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Jul 12 2018 11:49am
Quote (thesnipa @ 12 Jul 2018 18:37)
with the EU's stance on climate change already solid and now this public shaming on the Russia deal I think the timeline for clean energy across the continent is going up big time. I hope you guys start massively building infrastructure, if I'm lucky my company will get a job and I'll get a free trip across the pond to watch the install!

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Jul 12 2018 12:01pm
Quote (IgoSoHard @ Jul 12 2018 11:42am)
The long awaited snipa V sauc 1v1

Sadly they won't let me on the plane with a 300 win mag, so i guess it's these hands vs baguette/white flag dual wielding.
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Jul 12 2018 12:47pm
Quote (ampoo @ 12 Jul 2018 17:23)
this "ridiculous financial goal" was agreed upon by everyone several times since the year 2002 and we simply did not deliver
its not like it would be a financial problem.....

the trump hysteria is real, when facts dont matter to spread your retarded fake narrative

just for your information, having an alliance means that you keep your promises and america has every right to question it, when we are not contributing the amount of money, troops and material we are supposed to

"Both former presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama regularly expressed frustration with NATO member countries for not spending more of their budgets on defense."
i agree that there is more it than just money and we do not owe anything

but.....but trump

i know that a discussion about responsibility is wasted on a wannabe anarchist

the problem with your 'argument', dear am-poo, is that i already agreed we probably should be paying more - but i also stated that a fix percentage of GDP target is a very idiotic and american way to go about it since it prioritises a budget goal over achieving strategic requirements. i also criticised that much of the real and perceived threats to NATO stem from america's aggressive world policing and war mongering, hence they should not complain about the financial burden that comes with it. after all, it is THEIR companies (mainly fossil fuel / mining / 'defence') that reap the main benefits of it. again, it's not europe's fault that americans keep electing politicians owned by the industries that push for military conflicts. just consider this: due to our geographical situation and the fact that america just closes its borders, WE have to deal with the waves of immigrants, so where is our compensation for that? i don't see you or any other member of the trump cult complaining about the financial drawbacks of that, and how the lack of american solidarity is endangering our alliance. strange...

you correctly mentioned that this has been a source of conflict and negotiations for quite a while now - and if you were able to see the world a bit more nuanced you'd realise that many, if not most people aren't saying 'but... but trump is wrong, europe shouldn't pay more', but rather that trump's bull in a china shop behaviour is entirely counter-productive and completely inadequate. if you really think that his retarded accusations loaded with falsehoods, lies, propaganda, and the financial interests of his donors are somehow magically solving the issue and stabilising the alliance you're not only mistaken but probably not completely sane anymore. putin is probably celebrating right now about the massive division in our trans-atlantic partnership, and only a complete fool would claim this is europe's fault, that it's europe that has been antagonising america every possible way...

how could an even halfway reasonable person claim the real problem threatening nato is that many european members are somewhat hesitant with their military budget (after all we have populations that are a bit more civilised, we like our healthcare and affordable college, and we don't just support every war), but trump publicly and aggressively attacking his closest allies and questioning nato's relevance is completely fine? i get that uninformed simpletons who grew up in a borderline jingoistic society over there would fall for such narratives, but europeans living in free and enlightened societies? this really is a cult, there is no way around it...
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Jul 12 2018 01:45pm
just to clean out the trash of this topic:

USA is now with gas production, which, having increased by nearly 50% in ten years, well above national needs, and is looking for outlets to sell its hydrocarbons.
"The Americans hope to export their gas to Europe, this is the real reason for their attitude," confided recently a French boss of the sector.
The US Senate voted in 2017 a text providing for sanctions against the companies partners of the pipeline and mentioning very explicitly the necessary export of resources.
The Kremlin also said Thursday that the US attacks were "unfair competition."

so they can fuck off im fine with it.

This post was edited by Saucisson6000 on Jul 12 2018 01:52pm
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Jul 12 2018 01:51pm
Is chicken really meat?

This post was edited by Scaly on Jul 12 2018 01:52pm
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Jul 12 2018 01:58pm
Quote (Scaly @ Jul 12 2018 01:51pm)
Is chicken really meat?

Inferior meat, but meat all the same. Fish on the other hand, is basically a vegetable.
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Jul 12 2018 02:26pm
Quote (Goomshill @ 11 Jul 2018 15:33)
What else could Trump do? He's spent the last year and a half undermining Russian energy exports and trying to break into the EU with LNG and oppose the Russo-German pipelines, but Merkel has just blazed ahead over the combined objections of eastern europe and the US. Its right in the Trump Doctrine published in big bold letters that our international security strategy is intentionally pivoting to the economic sphere. Our national security, our international geopolitics and our trade policies are all one and the same now. So what good is NATO if Merkel is consciously ceding geopolitical influence to Russia in exchange for cheap energy? She offers up token concessions like chipping in more military budget or expelling Russian diplomats, but the real diplomatic great game is occurring with pipelines, exports and imports. If our NATO allies want to form closer relationships with Russia instead of relying on the US, then maybe they aren't really our NATO allies.

Trump's not going to stop the EU's romance with Putin using only the carrot, he's going to have to deploy stick.

trying to break into a new market ...with, as you correctly stated in your opening post, a more expensive product...

so what you're saying is that Germany/western europe should pay a higher price for their gas than necessary (by importing the more expensive american LNG instead of cheap russian gas), to further the american geopolitical agenda?
and what you're saying also implies that you want to use state/political interventions into a market to force customers to buy the less competitive product, doesnt it? how does that fit together with the free market doctrine?


in the end, both trump and merkel are right on one point and wrong on another one:

trump is right that Germany should spend 2% of its GDP on its - already underfinanced and broken down - military, as agreed upon with the NATO and as is necessary so that Germany carries its weight in the NATO.
merkel is right that Germany is a sovereign country and can and will buy its gas from whoever the fuck it wants.

This post was edited by Black XistenZ on Jul 12 2018 02:27pm
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Jul 12 2018 02:34pm
also, lets not forget that the economic sanctions imposed on russia in response to the annexation of crimea are hitting the western european economies a lot harder than the north american ones. same goes for the iran sanctions. merkel has been one of the key players in europe in keeping the sanction regime intact.

so let's not pretend like we are freeloaders through and through - due to these sanctions, Germany (and western europe in general) is already hurting itself economically to promote geostrategic goals. In dealing with Russia and Iran, western europe has already been taking one for the team for years compared to the U.S. and Canada.

This post was edited by Black XistenZ on Jul 12 2018 02:36pm
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Jul 12 2018 02:35pm
Quote (thesnipa @ 12 Jul 2018 19:58)
Inferior meat, but meat all the same. Fish on the other hand, is basically a vegetable.

Just had fish n chips for dinner. Bloody lovely.

I agree with you in some instances. But it really does depend on the fish and how it's cooked/served. Tuna salad? Yea. Tuna steak? No.
I just had a side of haddock and it was very meaty. Super tasty.

This post was edited by Scaly on Jul 12 2018 02:35pm
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Jul 12 2018 02:37pm
To be honest im ready to have my country to pay 4% gdp for military, but certainly not with USA@Nato.
The "new and real" world order is to switch between china/russia/usa as a third party and taking advantage of it, end of story.
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