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Jul 19 2024 03:03am
Quote (SwamiVivekananda @ Jul 18 2024 08:51am)
Neither are "Disney Documentaries". They are independent films. I don't expect someone who is ignorant of atmospheric sciences to actually know anything about it or watch documentaries relevant to the subject we are discussing.

"The unoccupied space in the atmosphere". Reach further bro lol.

I was against Al Gore long before he made his silly documentary.

You are making the assumption that I got my information from idiots. I did not.

It's you who is jumping on a "Republican" shoved narrative. Not me.

I'm not some climate doomist or "save the trees" hippy. I did the research.

People like you use the terms "Global Warming/Global Cooling" because they were given to you by the people who "sold you a bridge".

You want to believe human beings aren't responsible for the die off of millions of species through are intense rape of the planet. You want to pretend that we should open more coal plants and drill more oil because "they" told you "there's still a bunch of unoccupied space in the atmosphere". You are the one who believes bullshit. The atmosphere and the planet is one living/moving system and it's not in good shape. The single biggest factor fucking everything up is "US".

You saying "there's unoccupied space in the atmosphere" may be the dumbest thing I've ever heard. Do some research and get back to me. Independent research.

"Global Warming/Global Cooling" are terms created by the current scientific body. Terms that put you in the same ideological box as politics. You either believe one or the other.

The Earth's life support systems are much more complex then that and it's the synergistic toxicity that's doing most the damage. Our governments coordinate these projects because if you EFFECT one part of the Earth atmosphere you immediately effect the REST of the system. That's why geoengineering dumping MILLIONS of tons of aluminum nanoparticulate is administered by most of the G7 countries as well as non G7 countries.

So our soils are all ACIDIC. Are trees are dying because the roof canopies are latent with chemicals and tree stomata's are closing because it's so bad they can barely perform their function of photosynthesis. That's why forest fires burn with more intensity(incendiary metals like aluminum covering everything). You can go anywhere on Earth and find the "forever chemicals". But the best indicator is just walking around in nature and seeing that most trees are in a state of dying. Insect populations down 90%. Fish populations plummeting. Small mammals barely surviving. Bird populations down.

Basically everything besides "humans" aren't doing good at all but because the human body is resilient we "THINK" everything is fine. It's not.

Then look around at your family and friends and think of the people who died recently. Cancer? Respiratory issues? Cardiovascular issues? That's because we are breathing in all this garbage with every breathe we take and it bioaccumulates in the human body.

Because I KNOW what my governmet is doing has an adverse effect on the health of my loved ones and the creatures I once enjoyed being with in the woods I will take a stand.

Not a "NUTTER THUMBERG" stand either. I'm not virtue signaling. I'm telling you through 2 decades of studying this that everything has gone to shit and our governments(all political parties worldwide) are complicit in all of it.

When shit does hit the fan it'll be too late(it's already too late) why do you think they are still doing it? Ignorance and to make it seem like the situation isn't DIRE.

"My government is being honest with me about the state of the planet!!!" Said NO ONE capable of critical thinking EVER.

You don't know how to hold a conversation do you?
I'm not reading past you protesting that propaganda films are indy movies, like its a fucking craft beer.
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Jul 19 2024 05:49am
No arguments about global warming are remotely realistic, unless we look at temps over a much larger time period.
Even a few centuries is nothing on a planetary scale. We need to be looking at hundreds of thousands of years, rather than decades or centuries.

Every scientist in the world, KNOWS that weather is chaotic. Weather patterns don't follow normal mathematical models... at all.

Earth is 4,500,000,000 years old. The first modern homo sap only appeared 190,000 years ago.
If you do the math you'd see that homo sap (the entire time we've existed), could have come and gone... 23.684 times since this planet came to be.

Cow farts, human's industrial age, etc., are mere microseconds on the geologic clock.
Some would save it's unbridled hubris to assume that our total existence can have any affect on the weather.

Not to worry though, even if you do believe humanity is causing global warming, it won't matter.
We'll reach a food production threshold, long before we could affect the weather.

The way the population is growing, we'll starve long before we screw up the planet. :-)

Here's some LIVE statistics...


This post was edited by Ghot on Jul 19 2024 05:52am
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Jul 19 2024 05:57am
Quote (Ghot @ Jul 19 2024 12:49pm)
No arguments about global warming are remotely realistic, unless we look at temps over a much larger time period.
Even a few centuries is nothing on a planetary scale. We need to be looking at hundreds of thousands of years, rather than decades or centuries.

Every scientist in the world, KNOWS that weather is chaotic. Weather patterns don't follow normal mathematical models... at all.

Earth is 4,500,000,000 years old. The first modern homo sap only appeared 190,000 years ago.
If you do the math you'd see that homo sap (the entire time we've existed), could have come and gone... 23.684 times since this planet came to be.

Cow farts, human's industrial age, etc., are mere microseconds on the geologic clock.
Some would save it's unbridled hubris to assume that our total existence can have any affect on the weather.

Not to worry though, even if you do believe humanity is causing global warming, it won't matter.
We'll reach a food production threshold, long before we could affect the weather.

The way the population is growing, we'll starve long before we screw up the planet. :-)

Here's some LIVE statistics...


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Jul 19 2024 06:02am
When you take the temperature of the planet in a black top parking lot in the dead of summer.... It tends to be warmer.
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Jul 19 2024 06:26am
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Quote (Mondain @ Jul 19 2024 08:02am)
When you take the temperature of the planet in a black top parking lot in the dead of summer.... It tends to be warmer.

Things also tend to be warmer if your name is Greta, and you were raised by liberal hippie-tards. :D
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Jul 19 2024 06:27am
Quote (Ghot @ Jul 19 2024 12:26pm)
Things also tend to be warmer if your name is Greta, and you were raised by liberal hippie-tards. :D

I can't stand that WEF shill, even seeing her face disgusts me.
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Jul 19 2024 06:31am
Quote (Mondain @ Jul 19 2024 08:27am)
I can't stand that WEF shill, even seeing her face disgusts me.

It's not really her fault. She is/was developmentally challenged, and her parents brainwashed her from a very young age.
If there were any justice in the world, her parents would be up on child abuse charges.

This post was edited by Ghot on Jul 19 2024 06:31am
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Jul 20 2024 04:30pm
Yes, anthropogenic climate change is real. But the solutions proposed so far are all completely unacceptable and/or unworkable, for one reason or another.

Yes, we need to do something about climate change, but there's only two viable paths forward in my opinion:

1.) Dramatic technological breakthroughs with regard to storage technology and efficiency, so that a far-reaching electrification of society is actually viable.
2.) Geo-engineering.

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Jul 22 2024 07:52am
In another 300 years, this topic might be relevant.

But for now, our limited data set is inconclusive, I would think?
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Jul 22 2024 09:00am
Quote (PapaPsych @ 19 Jul 2024 04:03)
You don't know how to hold a conversation do you?
I'm not reading past you protesting that propaganda films are indy movies, like its a fucking craft beer.

It's really not my fault that you are ignorant.

The whole point of studying every "side" of the "climate change" debate is so that you can make an informed opinion on the subject and not just call everything "hocus pocus bullshit".

You aren't making an argument to debate what I've said. You are attacking what I say because you never did your due-diligence. Everything I've mentioned is backed by scientific theory and/or government patents?

What you are implying is that me watching 10+ documentaries on both sides of the "debate" makes me dumber then you because it's "biased" and I'm a "brainwashed idiot". You are just like the people on this sub forum who say "religion is bullshit!" but then when asked if you ever read any religious scripture/philosophy you say, "Haha religion is dumb I don't need to read that garbage!". You look like fools have never even taken the TIME to read into what you immediately denounce as "bullshit".

Quote (Black XistenZ @ 20 Jul 2024 17:30)
Yes, anthropogenic climate change is real. But the solutions proposed so far are all completely unacceptable and/or unworkable, for one reason or another.

Yes, we need to do something about climate change, but there's only two viable paths forward in my opinion:

1.) Dramatic technological breakthroughs with regard to storage technology and efficiency, so that a far-reaching electrification of society is actually viable.
2.) Geo-engineering.

Well said but it's too bad international governments around the world have already deployed "geoengineering" with disastrous results. Just look up and witness the "solar radiation management"/"stratospheric aerosol injections". Deflected by the ignorant by saying the trigger word "Chemtrails". They've been dumping millions of tons of aluminum nanoparticulate for DECADES. These particulates have destroyed the soil microbiome. These particulates cause a myriad of health issues. Killed off a significant portion of insect populations. These particulate are an incendiary metal that causes wild fires to burn with a much greater intensity because the roof canopies of trees are saturated in these particulates. The list goes on and on and on. You can buy a simple "test kit" and take a water/soil sample and see it with your own eyes. People are lazy or don't give a fuck.

When Dane Wigginton called out Dr. David Keith the number one scientist on "geoengineering" who discussed the "low cost" of such a program when asked about what studies they'd done on the "safety" of introducing 'aluminum nanoparticulate' into the stratosphere he said, "We don't know what it would do but it could be absolutely terrible we never finished the studies"/ "It's sort of like free-riding on your grandkids".

The NOAA has a federal gag order on all federal employees so all "weathermen" and "climate scientist" can not even entertain the idea that "SAI" has been deployed. Major military contractors Raytheon and Lockheed Martin do all the weather modeling for the United States and are the ones who help the military to deploy SAI accurately.

So you are right that geoengineering can be done but it's already been done and the results like I said are "unavoidable". They've conditioned people around the world to deny what you can see with your own eyes.

New studies have shown how living in a "polluted city" can knock 10 years off your life but when someone mentions the dangers of "synergistic toxicity" associated with SAI everyone falls silent because it supposedly "isn't happening" despite their being a trove of scientific data proving it.

You literally have patented seeds that are aluminum resistant now because the entire planet is coated in this shit.

Bee populations suffering major declines.

"Oh we fixed the hole in the ozone layer nothing to see here!" As we punch holes in the atmosphere launching satellites.

The major reason I take such a hard stand on this subject is because it's literally killing the planet, the people I love, and the creatures we had no business making go extinct. People actually think if all the insects died we'd "get by". No we'd be dead. People think if the plankton in the ocean die we can get by. No we'd be dead.

We are about to experience what's called an "abrupt climate collapse" which is entirely different from "climate change" which happens gradually over time. How people can walk around in nature and not notice the deafening silence is beyond me.
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