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Apr 5 2024 02:21pm
Quote (DizzyBusiness @ Apr 5 2024 01:19pm)
There are more things in Heaven and Earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.

Mainly, Jesus toast.

Jesus is definitely a carbohydrate more than a protein.
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Apr 5 2024 03:14pm
Quote (Handcuffs @ 5 Apr 2024 15:08)
I think we view the ineffibility differently. There's nothing 'to get'. Enlightment via the relinquishing of the illusion of self can generate a subjective value to those who walk that path, but it is still a way of coping. I think Albert Camus was right when he said the primary philosophical question is that of suicide. Everything beyond that is absurdity.

You are right there is nothing "to get" but you get it anyway none the less. You were given life and yes if you want to take your own life go right ahead.

Swami Vivekananda was an atheist who put most of his early years into destroying religion. He believed religion should be intensely debated just as science is.

The atheism you practice is actually in Vivekananda's words the quickest way to realizing "God". Not because "God" even exists but because an atheist will cut through all the fantastical bullshit and have a clear mind that's not as corruptible to fallacies.

Have you ever quieted your mind entirely of thoughts? &&& I mean hours not a few minutes. Not one thought. Very few can do it without years of practice.

That's the joke of enlightenment or nirvana. You fooled yourself into believing something that is actually an illusion, really exists. You have to admit you are a fool. Most because of their ego will think there's something more.

How could enlightenment just be quieting your mind and achieving a thoughtless state? Sounds silly right?

When you do it though guess what happens? No more ego. No more identity. No more purpose. No more bondage. No more bullshit. No more.

&&& then there you are in total bliss realizing your entire existence up until that point felt like it had "meaning". It didn't. It was an illusion in your mind.

So when you say when you die it all goes black, your consciousness ceases to exist, no purpose, etc. etc. you are literally explaining "ego death" which you experience while you are still alive.

It is a great gift to experience ego-death earlier in life instead of the "death/anxiety" you mentioned that people carry with them out of fear of the unknown.

So you've already realized God just as everyone else in this thread you yourself though are scared to admit that because "God" to you means something entirely different because you were raised in the West.

Every man must develop according to his own nature. as every science has its methods, so has every religion. The methods of attaining the end of religions are called yoga by us, and the different forms of yoga we teach, are adapted to the different natures and temperaments of men. We classify them in the following way, under four heads:
Karma-Yoga— The manner in which a man realizes his own divinity through works and duty.
Bhakti-Yoga— The realization of the divinity through works and duty.
Raja-Yoga— The realization of the divinity through the control of the mind.
Jnana-Yoga— The realization of a man;s own divinity through knowledge

You practice Jnana Yoga unknowingly. Most atheist if that what you "claim to be" do.

You don't bow to an image of Jesus Christ and just pour pure emotion towards that idol. That's Bhakti Yoga. Pure devotion.

You don't think there's purpose to any of it so you don't believe in Karma Yoga because someone who believes in karma will act accordingly in their mind saying, "Ok if I repent of these sins or if I do a good deed I'll be rewarded" "I'll be balanced" "There will be no karmic debt"

You don't practice Raja Yoga because you aren't trying to control your mind your just letting it "do it's own thing". Non-attached.
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Apr 5 2024 03:16pm
Is no one going to mention the hexagon storm on Saturn?
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Apr 5 2024 03:18pm
Fear mongering by the social elites to keep the lower classes in line.
It's worked pretty good since ancient Egypt
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Apr 5 2024 03:19pm
Quote (SwamiVivekananda @ Apr 5 2024 03:20pm)
Most of the Bible in my honest opinion is metaphorical just like a lot of major Hindu scripture. A lot of scripture is written by devotees/disciples and isn't even the "word of" Christ/Buddha/Krishna/etc.

Who is the "I" in the Bible. Is it God? or is it just you? Is it not you reading a book in your own mind?

Who is the "We" in the Bible? Honest questions!

I'm not entirely sure I'm picking up what you're throwing down but the old testament is simply the story of the jews. Imo, the Bible is the same story being told over and over again, just with different people and circumstances. The Torah is supposed to be the literal word of God and everything after that is man's word.

Ya, you're reading a book narrated by God, so I guess the "we" is only mentioned in the beginning and everything after that is the history of Judaism. I believe in God because I like the idea that evil men get punished for their evil deeds in the lake of fire; it's the one point that the Bible really nails home.

I appreciate your dedication to eastern philosophy and Vedanta. Its good for someone to believe in a higher power and that theres meaning to everything we do on this earth, regardless of what religion you actually follow.

The lack of spirituality will be the death of the west.
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Apr 5 2024 03:37pm
Quote (Jupe @ Apr 5 2024 06:41am)


when your ready school me on scripture and take away my "cope" because its those words that convert people

Quote (Handcuffs @ Apr 5 2024 08:56am)
"God", in all its forms and iterations across history and culture, remain centrally connected to death anxiety for all mortal beings. A conscious mind yearns for some kind of significance, meaning, or purpose to all the suffering and uncertainty that they experience while alive, and it is too painful to the psyche to accept that you (we) are not special, that there is nothing after death, and that there is no God(s), Oneness, or Grand Unified Consciousness on the other side of death.

thats merely what you believe and so far its merely your own subjective reasoning or just some stuff you picked up from youtube antitheists and find it a "good" excuse.
the bigger problem, it doesnt pose a challenge to scripture.

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Apr 5 2024 03:41pm
Quote (sirthom @ 5 Apr 2024 16:16)
Is no one going to mention the hexagon storm on Saturn?

Explain more please.

I've seen some pictures and seen it explained away as a natural phenomena.

Very interesting though.

Quote (Bruv @ 5 Apr 2024 16:18)
Fear mongering by the social elites to keep the lower classes in line.
It's worked pretty good since ancient Egypt

That's where all western religion comes from. The Abrahamic faiths borrowing what Ancient Egypt preached for 2,000 years before Christ. The similarities' go on and on.

Sigmund Freud even postulated or was a firm believer that the 17th dynasty Pharaoh Akhenaten was the first "monotheist". He changed Egypt from a polytheistic religion to a monotheistic one and was killed and erased from history. His son Tutankhamun was then put on the throne and forced by the Amun brotherhood to bring back all the polytheistic gods. Some though remained loyal to Aten(the one and only god)(personified as the sun). They left Egypt and went and settled right where "Moses" brought down the 10 commandments. Some even go as far to say that Akhenaten was the Biblical Moses.

Many of the modern "Mystery schools" such as Masons/Rosicrucian's give reverence to Akhenaten before Christ because he lived 1,700 years before Christ. Not to say Christ was a copycat but if you look at time in a linear fashion you'll see Buddha saying the same thing in 600 BC. "Nothing new under the sun".

Quote (zorzin @ 5 Apr 2024 16:19)
I'm not entirely sure I'm picking up what you're throwing down but the old testament is simply the story of the jews. Imo, the Bible is the same story being told over and over again, just with different people and circumstances. The Torah is supposed to be the literal word of God and everything after that is man's word.

Ya, you're reading a book narrated by God, so I guess the "we" is only mentioned in the beginning and everything after that is the history of Judaism. I believe in God because I like the idea that evil men get punished for their evil deeds in the lake of fire; it's the one point that the Bible really nails home.

I appreciate your dedication to eastern philosophy and Vedanta. Its good for someone to believe in a higher power and that theres meaning to everything we do on this earth, regardless of what religion you actually follow.

The lack of spirituality will be the death of the west.

The whole reason I studied Vedanta was to build a better relationship with Jesus Christ. Vedantist believe all paths lead to God. I wasn't forced to read Hindu texts or Buddhist texts in fact my Swami advised me to just stick to my Catholic roots because when you start to "adopt" other religions you can vere off the path so to speak.

My parents weren't big on going to church. I didn't take CCD seriously. I didn't care about the "Bible" I thought it was all bullshit.

&&& then at 19 years old I almost died and was hospitalized for two weeks. During that time frame I came face to face with the "Devil". I had Jesus Christ come to my side. I stood at St. Peter's gate. God gave me a 2nd chance and I swore I'd do everything in my power to stop "lying to myself and others". I also experienced hallucinations/dreams where I was in "Atlantis" and I was seeing "Sanskrit writing on the walls of the ER. I had two Hindu doctors tell me I was mumbling Sanskrit even though I didn't even know what Sanskrit was. Hence why I went to a Hindu temple after and then studied for year and years to try and understand my experience.

That's why I'm more vocal then most about God.

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Apr 5 2024 03:48pm
Quote (SwamiVivekananda @ Apr 5 2024 04:41pm)
Explain more please.

I've seen some pictures and seen it explained away as a natural phenomena.

Very interesting though.

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Apr 5 2024 03:57pm
Quote (SwamiVivekananda @ Apr 5 2024 09:29am)
This death anxiety you speak of comes from Western Abrahamic religions who say God is judging you based on your deeds/actions and you are going to heaven/hell based upon that.

This is why Christians, Muslims, and Jews are so panicked that they aren't living up to Gods expectations when in reality they are God and only your own expectations for yourself exist.

I would know I was raised Catholic and definitely had the fear of God in me but after studying Eastern philosophy all those notions fade away. Everything you mentioned in terms of death anxiety has specific philosophies surrounding it. If you studied it you'd know that for anything man can contemplate in his mind there is a scripture or type of yoga that supports that. Some sects say God doesn't exist there is no purpose. Other side says God exists and God is the purpose. Another will say you are both wrong.

The Eastern philosophies have an answer for EVERY question you may have regarding this existence. The Western philosophies say, "You can only believe this or God hates you".

Exactly and until you believe in yourself and know thyself you'll always be living in fear of some unknown instead of accepting some things are not knowable namely God.

Because it's easier to be friends with something that loves you unconditionally. A dog will never judge you or belittle you. Only humans are capable of that level of degeneracy. :wallbash:

thats not based in scripture

Salvation is not a reward for the good things we have done, so none of us can boast about it. For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: not of works, lest any man should boast.
Ephesians 2:8-9

Quote (Handcuffs @ Apr 5 2024 09:36am)
Death anxiety does not originate from Western Abrahamic religions; it is a characteristic inherent to mortal conscious experience.

ok why?

Quote (SwamiVivekananda @ Apr 5 2024 09:54am)
So no other living creature has such death anxiety and automatically accepts it's fate regardless.

Only when humans made it out of "survival" did they even develop a language to try and give meaning to the meaningless.

Only when humans could SIT and DWELL did they begin to postulate that. For thousands of years humans didn't have the luxury to "think" and "ponder"/ "contemplate" unknowns. They were literally just trying to survive the day.

The origin of that death anxiety is almost entirely from that western ethos. People in the EAST accepted that destruction and creation were one and the same whereas in Abrahmic faiths like I said the destructive part of human nature is controlled by some sinister force/entity like the Devil/Jin/etc. all fabrications of the mind. The EAST bows to Kali(the goddess of destruction) because without her creation doesn't exist. Everything is destroyed and reborn but only the west see's destruction as the work of a "bad god" because their scriptures lead you to believe only "God" has power and you are nothing.

Long before Jesus said, "I am the father, the son, and the holy spirit" Buddhist were saying the exact same thing. Jesus was just the first to be killed for saying it.

In Eastern philosophy you are GOD and so all things fall on you. Whereas in Western philosophy you could never be God and to think that is blasphemy.

God means different things to different people across different cultures/traditions.

East says the power of God is within you(much like Jesus when he said the Kingdom of heaven is within you). West says bow down before Almighty god or face his wrath. Fear leads to faith and that's why Western religions(Abrahmic) have succeeded in spreading their religion. Fear of God. "Oh no if we don't convert these people God will punish us". "Oh no if I do something bad God will punish me". That's a fabrication of the mind.

Genesis 3:5
“For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.”
King James Version (KJV)

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Apr 5 2024 04:08pm
Quote (Loipisdead @ Apr 5 2024 09:54am)
Only correct answer.
Being dead is the equivalent of before you were born. Nothing. Once your brain goes your consciousness goes with it ( should be common sense ). Even if something DID create us, it would have no more hold or control over our lives than the life we create in the refrigerator. There is no hell, no heaven, no afterlife. We get ONE life, that's it. We are as insignificant as the ant you kill on your kitchen counter, who also doesn't go to a afterlife when it dies

thats just your coping mechanism and it doesnt challenge scripture

Quote (Handcuffs @ Apr 5 2024 10:09am)
Any iteration, East or West, is still rooted in death anxiety. It is too painful to the psyche to accept that there is no meaning, purpose, or narrative around one's existence. Even so-called cycles of destruction and rebirth are anthropomorphized projections.

if that were true then i could just go back to drinking and not worry about it. thats were i was at one point in my studies. once i found that God was proved through scripture did i have a problem.

Quote (Handcuffs @ Apr 5 2024 10:27am)
The idea that "You (we) will go on in some form" is wishful fantasy that distorts science and the conservation of energy for self-absorbed human desires. Consciousness is merely an emergent, evolved phenomenon that has been beneficial for survival.

can you articulate the process that brought you to this belief? you just saw it some were and liked it?

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