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Apr 5 2024 11:57am
Quote (SwamiVivekananda @ Apr 5 2024 10:42am)
So when you die then the Earth/Cosmos/Existence just ceases to exist.

Your mind goes blank and you become the "void".

It's not a wishful fantasy. I know if I die tomorrow my consciousness in this body/mind ceases to exist but consciousness itself doesn't just stop.

Will the planet and all the creatures on it still be a part of that consciousness? Yes.

I guess were both seeing it differently and that's understandable.

So let me ask this question. Who is the observer? What is the force holding all reality together? What is the one thing present in all things that doesn't get fully destroyed? Consciousness.

Does your individual consciousness get destroyed. NO. Your ego/body/mind gets destroyed.

How can we all be conversating right now? Are consciousness is connected, no?

So boom I just died and a child was just born. Consciousness gone and then right back. Never ending process, no?

That we merely share an evolved trait doesn't mean that we are somehow connected and preserved beyond our own individual death. And yes, consciousness can be removed from existence. Should all conscious lifeforms in the universe die at once, then consciousness would no longer exist and could only come back into existence should life begin again and eventually reach consciousness via evolution.

And, our consciousnesses are not 'connected' right now. We're merely having a conversation facilitated by the Internet.
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Apr 5 2024 12:00pm
Quote (C4NTWO @ 5 Apr 2024 12:47)
lol, talk about missing the point. and he also never said he was looking down on them, thats twice now you put words in his mouth.... refer to the third sentence of post no. 25

Glad you are here to remind me.

I'm talking to a lot of people at once.

The vibe I got from what he said in his original post is, "I have evidence they worship nature gods because I vacationed in Nepal " but then they litter right after that so they must not know what they are doing".

Can he tell me the name of that nature god? No. Nature is God. They are one in the same.

I'll make another assumption. He went and visited your a-typical tourist spots. He saw people do things and made assumptions. So I'll make assumptions too.

Living in Canada where it's clean and then go to Nepal/India and see trash everywhere of course you'll be shook.
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Apr 5 2024 12:02pm
Quote (SBD @ 5 Apr 2024 12:50)
I openly recognized that their system of belief in my opinion is superior to to the Western world. I am also able to fully observe actions of people that contradict things.

Amazing eh.

There's good in recognizing the good in things, be it "gods" or just a belief in something greater than yourself. From my observations, much of the "gods" are simply rational to believe in good or beauty of something, or being good to XYZ. For instance viewing guests as "gods". Really that's just courtesy and building good karma.

I think when you're poor you need to see good in things, its all you have in many cases and that's been lost on the Western World. We could learn from that again, dosen't need to be through worship, or a god, just the simple concept of seeing beyond yourself.

If I circled back to my first post, that to me is what "god" is. A belief system that there's more than just yourself, a greater good. Do I carry out all actions for the greater good, absolutely not, I doubt most do, but certainly many actions are guided by a greater good / selflessness. Things you don't have to do, but you do it anyway, which in my own opinion is probably healthy. You could devolve this further and then try to define what "good" is but that's another tangent for another time.

I agree with all of that. I misinterpreted what you said and I apologize.
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Apr 5 2024 12:15pm
Quote (Handcuffs @ 5 Apr 2024 12:57)
That we merely share an evolved trait doesn't mean that we are somehow connected and preserved beyond our own individual death. And yes, consciousness can be removed from existence. Should all conscious lifeforms in the universe die at once, then consciousness would no longer exist and could only come back into existence should life begin again and eventually reach consciousness via evolution.

And, our consciousnesses are not 'connected' right now. We're merely having a conversation facilitated by the Internet.

Notice how you had to say "if all living things died at once". That's even more of a "fantastical reach" is it not?

Some Hindus believe exactly what you just said. The Yugic cycles end and then Brahma restarts the whole play over again.

Can you not see destruction and creation all around you 24/7 365?

If all things ceased to exist and the universe closed in on itself and no longer expanded and began to retract. What would you be left with when the final black holes all swallowed each other.

If matter is all empty space and all things came from ONE point. Would the big bang not just happen again?

What says it actually ends? No being on Earth can actually say that you know?

Those are all the philosophical questions that the Rishis and Sages in the ancient past tried to answer &&& only 1-5% of all Sanskrit has been translated.

A lot of the questions you all have asked me are answered in totality in those ancient scriptures.

I've only read 1% of all the texts so I can't answer alot of these questions but I try.

I've read the Bible, Torah, Quran, Bghavad Gita, Upanidshads, Vedas, Mahabarta, Diamond Sutra, Eight fold path, and some Taoist/Sikh texts. I still say I know NOTHING because I'd be ignorant to say "I know it all".

The whole point of all religions is to get you to see the divinity within you.

When I see another human being I see the divine spark the creator put in all of us. A beautiful creation. Humans are all different and that's what makes us unique on this planet. We are also the only ones who can even contemplate consciousness. That's the great gift "God" or "Existence" gave us. The only one actually.

This post was edited by SwamiVivekananda on Apr 5 2024 12:23pm
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Apr 5 2024 12:19pm
Quote (SwamiVivekananda @ Apr 5 2024 11:00pm)
Glad you are here to remind me.

I'm talking to a lot of people at once.

The vibe I got from what he said in his original post is, "I have evidence they worship nature gods because I vacationed in Nepal " but then they litter right after that so they must not know what they are doing".

Can he tell me the name of that nature god? No. Nature is God. They are one in the same.

I'll make another assumption. He went and visited your a-typical tourist spots. He saw people do things and made assumptions. So I'll make assumptions too.

Living in Canada where it's clean and then go to Nepal/India and see trash everywhere of course you'll be shook.

Yes, some tourist spots within Kathmandu itself most of which are not, Manaslu is significantly less trekked and isn't like Anapurna or Everest and also has significant Tibetan influence which Is why I choose it. I barely saw any tourists during my trekk, but its near the start of the season I suppose.
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Apr 5 2024 12:24pm
God is a ludicrous fiction, dreamt up by inadequates who abnegate all responsibility to an invisible magic friend.
- Sherlock

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Apr 5 2024 12:34pm
Quote (SBD @ 5 Apr 2024 13:19)
Yes, some tourist spots within Kathmandu itself most of which are not, Manaslu is significantly less trekked and isn't like Anapurna or Everest and also has significant Tibetan influence which Is why I choose it. I barely saw any tourists during my trekk, but its near the start of the season I suppose.

Yea can't go to India during their summer unless you want to die lol

That's the nice part about Nepal is that temperatures are more moderate.

When I was on the Andaman Islands it was heaven on Earth for me. I was brought to tears. If you loved the Caribbean visit the Andaman Islands.

I was in India for 3 months right before Covid-19 and I'm pretty sure I got it there because I almost died. Was deathly ill for two weeks.

That's why when you get back from India and you step off the plane and breathe in that fresh/clean air you could basically cry.

That's why I guess I get offended a little because we all live in just HEAVEN and if you go to India for two weeks it's like you fought Satan in the depths of hell and survived.

It's suppose to make you grateful for the country you live in and all the nice things we have and take for granted.

I apologize for making the assumption you weren't grateful. We both just experienced it in different ways.

The times I've gone to India/Nepal/Indonesia I've stayed in Ashrams and not hotels and I go with the Vivekananda Vedanta Society of which I'm a member and initiate. Do more volunteer work then sight seeing but the nice thing about traveling with a Swami/Guru is they know all the "hidden gems". I got to enter holy places I really shouldn't have been allowed and am forever grateful.

Worst part about traveling with a guru is the amount of food you get offered that is disrespectful not to eat. Huge reason I got sick. Only white dude for a thousand miles lol :rofl:
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Apr 5 2024 12:49pm
To op: are you the type to get offended when a coworker orders food with another coworker and doesn't ask you if you want anything?
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Apr 5 2024 12:54pm
Quote (SwamiVivekananda @ Apr 5 2024 12:40pm)
Right but who are you to fear?

Who are you?

When you read a scripture especially the Bible you are the "I" in it.

It is you who is reading it in your own mind. God is not reading you the Bible. You are.

There is no separation it was just the Western philosophies that said, "You aren't God. You aren't Christ. You are a nobody" and that was beneficial because the FEAR created a structure that put people in line aka controlled them.

"We" are to fear God and the day of judgment

"I" was made in the image of God

Also, (imo) it's not western power structures/philosophies that created the fear; the Bible lays out quite clearly what the fear of God entails.

Wether or not people believe in le heckin magical sky daddy is one thing but I like to think that there's a direct correlation between European culture abandoning Christianity and the rise of predators grooming children/Islam taking over Europe. Stuff like link rel wouldn't happen if Europeans didn't abandon what made us great:

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Apr 5 2024 01:00pm
Quote (blahaj @ 5 Apr 2024 13:49)
To op: are you the type to get offended when a coworker orders food with another coworker and doesn't ask you if you want anything?

I'm retired and no I wouldn't.

I built and sold a lawn maintenance business with a childhood friend. Cutting grass for 10-12 hours a day 5 days a week for 10 years doesn't give you much time to even eat, let alone bitch. :rofl:

If either of us bitched we'd start singing, "BBB" "baby back bitch" to each other.

I consider myself blessed to have only had to work with one other person my entire working years.

This post was edited by SwamiVivekananda on Apr 5 2024 01:05pm
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