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Aug 24 2012 06:15pm
YES 4.35% (7 Votes)
NO 62.11% (100 Votes)
OTHER 11.18% (18 Votes)
Total Votes: 161

So many unsaved souls.
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Aug 24 2012 07:34pm

This post was edited by Ricelol on Aug 24 2012 07:34pm
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Aug 24 2012 07:52pm
Quote (Ricelol @ Aug 24 2012 09:34pm)

...you are hereby granted a " Get Out Of Heaven Free " card !
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Aug 24 2012 09:38pm
Quote (Ricelol @ Aug 25 2012 11:34am)

You do forget that there will be many more people than those people. Chances are you may not ever even see them with such a humongous crowd.
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Aug 24 2012 09:42pm
Quote (WidowMaKer_MK @ 24 Aug 2012 18:52)
...you are hereby granted a " Get Out Of Heaven Free " card !

So Christian like.
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Aug 24 2012 10:00pm
Quote (xfrodobagginsx @ Aug 24 2012 05:48pm)
Yes, the Bible was written by the Actual Eyewitnesses to the Events, NOT the quran.  mohammad wasn't even there and didn't even live until 500 years later, yet he thinks he knows more than the actual eyewitnesses.  Secondly, the Holy Spirit moved these men to write the things that they wrote, therefore, it IS God's word. 

It was written by through men by God:

2Pe 1:21 For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost. {in old time: or, at any time}

The Bible is more sure than a voice from heaven:

2Pe 1:19 ΒΆ We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts:

I'm not ignorant of the VIOLENCE that islam preaches and demonstates daily for all of the world to see and I'm also not ignorant of the fact that it's ok for a muslim to LIE in order to further the cause of their false religion. 

These are Muslim Clerics Preaching Violence to Jews.  The FACTS don't lie:


More Muslim Hatred of Jews:


Arab Lady Explains the Violence of islam:


YOU know very WELL that islam preaches violence.  Stop lying if you want to have an honest discussion.

First of all Jesus is talking about prophecies of Himself that were written in the Old Testiment.  mohammad is a false prophet because everything in his writings contradict, not only Jesus, but the entire scripture. 

Lebanan used to be a majority Christian Country int the Middle East and the MUSLIMS went in destroyed their freedom of religion. Once muslims become majority they begin to persecute non muslims.  I know your tactics. 

Watch this lady: 

This Arab lady explains your tactics to a good Jewish Christian:


islam is a violent religion.  Their messiah is the Anti Christ of the Bible.  The 12th Imman is the Anti Christ (SATAN).  The Mahdi is the Anti Christ (SATAN).

These eyewitnesses were actually there, mohammad was not.  he's a liar.  LOL no Jesus is not saying that he hasn't been crucified.  On the Contrary, He's saying I have been crucified and I have Risen from the Dead and am NOT a ghost or a Spirit as islam falsely teaches.

There's so much wrong here I don't even know where to start. I realize mohammad wasn't there and please explain to me where I said he knows more then the actual eyewitnesses because as far as I know mohammad was an illiterate man and he did not speak of himself but the words were given to his mouth which it says in the Qur'an AND also your bible.

"I will raise up for them a prophet like you from among their brethren; and I will put my words in his mouth, and he shall speak to them all that I command him". Deuteronomy 18.18

"YOU know very WELL that islam preaches violence. Stop lying if you want to have an honest discussion."


One quote. All I ask is one quote in the Qur'an that preaches violence. Show me one single quote. Do not give me 100. Find me one quote that you think proves Islam preaches violence.

I'm sorry, I'd rather believe in someone who calls them self a prophet and writes a perfect book with no errors then a human being that was an eyewitness of Jesus and not Jesus himself. For all I know they could be lieing? Also if god chose those men why are they not prophets? And if god chose them why did he choose 4 people to write 4 versions of a book rather then one? To confuse us even more? No god did not choose these people to write about Jesus. They chose it themselves to confuse us. That is why Christianity is a corrupt religion. You preach whoredom and I will provide you evidence.

Ezekiel(Chapter 23, 3) And they committed whoredoms in Egypt; they committed whoredoms in their youth: there were their breasts pressed, and there they bruised the teats of their virginity.

^ There you go. I do what you do, take a quote out of context and prove Christianity preaches whoredom.

You talk about bad muslims, well let me tell you there are as many bad Christians as there are bad muslims. You don't know anything.

It's funny this whole convo we had. I have been trying to show you the truth while you have been trying to force me to convert to Christianity. I didn't once say convert to Islam I said open your mind. That's it.
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Aug 24 2012 10:14pm
Quote (Ricelol @ Aug 24 2012 09:34pm)

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Aug 24 2012 10:18pm
Quote (CPK001 @ Aug 24 2012 11:38pm)
You do forget that there will be many more people than those people. Chances are you may not ever even see them with such a humongous crowd.

I hope this is a joke. There are 7 billion people on Earth and those assholes are on TV everyday.
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Aug 24 2012 10:36pm
Quote (SecondGear @ Aug 25 2012 04:00am)
There's so much wrong here I don't even know where to start. I realize mohammad wasn't there and please explain to me where I said he knows more then the actual eyewitnesses because as far as I know mohammad was an illiterate man and he did not speak of himself but the words were given to his mouth which it says in the Qur'an AND also your bible.

"I will raise up for them a prophet like you from among their brethren; and I will put my words in his mouth, and he shall speak to them all that I command him". Deuteronomy 18.18.

So, then you admit that the quran is a false book full of lies because it contradicts the actual eyewitness accounts in the Bible? No, my Bible doesn't mention mohammad. That verse you just quoted is probably about the Apostle Paul who was a chosen vessel of God to give the Gospel to the Gentile world. You keep repeating this lie and I keep correcting you on it. Repeating it over and over isn't going to make the lie true.

Quote (SecondGear @ Aug 25 2012 04:00am)
"YOU know very WELL that islam preaches violence. Stop lying if you want to have an honest discussion."


One quote. All I ask is one quote in the Qur'an that preaches violence. Show me one single quote. Do not give me 100. Find me one quote that you think proves Islam preaches violence..

If I quote just one, you are going to attempt to explain it away. I will quote many, MANY of them. Also, http://www.bibleprobe.com/muhammad.htm

KORAN commands to kill infidels:
Allah is an enemy to unbelievers. - Sura 2:98
On unbelievers is the curse of Allah. - Sura 2:161
Slay them wherever ye find them and drive them out of the places whence they drove you out, for persecution is worse than slaughter. - 2:191
Fight against them until idolatry is no more and Allah's religion reigns supreme. (different translation: ) Fight them until there is no persecution and the religion is God's entirely. - Sura 2:193 and 8:39
Fighting is obligatory for you, much as you dislike it. - 2:216
(different translation: ) Prescribed for you is fighting, though it is hateful to you.
..... martyrs.... Enter heaven - Surah 3:140-43
If you should die or be killed in the cause of Allah, His mercy and forgiveness would surely be better than all they riches they amass. If you should die or be killed, before Him you shall all be gathered. - 3:157-8
You must not think that those who were slain in the cause of Allah are dead. They are alive, and well-provided for by their Lord. - Surah 3:169-71
Let those fight in the cause of God who sell the life of this world for the hereafter. To him who fights in the cause of God, whether he is slain or victorious, soon we shall give him a great reward. - Surah 4:74
Those who believe fight in the cause of God, and those who reject faith fight in the cause of evil. - 4:76
But if they turn renegades, seize them and slay them wherever you find them. - 4:89
Therefore, we stirred among them enmity and hatred, which shall endure till the Day of Resurrection, when Allah will declare to them all that they have done. - 5:14
O believers, take not Jews and Christians as friends; they are friends of each other. Those of you who make them his friends is one of them. God does not guide an unjust people. - 5:54
Make war on them until idolatry is no more and Allah's religion reigns supreme - 8:39
O Prophet! Exhort the believers to fight. If there are 20 steadfast men among you, they shall vanquish 200; and if there are a hundred, they shall rout a thousand unbelievers, for they are devoid of understanding. - 8:65
It is not for any Prophet to have captives until he has made slaughter in the land. - 8:67
Allah will humble the unbelievers. Allah and His apostle are free from obligations to idol-worshipers. Proclaim a woeful punishment to the unbelievers. - 9:2-3
When the sacred months are over, slay the idolaters wherever you find them. Arrest them, besiege them, and lie in ambush everywhere for them. - 9:5
Believers! Know that idolators are unclean. - 9:28
Fight those who believe neither in God nor the Last Day, nor what has been forbidden by God and his messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, even if they are People of the Book, until they pay the tribute and have been humbled. - 9:29 (another source: ) The unbelievers are impure and their abode is hell. (another source: ) Humiliate the non-Muslims to such an extent that they surrender and pay tribute.
Whether unarmed or well-equipped, march on and fight for the cause of Allah, with your wealth and your persons. - 9:41
O Prophet! Make war on the unbelievers and the hypocrites. Be harsh with them. Their ultimate abode is hell, a hapless journey's end. - 9:73
Allah has purchased of their faithful lives and worldly goods, and in return has promised them the Garden. They will fight for His cause, kill and be killed. - 9:111
Fight unbelievers who are near to you. 9:123 (different translation:
Believers! Make war on the infidels who dwell around you. Let them find harshness in you. (another source: ) Ye who believe! Murder those of the disbelievers....
As for those who are slain in the cause of Allah, He will not allow their works to perish. He will vouchsafe them guidance and ennoble their state; He will admit them to the Paradise He has made known to them. - 10:4-15
Allah has cursed the unbelievers and proposed for them a blazing hell. - 33:60
Unbelievers are enemies of Allah and they will roast in hell. - 41:14
When you meet the unbelievers, smite their necks, then when you have made wide slaughter among them, tie fast the bonds, then set them free, either by grace or ransom, until the war lays down its burdens. - 47:4
(different translation: ) When you meet the unbelievers in the battlefield, strike off their heads, and when you have laid them low, bind your captives firmly.
Those who are slain in the way of Allah - he will never let their deeds be lost. Soon will he guide them and improve their condition, and admit them to the Garden, which he has announced for them. - 47:5
Muslims are harsh against the unbelievers, merciful to one another. - 48:25
Muhammad is Allah's apostle. Those who follow him are ruthless to the unbelievers but merciful to one another. Through them, Allah seeks to enrage the unbelievers. - 48:29
Prophet! Make war on the unbelievers and the hypocrites and deal sternly with them. Hell shall be their home, evil their fate. - 66:9
The unbelievers among the People of the Book and the pagans shall burn forever in the fire of hell. They are the vilest of all creatures. - 98:51
Fight them so that Allah may punish them at your hands, and put them to shame. (verse cited in Newsweek 2/11/02)
KORAN promises of houris in heaven:
Single-minded slaves of Allah... will be honored in the Gardens of delight, on couches facing one another; A cup from a gushing spring is brought round for them, white, delicious to the drinkers, wherein there is no headache nor are they made mad thereby. And with them are those of modest gaze, with lovely eyes, pure as they were hidden eggs. - Surah 37:40-49
Lo, for those who ward off evil is a happy journey's end, Gardens of Eden, whereof the gates are opened for the, wherein, reclining, they call for plenteous fruit and cool drink therein. And with them are those of modest gaze, companions. This it is that ye are promised for the Day of Reckoning. - 38:50-54
Lo! Those who kept their duty will be in a place secure, amid gardens and water-springs, attired in silk and silk embroidery, facing one another.... And we shall wed them unto fair ones with wide, lovely eyes. They call therein for every fruit in safety. They taste not death therein, save the first death. And He hath saved them from the doom of hell, a bounty from thy Lord. That is the supreme triumph. - 44:51-57
Lo! Those who kept their duty dwell in gardens and delight... reclining on ranged couches. And we wed them unto fair ones with wide, lovely eyes... and we provide them with fruit and meat such as they desire.... - 52:17-22
...Reclining upon couches lined with silk brocade, the fruit of both the gardens near to hand.... Therein are those of modest gaze, whom neither man nor jinni will have touched before them.... - 55:54-56
Those are they who will be brought nigh, in gardens of delight... reclining therein face to face. There wait on them immortal youths... and fair ones with wide, lovely eyes, like unto hidden pearls, reward for what they used to do.... Lo! We have created them a creation, and made them virgins, lovers, friends. - 56:11-37
(Different translation) Companions with beautiful, big and lustrous eyes... virgin-pure and undefiled

Quote (SecondGear @ Aug 25 2012 04:00am)
I'm sorry, I'd rather believe in someone who calls them self a prophet and writes a perfect book with no errors then a human being that was an eyewitness of Jesus and not Jesus himself. For all I know they could be lieing? Also if god chose those men why are they not prophets? And if god chose them why did he choose 4 people to write 4 versions of a book rather then one? To confuse us even more? No god did not choose these people to write about Jesus. They chose it themselves to confuse us. That is why Christianity is a corrupt religion. You preach whoredom and I will provide you evidence.

Ezekiel(Chapter 23, 3) And they committed whoredoms in Egypt; they committed whoredoms in their youth: there were their breasts pressed, and there they bruised the teats of their virginity.

^ There you go. I do what you do, take a quote out of context and prove Christianity preaches whoredom.

You talk about bad muslims, well let me tell you there are as many bad Christians as there are bad muslims. You don't know anything.

It's funny this whole convo we had. I have been trying to show you the truth while you have been trying to force me to convert to Christianity. I didn't once say convert to Islam I said open your mind. That's it.

First of all mohammad is a false prophet because his words contradict the word of God, the Bible. Secondly, the quran is chock full of errors, unlike the Bible.

There are so many mistakes and contradictions in the quran, here is a list of over 1000:


Wow, you are not even a good manipulator. Did I stick a gun to your head like the muslims do? Nope. Forcing you would be to use force. I haven't used violence, Christians don't do that, muslims do, then they LOVE to accuse the other side of doing exactly what they THEMSELVES actually do. That's why the muslims attack Israel all of the time, then accuse the poor victimized Jews of attacking the muslims when they relataliate. Your only fooling yourself. No one is fooled by it.

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Aug 24 2012 10:40pm
Quote (Ricelol @ Aug 25 2012 02:18pm)
I hope this is a joke.  There are 7 billion people on Earth and those assholes are on TV everyday.

There are 7 billion people on Earth NOW but what about the previous 2000 years before hand? You didn't take into consideration how many people there were on Earth per 100 years and how many of them will be in Heaven.

Not to mention the many people that did to go Heaven before Jesus's time here on Earth.
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