Quote (Black XistenZ @ Aug 27 2020 05:59pm)
The media is well-aware of the accusations against them, of having an anti-Trump bias. Of course they seize any opportunity to counter these accusations. We simply dont know if the positive coverage would be sustained long-term for a more serious and docile Trump who keeps pursuing the same policies. Sure, the mainstream media would give decent coverage to a Republican president who's socially/culturally liberal and globalist, but that would be beside the point.
Of course the bold isn't what I argued at all. You really can't get over the belief that everybody's criticizing him because he likes tariffs and prefers to avoid military conflict. It's simply not true. A president with those beliefs, if he had the characteristics I listed, would get decent media coverage. That doesn't mean the media won't be biased in favor of the left on certain issues like abortion, gay marriage, and gun rights. But the coverage would look much different in general.
Honestly I think the belief that the media would be horribly unfair to basically any Republican is a way for voters to avoid the responsibility of the choices they have made. It's not easy to admit you keep electing bad presidents.
This post was edited by IceMage on Aug 27 2020 04:20pm