russia and China have historically never trusted each other and been rivals rather than allies most of the time. and they have unresolved territorial disputes in far east siberia, where almost all the population is on the chinese side and almost all the natural ressources are on the russian side. as soon as russia would overextend in conflicts in the west or the middle east, china would happily invade parts of that region.

Almost forgot: Africa and India too....
I dont understand why you are thinking im putting china/russia/usa at same range of power. The world is multi-polar, while US is full of bipolars.
Btw regarding Russia; did you heard about its agricultural future ? They will need to defend it for sure.
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Jul 12 2018 02:58pm
Quote (Scaly @ Jul 12 2018 02:35pm)
Just had fish n chips for dinner. Bloody lovely.

I agree with you in some instances. But it really does depend on the fish and how it's cooked/served. Tuna salad? Yea. Tuna steak? No.
I just had a side of haddock and it was very meaty. Super tasty.

i love fish, that was just a Ron swanson quote :)

Quote (Black XistenZ @ Jul 12 2018 02:26pm)
trying to break into a new market ...with, as you correctly stated in your opening post, a more expensive product...

so what you're saying is that Germany/western europe should pay a higher price for their gas than necessary (by importing the more expensive american LNG instead of cheap russian gas), to further the american geopolitical agenda?
and what you're saying also implies that you want to use state/political interventions into a market to force customers to buy the less competitive product, doesnt it? how does that fit together with the free market doctrine?


in the end, both trump and merkel are right on one point and wrong on another one:

trump is right that Germany should spend 2% of its GDP on its - already underfinanced and broken down - military, as agreed upon with the NATO and as is necessary so that Germany carries its weight in the NATO.
merkel is right that Germany is a sovereign country and can and will buy its gas from whoever the fuck it wants.

"put down your guns and don't even think about reforming a military" - the US to Germans 1946

"your military is rundown, and you need to spend more, even though you haven't been involved in an armed conflict since we told you you weren't allowed" - the US to Germans 2018

the entire topic of NATO is a waste of time. i laugh when i read you kids talking about it. tbh the space force is more important than NATO, no i'm not being hyperbolic.
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Jul 12 2018 02:58pm
Quote (fender @ 12 Jul 2018 20:47)
the problem with your 'argument', dear am-poo, is that i already agreed we probably should be paying more - but i also stated that a fix percentage of GDP target is a very idiotic and american way to go about it since it prioritises a budget goal over achieving strategic requirements. i also criticised that much of the real and perceived threats to NATO stem from america's aggressive world policing and war mongering, hence they should not complain about the financial burden that comes with it. after all, it is THEIR companies (mainly fossil fuel / mining / 'defence') that reap the main benefits of it. again, it's not europe's fault that americans keep electing politicians owned by the industries that push for military conflicts. just consider this: due to our geographical situation and the fact that america just closes its borders, WE have to deal with the waves of immigrants, so where is our compensation for that? i don't see you or any other member of the trump cult complaining about the financial drawbacks of that, and how the lack of american solidarity is endangering our alliance. strange...

you correctly mentioned that this has been a source of conflict and negotiations for quite a while now - and if you were able to see the world a bit more nuanced you'd realise that many, if not most people aren't saying 'but... but trump is wrong, europe shouldn't pay more', but rather that trump's bull in a china shop behaviour is entirely counter-productive and completely inadequate. if you really think that his retarded accusations loaded with falsehoods, lies, propaganda, and the financial interests of his donors are somehow magically solving the issue and stabilising the alliance you're not only mistaken but probably not completely sane anymore. putin is probably celebrating right now about the massive division in our trans-atlantic partnership, and only a complete fool would claim this is europe's fault, that it's europe that has been antagonising america every possible way...

how could an even halfway reasonable person claim the real problem threatening nato is that many european members are somewhat hesitant with their military budget (after all we have populations that are a bit more civilised, we like our healthcare and affordable college, and we don't just support every war), but trump publicly and aggressively attacking his closest allies and questioning nato's relevance is completely fine? i get that uninformed simpletons who grew up in a borderline jingoistic society over there would fall for such narratives, but europeans living in free and enlightened societies? this really is a cult, there is no way around it...

oh dont get me wrong, we shouldnt discuss the 2% too much
i am sure not even trump would complain about 1,9%, if we contributed enough

however we have to spend, what is necessary and right now we would need at least that much for a few years to restore the army to what i would consider normal
and if its 2,3% to have our ships, tanks and aircraft combat ready, properly train and equip our men and women, then we have to do it as a sovereign state, that has the obligation to defend our territory
i am last guy to not heavily criticise american warmongering, its not part of the NATO agreements and america would do well to deal with their ridiculous defensive budget
it does not change the fact that we are freeloaders

trumps behaviour is ridiculous, but i still support it
why? its the only way to make idiots like merkel listen at all, its the only way to attract enough attention to this problem

the presidents before have tried "would you please spend more, my dear angela?" method already and zero fucks were given
its really sad that it has to be this way, but otherwise we the "we will spend 2%......someday, cya next time donald" status quo would continue

if our societies are to remain "free and enlightened" we have to defend them (you really do america and its people dont you?)
it is europe's fault and ours alone, we have caused this mess in the first place

its typical german behavior nowadays to attack the guy, who points out mistakes, and not the one the one making it (tucholsky was right after all)

nice job bringing the migrant debate into this and while its a fact that american warmongering has heavily contributed to it your thinking is absolutely ridiculous

we had all the chances, opportunities, laws and the obligation to send these people away, end of story
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Jul 12 2018 03:06pm
Quote (Black XistenZ @ 12 Jul 2018 22:43)
russia will never become a big power player again. they have 140m people and an economy the size of italy. dont get fooled by their nukes and their willingness to invest more of their gdp into the military than most western countries - even if they wanted to, they simply dont have the capacities to challenge the EU, the US or China. also keep in mind that Russia and China have historically never trusted each other and been rivals rather than allies most of the time. and they have unresolved territorial disputes in far east siberia, where almost all the population is on the chinese side and almost all the natural ressources are on the russian side. as soon as russia would overextend in conflicts in the west or the middle east, china would happily invade parts of that region.

russia is just special, they are a sleeping giant and have always been

Quote (fender @ 12 Jul 2018 22:55)
that 4% target is absolutely ridiculous, the 2% are already insanely high. if germany spent 4% of its GDP on defence, we alone would have a military budget that's more than TWICE as high as russia's, rivaling china's - i'm sure this would totally not lead to another arms race and our neighbours would be completely comfortable with it...

again, the minimum spending approach is idiotic as it implies that potential threats increase and decrease based on the productivity of your economy. i'm not against spending more and meeting realistic strategic targets, but this whole discussion is a clear attempt to benefit the american arms industry, emperor bonespur even openly advertised to buy rockets and guns from his owners. how brainwashed would a person have to be not to realise that, or even call their own country 'freeloaders' for not buying into the military hysteria...

isn't it funny how when all our intelligence agencies say that russia is meddling with western elections, trying to undermine our democracies, and divide our societies, the right wing goes: 'russia is a nothingburger, putin did nothing wrong, you're just making excuses for losing elections' - but when the emperor says 'buy more weapons, spend more on military' the cult goes 'oh my god, russia is about to invade everyone and there's nothing we can do if we don't make daddy's donors even richer right fucking now!!!11!1!'

interesting, so pointing out facts is "brainwashed" already

it is a fact, that we have been relying on america and had their people pay for our protection, while germany didnt do enough
that makes us freeloaders

and if there is one country, that can build stuff without feeding the american arms industry, it is germany
no need to do that, its just a pathetic attempt from your side again

that russia is meddling with western elections, trying to undermine our democracies, and divide our societies

THAT is the defintion of brainwashed crap, our politicians are dividing societies and adult citizens can make their own decisions, i know that you still cant deal with it

This post was edited by ampoo on Jul 12 2018 03:06pm
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Jul 12 2018 03:10pm
these talks of Russian military conflicts in the west honestly have me scratching my head. how fucking dumb can you all be? apparently really really dumb. thank god Putin isn't as dumb as all of you. unluckily for us, and you, most people are as dumb as you.so we can keep exploiting this irrational fear to make you pay us for our military industrial complex production.
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Jul 12 2018 03:36pm
- our intelligence agencies are full of brainwashed morons, only trump cultists know the REAL truth, also known as #alternative facts ( https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-trump-russia-cyber/senate-panel-backs-intelligence-agencies-on-russia-trump-conclusions-idUSKBN1JT2YB )
- trump did NOT advertise for his donors in the american arms industry, those cameras and reporters are just lying, a truly 'pathetic attempt'. ( https://uk.reuters.com/article/uk-nato-summit-trump-arms/trump-says-ready-to-help-some-nato-states-buy-u-s-arms-idUKKBN1K22VG?il=0 )
- defence spending had not increased for years now since 2014, no, we're all just 'freeloaders' ( https://www.defensenews.com/global/europe/2018/03/15/results-are-in-heres-how-much-nato-allies-spent-on-defense-in-2017/ )

we truly live in a post-fact world...
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Jul 12 2018 03:45pm
long story short, dodged all arguments, uses ridiculous exaggerations that have not been posted as an "argument", not to mention that nobody stated that spending isnt increasing (while the argument is that its nowhere near enough)

business as usual, but we are all used to it fenderp

post fact world indeed
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Jul 12 2018 03:52pm
Quote (ampoo @ 12 Jul 2018 22:45)
long story short, dodged all arguments, uses ridiculous exaggerations that have not been posted as an "argument", not to mention that nobody stated that spending isnt increasing (while the argument is that its nowhere near enough)

business as usual, but we are all used to it fenderp

post fact world indeed

i not only refuted your simplistic talking points, i provided objective sources and facts to back up my claims. the best you can come up with are baseless insults and silly attacks based on the FACTUALLY WRONG accusations of your dear leader...

fact is he DID advertise for his donors in the american arms industy, european NATO members are NOT just 'feeloaders', and russia DOES meddle with western elections according to our intelligence agencies - if you disagree with that you'll have to do better than childish namecalling and right wing propaganda - facts don't care about your feelings...

This post was edited by fender on Jul 12 2018 03:59pm
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