Quote (Black XistenZ @ 23 Aug 2020 16:28)
This specific comment might not have been the reason why Clinton lost the EC, but the mindsight behind this comment was.
The contemporary Democratic party feels nothing but deep disdain for rural and/or socially conservative people, for their values and their way of life. Similar story with Obama's "they get bitter and cling to their guns and religion"-comment.
But keep telling to yourself that those voters who cast their ballot for Obama in 2012 and then defected to Trump in 2016 did so because of racism if that makes you sleep better at night.
the only thing those comments did is reveal what you feel insecure about, lol. no one of the people that got hurt by those words would have voted for her anyway, you snowflake.
trump's main appeal to those that actually switched was that of the "outsider" (at least to uninformed and stupid people who couldn't see through his transparent act) who would do away with the washington establishment and corruption.
his CORE, however, is undeniably (the lady doth protest too much, methinks) full of bigots, who felt that his obvious disdain for latinos, black people, muslims, and other minorities would be finally be socially acceptable to voice (
'he says it like it is' is still a common sentiment - concerning the most prolific liar in american presidential history, lol). so again, not literally all racists, but a whole fucking lot of them, and he pretty much openly appeals to them regularly, and not dog whistles anymore, but full blown dog trumpets...