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Posts: 51,532
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May 18 2018 08:32am
Quote (Ghot @ 18 May 2018 12:56)
U.S. ends practice that gave some immigrants reprieves from deportation


I really can't understand why every American isn't behind this. Lackadaisical immigration laws are just hurting US citizens and their kids.
We spend millions if not billions, every year just having immigration courts "hear" all these cases.
I think that money could be better spent right here in the US.

If we relegate ourselves tobeing the world's refugee.immigrant dumping ground, this country will fail.

If instead we only accept those willing to embrace the American way (not just our quality of life), we do them and ourselves a favor.

As long as other countries know that no matter what they do, they can always run to the US when things get bad, they will have absolutely no reason to try to fix their own countries.
This will create a never ending flow of refugees and immigrants to the US. Too many for the US to be able to absorb.

sorry, that role is already taken by Germany.

This post was edited by Black XistenZ on May 18 2018 08:32am
Posts: 53,359
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May 18 2018 08:38am
Quote (Black XistenZ @ 18 May 2018 16:32)
sorry, that role is already taken by Germany.

sweden and france are also working hard on it, i wonder who will be the first to take one for the team and collapse
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May 18 2018 08:48am
Quote (ampoo @ 18 May 2018 16:38)
sweden and france are also working hard on it, i wonder who will be the first to take one for the team and collapse

my bet is actually on sweden. they are the biggest cucks with the most lenient police and judges.
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May 18 2018 08:51am
Quote (Black XistenZ @ May 18 2018 08:48am)
my bet is actually on sweden. they are the biggest cucks with the most lenient police and judges.

All Sweeden needs to do to avoid that is allow deportation as a punishment in their CJ system. The cj system works far better than our for it's natural citizens.
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May 24 2018 08:03am

Trump rejects push for moderate immigration deal, wants 'whole package'


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump on Thursday rejected a push by moderate congressional Republicans for a ‘Dreamer’ immigration deal, saying he would only back sweeping immigration legislation that met all of his demands, including a U.S-Mexico border wall.

“Unless it includes a wall, and I mean a wall, a real wall, and unless it includes very strong border security, there’ll be no approvals from me,” Trump told Fox News. Any bill would also have to end a visa lottery program and curb visas for legal immigrants’ relatives, he added.

“It’s time to get the whole package,” he said in an interview on the “Fox and Friends” program taped on Wednesday that aired on Thursday.

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May 24 2018 12:00pm
Quote (Ghot @ May 24 2018 07:03am)

Mexico is supposed to pay for the wall. If the wall gets built and Mexico doesn't pay for it, it will be little more than a monument to failure.

A monument with ladders all over it and tunnels underneath it.

This post was edited by inkanddagger on May 24 2018 12:00pm
Posts: 90,800
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May 24 2018 12:50pm
Quote (inkanddagger @ May 24 2018 12:00pm)
Mexico is supposed to pay for the wall. If the wall gets built and Mexico doesn't pay for it, it will be little more than a monument to failure.

A monument with ladders all over it and tunnels underneath it.

isn't it funny that the same people who mock gun control advocates saying "we need to try something" because they feel it will be ineffectual are totally ok falling back on "we need to try something" when shown how ineffectual a wall will be. ooo that puts a smile on my face every time.
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May 24 2018 04:40pm
Quote (thesnipa @ 24 May 2018 20:50)
d2post contains blocked Quote ( by inkanddagger )Mexico is supposed to pay for the wall. If the wall gets built and Mexico doesn't pay for it, it will be little more than a monument to failure.

A monument with ladders all over it and tunnels underneath it.

isn't it funny that the same people who mock gun control advocates saying "we need to try something" because they feel it will be ineffectual are totally ok falling back on "we need to try something" when shown how ineffectual a wall will be. ooo that puts a smile on my face every time.

a physical wall, even if it was ineffective, would be a powerful symbol against illegal immigration.
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May 24 2018 04:42pm
A border wall would be 1000 times more effective that California border ...guards.

/e just recently, a couple of hundred Central America refugees show up at the California border. Refugees that the President of the US said "You shall not pass".

What does California do... "Come on in".

This post was edited by Ghot on May 24 2018 04:46pm
Posts: 51,532
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May 24 2018 05:20pm
Quote (Ghot @ 25 May 2018 00:42)
A border wall would be 1000 times more effective that California border ...guards.

/e just recently, a couple of hundred Central America refugees show up at the California border. Refugees that the President of the US said "You shall not pass".

What does California do... "Come on in".

the funny thing is that in the 90s, californians actually voted in favor of the anti-immigration proposition 187. and what happened? right, this happened:

After Judge Mariana Pfaelzer issued a permanent injunction of Proposition 187 in December 1994, blocking all provisions except those dealing with higher education and false documents, multiple cases were consolidated and brought before the federal court. In November 1997, Pfaelzer found the law to be unconstitutional on the basis that it infringed on the federal government's exclusive jurisdiction over matters relating to immigration. Pfaelzer also explained that Proposition 187's effect on the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996, the Congressional overhaul of the American welfare system, proved that the bill was a "scheme" to regulate immigration:

"California is powerless to enact its own legislative scheme to regulate immigration. It is likewise powerless to enact its own legislative scheme to regulate alien access to public benefits."


so when it came to regulating or reducing illegal immigration, it was the - then liberal - federal government who had the exclusive right to control immigration according to californian judges. nowadays, according to the californian courts, the - now conservative - federal government is viewed as powerless to enact immigration regulations against the wishes of the - now liberal, pro-immigration - californian state.

so in either case, liberal californian judges considered the exlusive power over immigration to lie with the side who at the time was in favor of open borders and mass immigration. the fact that they had to flip their substantive stance by 180° over the last two decades to pull this off doesnt seem to bother anyone, even though the inconsistency is glaring.

it's absurd and a travesty.

This post was edited by Black XistenZ on May 24 2018 05:24pm
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