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Jan 16 2023 08:32pm
Quote (TiStuff @ Jan 17 2023 09:09am)
unbelievers most often rely on arguments dug out of ancient obscure text of the old testament. even saucy understands translations can be a problem coming from such ancient text and culture. a christian becomes a christian because of the new testament and the things that it says and the experience 0ne has following the teaching of Jesus. Its a pretty tall order to expect someone to drop all that because some person demands "face to face" be taken literally.

let me give you an example that might help you understand better. in my understanding of scripture I was delivered from alcoholism. do you really believe its reasonable that I should some how defer to your understanding of scripture?

Reeeeeeee. You pick and choose whatever you want and decide what is a metaphor and what is literal. That's called delusion. Then you create a dogma around the fact that only your interpretation is the right one.

Please remind us how many Christian sub factions are there each one with their hot take? That's right even Christians can't decide among themselves bunch of clowns lol
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Jan 16 2023 08:56pm
Quote (addone @ Jan 16 2023 06:32pm)
Reeeeeeee. You pick and choose whatever you want and decide what is a metaphor and what is literal. That's called delusion. Then you create a dogma around the fact that only your interpretation is the right one.

Please remind us how many Christian sub factions are there each one with their hot take? That's right even Christians can't decide among themselves bunch of clowns lol

the phrase "face to face" a translation from ancient documents from an ancient culture. A person has to be pretty deluded to insist it has to be literal and if that person is that deluded why should any one listen to him about anything.
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Jan 16 2023 09:18pm
Quote (Meanwhile @ Jan 13 2023 08:10am)
This is something "reliable"

For bible it's another story... Translation over another with words that evolved alot in their senses over centuries.
Not to mention the different interpretations from disciples themselves.

Mix that with american individualism where religion is easily a business or a political tool... And yes OFTEN the DEVIL will triumph :(
Very sorry, men are weak.

If you look at the earlier manuscripts, which are earlier than this stone I bet, they are closely lined with the modern day Bible. Not much difference and the only issues are mostly spelling differences of the same word that changed over the centuries, a couple of disputed passages that are very small and do not change the over all message or doctrine of the Bible at all. Also, textural criticism proves the preservation of Scripture. The Dead Sea Scrolls also proved the preservation of Scripture predating the earliest manuscripts of that time by over 1000 years and yet being virtually idendical.
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Jan 17 2023 12:53am
Quote (TiStuff @ Jan 17 2023 03:56pm)
the phrase "face to face" a translation from ancient documents from an ancient culture. A person has to be pretty deluded to insist it has to be literal and if that person is that deluded why should any one listen to him about anything.

Because he is describing the entire encounter vividly. Including meeting an angel, he wrestles a man which he asks to bless him, weird encounter a man wrestles you and he asking for his blessing (like wtf?) . The man then tells him his name is no longer Jacob because he just wrestled with God aka himself. Then he says indeed I have seen God face to face because he just put God in a chokehold but God still got his hip busted. At the end he was limping Because of his hip that was torn by God all in one night. This entire story is so random af. One night is sitting there tralala out of nowhere a man starts wrestling with him. 0 context just straight up starts fighting Jacob.
What kind of God starts beating up his followers and dislocates their joints because he is losing??

Or maybe this is whole story was made up to scare little kids by people who were high on fermented goats juice?
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Jan 17 2023 01:14am
Quote (addone @ Jan 16 2023 10:53pm)
Because he is describing the entire encounter vividly. Including meeting an angel, he wrestles a man which he asks to bless him, weird encounter a man wrestles you and he asking for his blessing (like wtf?) . The man then tells him his name is no longer Jacob because he just wrestled with God aka himself. Then he says indeed I have seen God face to face because he just put God in a chokehold but God still got his hip busted. At the end he was limping Because of his hip that was torn by God all in one night. This entire story is so random af. One night is sitting there tralala out of nowhere a man starts wrestling with him. 0 context just straight up starts fighting Jacob.
What kind of God starts beating up his followers and dislocates their joints because he is losing??

Or maybe this is whole story was made up to scare little kids by people who were high on fermented goats juice?

1 Corinthians 13:12
King James Version

12 For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.

(what does it mean "face to face" what does the whole scripture mean?)
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Jan 17 2023 02:05am
Quote (addone @ Jan 17 2023 04:23am)
Incorrect but thanks for playing. If you cannot answer basic questions directly then how can we have a conversation? You are rambling with walls of text trying to lead me into a pit of confusion that is your mind.
If you don't know the answer then shut your clap. Mkay

The thing is, your question has no purpose behind it. You are not pursuing any further clarification on Scripture. Would answering that bring you any closer to God? I certainly don't think so. The purpose of your question was to put the spotlight on me and what I'm like as a person.

Who I am has absolutely no bearing on whether or not you believe because it's always been about Jesus. He is the focus and not me. Even if I did simply answer, no doubt you would have asked a follow up question just to bring us further off topic. That doesn't work with me.

Like TiStuff said, the contradiction argument didn't even originate from you. If those 2 verses were stumbling blocks then why didn't you post them a lot sooner? Wouldn't those 2 verses be posted a lot more as an argument if they were a direct contradiction? Why isn't that your go to argument? I'll tell you why, you are simply wrong in your assumptions.

You saw the original post and your mind was made up then and there. It would be a hopeless cause to explain it to you.
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Jan 17 2023 04:35am
Quote (TiStuff @ Jan 17 2023 08:14pm)
1 Corinthians 13:12
King James Version

12 For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.

(what does it mean "face to face" what does the whole scripture mean?)

Ignores context inserts another random quote. Keep reeeeeing
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Jan 17 2023 04:36am
Quote (CPK001 @ Jan 17 2023 09:05pm)
The thing is, your question has no purpose behind it. You are not pursuing any further clarification on Scripture. Would answering that bring you any closer to God? I certainly don't think so. The purpose of your question was to put the spotlight on me and what I'm like as a person.

Who I am has absolutely no bearing on whether or not you believe because it's always been about Jesus. He is the focus and not me. Even if I did simply answer, no doubt you would have asked a follow up question just to bring us further off topic. That doesn't work with me.

Like TiStuff said, the contradiction argument didn't even originate from you. If those 2 verses were stumbling blocks then why didn't you post them a lot sooner? Wouldn't those 2 verses be posted a lot more as an argument if they were a direct contradiction? Why isn't that your go to argument? I'll tell you why, you are simply wrong in your assumptions.

You saw the original post and your mind was made up then and there. It would be a hopeless cause to explain it to you.

Mental gymnastics/10
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Jan 17 2023 04:38am
Quote (addone @ Jan 17 2023 04:36am)
Mental gymnastics/10

ill pray for you deer
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Jan 17 2023 04:57am
Quote (addone @ Jan 17 2023 08:35pm)
Ignores context inserts another random quote. Keep reeeeeing

Quote (addone @ Jan 17 2023 08:36pm)
Mental gymnastics/10

Oh the irony.

You definitely lack purpose with your statements. Do you even know what your purpose is for being here? Don't you even realize that it is all about Jesus and not about us?
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