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Aug 26 2022 07:10am
Quote (addone @ Aug 26 2022 05:48am)
Koalas don't have diverse diet you baboon lol. It's like saying dogs eat grass therefore they will eat dry hay for 4 years untill they can start eating their natural food.... REEEEEE

Koalas will occasionally eat some fruit and even then it's fresh. How do you keep apples and leaves fresh on a boat in the middle east for several years? REEEEEE

good thing addone is here to instruct ev1 on the limits of koala diet REEEEEEEEEEE

addone says dogs gona eat hay for four years REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

gl with your ancient rainbow dildo fish guild............

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Aug 26 2022 03:57pm
Quote (addone @ Aug 26 2022 10:55pm)
I have dogs and grew up on the farm. When you start bullshit people with stories like Noah's ark it becomes glaringly obvious how little you know about practical things in life. No wonder this story was sold to uneducated peasants like you who don't question the stupid things like angels and demons, talking snakes, 7 headed dragons and a God that desperately needs his commands be fulfilled and be worshipped otherwise he will lose his shit and put you into a magical place called hell.

So you're calling upon your knowledge of being a farmer. So you would have knowledge about a few farm animals like pigs, cows, chicken and sheep.

Alright so I found a diagram of the timeline of the global flood. Your issue was all about the food right? Where is the issue in the timeline? Could God not make plant and vegetation grow when the Earth had dried up?

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Aug 27 2022 12:00am
Quote (CPK001 @ Aug 27 2022 09:57am)
So you're calling upon your knowledge of being a farmer. So you would have knowledge about a few farm animals like pigs, cows, chicken and sheep.

Alright so I found a diagram of the timeline of the global flood. Your issue was all about the food right? Where is the issue in the timeline? Could God not make plant and vegetation grow when the Earth had dried up?


Now add to plant everything. Imagine replanting all the plants, trees, fruit, grasses and cactus. You haven't planted a single tree in your life have you? It would take them at least 3 years to replant every tree never mind all the other duties of rebuilding and taking care of lifestock. Then it would take years before things regrow again the animals are just going to eat what in the meantime?

And this is with modern equipment a tractor and seed spreader. Imagine doing this with primitive tools. In your mind everything just goes poof easy peasy this isn't a big deal. But when you actually start to do it yourself then it dawns that this Flood story just makes less and less sense.

I mean just go to a zoo and ask how many animals they have and how many staff they have to keep the place running how much food do they consume etc. Most zoos don't have the entire species/kinds they only have a portion. So imagine having several zoos on a boat then you can appreciate the scale of that kind of operation.
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Aug 27 2022 12:20am
Quote (addone @ Aug 27 2022 04:00pm)
Now add to plant everything. Imagine replanting all the plants, trees, fruit, grasses and cactus. You haven't planted a single tree in your life have you? It would take them at least 3 years to replant every tree never mind all the other duties of rebuilding and taking care of lifestock. Then it would take years before things regrow again the animals are just going to eat what in the meantime?

And this is with modern equipment a tractor and seed spreader. Imagine doing this with primitive tools. In your mind everything just goes poof easy peasy this isn't a big deal. But when you actually start to do it yourself then it dawns that this Flood story just makes less and less sense.

I mean just go to a zoo and ask how many animals they have and how many staff they have to keep the place running how much food do they consume etc. Most zoos don't have the entire species/kinds they only have a portion. So imagine having several zoos on a boat then you can appreciate the scale of that kind of operation.

Here is what I know, God took care of Noah, his family and all that were in the ark. What do we know about God? This passage explains it nicely. I ask again, why can't God prepare the Earth for when Noah and all the animals leave the ark?

Matthew 6: 25-34 - “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?

“And why do you worry about clothes? See how the flowers of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you—you of little faith? So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.
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Aug 27 2022 03:21am
Quote (CPK001 @ Aug 27 2022 06:20pm)
Here is what I know, God took care of Noah, his family and all that were in the ark. What do we know about God? This passage explains it nicely. I ask again, why can't God prepare the Earth for when Noah and all the animals leave the ark?

Matthew 6: 25-34 - “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?

“And why do you worry about clothes? See how the flowers of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you—you of little faith? So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.

lol you must not take care yourself and just go feral in the woods if you follow that advice. Dont worry about clothes.... dont worry about your life what you eat and drink.... ok sure great advice do you follow it?

This is wishy washy advice you find at the back of a fortune cookie. Also who said anything about worrying. I am not worried I am just asking practical questions are you scared of questions why are you worried? Do you think I might be dismantling your fake fairy tale belief structure right now?
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Aug 27 2022 08:03am
Quote (addone @ Aug 27 2022 02:21am)
lol you must not take care yourself and just go feral in the woods if you follow that advice. Dont worry about clothes.... dont worry about your life what you eat and drink.... ok sure great advice do you follow it?

This is wishy washy advice you find at the back of a fortune cookie. Also who said anything about worrying. I am not worried I am just asking practical questions are you scared of questions why are you worried? Do you think I might be dismantling your fake fairy tale belief structure right now?

you dont dismantle any thing you just bich alot. if anything you reaffirm my faith.
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Aug 27 2022 03:41pm
Quote (addone @ Aug 27 2022 07:21pm)
lol you must not take care yourself and just go feral in the woods if you follow that advice. Dont worry about clothes.... dont worry about your life what you eat and drink.... ok sure great advice do you follow it?

This is wishy washy advice you find at the back of a fortune cookie. Also who said anything about worrying. I am not worried I am just asking practical questions are you scared of questions why are you worried? Do you think I might be dismantling your fake fairy tale belief structure right now?

There was once a man in a village. One day there was a great storm and the village was flooding and all the occupants were evacuating except this one man. The waters had risen knee deep. Then another villager came along and said to the man "You've got to come with me!" The man said "No, I'm waiting for the LORD to come and save me." The villager went on.

The waters kept rising where half the houses were underwater. The man was sitting on the roof of his house when a villager came riding a camel came along and said to the man "You've got to come with me!" The man said "No, I'm waiting for the LORD to come and save me." The villager riding the camel went on.

The waters kept rising to the point where all the houses were underwater and the man was just sitting on the roof of the house. Then along came a villager who was riding a boat who said to the man "You've got to come with me!" The man said "No, I'm waiting for the LORD to come and save me." The villager riding the boat went on.

The waters kept rising and the man drowned then he met the LORD. He asked "Why didn't you save me?" The LORD said "I sent you a man, I sent you a camel and I sent you a boat. What more do you want?"

Here is a Youtube video on the same story.

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Aug 27 2022 07:40pm
Quote (CPK001 @ Aug 28 2022 09:41am)
There was once a man in a village. One day there was a great storm and the village was flooding and all the occupants were evacuating except this one man. The waters had risen knee deep. Then another villager came along and said to the man "You've got to come with me!" The man said "No, I'm waiting for the LORD to come and save me." The villager went on.

The waters kept rising where half the houses were underwater. The man was sitting on the roof of his house when a villager came riding a camel came along and said to the man "You've got to come with me!" The man said "No, I'm waiting for the LORD to come and save me." The villager riding the camel went on.

The waters kept rising to the point where all the houses were underwater and the man was just sitting on the roof of the house. Then along came a villager who was riding a boat who said to the man "You've got to come with me!" The man said "No, I'm waiting for the LORD to come and save me." The villager riding the boat went on.

The waters kept rising and the man drowned then he met the LORD. He asked "Why didn't you save me?" The LORD said "I sent you a man, I sent you a camel and I sent you a boat. What more do you want?"

Here is a Youtube video on the same story.


What's that got to do with anything?
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Aug 27 2022 07:47pm
Quote (TiStuff @ Aug 28 2022 02:03am)
you dont dismantle any thing you just bich alot. if anything you reaffirm my faith.

LOL you still haven't answered what did koalas and pandas eat for a whole 2-3 year period? Eating meat doesn't work sorry try feeding a panda meat for a year see what happens or koala some dried leaves. You think just because you found a super rare footage of panda meat it can survive like that for 2-3 years? Imagine eating nothing but grass for 2-3 years untill food that you normally eat regrows and reproduces to sufficient numbers. My guess you would vomit after 2 days and we would find your malnourished corpse dead within a month or 2. But but.... Pandas have diverse diets because I saw 1 youtube vid and that's my proof REEEEEEEE

You just doubling down on REEEEE.

900 year man hears voices of God telling him that he will wipe the entire planet of all life and he will have to essentially take all the world's animals, birds and insects store them, feed them and then repopulate to recreate the entirety life on the planet with a handful of people with primitive tools.

Or it never happened and the story is an exaggerated tribal myth passed around the camp fires among people who wiped their arse with leaves

Which one seems plausible? TiStuff is like hmmm not only do I believe it word for word I also believe in 7 headed dragons, talking lizards and demons let me tell you conspirareeee with bitcshuit

This post was edited by addone on Aug 27 2022 08:00pm
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Aug 27 2022 08:08pm
Quote (addone @ Aug 27 2022 06:47pm)
LOL you still haven't answered what did koalas and pandas eat for a whole 2-3 year period? Eating meat doesn't work sorry try feeding a panda meat for a year see what happens or koala some dried leaves. You think just because you found a super rare footage of panda meat it can survive like that for 2-3 years? Imagine eating nothing but grass for 2-3 years untill food that you normally eat regrows and reproduces to sufficient numbers. My guess you would vomit after 2 days and we would find your malnourished corpse dead within a month or 2. But but.... Pandas have diverse diets because I saw 1 youtube vid and that's my proof REEEEEEEE

You just doubling down on REEEEE.

900 year man hears voices of God telling him that he will wipe the entire planet of all life and he will have to essentially take all the world's animals, birds and insects store them, feed them and then repopulate to recreate the entirety life on the planet with a handful of people with primitive tools.

Or it never happened and the story is an exaggerated tribal myth passed around the camp fires among people who wiped their arse with leaves

Which one seems plausible? TiStuff is like hmmm not only do I believe it word for word I also believe in 7 headed dragons, talking lizards and demons let me tell you conspirareeee with bitcshuit

panda couldnt possibly live on fish and grasses for a few years cause addone sez so REEEEEEE

addone always out to prove he dont know chit bout scripture but hes a gona tell you what u should believe reeeeee
gl with your ancient rainbow dildo fish guild reeeeeee
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