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May 16 2020 10:20am
Quote (fender @ May 16 2020 09:07am)
your defence already falls apart after your very first 'argument': whole idea of dismissing anything short of 'collusion' is moronic, and a cheap tactic to ignore the actual findings of the mueller report: it documents how trump not only invited, but actively encouraged russia to interfere with the 2016 elections on his behalf, and subsequently lied about it (repeatedly) to cover it up. strange how the party of self-declared patriots and conservative values has just agreed they are completely fine with their president doing that...


Quote (theCrossbones @ May 16 2020 09:11am)
yea its always great when the go "no collusion" nothing burger etc.
ITS THE OPPOSITE of that. But because Muller career R, refused to prosecute, they call it a victory. Forget how corrupt and an absolute POS trump and mob friends are they defend it.
yet they will constantly talk about "morals" its really astounding level disconnect.

So let's see... Two people who clearly never read the report don't understand that it concluded there was no collusion of any sort. Check!

Your caterwauling isn't even entertaining. Post some actual facts or shut the fuck up. Let me sum up what you've stated so far:

1. The inspector general of the state department is an independent watchdog: FALSE. He is the assistant secretary of state, appointed by the POTUS, the direct employee of Mike Pompeo, and is neither law enforcement, or authorized to "leak" anything to either Congress or the Press. Nor is he qualified to "investigate" his boss without POTUS approval.
2. There was some magical Russian Collusion: FALSE. As the Mueller probe found, at great length, to the tune of hundreds of millions in tax dollars and two years worth of probes, there was absolutely no collusion. Russia's attempts to "influence" our elections boiled down to a few internet troll accounts and a handful of facebook ads. Holy fuckballs batman!

Anything else, or are you done?

This post was edited by InsaneBobb on May 16 2020 10:20am
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May 16 2020 10:21am
Quote (cambovenzi @ May 16 2020 11:28am)
Years of politically motivated phony investigations, fake collusion claims, spying on political opponents/FISA abuse, using DNC funded fraudulent dossiers to justify it, High ranking deep state operatives caught lying under oath etc etc etc..

..and the enlightened leftist take is 'Lul you lick boots. maybe Trump admin should stop doing things that necessitate investigation'

A brilliancy.

I don't know what's more embarrassing... the libertarians who shill for Trump, or the weird leftists like Greenwald who do. It's like all the irrelevant political actors now cling to Trump because he makes the so called "establishment" angry.

Also, the fact is that the Russian investigation was properly predicated. Papadopolous, Manafort, and Flynn investigations were all properly predicated. Just because the FBI erred with Carter Page doesn't mean everything else they did was wrong.

And just because the FBI screwed some things up doesn't mean Trump is justified in firing a bunch of IGs in order to avoid legitimate accountability.

This isn't hard stuff. It's such a backwards way of viewing things. "Hey, certain government actors did bad things, so I'm going to cheer when Trump fires the guys appointed to actually hold those government actors accountable".

This post was edited by IceMage on May 16 2020 10:26am
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May 16 2020 10:24am
Quote (InsaneBobb @ 16 May 2020 18:20)
So let's see... Two people who clearly never read the report don't understand that it concluded there was no collusion of any sort. Check!

Your caterwauling isn't even entertaining. Post some actual facts or shut the fuck up. Let me sum up what you've stated so far:

1. The inspector general of the state department is an independent watchdog: FALSE. He is the assistant secretary of state, the direct employee of Mike Pompeo, and is neither law enforcement, or authorized to "leak" anything to either Congress or the Press. Nor is he qualified to "investigate" his boss without POTUS approval.
2. There was some magical Russian Collusion: FALSE. As the Mueller probe found, at great length, to the tune of hundreds of millions in tax dollars and two years worth of probes, there was absolutely no collusion. Russia's attempts to "influence" our elections boiled down to a few internet troll accounts and a handful of facebook ads. Holy fuckballs batman!

Anything else, or are you done?

i love how even after i specifically pointed out to you how moronic your little 'everything short of direct collusion is fine' talking point is, you simply push on as if it was even remotely valid or logically consistent. please do yourself a favour and watch the video, as it's pretty clear that you couldn't even read the report and understand its findings if you wanted to...
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May 16 2020 10:25am
Cam cant understand why nobody believes he is a libertarian when he was on the forum every day bashing Obama and now 95% of his posts are licking trumps boots.
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May 16 2020 10:25am
Quote (IceMage @ May 16 2020 09:21am)
I don't know what's more embarrassing... the libertarians who shill for Trump, or the weird leftists like Greenwald who do. It's like all the irrelevant political actors now cling to Trump because he makes the so called "establishment" angry.

Forget shilling. I'd just as soon somebody act with a single bit of integrity.

In 2008, Republicans lost. They whined and tried to hold things up for about 90 days before we all told them to stop being pussies and let the President sort his executive branch as he wished, and get on with the business of government.
In 2016, Democrats lost. They whined and tried to hold things up for... Well, they still are. And every time they're stymied in their ultimate attempt to unconstitutionally, unlawfully, and dishonestly wrest power back into their greedy little hands, they cry like little bitches.

At this point, I'd vote Republican just to spite the progressive shitbricks that think they can subvert the government to their own control regardless of who is duly and lawfully elected. :)

Quote (fender @ May 16 2020 09:24am)
i love how even after i specifically pointed out to you how moronic your little 'everything short of direct collusion is fine' talking point is, you simply push on as if it was even remotely valid or logically consistent. please do yourself a favour and watch the video, as it's pretty clear that you couldn't even read the report and understand its findings if you wanted to...

When you speak bullshit, I'll treat it like the bullshit it is, step over it, and move on. Get some facts, trollio.

Quote (IceMage @ May 16 2020 09:21am)
I don't know what's more embarrassing... the libertarians who shill for Trump, or the weird leftists like Greenwald who do. It's like all the irrelevant political actors now cling to Trump because he makes the so called "establishment" angry.

Also, the fact is that the Russian investigation was properly predicated. Papadopolous, Manafort, and Flynn investigations were all properly predicated. Just because the FBI erred with Carter Page doesn't mean everything else they did was wrong.

And just because the FBI screwed some things up doesn't mean Trump is justified in firing a bunch of IGs in order to avoid legitimate accountability.

This isn't hard stuff.

I responded too fast. So... Papadopolus: Charged for false statements to the FBI. Not for any collusion-related crime. Flynn: Plead guilty under coercion to one count of false statements to the FBI. Plea withdrawn, case dismissed, and cleared of any wrongdoing. Manafort: Bank fraud and financial crimes completely unrelated to Trump, his campaign, or any other campaign staffers.

Not a single person was charged or convicted with any crime related to any mythical collusion. Nobody.

And any and every political appointment in the executive branch that's counter to the current POTUS's goals (WHOEVER that POTUS may be) should be fired ASAP upon the exchange of powers. That's kind of how it has always worked. :)

This post was edited by InsaneBobb on May 16 2020 10:32am
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May 16 2020 10:29am
Quote (InsaneBobb @ May 16 2020 09:20am)
So let's see... Two people who clearly never read the report don't understand that it concluded there was no collusion of any sort. Check!

Your caterwauling isn't even entertaining. Post some actual facts or shut the fuck up. Let me sum up what you've stated so far:

1. The inspector general of the state department is an independent watchdog: FALSE. He is the assistant secretary of state, appointed by the POTUS, the direct employee of Mike Pompeo, and is neither law enforcement, or authorized to "leak" anything to either Congress or the Press. Nor is he qualified to "investigate" his boss without POTUS approval.
2. There was some magical Russian Collusion: FALSE. As the Mueller probe found, at great length, to the tune of hundreds of millions in tax dollars and two years worth of probes, there was absolutely no collusion. Russia's attempts to "influence" our elections boiled down to a few internet troll accounts and a handful of facebook ads. Holy fuckballs batman!

Anything else, or are you done?

none of that is what the reports says.. You say "nobody read it" clearly you are the one that hasn't
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May 16 2020 10:29am
Quote (InsaneBobb @ May 16 2020 11:20am)
So let's see... Two people who clearly never read the report don't understand that it concluded there was no collusion of any sort. Check!

Your caterwauling isn't even entertaining. Post some actual facts or shut the fuck up. Let me sum up what you've stated so far:

1. The inspector general of the state department is an independent watchdog: FALSE. He is the assistant secretary of state, appointed by the POTUS, the direct employee of Mike Pompeo, and is neither law enforcement, or authorized to "leak" anything to either Congress or the Press. Nor is he qualified to "investigate" his boss without POTUS approval.
2. There was some magical Russian Collusion: FALSE. As the Mueller probe found, at great length, to the tune of hundreds of millions in tax dollars and two years worth of probes, there was absolutely no collusion. Russia's attempts to "influence" our elections boiled down to a few internet troll accounts and a handful of facebook ads. Holy fuckballs batman!

Anything else, or are you done?

5a US Code § 3 says nothing about an investigation requiring POTUS approval. Only that the IG can be removed by POTUS.

Quote (5a US Code § 3)
(a)There shall be at the head of each Office an Inspector General who shall be appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, without regard to political affiliation and solely on the basis of integrity and demonstrated ability in accounting, auditing, financial analysis, law, management analysis, public administration, or investigations. Each Inspector General shall report to and be under the general supervision of the head of the establishment involved or, to the extent such authority is delegated, the officer next in rank below such head, but shall not report to, or be subject to supervision by, any other officer of such establishment. Neither the head of the establishment nor the officer next in rank below such head shall prevent or prohibit the Inspector General from initiating, carrying out, or completing any audit or investigation, or from issuing any subpoena during the course of any audit or investigation.

(b)An Inspector General may be removed from office by the President. If an Inspector General is removed from office or is transferred to another position or location within an establishment, the President shall communicate in writing the reasons for any such removal or transfer to both Houses of Congress, not later than 30 days before the removal or transfer. Nothing in this subsection shall prohibit a personnel action otherwise authorized by law, other than transfer or removal.

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May 16 2020 10:33am
Quote (InsaneBobb @ May 16 2020 12:25pm)

I don't see anything here that contradicts what I said. The investigations were properly predicated. The outcome is unrelated to the predication.

This post was edited by IceMage on May 16 2020 10:34am
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May 16 2020 10:38am
Quote (fender @ May 16 2020 12:18pm)
the problem with your pathetic attempts to backpedal

There is no backpedaling. I stand by everything I said. Stop lying.
regarding your defence of white nationalists

Again, Stop lying.

is that you did not dispute the FACTS that were presented by the SPLC

(namely that stephen miller was spreading white nationalist propaganda in form of a white genocide novel), but that you tried to RE-LABEL those actions by describing it as merely "recommending award winning books".

that's why you never comment on what you did directly, just dishonestly suggest you were merely "criticising a source", when in reality you were sugarcoating someone's pushing of white nationalist bullshit.

You posted an article by the disgraced SPLC, as if they were credible, and I responded with several links and a video explaining how garbage the SPLC is in the very first post.
I have criticized them a number of times over the years.

You can be dishonest and pretend there aren't legitimate grievances I have with the SPLC, but that doesn't make it true.

In a subsequent post in response to someone else I very briefly listed some of the ridiculous claims from the long article in a single sentence.
I was belittling the article and the SPLC because it was a bad joke.
You took issue with this fact and have clung onto it for 6 months pretending that making fun of the SPLC article and listing their claims in a light you don't like is actual support for white nationalism, despite several very explicit comments I made clarifying the situation and saying he very well could be guilty of some bad things, and asking you to point out any of the numerous claims that you found compelling and particularly damning.

Someone said that guy looks like voldemort and I said "Could be. I still want a coherent and honest argument against him or identifying him as such."
Does that mean I approve of everything voldemort did in a fictional book series?
Or is insisting on credible, accurate and honest arguments and claims a sign of integrity, even if the accused is a bad person?

Do you have that same integrity? decidedly not. Try to be a better person. I (dont) believe in you.

This post was edited by cambovenzi on May 16 2020 10:38am
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May 16 2020 10:42am
Quote (Surfpunk @ May 16 2020 09:29am)
5a US Code § 3 says nothing about an investigation requiring POTUS approval. Only that the IG can be removed by POTUS.


If the IG, during audits, determines fraud, waste, or misuse has occurred, it is their duty to report it to their boss (that would be Pompeo). If there's a conflict (aka it's their boss doing the "bad things") then the next in the chain of command is the POTUS. And if the offense is criminal in nature, it will be the POTUS who directs an INVESTIGATION by law enforcement.

Again, this guy is a glorified pencil pusher who audits accounts. That's it. He's not law enforcement. He doesn't "open investigations". He audits reports of how State Department resources are used. If he'd FOUND anything in his audits, then the INVESTIGATION would be handed over to law enforcement. If he had NOT found anything, then there's no "investigation" to announce. That's what you're not getting. It's false press. A bs "leak" to try to give trolls like you more nonsense to latch on to. And the perfect reason to fire his ass as an obstructionist twat.

Quote (theCrossbones @ May 16 2020 09:29am)
none of that is what the reports says.. You say "nobody read it" clearly you are the one that hasn't

I mean, I could copy and paste in the full text. But I nailed it in summary. Russia used standard media/social media tactics to attempt to influence our elections. Same as all nations do to other nations. Not a single person in the Trump campaign was charged or convicted of any crime related to any alleged "collusion". Period. End of story. Manafort was caught out for his completely unrelated financial crimes, which is great! Fuck him, he can rot. Papadapalus and Flynn were both snookered into "false statement" charges. Flynn's has since been dismissed, and Papadapalus got his appropriate slap on the wrist, was released on parole, and it's ages gone.

Where's the collusion? You're making some wild claims. Back them up. Ready... Go!
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