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Sep 15 2023 04:31am

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Sep 15 2023 04:34am

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Sep 15 2023 05:05am
Quote (CPK001 @ Sep 15 2023 09:56am)
The term “canon” is used to describe the books that are divinely inspired and therefore belong in the Bible. The difficulty in determining the biblical canon is that the Bible does not give us a list of the books that belong in the Bible. Determining the canon was a process conducted first by Jewish rabbis and scholars and later by early Christians. Ultimately, it was God who decided what books belonged in the biblical canon. A book of Scripture belonged in the canon from the moment God inspired its writing. It was simply a matter of God’s convincing His human followers which books should be included in the Bible.


Compared to the New Testament, there was much less controversy over the canon of the Old Testament. Hebrew believers recognized God’s messengers and accepted their writings as inspired of God. While there was undeniably some debate in regards to the Old Testament canon, by A.D. 250 there was nearly universal agreement on the canon of Hebrew Scripture. The only issue that remained was the Apocrypha, with some debate and discussion continuing today. The vast majority of Hebrew scholars considered the Apocrypha to be good historical and religious documents, but not on the same level as the Hebrew Scriptures.

For the New Testament, the process of the recognition and collection began in the first centuries of the Christian church. Very early on, some of the New Testament books were being recognized. Paul considered Luke’s writings to be as authoritative as the Old Testament (1 Timothy 5:18; see also Deuteronomy 25:4 and Luke 10:7). Peter recognized Paul’s writings as Scripture (2 Peter 3:15-16). Some of the books of the New Testament were being circulated among the churches (Colossians 4:16; 1 Thessalonians 5:27). Clement of Rome mentioned at least eight New Testament books (A.D. 95). Polycarp, a disciple of John the apostle, acknowledged 15 books (A.D. 108). Ignatius of Antioch acknowledged about seven books (A.D. 115). Later, Irenaeus mentioned 21 books (A.D. 185). Hippolytus recognized 22 books (A.D. 170-235). The New Testament books receiving the most controversy were Hebrews, James, 2 Peter, 2 John, and 3 John.

The first “canon” was the Muratorian Canon, which was compiled in AD 170. The Muratorian Canon included all of the New Testament books except Hebrews, James, 1 and 2 Peter, and 3 John. In AD 363, the Council of Laodicea stated that only the Old Testament (along with one book of the Apocrypha) and 26 books of the New Testament (everything but Revelation) were canonical and to be read in the churches. The Council of Hippo (AD 393) and the Council of Carthage (AD 397) also affirmed the same 27 books as authoritative.

The councils followed something similar to the following principles to determine whether a New Testament book was truly inspired by the Holy Spirit: 1) Was the author an apostle or have a close connection with an apostle? 2) Is the book being accepted by the body of Christ at large? 3) Did the book contain consistency of doctrine and orthodox teaching? 4) Did the book bear evidence of high moral and spiritual values that would reflect a work of the Holy Spirit? Again, it is crucial to remember that the church did not determine the canon. No early church council decided on the canon. It was God, and God alone, who determined which books belonged in the Bible. It was simply a matter of God’s imparting to His followers what He had already decided. The human process of collecting the books of the Bible was flawed, but God, in His sovereignty, and despite our ignorance and stubbornness, brought the early church to the recognition of the books He had inspired.


Looks to me like Ultimately, it was God who decided what books belonged in the biblical canon. I don't doubt there were other books that didn't make it into the Bible but what is written in the Bible is enough for us to see and believe. Even if you were to add more books, what is more there to gain today? Besides you would still throw a hissy fit over the entirety of the Bible being unreliable regardless.

This is embarrassing. You are just repeating nonsense and take it for granted. Saying the bible is not a cherrypicked version of an inconsistent stack of books and scrolls is absolutely astounding. It shows that "believers" arent capable of questioning what they want to be true.
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Sep 15 2023 07:16am
Quote (addone @ Sep 15 2023 03:31am)

new excuses are made when the "we from monkeys" story didnt hold up
just a heads up. scripture it self says "seek and ye shall find"
nothing about sit on your azz its someone elses job.
BTW there is a such a thing as unicorns........

you ought to write that chit on a napkin, that will really make it a solid statement

if you put all the historical documents in one book you couldnt pick it up and carry it around.

Quote (addone @ Sep 15 2023 03:34am)

first one genetic fallacy

dumb meme is scripture ignorant

with out God there will be no justice, ever. what part do you play in the world?

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Sep 15 2023 04:52pm
Quote (addone @ Sep 15 2023 08:28pm)
Do you ever question what you spew? How did God convince people? Why did he need to convince people in the first place? Why was there so many books written ? Why not just write one book from himself and spare the confusion? Better yet Why is it not obvious? Why does this all powerful God need people to simp for him and convince others with circular reasoning or personal anecdotes? Why can't he simply just say hello here I am God just letting you know I am real. Here is some proof that it was me not a Hindu God or mickey mouse or an alligator God.

When science makes proof or explains how something works it becomes evident. Here is how combustion engine works here is a car it's real you can drive it. There is no magic or personal anecdotes. There is only facts religion only has faith or hope.

Look up various religious councils which literally put together the Cannon. There have been many and to this day they do not all agree proof that there was no concesus on what was considered divinely inspired. It's just people putting together based on their personal opinions. Otherwise God would just say here is my book no debating or arguing.

There is no consensus in the christian community. That's why there thousands of Christian denominations from minor differences to fundamental canonical disagreements.

If it was one God as you claim there would be only one book and only one interpretation. But there isn't.

Don't forget thousands of other religions and thousands of sub religions trying to claim their god is real and their interpretation is true. Christians are simply Judaism 2.0 in a sea of cultists. Confused and scared attribute things they don't understand to a magical being in the sky somewhere.

Simple, the issue isn't whether God exists or not. The issue is sin and that we are rebellious towards God and want nothing to do with him. This is the definition of sin. If you read the Bible you would see that the Israelite's had no issue with whether God existed or not, they in fact had the best possible position right after they were rescued in Egypt. Yet they still grumbled after a few days of being rescued.

Don't you see it in this thread? You've been spewing nothing but hate and it's not because you don't think God exists. You hate him and want nothing to do with him. God had a plan to deal with sin and you can see that in Genesis 12. If God did not intervene then the Bible would have ended at Genesis 11, which you can see the state of the world at the time with sin spreading over the world.

Quote (addone @ Sep 15 2023 08:31pm)

The Bible disagrees with you there.

Matthew 7:7-8

7 “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. 8 For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.

We are not called to be idle. You should be doing your own investigation and not waiting on stuff to come to you. Has being idle worked out for you the last 300 pages? This is yet another reason why I will not go into any advanced topics with you.

What I will do for you is to give you another kids song to sing along!

[Verse 1]
You might have seen bad things happening
On the TV news
You might be worrying 'bout the world
And wonder what'll happen to you
Well, put your trust in God alone
'Cause He's still sitting on His mighty throne

And the Lord is King!
He's gonna look after everything, everything
The Lord is King!
He's gonna look after everything, every single thing
In this world
'Cause this is His world

[Verse 2]
You might get sad and wonder
Why there's so much pain
Why we let the same mistakes
Happen over and over again
Our sinful ways will always fail
But God and His ways will prevail

Bеcause the Lord is King!
He's gonna look aftеr everything, everything
The Lord is King!
He's gonna look after everything, every single thing
In this world
'Cause this is His world
(It's His world!)
You might also like
The Crocodile Song
Colin Buchanan
Jesus is No Fairytale
Colin Buchanan
King of the Jungle
Colin Buchanan

[Verse 3]
You kings be wise, you rulers
Hear the Lord's decree
He sees, He knows, He'll judge
In fearsome majesty
But blessed are all who find their place
In the shelter of His grace

Because the Lord is King!
He's gonna look after everything, everything
The Lord is King!
He's gonna look after everything, everything
The Lord is King!
He's gonna look after everything, everything
The Lord is King!
He never stops looking after everything, every single thing
In this world
'Cause this is His world
And He rules the world
Yeah, this is His world
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Sep 16 2023 12:20am
Quote (CPK001 @ Sep 16 2023 10:52am)
Simple, the issue isn't whether God exists or not. The issue is sin and that we are rebellious towards God and want nothing to do with him. This is the definition of sin. If you read the Bible you would see that the Israelite's had no issue with whether God existed or not, they in fact had the best possible position right after they were rescued in Egypt. Yet they still grumbled after a few days of being rescued.

Don't you see it in this thread? You've been spewing nothing but hate and it's not because you don't think God exists. You hate him and want nothing to do with him. God had a plan to deal with sin and you can see that in Genesis 12. If God did not intervene then the Bible would have ended at Genesis 11, which you can see the state of the world at the time with sin spreading over the world.

The Bible disagrees with you there.

Matthew 7:7-8

7 “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. 8 For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.

We are not called to be idle. You should be doing your own investigation and not waiting on stuff to come to you. Has being idle worked out for you the last 300 pages? This is yet another reason why I will not go into any advanced topics with you.

I've been asking for some hard evidence in the last 300 odd pages and not a single one has been presented. Also you haven't addressed thousands of other gods that people claim with equal conviction.
For example there are multiple of religions based around the sun. It's way more real than your Christian-Judaic God of yours. At least you can see the sun and it provides light and heat. Not sure how that's a God but at least it's not as batshit as dust man and rib woman ate a magic fruit given by a talking snake or whatever you cultists believe in.
You keep saying God exists without providing any proof. It's like you have an actual comprehension disability. I have dismantled your circular reasoning and unproven statements multiple of times. Yet you keep insisting your magic man exists. You keep spamming your bible quotes and now songs and personal anecdotes. I didn't ask for those things I don't care about those things. If your teacher at school asked you what's 2+2? Did you draw her a picture of jesus? Or play her a song? No you didn't otherwise you fail. Because those are incorrect and invalid answers. Then why are you spamming this thread with invalid answers. Only conclusion I can come up with is you are either slow or intentionally trolling.

I have now shown you how different councils have literally put together the bible under the instructions of Constantine who used it to control people and unify Rome. Some of his edicts were to put people in jail if they didn't believe Christianity or questioned it in any way. Christianity was forced upon the people and to this day its still being forced, especially on young children who don't know any better. I have shown you numerous bible fallacies, magical impossibilities, outlandish claims and lies the Christians have promulgated. I have provided logic and reason and continue to do so. But if you do not value logic or facts if you still keep mindlessly repeating same shit without proof that is your delusion and you are welcome to keep telling yourself the lies.
However I value logic, I value evidence, I work with this reality. If you have theories and fairytale you like to believe in that's cool but that isn't practical for me. Intelligent people aren't easily swayed by personal anecdotes, food, boobs or songs. These are distractions we value hard truth not faith not mere words in a book. Too many religious kooks running around making promises how their God can do miracles and shit yet they all want a handout. We don't need that superstition we educated, normal people can see through the bullshit and the religious scam doesn't affect us. We have grown up there is no more delusion to believe in Santa or the tooth fairy. We can still give presents and be merry without these imaginary figures. We have communities who are not religious and make good friends. We don't need jesus to heal us we have medicine and doctors. We don't need God to help with depression or cure alcoholism. These are states of mind there is an abundant amount of tools to help ourselves.
God is a placebo that people apply and think it's magic. It is not we have already good science regarding thoughts and power of visualisation. Getting rich isn't some magic wish granted by a sky wizard it is a formula. Just need to get off your backside and stop trying to pray to some personal genie to grant you wishes. Just go out and make it happen.

It works really well no magic required.

This post was edited by addone on Sep 16 2023 12:33am
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Sep 16 2023 01:11am
People start praying out of desperation. They don't have their mental faculties in tact so in the last ditch effort they try their luck by praying to some genie to come and pull them out of the mess. Those desperate situations could be depression, alcohol, drugs, stress of job, life, financial difficulties or similar.

Whatever low you are experiencing you are simply stuck you have not faced problems this big before or you ignored all the small things which led you to this situation. You decided to be lazy and chose an escape problems by drinking yourself to bed every night. Your alcoholism didn't just develop overnight that shit probably was years in the making. You didn't plan your life and gambled your money away. You didn't do a single thing towards achieving a better financial security for yourself. Maybe you put all your chips into the one job and now that job is gone and you didn't invest in anything else. Financial irresponsible child you have been.

No matter whatever the problem no matter how stuck and depressed you are it's mostly because you didn't take responsibility. You are the common factor in all your life's miseries and drama. Guess what you are the common factor of all your successes and victories aswell. The only way to get out of your mess is to help yourself and help others. The question is how badly do you want it and how much effort and focus are you going to give?

If you wanted success and happiness for yourself as much as you wanted to breathe then you would find a way.
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Sep 16 2023 01:24am
Quote (addone @ Sep 16 2023 12:11am)
People start praying out of desperation. They don't have their mental faculties in tact so in the last ditch effort they try their luck by praying to some genie to come and pull them out of the mess. Those desperate situations could be depression, alcohol, drugs, stress of job, life, financial difficulties or similar.

Whatever low you are experiencing you are simply stuck you have not faced problems this big before or you ignored all the small things which led you to this situation. You decided to be lazy and chose an escape problems by drinking yourself to bed every night. Your alcoholism didn't just develop overnight that shit probably was years in the making. You didn't plan your life and gambled your money away. You didn't do a single thing towards achieving a better financial security for yourself. Maybe you put all your chips into the one job and now that job is gone and you didn't invest in anything else. Financial irresponsible child you have been.

No matter whatever the problem no matter how stuck and depressed you are it's mostly because you didn't take responsibility. You are the common factor in all your life's miseries and drama. Guess what you are the common factor of all your successes and victories aswell. The only way to get out of your mess is to help yourself and help others. The question is how badly do you want it and how much effort and focus are you going to give?

If you wanted success and happiness for yourself as much as you wanted to breathe then you would find a way.

how does helping others get you out of your own mess?

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Sep 16 2023 04:42am
Quote (addone @ Sep 16 2023 04:20pm)
I've been asking for some hard evidence in the last 300 odd pages and not a single one has been presented. Also you haven't addressed thousands of other gods that people claim with equal conviction.
For example there are multiple of religions based around the sun. It's way more real than your Christian-Judaic God of yours. At least you can see the sun and it provides light and heat. Not sure how that's a God but at least it's not as batshit as dust man and rib woman ate a magic fruit given by a talking snake or whatever you cultists believe in.
You keep saying God exists without providing any proof. It's like you have an actual comprehension disability. I have dismantled your circular reasoning and unproven statements multiple of times. Yet you keep insisting your magic man exists. You keep spamming your bible quotes and now songs and personal anecdotes. I didn't ask for those things I don't care about those things. If your teacher at school asked you what's 2+2? Did you draw her a picture of jesus? Or play her a song? No you didn't otherwise you fail. Because those are incorrect and invalid answers. Then why are you spamming this thread with invalid answers. Only conclusion I can come up with is you are either slow or intentionally trolling.

I have now shown you how different councils have literally put together the bible under the instructions of Constantine who used it to control people and unify Rome. Some of his edicts were to put people in jail if they didn't believe Christianity or questioned it in any way. Christianity was forced upon the people and to this day its still being forced, especially on young children who don't know any better. I have shown you numerous bible fallacies, magical impossibilities, outlandish claims and lies the Christians have promulgated. I have provided logic and reason and continue to do so. But if you do not value logic or facts if you still keep mindlessly repeating same shit without proof that is your delusion and you are welcome to keep telling yourself the lies.
However I value logic, I value evidence, I work with this reality. If you have theories and fairytale you like to believe in that's cool but that isn't practical for me. Intelligent people aren't easily swayed by personal anecdotes, food, boobs or songs. These are distractions we value hard truth not faith not mere words in a book. Too many religious kooks running around making promises how their God can do miracles and shit yet they all want a handout. We don't need that superstition we educated, normal people can see through the bullshit and the religious scam doesn't affect us. We have grown up there is no more delusion to believe in Santa or the tooth fairy. We can still give presents and be merry without these imaginary figures. We have communities who are not religious and make good friends. We don't need jesus to heal us we have medicine and doctors. We don't need God to help with depression or cure alcoholism. These are states of mind there is an abundant amount of tools to help ourselves.
God is a placebo that people apply and think it's magic. It is not we have already good science regarding thoughts and power of visualisation. Getting rich isn't some magic wish granted by a sky wizard it is a formula. Just need to get off your backside and stop trying to pray to some personal genie to grant you wishes. Just go out and make it happen.

It works really well no magic required.

Quote (addone @ Sep 16 2023 05:11pm)
People start praying out of desperation. They don't have their mental faculties in tact so in the last ditch effort they try their luck by praying to some genie to come and pull them out of the mess. Those desperate situations could be depression, alcohol, drugs, stress of job, life, financial difficulties or similar.

Whatever low you are experiencing you are simply stuck you have not faced problems this big before or you ignored all the small things which led you to this situation. You decided to be lazy and chose an escape problems by drinking yourself to bed every night. Your alcoholism didn't just develop overnight that shit probably was years in the making. You didn't plan your life and gambled your money away. You didn't do a single thing towards achieving a better financial security for yourself. Maybe you put all your chips into the one job and now that job is gone and you didn't invest in anything else. Financial irresponsible child you have been.

No matter whatever the problem no matter how stuck and depressed you are it's mostly because you didn't take responsibility. You are the common factor in all your life's miseries and drama. Guess what you are the common factor of all your successes and victories aswell. The only way to get out of your mess is to help yourself and help others. The question is how badly do you want it and how much effort and focus are you going to give?

If you wanted success and happiness for yourself as much as you wanted to breathe then you would find a way.

So you value wisdom in a nutshell? Let's see what the Bible says about the wise.

Isaiah 29:14

14 Therefore once more I will astound these people
with wonder upon wonder;
the wisdom of the wise will perish,
the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish.”

1 Corinthians 1:18-25

Christ Crucified Is God’s Power and Wisdom
18 For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. 19 For it is written:

“I will destroy the wisdom of the wise;
the intelligence of the intelligent I will frustrate.”

20 Where is the wise person? Where is the teacher of the law? Where is the philosopher of this age? Has not God made foolish the wisdom of the world? 21 For since in the wisdom of God the world through its wisdom did not know him, God was pleased through the foolishness of what was preached to save those who believe. 22 Jews demand signs and Greeks look for wisdom, 23 but we preach Christ crucified: a stumbling block to Jews and foolishness to Gentiles, 24 but to those whom God has called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God. 25 For the foolishness of God is wiser than human wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than human strength.

For someone who claims to value logic, evidence, wisdom, knowledge etc. you really do have a hard time comprehending the Bible and its passages. You always stumble on these verses. You still can't comprehend that the issue is sin, it always has been. You keep demanding a sign but the Bible has an answer to that as well. When presented with evidence you either respond with a Wikipedia link or you respond with memes. What you don't know is that ultimately it is God who decided how the Bible should be put together. What isn't put in -- what more would it add? What is written in the Holy Scriptures is sufficient enough for our Salvation.

I have addressed the other gods. Did you not read this post? https://forums.d2jsp.org/topic.php?t=99644580&f=119&p=650624174#p650624174
I certainly made it big enough for you to see.

There you have it, you have revealed to all of us how Satan has deceived you. You have been deceived into thinking that you have no need for the cross. Did I not once say that the hardest thing to convince somebody is the doctrine of sin? It's been about 300 pages and you still haven't grasped this concept. We keep telling you that creation is evidence of God. Otherwise you believe that everything came together by complete accident and luck.

If you knew about sin you would know that you cannot save yourself and that you need a Super Saviour.

Speaking of Super Saviour:

Who can save the day?
Take our sins away?
Who can rescue us
With mighty power…?
Super Saviour
To the rescue!
Super Saviour
Mighty to save!
Here comes Jesus
Up! Up!
And out of the grave!
Super Saviour
To the rescue!
Super Saviour
Mighty to save!
Here comes Jesus
Up! Up!
And out of the grave!
He's the death Crusher Death Crusher
Sin Smasher Sin Smasher
Who's the Mighty Super Saviour?
He's the death Crusher Death Crusher
Sin Smasher Sin Smasher
Who's the Mighty Super Saviour?
JESUS! 1-2-3-4
Who can save the day?
Take our sins away?
Who can rescue us
With mighty power…?
Super Saviour
To the rescue!
Super Saviour
Mighty to save!
Here comes Jesus
Up! Up!
And out of the grave!
Super Saviour
To the rescue!
Super Saviour
Mighty to save!
Here comes Jesus
Up! Up!
And out of the grave!
Super Saviour
Super Saviour
Super Saviour
Super Saviour
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Sep 16 2023 04:49am
I love God. I haven't read the book. Maybe one day. I'll report back to here to share all about it when / if I do. I just think that if all my stories where in a book I would love the stranger who didn't read that book maybe a touch more then those that did. I have many stories , but I randomly saw this and wanted to put my text in. I hope whoever reads this knows that you are loved , and it's better to be alive than not.

Try hard and never quit , do good and make the best decisions that you can while you can.

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