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Jul 12 2018 08:54am
Quote (Saucisson6000 @ Jul 12 2018 10:48am)
Amaing, you are just trying to make the bias existing in your mind "real" by posting the shit arranging you :lol:

Not at all. But it sure looks to me like if this continues, Europe is going to end up being France, Spain, Italy and Greece (which will be muslim)... and Norway, Sweden and Finland.
The UK ofc will always be there.

I think everyone in the world, pretty much, has a warm spot in their hearts for Europe. I for one, would hate to lose it.
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Jul 12 2018 10:23am
Quote (fender @ 12 Jul 2018 16:40)
oh right, it's the countries that aren't paying a retarded amounts of money to meet a ridiculous financial goal (which is a result of america waging war all over the world to feed the defence industry that owns their politicians) which is undermining NATO - not the bumbling idiot who keeps openly attacking his allies, accusing them publicly with falsehoods and lies, constantly questioning the alliance, and aggressively demanding payments in the most undiplomatic manner imaginable.

you know you've lost it when you're rooting for a foreign wannabe strong man and accuse the reasonable side of this argument of 'dismantling NATO'...

this "ridiculous financial goal" was agreed upon by everyone several times since the year 2002 and we simply did not deliver
its not like it would be a financial problem.....

the trump hysteria is real, when facts dont matter to spread your retarded fake narrative

just for your information, having an alliance means that you keep your promises and america has every right to question it, when we are not contributing the amount of money, troops and material we are supposed to

"Both former presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama regularly expressed frustration with NATO member countries for not spending more of their budgets on defense."
i agree that there is more it than just money and we do not owe anything

but.....but trump

i know that a discussion about responsibility is wasted on a wannabe anarchist
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Jul 12 2018 11:04am
Quote (Ghot @ 12 Jul 2018 15:54)
Not at all. But it sure looks to me like if this continues, Europe is going to end up being France, Spain, Italy and Greece (which will be muslim)... and Norway, Sweden and Finland.
The UK ofc will always be there.
I think everyone in the world, pretty much, has a warm spot in their hearts for Europe. I for one, would hate to lose it.

Nice delirium
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Jul 12 2018 11:14am
yes how dare the not buy oil from middle eastern theocracies that are at war with us, each other, and god knows who. with differing allegiance depending on the way the wind blows...

i don't like or trust russia, but i'd deal with them over the Sauds or Iranians any day. hell even dealing with the Venezualans looks more and more dicey
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Jul 12 2018 11:26am
Any dependence on Russia is foolish. It's to willingly enter a situation in which one can be readily extorted by crooks.
Mind you that in its' current state the U.S. seems like an erratic and unreliable ally.

Not good
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Jul 12 2018 11:29am
Quote (Gastly @ Jul 12 2018 11:26am)
Any dependence on Russia is foolish. It's to willingly enter a situation in which one can be readily extorted by crooks.
Mind you that in its' current state the U.S. seems like an erratic and unreliable ally.

Not good

invest in Solar/Wind power companies. I can see EU shrinking away from all foreign energy in the wake of this.
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Jul 12 2018 11:34am
Quote (thesnipa @ Jul 12 2018 05:29pm)
invest in Solar/Wind power companies. I can see EU shrinking away from all foreign energy in the wake of this.


This is a pretty cool initiative.

And we could also win massively by pouring more money inti ITER and future DEMO fusion reactors. Concentrating tech and knowledge in Europe could make us boatloads of money in the future.
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Jul 12 2018 11:37am
Quote (balrog66 @ Jul 12 2018 11:34am)

This is a pretty cool initiative.

And we could also win massively by pouring more money inti ITER and future DEMO fusion reactors. Concentrating tech and knowledge in Europe could make us boatloads of money in the future.

with the EU's stance on climate change already solid and now this public shaming on the Russia deal I think the timeline for clean energy across the continent is going up big time. I hope you guys start massively building infrastructure, if I'm lucky my company will get a job and I'll get a free trip across the pond to watch the install!
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Jul 12 2018 11:40am
Quote (thesnipa @ Jul 12 2018 05:37pm)
with the EU's stance on climate change already solid and now this public shaming on the Russia deal I think the timeline for clean energy across the continent is going up big time. I hope you guys start massively building infrastructure, if I'm lucky my company will get a job and I'll get a free trip across the pond to watch the install!

In my country we've had to wind down the gas pumps because of earthquakes starting to happen in the region. So the push for renewables is getting bigger, even though we are lagging behind compared to Norway or Germany.
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Jul 12 2018 11:42am
Quote (thesnipa @ Jul 12 2018 12:37pm)
if I'm lucky my company will get a job and I'll get a free trip across the pond to watch the install!

The long awaited snipa V sauc 1v1
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