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Posts: 51,950
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Sep 16 2014 08:55am
Quote (WidowMaKer_MK @ Sep 16 2014 06:56am)
...the mistake that was made by including the unteachable because of handicap under our mandatory schooling laws is a separate issue and needs to be adjusted but you don't stop educating the masses because  some kids are incapable of learning . ( btw , I exxxed out that word because it can trigger the word filter )

I didn't/don't consider the issue separately. If the OP question were reworded to include <insert the PC term of your choice>, would you alter your answer?
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Sep 16 2014 09:00am
Quote (Santara @ Sep 16 2014 10:55am)
I didn't/don't consider the issue separately. If the OP question were reworded to include <insert the PC term of your choice>, would you alter your answer?

...but I do because they are separate issues .

If the question was worded to say should education be mandatory for every person no matter the level of their cognitive dysfunction I would answer no .
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Sep 16 2014 09:02am
Quote (Santara @ Sep 16 2014 09:55am)
I didn't/don't consider the issue separately. If the OP question were reworded to include <insert the PC term of your choice>, would you alter your answer?

We have individualized education plans for people who would otherwise hold the class back.

If you're talking about disruptive children, then the discipline problem comes from the home. By putting that kid out of school you're just setting him up for further failure. Many troubled kids group up to become functional and well living adults given time. If discipline becomes too big of a problem, there are other schools for kids like that with professionals who have trained intensely to deal with incorrigible kids and try to put them back on track, regardless of where they came from or what other type of determinants are in the way.

And the ones that fail still deserve the shot, because if we stop giving shots to people we would miss a lot of people who really deserve it and who can actually succeed by our standards, and consequentially we will end up creating some super-lower class of untouchables like the lower caste in India who would just generationally become further and further entrenched in poverty, suffering, and death. That I think is too much inequality for even libertarians.

This post was edited by Skinned on Sep 16 2014 09:03am
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Sep 16 2014 09:04am
Quote (Skinned @ Sep 17 2014 01:02am)
We have individualized education plans for people who would otherwise hold the class back.

If you're talking about disruptive children, then the discipline problem comes from the home.  By putting that kid out of school you're just setting him up for further failure.  Many troubled kids group up to become functional and well living adults given time.  If discipline becomes too big of a problem, there are other schools for kids like that with professionals who have trained intensely to deal with incorrigible kids and try to put them back on track, regardless of where they came from or what other type of determinants are in the way.

And the ones that fail still deserve the shot, because if we stop giving shots to people we would miss a lot of people who really deserve it and who can actually succeed by our standards, and consequentially we will end up creating some super-lower class of untouchables like the lower caste in India who would just generationally become further and further entrenched in poverty, suffering, and death.  That I think is too much inequality for even libertarians.

not too mention that the disruptive children can be appropriately dealt with by the teacher..

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Sep 16 2014 09:11am
Quote (FrozenWater @ Sep 16 2014 10:04am)
not too mention that the disruptive children can be appropriately dealt with by the teacher..

To a degree. Some kids don't make it and completely fail in socialization, and other kids can't be taught the same thing through the usual channels.

But yeah, teachers initiate the smackdown everyday; they are truly on the front lines. It sucks that the profession is so often under attack, with their opponents wanting to degrade their profession to the level of service worker.

This post was edited by Skinned on Sep 16 2014 09:11am
Posts: 51,950
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Sep 16 2014 09:12am
Quote (Skinned @ Sep 16 2014 10:02am)
We have individualized education plans for people who would otherwise hold the class back.

If you're talking about disruptive children, then the discipline problem comes from the home.  By putting that kid out of school you're just setting him up for further failure.  Many troubled kids group up to become functional and well living adults given time.  If discipline becomes too big of a problem, there are other schools for kids like that with professionals who have trained intensely to deal with incorrigible kids and try to put them back on track, regardless of where they came from or what other type of determinants are in the way.

And the ones that fail still deserve the shot, because if we stop giving shots to people we would miss a lot of people who really deserve it and who can actually succeed by our standards, and consequentially we will end up creating some super-lower class of untouchables like the lower caste in India who would just generationally become further and further entrenched in poverty, suffering, and death.  That I think is too much inequality for even libertarians.

I am well aware of this. I just got home from dropping some of these kids off at school using a "protected car." A protected car is a retired police cruiser that still has the barrier in place to protect the driver from being assaulted while driving at highway speeds by students. I have to drive them in a protected car precisely because they assaulted their driver while he was driving on the highway. These kids have a disconnect in their brains that rather prevents them from understanding the consequences of their actions. This particular student has no recollection of the assault in the first place. He would be better served in an institution.
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Sep 16 2014 09:22am
Quote (Santara @ Sep 16 2014 10:12am)
I am well aware of this. I just got home from dropping some of these kids off at school using a "protected car." A protected car is a retired police cruiser that still has the barrier in place to protect the driver from being assaulted while driving at highway speeds by students. I have to drive them in a protected car precisely because they assaulted their driver while he was driving on the highway. These kids have a disconnect in their brains that rather prevents them from understanding the consequences of their actions. This particular student has no recollection of the assault in the first place. He would be better served in an institution.

Possibly, and if he continues this route he will end up in one. It is possible he has major undiagnosed mental illness...schizophrenia usually doesn't start rearing its head until very late teens and early adulthood. It is really hard to assess people like that because you never quite know what is delusion and what is lie.

Him putting other students in danger is generally the tipping point. I think it should take a lot for people to be institutionalized, because once in very few get out, and they are no place you really want to be.
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Sep 16 2014 10:18am
Quote (Santara @ Sep 16 2014 03:12pm)
I am well aware of this. I just got home from dropping some of these kids off at school using a "protected car." A protected car is a retired police cruiser that still has the barrier in place to protect the driver from being assaulted while driving at highway speeds by students. I have to drive them in a protected car precisely because they assaulted their driver while he was driving on the highway. These kids have a disconnect in their brains that rather prevents them from understanding the consequences of their actions. This particular student has no recollection of the assault in the first place. He would be better served in an institution.

Jesus, you've got Hannibal Lecter in your car lol.
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Sep 16 2014 11:57am
since i dont want our kids growing up to be fucking idiots id say yes.

if the parents are not morons they can do the teaching as well but who is going to make sure of that?

school please, we need smart people.
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Sep 16 2014 01:18pm
Quote (Kamahl16 @ Sep 16 2014 05:24am)

I'd like to see the curriculum shifted more towards a practical education towards the end of high school, regarding things like finance, auto repair/maintenance, basic stuff on tools, cooking, etc. I know these are usually available as electives but I'd like to see them made into requirements the same as upper levels of math (anything beyond algebra) because I find them to be much more important to the average person and I'd have really liked to have been schooled in them during my time in high school (looking back, that is).

You really take the time to censor other people's posts? Dang.

No lie. A practical cooking/nutrition class which is light on the science would have been nice. The only thing I got to take was one in college where I tuned everything out because I was learning about the molecular structure of these items and gaining little practical knowledge. And I'd definitely support this since it seems like so much time is wasted in the senior year of high school on shit like debate, psychology, and random periods off.

Also, retard isn't offensive. The sensitivity train has arrived and we need to turn that fucker around.
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