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Aug 1 2021 07:37pm
Quote (kenw @ Aug 1 2021 08:37pm)

“Respect your man and bear children”
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Aug 1 2021 08:19pm
Quote (kenw @ Aug 1 2021 05:37pm)

now thats a fun tool. it explains so much about literally every regular user here
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Aug 1 2021 10:48pm
Quote (ofthevoid @ 1 Aug 2021 18:38)
There are a lot of stupid ideas on race that people have come to espouse since it's become so magnified in our society.

I was talking to a co-worker during the time of the world cup like a day after Italy beat UK on penalties. He's like I don't understand why more European countries don't have black players, look at Italy (basically saying it has something to do with racism). I'm like, you realize that Italy is overwhelmingly Caucasian right? Just like most European countries are. From a statistical perspective on a team of like 20 soccer players most of those guys are going to be ethnic Italians? He's like it doesn't matter they need to have more. Many people really have 2 dimensional thinking on these type of issues and shitty politicians love to maximize on that. For Booker and AOC, this is their bread and butter, it's what their base loves to hear.

kinda fitting a woke person like that pointed out italy needing more black players when their fans throw bananas and make monkey chants at all sorts of darker complexion people, including their own black italian players!

Quote (KrWWW @ 1 Aug 2021 19:06)
it's strange that Tulsi Gabbard ruins Kamala Harris chance at presidency and gets labeled a Russian agent by Hillary Clinton, but DNC decides to go with Biden and Harris year(s) later

its not strange at all. DNC loves them some crooked cops/law enforcement legal types like harris and clinton
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