Quote (bogie160 @ 26 Sep 2020 18:16)
The prosecution dropped charges against Kraft because the judge threw out the video evidence, leaving the prosecution with absolutely no chance of winning a case in court.
The implication that Kraft got off because he's a rich white man the prosecution didn't really want to charge, is completely inaccurate. To the contrary, the prosecution fought long and hard to use the video evidence (deemed a violation of privacy) because nabbing Kraft was the crown jewel of the entire case.
if you actually had an IQ above room temperature, you'd realise that my point wasn't that the charges against kraft were dropped because there is a law that explicitly states "if you're at least a millionaire, all of this doesn't apply to you", but that it's blatantly obvious that the rich and powerful have the resources to make i that way, while the poor and exploited don't, and will face the whole force of it. that's why your prisons are filled with (mostly poor and minority) non-violent drug offenders, while the people who crashed the economy and ruined countless existences are free...
of course this only played out this way because he is rich. no way some poor fuck would have had the lawyers to get them out of this mess. you'd have to be a complete fool to actually dispute that, lol.
america has a shitty two tier justice system, and it's not your 'patriotic duty' to DEFEND that - a true patriot would acknowledge and try to CHANGE it, lol. what you're doing is called jingoism.