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Jun 22 2019 06:10am
Quote (Skinned @ Jun 22 2019 12:00pm)
Traumatic incidences are often fuzzy to the memory. Maybe disparage her based on what panties she was hypothetically wearing.

Doesn't matter, woman's body shuts down during rape and becomes impenetrable and their pussies become like Luke Fucking Cage.

Thing is with a known predator and proven liar like Donald Trump is that you have to take his sexual crimes seriously and you can't believe what he says. He has a papertrail of sex crimes a mile long. The average dude doesn't have public testimony from his ex-wife saying he is a sexual sadist, enjoyed hurting people, and that he forcibly had sex with her without her consent. Given that he employs sex workers regularly, enough to have a labor dispute with one, and that he has a history of not paying his employees either....well....not a good man and you have to take this stuff seriously.

If you don't want this kind of presidency don't elect pieces of shit to the office lol. This guy has so much baggage hookers are suing him. This means he fucks hookers guys. Disagreeing is just showing poor judgement in character and you wouldn't let him around your daughter or wife if you were smart.

He grabbed her by the pussy. That is HIS move. He talks about it to relative strangers to impress them. He thinks doing this is impressive and worth bragging about.

Reminds me of something people said around election time: You'd trust Clinton with your wallet but not your daughter. You'd trust Bush with your daughter but not your wallet. You'd trust Trump with neither.
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Jun 22 2019 06:13am
Quote (Skinned @ Jun 22 2019 08:10am)
You don't count as a rationally thinking user on d2jsp.org Glot.

Yeah, you're prolly right. Rational thinkers, don't fall for every scrap of BS that comes down the pike.

I assume you think you're a rational thinker... if so, I'm glad I'm not a member. LOL
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Jun 22 2019 06:17am
Quote (Ghot @ Jun 22 2019 07:13am)
Yeah, you're prolly right. Rational thinkers, don't fall for every scrap of BS that comes down the pike.

I assume you think you're a rational thinker... if so, I'm glad I'm not a member. LOL

LOL post more stupid memes Glot I love to hear about how the biggest generation of welfare queens hates socialism some more while waiting for their government checks and bitching about medicare copays.

This post was edited by Skinned on Jun 22 2019 06:18am
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Jun 22 2019 07:18am
Quote (Goomshill @ 21 Jun 2019 15:02)

Well lets weigh this story on its evidence, consistency and rationality shall we?

no one supports him
tax returns
he's incompetent!
russia collusion
evil mastermind
see! he grabbed someone in the pelvis area! <-- election-deniers are here again
he's literally a national-socialist!

This post was edited by excellence on Jun 22 2019 07:20am
Posts: 46,092
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Jun 22 2019 08:20am
Quote (Ghot @ Jun 22 2019 05:53am)
Well I only read it so far down...cause after I came to this part... I knew her story was BS.

I think it was bogus by the point I read her description of randomly meeting a playboy billionaire and flirting her way into a changing room with lacy lingerie within minutes. Its written like a woman who has no sexual drive trying, poorly, to imagine the fantasy of a younger woman. Shes a famous ice queen, a sexless manhater who literally wrote the book on women needing no men. Her story is that a 51 year old washed up radical feminist turned Trumps head implausibly fast at a time he was banging supermodels.

This post was edited by Goomshill on Jun 22 2019 08:20am
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Jun 22 2019 08:30am
Quote (Ghot @ Jun 22 2019 06:53am)
Well I only read it so far down...cause after I came to this part... I knew her story was BS.

She's a frequent writer for Playboy and Esquire, yet she doesn't know if he was "inside her" or not. Yeah, mmmk. :/

Well, he supposedly has a unit reminiscent of Toad from the Mario games, so it could legitimately be Schroedinger's Penis. Simultaneously inside and not until someone looks.
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Jun 22 2019 08:39am
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Trump administration’s $50 billion Middle East economic plan calls for creation of a global investment fund to lift the Palestinian and neighboring Arab state economies, and construction of a $5 billion transportation corridor to connect the West Bank and Gaza, according to U.S. officials and documents reviewed by Reuters.

White House senior adviser Jared Kushner is interviewed by Reuters at the Eisenhower Executive Office Building in Washington, U.S., June 20, 2019. REUTERS/Kevin Lamarque
The “economy first” approach toward reviving the moribund Israeli-Palestinian peace process could be a hard sell to a largely skeptical region. The plan, set to be presented by President Donald Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner, at an international conference in Bahrain next week, includes 179 infrastructure and business projects, according to the documents.

More than half of the $50 billion would be spent in the economically troubled Palestinian territories over 10 years while the rest would be split between Egypt, Lebanon and Jordan. Some of the projects would be in Egypt’s Sinai peninsula, where investments could benefit Palestinians living in adjacent Gaza, a crowded and impoverished coastal enclave.

The plan also proposes nearly a billion dollars to build up the Palestinians’ tourism sector, a seemingly impractical notion for now given the frequent flareups between Israeli forces and militants from Hamas-ruled Gaza, and the tenuous security in the occupied West Bank.

The Trump administration hopes that other countries, principally wealthy Gulf states, and private investors, would foot much of the bill, Kushner told Reuters.

The unveiling of the economic blueprint follows two years of deliberations and delays in rolling out a broader peace plan between Israelis and Palestinians. The Palestinians, who are boycotting the event, have refused to talk to the Trump administration since it recognized Jerusalem as the Israeli capital in late 2017.

Let's see if the wealthy Sunnis are going to put their money where their mouth is and help their brothers in Palestine. And lol at last sentence. Palestinian authorities acting like a petulant child. "Oh, no no thanks on billions of dollars" seriously?
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Jun 22 2019 02:20pm
Quote (Surfpunk @ Jun 22 2019 10:30am)
Well, he supposedly has a unit reminiscent of Toad from the Mario games, so it could legitimately be Schroedinger's Penis. Simultaneously inside and not until someone looks.

Is Toad the one whose tongue shot out? If so... that was pretty amusing . That and the Schroedinger's Penis reference. :D
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Jun 22 2019 02:30pm
Quote (Ghot @ Jun 22 2019 03:20pm)
Is Toad the one whose tongue shot out? If so... that was pretty amusing . That and the Schroedinger's Penis reference. :D

That was Yoshi. This is Toad:

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Jun 22 2019 03:14pm
Quote (Surfpunk @ Jun 22 2019 04:30pm)

Well, then I don't get the Toad reference. But it was still funny. :)

Especially the Schroedinger's Penis, part.
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