Quote (duffman316 @ Aug 12 2021 10:13am)
These fanatics are overtaking online spaces, academia , and the medical field
They come in screeching about how oppressed they are and everyone just bends over backwards to accomodate them at every turn 🤔
while i agree, the effect they have is lagging.
LGBTQA+ people will go on asking their 5 year old each day what gender pronouns they want to use, idiotic hollywood leftists will post SHE/HER in their bios, and normal people will continue calling the one with a peepee a boy and buy a dollie for the one without.
Trans activists would have stopped years ago if idiots just called trans women Her and trans men Him. instead we had idiots like Ben Shapiro turning clips of him calling trans people their birth gender to build a brand on and the pool stagnated into the rotten mess it is now. If someone asks me to call them Admiral Ackbar i'll do it because it's polite, i dont know why "facts" ever had to trump plain old politeness.