Quote (ofthevoid @ Sep 17 2020 10:47am)
Holy fuck is privilege seeping through in this post. I don’t think I’ve seen a better example of #firstworldproblems. This has to be a really good troll attempt right?
I was at the dmv 3 weeks ago, you’re making it sound like people are being asked to storm the beaches of Normandy. At worst you’re going to waste a day waiting in line and dealing with some rude overworked public employee.
I was using my family's experience to illustrate a point that it's not as easy as we make it out to be b/c the government is inefficient AF. Imagine being dirt poor and not having the ability to hire someone to stand in line for you. That's lost income that's absolutely necessary.
I 100% support voter ID in theory because adding additional layers of protection is always a good thing if it doesn't inconvenience anyone. The problem is that most of the time, the laws are used to intentionally disenfranchise people which is pretty messed up. You end up slightly more secure but the amount of people who are unable to exercise a
constitutional right diminishes, sometimes substantially. In short, you do more harm than good. For example, an ID should be used to verify WHO you are, right? Shouldn't an expired passport issued by the US government work if you look exactly the same on the picture? Well, a lot of states won't allow you to vote unless the ID is up to date! It just doesn't seem like it's being done in earnest.
I guess the question becomes, what is your risk tolerance for voting? How many people should we disenfranchise for every cheater we catch (very similar to the how many innocent people should we put in prison problem)? Is the answer 10 people? 1000 people? A million?