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Apr 8 2015 10:50am
Quote (AspenSniper @ Apr 8 2015 11:49am)
What did you do for the 3 months after you graduated? Interview/apply right? Why couldn't you work? I'm assuming you were granted the benefit I did when I graduated, I was living at home and didn't need to. I worked by choice anyways though because I wanted to own my own home by age 23 (which I do.)

Oh please, those managers don't think that deeply into it. Go apply to 20 retail/restaurant places and 1/20 will snag you in 2 seconds. Just say you need extra cash and aren't ashamed to work for minimum wage. They'll respect you and hire you. I've done that too.

I agree, I own a home now and $500/month wouldn't pay for shit. That's why I worked hard and got a 2nd job on weekends to create savings for a rainy day. Even before I was making 6 figures I was making $35k in my first "big boy job" and I was banking $500 of that per month in savings living extremely frugal. Had I lost my job just 6 months in, i'd have $3000 to play with til I got a new job.

You have some unrealistic expectations..

Good on you for having drive and motivation and intelligence and a good support network .

There are those out there who cannot ever get any higher than menial work and if they lose that job everything poofs.

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Apr 8 2015 10:53am
Quote (kalelvszod @ Apr 8 2015 12:48pm)
one of the most ignorant things iv seen posted. people that went to school for years and unfortunately lost their job should have to seddle for a piss poor minimum wage job until they find one? i dont think so the whole point of unemployment is so you can pay your bills while looking for work in the field you studied for. Most workers pay into EI the whole time they are employed so its not like they are stealing. Its very easy to find minimum wage jobs and its also easy to get trapped at one if your stuck working their for a long time. HIgher paying jobs are in much shorter supply and sometimes takes months to get a job in their field .and why the fuck would someone want to seddle for a noodle diet for months your mind state is completely irrational seeing people like you post this shit makes me mad if i saw you irl id prolly beat the shit out of you. thought people with tt/med tags are supposed to be leaders and have a brain..all i see here is a damn fool

well explained, insults were not necessary to

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Apr 8 2015 10:55am
Quote (2sexy4u @ Apr 8 2015 12:53pm)
well explained, insults were not necessary to

tru i apologize just fed up with the arrogance of ppl on this site and in the world
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Apr 8 2015 10:57am
Quote (kalelvszod @ Apr 8 2015 11:48am)
one of the most ignorant things iv seen posted. people that went to school for years and unfortunately lost their job should have to seddle for a piss poor minimum wage job until they find one? i dont think so the whole point of unemployment is so you can pay your bills while looking for work in the field you studied for. Most workers pay into EI the whole time they are employed so its not like they are stealing. Its very easy to find minimum wage jobs and its also easy to get trapped at one if your stuck working their for a long time. HIgher paying jobs are in much shorter supply and sometimes takes months to get a job in their field .and why the fuck would someone want to seddle for a noodle diet for months your mind state is completely irrational seeing people like you post this shit makes me mad if i saw you irl id prolly beat the shit out of you. thought people with tt/med tags are supposed to be leaders and have a brain..all i see here is a damn fool

If you unfortunately lose your job (as I have once before), you should either 1. have saved enough so that you aren't in dire straits and can bide time or 2. need to work and scrape by with a lower paying job until you can get accepted at one that pays you more like you were previously.

To your point about paying into unemployment, then I change my philosophy. Workers should only be able to take out what they put into unemployment benefits. So those who paid more into it can extract more, those who paid little, cant pull much out. I'm fine with that.

If you "get trapped" at a low paying job, that's your own damn fault. Work hard, get out of that situation and into a better one.

Quote (bitg_pj @ Apr 8 2015 11:50am)
You have some unrealistic expectations..

Good on you for having drive and motivation and intelligence and a good support network .

There are those out there who cannot ever get any higher than menial work and if they lose that job everything poofs.

Unrealistic? How? I have given so many easy examples in this thread. Being a server/waiter is an easy job to snag and you can easily make a living with that. Not happy doing it? Do it til you get a better job that suits you. Plenty of jobs pay enough to live a decent life. You might have roommates, you might have to use Cricket wireless until you can afford Verizon again, you might have to give up nice meals for canned ones, but that should all be temporary if you can motivate yourself to strive to a better career.

Good for me on having drive and motivation? That isn't good for just me, that should be how every person is. You're just saying ah well most people aren't motivated and intelligent. So we should do what then, reward people for not having the drive to make a good living and instead let them mooch? Please....

Separately, lol, I have no views on religion. I'm not very religious at all. I vote about half republicans and half democrats when I vote. I lean left on social issues and right on fiscal issues. Not sure how that got brought into this.

This post was edited by AspenSniper on Apr 8 2015 11:12am
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Apr 8 2015 10:58am
Quote (IceMage @ Apr 8 2015 11:48am)
Ah, so a person in the crowd of a Republican primary debate says something horribly insensitive... and that represents the Christian conservative viewpoint?

I thought atheists claimed to use logic?

clearly you didn't watch this

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Apr 8 2015 11:06am
Quote (duffman316 @ Apr 8 2015 11:58am)
clearly you didn't watch this


Ah, so a couple vocal people, and a few more people who clapped represent the Christian conservative viewpoint?

It's sad to see what goes on inside your head.
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Apr 8 2015 11:11am
Quote (duffman316 @ Apr 8 2015 12:58pm)
clearly you didn't watch this


So a few people in the audience of a heated debate were worked up about personal responsibility, freedom and ending socialized medicine and shouted 'yeah'.
Not representative of every christian conservative viewpoint.
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Apr 8 2015 11:11am
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Apr 8 2015 11:15am
Quote (IceMage @ Apr 8 2015 12:06pm)
Ah, so a couple vocal people, and a few more people who clapped represent the Christian conservative viewpoint?

It's sad to see what goes on inside your head.

none of the candidates rebuked these outbursts which tells you about the people they are catering to and i don't recall any condemnation of these events from conservative media sources following this event

not sure why you try so hard to deny the obvious which is that conservatives do not care for the poor

you seem to be suffering from stockholm syndrome

Quote (cambovenzi @ Apr 8 2015 12:11pm)
So a few people in the audience of a heated debate were worked up about personal responsibility, freedom and ending socialized medicine and shouted 'yeah'.
Not representative of every christian conservative viewpoint.

i like how you justify calls to let people die

This post was edited by duffman316 on Apr 8 2015 11:16am
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Apr 8 2015 11:21am
Quote (duffman316 @ Apr 8 2015 01:15pm)

i like how you justify calls to let people die

Another scummy old college try.

Yes I explained a situation where that happened. People can get worked up and sometimes they say not nice things. How terrible of me to say that.
Time to be a big boy and stop grossly misrepresenting people.
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