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Dec 2 2021 12:53am
Quote (fender @ Dec 1 2021 10:24pm)
you know you don't have an argument if you have to invent one that literally no one made...

Oh man. You dun' asked for it son. Sit down and listen for a bit! Are ya listenin'?

*deep breath*

When we say that, it is a statement on the manipulative wording by the media. FUCKING... DUH!

If it was a white driver, they wouldn't be saying anything about how an SUV did it. They'd be saying a white guy did it. And don't call all fucking autistic on me - we all know how people read headlines, and so does the media.

I have... a lot of arguments, dumb dumb. This shit writes itself. Open and shut case. Your side = bad. Killed innocent people. You lose.
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Dec 2 2021 01:41am
Quote (Nibthebarb @ 2 Dec 2021 07:53)
Oh man. You dun' asked for it son. Sit down and listen for a bit! Are ya listenin'?

*deep breath*

When we say that, it is a statement on the manipulative wording by the media. FUCKING... DUH!

If it was a white driver, they wouldn't be saying anything about how an SUV did it. They'd be saying a white guy did it. And don't call all fucking autistic on me - we all know how people read headlines, and so does the media.

I have... a lot of arguments, dumb dumb. This shit writes itself. Open and shut case. Your side = bad. Killed innocent people. You lose.

i tried to find a headline saying or even just suggesting that the SUV "acted on its own", let alone that one becomes a nazi for questioning that absurd narrative. could you link me just ONE article that supports your initial claim, or do you admit it's something no one ever said, and that you're full of shit, by not providing such evidence?

also, i'm happy to report that the murderer is definitely not on "my side", whatever you mean by that since the motive is still unknown afaik. that said, my side rejects killers. i'm not a right winger who celebrates them.
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Dec 2 2021 04:10am
Quote (Nibthebarb @ Dec 2 2021 01:53am)
Oh man. You dun' asked for it son. Sit down and listen for a bit! Are ya listenin'?

*deep breath*

When we say that, it is a statement on the manipulative wording by the media. FUCKING... DUH!

If it was a white driver, they wouldn't be saying anything about how an SUV did it. They'd be saying a white guy did it. And don't call all fucking autistic on me - we all know how people read headlines, and so does the media.

I have... a lot of arguments, dumb dumb. This shit writes itself. Open and shut case. Your side = bad. Killed innocent people. You lose.

They also would have actually covered the story and followed up on it.

The 15 year old school shooter was charged with terrorism.

This life long felon scumbag got murder charges.

They both going to do life, but it is the principle.

The Oxford story will get even more coverage than you’d think (which was already a lot) because the media is desperately trying NOT to cover Darrel brooks.


They fucking love looking into this kid’s social media and talking about it. Have you seen the shit on Darrel brooks’ social media???

This post was edited by WickedDarkJuggalos on Dec 2 2021 04:13am
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Dec 2 2021 04:21am
Now the scum fuck’s MOTHER is going public about how the system failed him, and is shifting blame to the prison system.

I am so sick of this bullshit fucking leftist talk. It is not the fault of the prison system that this sick racist fuck went and massacred 60 people.

You know what? The media is going to just end it there. ABSOLUTELY NO PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY!

Oh he was mentally ill, it is the country’s fault he ran over those people.

Sorry but I am so fucking angry about this. This is how the country is going to remember the incident. Mass murder, but it is the system’s fault and we need to put LESS people in prison and just medicate them.

So fucking mad I don’t even care. If you think this is okay you are a sick fucking person.
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Dec 2 2021 04:54am
Quote (WickedDarkJuggalos @ 2 Dec 2021 11:21)
Now the scum fuck’s MOTHER is going public about how the system failed him, and is shifting blame to the prison system.

I am so sick of this bullshit fucking leftist talk. It is not the fault of the prison system that this sick racist fuck went and massacred 60 people.

You know what? The media is going to just end it there. ABSOLUTELY NO PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY!

Oh he was mentally ill, it is the country’s fault he ran over those people.

Sorry but I am so fucking angry about this. This is how the country is going to remember the incident. Mass murder, but it is the system’s fault and we need to put LESS people in prison and just medicate them.

So fucking mad I don’t even care. If you think this is okay you are a sick fucking person.

you seem to be mad a lot. have you thought about medicating maybe? why do you take that so personally?

seriously calm down, kid. as of yet there is no evidence this was a racially motivated attack, at least according to official statements. i know the right wing is desperate to spin it that way, because they erroneously believe that would magically change the fact that the overwhelming majority of politically motivated mass killings (and attempts) are right wing terrorism, but facts simply don't care about your feelings and wishes.

that said, the guy seems to be a massive scumbag, a real piece of human garbage, and even IF his motives were political / racial in nature i am sure you won't find ANYONE on the left to condone his actions, let alone celebrate him like the right worships the likes of dylann roof, george zimmerman, or kyle rittenhouse...
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Dec 2 2021 07:35am
Quote (WickedDarkJuggalos @ Dec 2 2021 04:21am)
Now the scum fuck’s MOTHER is going public about how the system failed him, and is shifting blame to the prison system.

I am so sick of this bullshit fucking leftist talk. It is not the fault of the prison system that this sick racist fuck went and massacred 60 people.

You know what? The media is going to just end it there. ABSOLUTELY NO PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY!

Oh he was mentally ill, it is the country’s fault he ran over those people.

Sorry but I am so fucking angry about this. This is how the country is going to remember the incident. Mass murder, but it is the system’s fault and we need to put LESS people in prison and just medicate them.

So fucking mad I don’t even care. If you think this is okay you are a sick fucking person.

From the media, it was a black SUV that did it.
Vehicles don't have mothers. :bonk:
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Dec 2 2021 10:07am
Quote (fender @ Dec 2 2021 02:54am)
you seem to be mad a lot. have you thought about medicating maybe? why do you take that so personally?


seriously calm down, kid. as of yet there is no evidence this was a racially motivated attack, at least according to official statements.

So your debate tactic is "u mad?"


About the nature of the attack, official statements under massive politival pressure aside, are you taking the stance that the SUV did it and the guy inside it has absolutely no racial animus?
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Dec 2 2021 11:24am
Quote (Nibthebarb @ 2 Dec 2021 17:07)
So your debate tactic is "u mad?"


About the nature of the attack, official statements under massive politival pressure aside, are you taking the stance that the SUV did it and the guy inside it has absolutely no racial animus?

i tried to find a headline saying or even just suggesting that the SUV "acted on its own", let alone that one becomes a nazi for questioning that absurd narrative. could you link me just ONE article that supports your initial claim, or do you admit it's something no one ever said, and that you're full of shit, by not providing such evidence?

also, i'm happy to report that the murderer is definitely not on "my side", whatever you mean by that since the motive is still unknown afaik. that said, my side rejects killers. i'm not a right winger who celebrates them.

just what i thought...
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Dec 2 2021 11:59am
Quote (fender @ Dec 2 2021 09:24am)
just what i thought...

I already explained this to you.

When the scores of people, not just me, make references to the SUV acting on its own, it's not to be taken verbatim, as in, someone literally said those words. That's not how anything works, ever.

What we are saying as that there is obvious, glaring media bias in how they word things. They say it's a "parade crash" or an "accident". Among dozens of other things. I already linked you one picture from 0.5 seconds of google search, but it's everywhere.

I understand this is an abstract concept, and you're not a very bright person attempting to 1-up someone on the internet with 15 year old memes, but try harder.
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Dec 2 2021 12:27pm
Quote (Nibthebarb @ 2 Dec 2021 18:59)
I already explained this to you.

When the scores of people, not just me, make references to the SUV acting on its own, it's not to be taken verbatim, as in, someone literally said those words. That's not how anything works, ever.

What we are saying as that there is obvious, glaring media bias in how they word things. They say it's a "parade crash" or an "accident". Among dozens of other things. I already linked you one picture from 0.5 seconds of google search, but it's everywhere.

I understand this is an abstract concept, and you're not a very bright person attempting to 1-up someone on the internet with 15 year old memes, but try harder.

you mean like evil media is calling it "school-shooting" even though the school didn't shoot anyone, clearly and nefariously trying to protect the shooter and blaming a building? obvious and glaring bias imo. or like known right wing publication npr is trying to downplay the charlottesville attack by calling it a "car attack": https://www.npr.org/2021/11/08/1053690747/charlottesville-car-attack-united-the-right-white-national-organizers

scores of people referenced it that way, so where is your fabricated outrage over that? oh right, your agenda is to play up something that fits your political narrative, you can't actually support any of your idiotic claims with actual evidence, or even just a coherent argument... just another right wing hack, mindlessly regurgitating low effort culture war propaganda...
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