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May 27 2020 09:08am
Quote (Budgeting @ May 27 2020 10:00am)
farm bailouts and corporate bail outs are another form of socialism.

trump = a socialist.

Let’s use our big brains now.
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May 27 2020 09:54am
Quote (InsaneBobb @ May 27 2020 11:06am)
You mean bailing out small businesses from lockdown mandates handed down by the states?

You seem to be missing something: If a business cannot do business, and therefore provide their livelihood due specifically to the dictates of the government, then the government's responsibility is to compensate them for their lost livelihood. These so-called "bailouts" are nothing more than the Federal government picking up the states' bill. And the CARE act did not allow for any business over 500 employees. So if you're talking about corporate bailouts, maybe you're referring to airlines or auto manufacturers. Which would be Obama. :)

completely ignored the farm bailouts from his own tariff war.

btw, explain how tariffs work, i wonder if you are as dumb as trump.

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May 27 2020 09:59am
Quote (Budgeting @ May 27 2020 11:00am)
farm bailouts and corporate bail outs are another form of socialism.

trump = a socialist.

The farm bailouts are only a few billion.

The corporate bailouts like oil and corn go back 30 years. Even if Trump doesnt like them itd be a massive undertaking to undo.
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May 27 2020 10:04am
Quote (Budgeting @ May 27 2020 08:54am)
completely ignored the farm bailouts from his own tariff war.

btw, explain how tariffs work, i wonder if you are as dumb as trump.

Tariffs are a way to protect the American worker, primarily.

If a company or industry can hire 100 Chinese workers for the price of 1 US worker, and produce 20x the product, to the point where transportation and import costs are meaningless, there's still going to be a mass profit over producing goods in the US, then US workers lose jobs and US production is stunted. In the short term, the profits those companies will bring in will make the economy look like it's booming. Long term, the companies will bank elsewhere, so what ends up happening is that the product is produced elsewhere for pennies on the dollar to the cost it could be made here, employing slave or virtual slave labor, then sold here for just under the price of goods produced here, racking in massive profits. The profits go to offshore accounts, removing them from the US Economy entirely. Long term, America's production is reduced to shit, unemployment goes through the roof, and the globalist corporation doesn't give a fuck, because they can bank and do business anywhere. And are, which is exactly why they're praising China and insulting trump over the China Virus.

Tariffs are a way to bring costs of Chinese-produced goods into a line where they're forced to account for sub-human working conditions and employee treatment.

Then again, you're probably one of those who believes the Human Rights Council is the ultimate authority when they say that China and Venezuela have the bestest workers rights EVER, and don't even question that China was on the council untill... Was it last year or this year? And Venezuela is on the council now (just LOL).

You want a UBI, you want a massive minimum wage, you want free healthcare, you want free housing. You want free free free. What happens when it doesn't matter because all production is coming out of China anyhow, and they stop the supply of goods because your money is worthless?
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May 27 2020 11:35am

privileged lefty weinstein worshipper and (D) lover 'kathy griffin' makes violent threats against politicians she doesn't agree with
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May 27 2020 11:41am
Quote (excellence @ May 27 2020 10:35am)

privileged lefty weinstein worshipper and (D) lover 'kathy griffin' makes violent threats against politicians she doesn't agree with

She's trying so hard to be relevant. It's almost cute. Wasn't her last bit a severed trump head thing? She's so adorable.

She reminds me of one of those miniature dogs that're so small even a North Korean wouldn't consider them worth eating going and barking up a storm to a cat. The cat looks at it, tries to back off and get some space, and the dog follows barking nonstop. Cat finally gets pissed and MAULS the little fucker. Dog limps off yelping and screaming like a bitch, and the cat licks itself furiously like, "What the fuck was I just infected by? Dear god!"

So yeah, Griffin's a bitch. What else is new?
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May 27 2020 11:55am
Quote (InsaneBobb @ May 27 2020 09:04am)
Tariffs are a way to protect the American worker, primarily.

If a company or industry can hire 100 Chinese workers for the price of 1 US worker, and produce 20x the product, to the point where transportation and import costs are meaningless, there's still going to be a mass profit over producing goods in the US, then US workers lose jobs and US production is stunted. In the short term, the profits those companies will bring in will make the economy look like it's booming. Long term, the companies will bank elsewhere, so what ends up happening is that the product is produced elsewhere for pennies on the dollar to the cost it could be made here, employing slave or virtual slave labor, then sold here for just under the price of goods produced here, racking in massive profits. The profits go to offshore accounts, removing them from the US Economy entirely. Long term, America's production is reduced to shit, unemployment goes through the roof, and the globalist corporation doesn't give a fuck, because they can bank and do business anywhere. And are, which is exactly why they're praising China and insulting trump over the China Virus.

Tariffs are a way to bring costs of Chinese-produced goods into a line where they're forced to account for sub-human working conditions and employee treatment.

Then again, you're probably one of those who believes the Human Rights Council is the ultimate authority when they say that China and Venezuela have the bestest workers rights EVER, and don't even question that China was on the council untill... Was it last year or this year? And Venezuela is on the council now (just LOL).

You want a UBI, you want a massive minimum wage, you want free healthcare, you want free housing. You want free free free. What happens when it doesn't matter because all production is coming out of China anyhow, and they stop the supply of goods because your money is worthless?

I just don't understand why this is a bad thing...this is tremendously beneficial to the consumer and is much more efficient economically. I think the problem is that we don't have any transition plan for the American workers who are displaced.
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May 27 2020 11:59am
Quote (thundercock @ May 27 2020 10:55am)
I just don't understand why this is a bad thing...this is tremendously beneficial to the consumer and is much more efficient economically. I think the problem is that we don't have any transition plan for the American workers who are displaced.

So slavery is super because pro consumer?
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May 27 2020 12:01pm
Quote (InsaneBobb @ May 27 2020 01:59pm)
So slavery is super because pro consumer?

The alternative for poor chinese men is starving or getting paid less in a domestic job, so I think they are benefitting a fair amount from the exchange.
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May 27 2020 12:10pm
Quote (InsaneBobb @ May 27 2020 10:59am)
So slavery is super because pro consumer?

Slavery is an emotionally charged word that doesn't accurately describe what goes on in SE Asia and other manufacturing regions in the world. Do millions of people work for shit wages in shit conditions? Absolutely. However, it appears necessary in order to create a middle class and to transition into a service based economy. If you don't have that transition, you're pretty much stuck in an agrarian society or some sort of economic model that primarily relies on natural resource extraction. There's almost no room for upward mobility in those societies.

I'm really not a fan of penalizing a country for having lower standards of living. Should America be penalized by the rest of the world for not providing universal healthcare? I don't think so because each country has a different set of values and economic conditions. Maybe we should invest in better education and job training programs instead of penalizing the entire planet (including American consumers).
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