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Nov 11 2023 11:12am
Quote (Prox1m1ty @ Nov 11 2023 01:03pm)
The main problem was the atrocities committed by Hamas. That should be obvious to any rational, objective person.

Its unsurprising that was not apparently obvious to you.

Nobody values your opinion
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Nov 11 2023 11:15am
Quote (DizzyBusiness @ Nov 11 2023 05:12pm)
Nobody values your opinion

I'm not looking for approval. Your projecting again.
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Nov 11 2023 11:28am
Quote (Prox1m1ty @ Nov 11 2023 01:15pm)
I'm not looking for approval. Your projecting again.

What is it you do want? Some attention?

Just go on reddit dude, it is literally designed for people with your personality. You don't have to know anything, you can just post snarky nonsense and get some updoots, you would be a king!
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Nov 11 2023 11:41am
Quote (ferdia @ Nov 11 2023 08:26am)
1. What do you mean, or what is your overarching principal, which has led to the statement "land conquered isn't stolen" ? Does this relates to all conquered nations everywhere? (btw This view suggests the principal might is right).

In general yes, might makes right. More to the point, might actually decides what happens, whether you agree with it or not. Virtually all land that changes hand through history is either conquered or purchased, that's just how its always been

2. "irredentist claims to lands are meaningless a generation or more removed" - this as i understand it relates to the principal that as Palestine was conquered and its peoples scattered decades ago, all claims to Palestinian ownership of said land is now irrelevant. Is this your interpretation/view?

When control of the land has been removed from living memory, nothing in the history books gives a valid claim to the present day. Its just the only way for a workable world, or we'd have the present day beholden to mutually exclusive claims of long dead tribes. The Jews had several thousand years of history where they made the same impotent claims to land they couldn't control, even with nationalists fighting the romans ineffectively several times- and its only in the past hundred years they've had the force necessary to achieve it. Most Palestinians are under 18 years old, they have no more living memory of an arab jerusalem than a roman jerusalem, no more a claim than the italians at this point.

Contrast this with contemporary conflicts over land changing hands and spheres of influences, most obvious example being ukraine. There are threads being bumped on PARD older than some of the land changing hands, and the western powers seized with a coup d'etat control of lands they couldn't hold militarily, at least not in full- and certainly not the separatist regions they 'claim' jurisdiction over, but have never held for a single day since 2014. When its an active conflict and undecided, people can make whatever arguments of legitimacy they want

3. Based on (2) above, is this what is used to contend that the current expansion of Israeli settlements in the west bank and elsewhere are lawful, on account that the land is now Israeli, has been Israeli for decades, and therefore Palestinians currently living in the West Bank (or elsewhere in Israel) are living on borrowed time, effectively squatting there, until such time as Israel finds a use for the land, in which case, they seize the land, on the basis that they took the land decades ago, and all we are seeing now is the physical present manifestation of the war won decades ago. (On a side note, if this is the view of many Israeli's, then I am beginning to understand the Israeli logic re: the settlements). Is this also the reason for the apartheid state in Israel, on account that it is not the intention of Israel to recognize Palestinian identity, noting the country is now, and forever more, Israel ?
b.) this is probably a part of a) (above) - are you contending that any new lands seized, are not seized now, they were the spoils of war decades ago, but that Israel just did not get around to settling the area until now.

Except Palestinians still hold the lands in the west bank and gaza, recognized by Israel, even if they lack full self determination. Their continued existence and Israel's recognition and permission of it in the aftermath of the six day war is the status quo that would be overturned if Israel was expelling Palestinians "to find a use for the land". Israel recognizes lands it has purchased in the west bank, that other world powers deny, but it never claimed to seize all of the west bank for the jews. And yet it also describes that view of Israelis- that analogue to an apartheid state which isn't quite precise, because its more an issue of Israel's tolerance for a hostile minority in spite of conquering their land and granting them limited autonomy and independence, as opposed to a colonial power staking full claim to a land and all its people yet treating them as second class citizens. If anything, a closer parallel would be indian reservations in america, particularly those where bitter wars were fought
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Nov 11 2023 12:04pm
Quote (Prox1m1ty @ 11 Nov 2023 11:03)
The main problem was the atrocities committed by Hamas. That should be obvious to any rational, objective person.

Its unsurprising that was not apparently obvious to you.

Yea its entirely cause/effect yet people want to argue semantics/etc. after the FACT.

Everyone knows on 9/11 that was the cause/source/pretext for a never ending war(still ongoing) on "Terror" which is a concept not a group. Steal their valuable resources(Oil,Opium,etc.) while building a permanent military presence in the Middle East. Oil is the bloodline of the modern society in which we live so strategically speaking we(United States) want to keep our untouched oil reserves in Alaska/Gulf coast untouched until we ABSOLUTELY need them. Military-stratagem 101 we all can see it. When it all goes to shit do you want your citizens to be fed/clothed/water or starve. So the United States goes out fucking with everyone/everywhere so that when we do shut the boarders down and the planet itself can't support life/growth as it did in the past we may just "eek" by because we played the "long game" while most were preoccupied with the "short game'.

I believe the "state of the planet" is in far worse shape then the average citizen can contemplate and that the military industrial complex/ highest intelligences have this down to such a degree they just merely all use each other as pawns until the very end. You would not see the greatest militaries on Earth posturing and making moves as if it's "end times" if it wasn't damn close to something similar.

I'm very nihilistic in the sense that I think we collectively as a species have reached the point of no return and we've gone over the guard-rail and are hurling towards the bottom of a cliff and were arguing about the most mundane things imaginable.

If a bunch of EMP's go off tomorrow(man made) or were hit by a CME(Coronal Mass Ejection)(Natural disaster). Every other cause becomes mute and were back to survival of the fittest.

Whose prepared physically to withstand that(very few). Whose prepared mentally to go through such tribulation(next to none). That's why they say "get right with god" because you first better "get right with yourself" and understand that you have ZERO control over what's happening in the world let alone around you. You do however have control over how you see it/feel it/experience it.

I think social media and the internet itself(DARPA project by the way) got everyone in this emotional/emotionless state where were all just numb to anything and everything because our brains are bombarded daily through technology.

The more connected we became the more we all realized how not connected we actually were/are. Other species can coexist effortlessly while humans advanced as we are cannot even agree upon almost anything. That is not a BAD thing though. It's great all the amazing cultures/religions/ethnicities and what we've all created collectively and shared but the whole "meshing of cultures/religions" didn't work and it would never work.

This isn't the perfect world described in the fabled city of Atlantis where we all communicate with one universal language. We all coexist without any of the 7 deadly sins and none of the suffering. We all function as one consciousness in direct communication with "God".

This is the "fall of Atlantis" / "falling of the tower of babel" where were all split and none of us can truly agree genuinely and full heartedly about anything. A part of spiritual evolution none the less.

Sorry for the tldr but I can agree/disagree with everyone whose posted in these 500+ pages because we're all different plain and simple.

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Nov 11 2023 12:15pm
Quote (Goomshill @ Nov 11 2023 05:41pm)
In general yes, might makes right. More to the point, might actually decides what happens, whether you agree with it or not. Virtually all land that changes hand through history is either conquered or purchased, that's just how its always been

I disagree with the statement "might makes right", but, as you said, more to the point, I agree that might actually decides what happens etc.

Quote (Goomshill @ Nov 11 2023 05:41pm)
When control of the land has been removed from living memory, nothing in the history books gives a valid claim to the present day. Its just the only way for a workable world, or we'd have the present day beholden to mutually exclusive claims of long dead tribes. The Jews had several thousand years of history where they made the same impotent claims to land they couldn't control, even with nationalists fighting the romans ineffectively several times- and its only in the past hundred years they've had the force necessary to achieve it. Most Palestinians are under 18 years old, they have no more living memory of an arab jerusalem than a roman jerusalem, no more a claim than the italians at this point.

understood, but what of present day, where Palestinians, or, non Jewish people, are removed from their homes in "greater Israel" (if thats the right terminology) and a new settlement is created for Jewish people only. is this an urban myth? if not an urban myth and this is currently happening, can you comment ? i.e. that while while might is right, might demonstrated daily is like an open wound. From what I have read in the last number of weeks, Palestinians cant vote, don't have the same rights and are treated as 2nd class citizens, and that the law of the land has a different rule based on religion. is this true, does this not compound the issue?

Quote (Goomshill @ Nov 11 2023 05:41pm)
Contrast this with contemporary conflicts over land changing hands and spheres of influences, most obvious example being ukraine. There are threads being bumped on PARD older than some of the land changing hands, and the western powers seized with a coup d'etat control of lands they couldn't hold militarily, at least not in full- and certainly not the separatist regions they 'claim' jurisdiction over, but have never held for a single day since 2014. When its an active conflict and undecided, people can make whatever arguments of legitimacy they want


Quote (Goomshill @ Nov 11 2023 05:41pm)
Except Palestinians still hold the lands in the west bank and gaza, recognized by Israel, even if they lack full self determination. Their continued existence and Israel's recognition and permission of it in the aftermath of the six day war is the status quo that would be overturned if Israel was expelling Palestinians "to find a use for the land". Israel recognizes lands it has purchased in the west bank, that other world powers deny, but it never claimed to seize all of the west bank for the jews. And yet it also describes that view of Israelis- that analogue to an apartheid state which isn't quite precise, because its more an issue of Israel's tolerance for a hostile minority in spite of conquering their land and granting them limited autonomy and independence, as opposed to a colonial power staking full claim to a land and all its people yet treating them as second class citizens. If anything, a closer parallel would be indian reservations in america, particularly those where bitter wars were fought

Are you contending that Israel is not expelling Palestinians, from the land where they currently live, say, in Gaza and beyond ? If Palestinians lack self determination, then they are in effect controlled (to a degree) by Israel. Are you contending that Israel (the government) is not expelling Palestinians from the land ( I am not referring exclusively to Gaza here )? Goom, I am not an expert on this topic but I am open to seeing different points of view. If my ignorance is grating, or any aspect of this response is bugging you, happy to steer clear of flashpoints. I know nothing of this "lands purchased in the west bank" - what does this relate to ? is all of the westbank owned by Israel and Palestinians live there until Israal moves them, or what is the situation ?

This post was edited by ferdia on Nov 11 2023 12:16pm
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Nov 11 2023 12:51pm
In an interview with the BBC, Emmanuel Macron affirms that the Jewish state has "no legitimacy" to "bomb and kill" "babies, women, elderly people".


This post was edited by Meanwhile on Nov 11 2023 12:52pm
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Nov 11 2023 12:55pm
Quote (Meanwhile @ 11 Nov 2023 20:51)
In an interview with the BBC, Emmanuel Macron affirms that the Jewish state has "no legitimacy" to "bomb and kill" "babies, women, elderly people".


it seem France have been conquered by Muslims
They have riots all over the country and his speech was aimed for his country.

Quote (ferdia @ 11 Nov 2023 20:15)
I disagree with the statement "might makes right", but, as you said, more to the point, I agree that might actually decides what happens etc.

understood, but what of present day, where Palestinians, or, non Jewish people, are removed from their homes in "greater Israel" (if thats the right terminology) and a new settlement is created for Jewish people only. is this an urban myth? if not an urban myth and this is currently happening, can you comment ? i.e. that while while might is right, might demonstrated daily is like an open wound. From what I have read in the last number of weeks, Palestinians cant vote, don't have the same rights and are treated as 2nd class citizens, and that the law of the land has a different rule based on religion. is this true, does this not compound the issue?


Are you contending that Israel is not expelling Palestinians, from the land where they currently live, say, in Gaza and beyond ? If Palestinians lack self determination, then they are in effect controlled (to a degree) by Israel. Are you contending that Israel (the government) is not expelling Palestinians from the land ( I am not referring exclusively to Gaza here )? Goom, I am not an expert on this topic but I am open to seeing different points of view. If my ignorance is grating, or any aspect of this response is bugging you, happy to steer clear of flashpoints. I know nothing of this "lands purchased in the west bank" - what does this relate to ? is all of the westbank owned by Israel and Palestinians live there until Israal moves them, or what is the situation ?

Jews bought lands from Arabs this is how it started.
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Nov 11 2023 12:58pm
Quote (Many_Names @ 11 Nov 2023 19:55)
it seem France have been conquered by Muslims
They have riots all over the country and his speech was aimed for his country.
Jews bought lands from Arabs this is how it started.

It's becoming more and more obvious that less and less people want of these neo-zonists fanatics who are jeopardizing real jews security all around the world.
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Nov 11 2023 01:03pm
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