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Sep 8 2023 02:29pm
Quote (Meanwhile @ Sep 9 2023 12:22am)
ok, 3k posts.
So what this priest did to you ^addone ?

Priests get paid to work on Sundays so i told him that he is going to hell. :rofl:

This post was edited by addone on Sep 8 2023 02:30pm
Posts: 39,174
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Sep 8 2023 04:44pm
Quote (Modulok2405 @ Sep 8 2023 01:05pm)
I couldnt do that even if I wanted to.

you be surprised.
its like 'atheist actually read scripture then plays the part scripture has claimed for them. its uncanny.
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Sep 8 2023 04:48pm
Quote (addone @ Sep 8 2023 01:29pm)
Priests get paid to work on Sundays so i told him that he is going to hell. :rofl:

thats actually kind of funny. the statement is so ignorant of scripture. never gona get to the part were "Christianity Is A Lie And Bible Is Proof"
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Sep 8 2023 05:25pm
Quote (addone @ Sep 8 2023 08:07pm)
Maybe it's good to pull out the old dictionary and look up definitions.

the systematic study of the structure and behaviour of the physical and natural world through observation, experimentation, and the testing of theories against the evidence obtained.

knowledge of any kind.
"his rare science and his practical skill"

Newton didn't invent science. He helped develop it and added to the knowledge base. If you going by the modern version it was Aristotle or Galileo
But the roots can be traced far back to Egypt and ancient Mesopotamia. I already informed you the ancient civilizations like Atlantis or lemurians etc had technology and understanding far greater than we thought. In order to be that advanced you must have scientific understanding and progress. One doesn't become technologically advanced by sacrificing goats and praying to an invisible wizard in the sky.
Bacon or Newton or whoever you think invented science only gave it lip service and or helped develop an already existing methodology of studying the natural world.

I failed to see how emotion/human condition is hard proof of God? In order to claim that you must prove a God exists then prove how it was God that created emotions and lastly prove that it was your specific God and not a thousand other equally proposed gods.
Otherwise I can claim Mickey Mouse made us and the human condition.

Feel free to provide actual proof if you going to make far fetched statements like that.

Ahh, I see the problem with you now. You are searching for wisdom. "We know a lot more now than they did back then." What has honestly changed in the last 2,000 years? I can send an email instead of a letter. It gets to the destination faster but I'm still sending a letter. I'm just doing it in a more efficient way.

Let's explore Wisdom shall we? Luckily it just so happens that I recently made a post about this on Ecclesiastes.

Ecclesiastes 7:1 - 8:1

7 A good name is better than fine perfume,
and the day of death better than the day of birth.
2 It is better to go to a house of mourning
than to go to a house of feasting,
for death is the destiny of everyone;
the living should take this to heart.
3 Frustration is better than laughter,
because a sad face is good for the heart.
4 The heart of the wise is in the house of mourning,
but the heart of fools is in the house of pleasure.
5 It is better to heed the rebuke of a wise person
than to listen to the song of fools.
6 Like the crackling of thorns under the pot,
so is the laughter of fools.
This too is meaningless.

7 Extortion turns a wise person into a fool,
and a bribe corrupts the heart.

8 The end of a matter is better than its beginning,
and patience is better than pride.
9 Do not be quickly provoked in your spirit,
for anger resides in the lap of fools.

10 Do not say, “Why were the old days better than these?”
For it is not wise to ask such questions.

11 Wisdom, like an inheritance, is a good thing
and benefits those who see the sun.
12 Wisdom is a shelter
as money is a shelter,
but the advantage of knowledge is this:
Wisdom preserves those who have it.

13 Consider what God has done:

Who can straighten
what he has made crooked?
14 When times are good, be happy;
but when times are bad, consider this:
God has made the one
as well as the other.
Therefore, no one can discover
anything about their future.

15 In this meaningless life of mine I have seen both of these:

the righteous perishing in their righteousness,
and the wicked living long in their wickedness.
16 Do not be overrighteous,
neither be overwise—
why destroy yourself?
17 Do not be overwicked,
and do not be a fool—
why die before your time?
18 It is good to grasp the one
and not let go of the other.
Whoever fears God will avoid all extremes.

19 Wisdom makes one wise person more powerful
than ten rulers in a city.

20 Indeed, there is no one on earth who is righteous,
no one who does what is right and never sins.

21 Do not pay attention to every word people say,
or you may hear your servant cursing you—
22 for you know in your heart
that many times you yourself have cursed others.

23 All this I tested by wisdom and I said,

“I am determined to be wise”—
but this was beyond me.
24 Whatever exists is far off and most profound—
who can discover it?
25 So I turned my mind to understand,
to investigate and to search out wisdom and the scheme of things
and to understand the stupidity of wickedness
and the madness of folly.

26 I find more bitter than death
the woman who is a snare,
whose heart is a trap
and whose hands are chains.
The man who pleases God will escape her,
but the sinner she will ensnare.

27 “Look,” says the Teacher, “this is what I have discovered:

“Adding one thing to another to discover the scheme of things—
28 while I was still searching
but not finding—
I found one upright man among a thousand,
but not one upright woman among them all.
29 This only have I found:
God created mankind upright,
but they have gone in search of many schemes.”

Who is like the wise?
Who knows the explanation of things?
A person’s wisdom brightens their face
and changes its hard appearance.

What has the theme been so far when the writer of Ecclesiastes has gone to look for meaning at every aspect of life? Meaningless, a chasing after the wind.

Is Wisdom any different?

Ecclesiastes 1:17

17 Then I applied myself to the understanding of wisdom, and also of madness and folly, but I learned that this, too, is a chasing after the wind.

Ecclesiastes 7:3

3 Frustration is better than laughter,
because a sad face is good for the heart.

Ecclesiastes 8:1

Who is like the wise?
Who knows the explanation of things?
A person’s wisdom brightens their face
and changes its hard appearance.

This is a bit weird isn't it? Frustration is better than laughter? A sad face is good for the heart? What's happening here is the writer is taking us on a journey from 7:1 to 8:1. Let's go on that journey. What is Wisdom? Wisdom is how we interact with our world.

There are 3 things that Wisdom must be.
1 - Wisdom must accept reality.

Ecclesiastes 7:1

A good name is better than fine perfume,
and the day of death better than the day of birth.

Is a funeral better than a Birthday? Let's look at the first half where it says "A good name is better than fine perfume." Wisdom must interact and encounter the day of death.

Ecclesiastes 7:4

The heart of the wise is in the house of mourning,
but the heart of fools is in the house of pleasure.

Ecclesiastes 7:8

The end of a matter is better than its beginning,
and patience is better than pride.

As humans we love to rejoice at the possibilities. There is a way of living that denies one but embraces another. As humans we typically avoid the topic of death. We love the idea of possibility and not reality.

Ecclesiastes 7:10

Do not say, “Why were the old days better than these?”
For it is not wise to ask such questions.

In this day and age "We've got to have the latest stuff". There's a term for this and it's called Escape.

Escape our world through Holidays? Escape through Alcohol? Escape through games? Escape through parties?

For all the joy we fill ourselves there is an end that must be faced or reconciled.

2 - Wisdom must accept human creaturehood.

Ecclesiastes 7:11-12

11 Wisdom, like an inheritance, is a good thing
and benefits those who see the sun.
12 Wisdom is a shelter
as money is a shelter,
but the advantage of knowledge is this:
Wisdom preserves those who have it.

This is weird, did the writer say that money, like wisdom is a shelter? What we can draw from this is that wisdom preserves but it also has a flaw. We do not have the ability to change tomorrow. God is in control.


14 When times are good, be happy;
but when times are bad, consider this:
God has made the one
as well as the other.
Therefore, no one can discover
anything about their future.

God is Sovereign and in control of all things.

Can we run and shape our world?

James 4:13-14

13 Now listen, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city, spend a year there, carry on business and make money.” 14 Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes.

Ecclesiastes 7:15

15 In this meaningless life of mine I have seen both of these:

the righteous perishing in their righteousness,
and the wicked living long in their wickedness.

We see a world where the world is flipped. The crooked people succeed while the honest people fail.

Matthew 6:27

27 Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?

3 - Accept human Sinfulness

Ecclesiastes 7:16-17

16 Do not be overrighteous,
neither be overwise—
why destroy yourself?
17 Do not be overwicked,
and do not be a fool—
why die before your time?

Do not be overrighteous? How can one be overrighteous? What if we put a word in front of that? Do not be self-righteous. Now the meaning has changed.

James 4:16

16 As it is, you boast in your arrogant schemes. All such boasting is evil.

That which seeks to control is in defiance of the living God.

Ecclesiastes 7:20-22

20 Indeed, there is no one on earth who is righteous,
no one who does what is right and never sins.

21 Do not pay attention to every word people say,
or you may hear your servant cursing you—
22 for you know in your heart
that many times you yourself have cursed others.

Do not eavesdrop to make yourself look good, it will not work.

Ecclesiastes 7:23-24

23 All this I tested by wisdom and I said,

“I am determined to be wise”—
but this was beyond me.
24 Whatever exists is far off and most profound—
who can discover it?

Do you know everything? Are you God? We cannot understand all things. When we try we show ourselves to be fools.

Ecclesiastes 7:26

26 I find more bitter than death
the woman who is a snare,
whose heart is a trap
and whose hands are chains.
The man who pleases God will escape her,
but the sinner she will ensnare.

Fools are suckers for the abuser as they look for pleasure and forget God.

Ecclesiastes 7:27-29

27 “Look,” says the Teacher, “this is what I have discovered:

“Adding one thing to another to discover the scheme of things—
28 while I was still searching
but not finding—
I found one upright man among a thousand,
but not one upright woman among them all.
29 This only have I found:
God created mankind upright,
but they have gone in search of many schemes.”

Here is the issue we have with human wisdom. Each one of us go in search of many schemes. We are wise, we did it ourselves. We are self made and self saving.

Romans 3:22-24

22 This righteousness is given through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe. There is no difference between Jew and Gentile, 23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, 24 and all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.

Yet God has answered our stupidity by doing something very wise.

What is Wisdom?
1 - Accept reality - Death is part of the world.
2 - Accept creaturehood - We cannot know all things.
3 - Accept sinfulness - Only hope is outside of us. Our sin needed answering. Jesus is the answer.

Fix your eyes on Jesus.

Fix your eyes on Jesus and O come to the Altar!

Are you hurting and broken within?
Overwhelmed by the weight of your sin?
Jesus is calling
Have you come to the end of yourself?
Do you thirst for a drink from the well?
Jesus is calling
O come to the altar
The Father's arms are open wide
Forgiveness was bought with
The precious blood of Jesus Christ
Leave behind your regrets and mistakes
Come today, there's no reason to wait
Jesus is calling
Bring your sorrows and trade them for joy
From the ashes, a new life is born
Jesus is calling
O come to the altar
The Father's arms are open wide
Forgiveness was bought with
The precious blood of Jesus Christ
Forgiveness was bought with
The precious blood
Oh, what a Savior
Isn't He wonderful?
Sing hallelujah, Christ is risen
Bow down before Him
For He is Lord of all
Sing hallelujah, Christ is risen
O come to the altar
The Father's arms are open wide
Forgiveness was bought with
The precious blood of Jesus Christ
O come to the altar
The Father's arms are open wide
Forgiveness was bought with
The precious blood of Jesus Christ
The Father's arms are open wide
Posts: 66,666
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Sep 8 2023 06:45pm
Quote (addone @ 8 Sep 2023 22:29)
Priests get paid to work on Sundays so i told him that he is going to hell. :rofl:

This is alot of effort for an illegal worker.

Glory to Sithis
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Sep 9 2023 04:44pm
Quote (CPK001 @ Sep 9 2023 11:25am)
Ahh, I see the problem with you now. You are searching for wisdom. "We know a lot more now than they did back then." What has honestly changed in the last 2,000 years? I can send an email instead of a letter. It gets to the destination faster but I'm still sending a letter. I'm just doing it in a more efficient way.

Let's explore Wisdom shall we? Luckily it just so happens that I recently made a post about this on Ecclesiastes.

Ecclesiastes 7:1 - 8:1

7 A good name is better than fine perfume,
and the day of death better than the day of birth.
2 It is better to go to a house of mourning
than to go to a house of feasting,
for death is the destiny of everyone;
the living should take this to heart.
3 Frustration is better than laughter,
because a sad face is good for the heart.
4 The heart of the wise is in the house of mourning,
but the heart of fools is in the house of pleasure.
5 It is better to heed the rebuke of a wise person
than to listen to the song of fools.
6 Like the crackling of thorns under the pot,
so is the laughter of fools.
This too is meaningless.

7 Extortion turns a wise person into a fool,
and a bribe corrupts the heart.

8 The end of a matter is better than its beginning,
and patience is better than pride.
9 Do not be quickly provoked in your spirit,
for anger resides in the lap of fools.

10 Do not say, “Why were the old days better than these?”
For it is not wise to ask such questions.

11 Wisdom, like an inheritance, is a good thing
and benefits those who see the sun.
12 Wisdom is a shelter
as money is a shelter,
but the advantage of knowledge is this:
Wisdom preserves those who have it.

13 Consider what God has done:

Who can straighten
what he has made crooked?
14 When times are good, be happy;
but when times are bad, consider this:
God has made the one
as well as the other.
Therefore, no one can discover
anything about their future.

15 In this meaningless life of mine I have seen both of these:

the righteous perishing in their righteousness,
and the wicked living long in their wickedness.
16 Do not be overrighteous,
neither be overwise—
why destroy yourself?
17 Do not be overwicked,
and do not be a fool—
why die before your time?
18 It is good to grasp the one
and not let go of the other.
Whoever fears God will avoid all extremes.

19 Wisdom makes one wise person more powerful
than ten rulers in a city.

20 Indeed, there is no one on earth who is righteous,
no one who does what is right and never sins.

21 Do not pay attention to every word people say,
or you may hear your servant cursing you—
22 for you know in your heart
that many times you yourself have cursed others.

23 All this I tested by wisdom and I said,

“I am determined to be wise”—
but this was beyond me.
24 Whatever exists is far off and most profound—
who can discover it?
25 So I turned my mind to understand,
to investigate and to search out wisdom and the scheme of things
and to understand the stupidity of wickedness
and the madness of folly.

26 I find more bitter than death
the woman who is a snare,
whose heart is a trap
and whose hands are chains.
The man who pleases God will escape her,
but the sinner she will ensnare.

27 “Look,” says the Teacher, “this is what I have discovered:

“Adding one thing to another to discover the scheme of things—
28 while I was still searching
but not finding—
I found one upright man among a thousand,
but not one upright woman among them all.
29 This only have I found:
God created mankind upright,
but they have gone in search of many schemes.”

Who is like the wise?
Who knows the explanation of things?
A person’s wisdom brightens their face
and changes its hard appearance.

What has the theme been so far when the writer of Ecclesiastes has gone to look for meaning at every aspect of life? Meaningless, a chasing after the wind.

Is Wisdom any different?

Ecclesiastes 1:17

17 Then I applied myself to the understanding of wisdom, and also of madness and folly, but I learned that this, too, is a chasing after the wind.

Ecclesiastes 7:3

3 Frustration is better than laughter,
because a sad face is good for the heart.

Ecclesiastes 8:1

Who is like the wise?
Who knows the explanation of things?
A person’s wisdom brightens their face
and changes its hard appearance.

This is a bit weird isn't it? Frustration is better than laughter? A sad face is good for the heart? What's happening here is the writer is taking us on a journey from 7:1 to 8:1. Let's go on that journey. What is Wisdom? Wisdom is how we interact with our world.

There are 3 things that Wisdom must be.
1 - Wisdom must accept reality.

Ecclesiastes 7:1

A good name is better than fine perfume,
and the day of death better than the day of birth.

Is a funeral better than a Birthday? Let's look at the first half where it says "A good name is better than fine perfume." Wisdom must interact and encounter the day of death.

Ecclesiastes 7:4

The heart of the wise is in the house of mourning,
but the heart of fools is in the house of pleasure.

Ecclesiastes 7:8

The end of a matter is better than its beginning,
and patience is better than pride.

As humans we love to rejoice at the possibilities. There is a way of living that denies one but embraces another. As humans we typically avoid the topic of death. We love the idea of possibility and not reality.

Ecclesiastes 7:10

Do not say, “Why were the old days better than these?”
For it is not wise to ask such questions.

In this day and age "We've got to have the latest stuff". There's a term for this and it's called Escape.

Escape our world through Holidays? Escape through Alcohol? Escape through games? Escape through parties?

For all the joy we fill ourselves there is an end that must be faced or reconciled.

2 - Wisdom must accept human creaturehood.

Ecclesiastes 7:11-12

11 Wisdom, like an inheritance, is a good thing
and benefits those who see the sun.
12 Wisdom is a shelter
as money is a shelter,
but the advantage of knowledge is this:
Wisdom preserves those who have it.

This is weird, did the writer say that money, like wisdom is a shelter? What we can draw from this is that wisdom preserves but it also has a flaw. We do not have the ability to change tomorrow. God is in control.


14 When times are good, be happy;
but when times are bad, consider this:
God has made the one
as well as the other.
Therefore, no one can discover
anything about their future.

God is Sovereign and in control of all things.

Can we run and shape our world?

James 4:13-14

13 Now listen, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city, spend a year there, carry on business and make money.” 14 Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes.

Ecclesiastes 7:15

15 In this meaningless life of mine I have seen both of these:

the righteous perishing in their righteousness,
and the wicked living long in their wickedness.

We see a world where the world is flipped. The crooked people succeed while the honest people fail.

Matthew 6:27

27 Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?

3 - Accept human Sinfulness

Ecclesiastes 7:16-17

16 Do not be overrighteous,
neither be overwise—
why destroy yourself?
17 Do not be overwicked,
and do not be a fool—
why die before your time?

Do not be overrighteous? How can one be overrighteous? What if we put a word in front of that? Do not be self-righteous. Now the meaning has changed.

James 4:16

16 As it is, you boast in your arrogant schemes. All such boasting is evil.

That which seeks to control is in defiance of the living God.

Ecclesiastes 7:20-22

20 Indeed, there is no one on earth who is righteous,
no one who does what is right and never sins.

21 Do not pay attention to every word people say,
or you may hear your servant cursing you—
22 for you know in your heart
that many times you yourself have cursed others.

Do not eavesdrop to make yourself look good, it will not work.

Ecclesiastes 7:23-24

23 All this I tested by wisdom and I said,

“I am determined to be wise”—
but this was beyond me.
24 Whatever exists is far off and most profound—
who can discover it?

Do you know everything? Are you God? We cannot understand all things. When we try we show ourselves to be fools.

Ecclesiastes 7:26

26 I find more bitter than death
the woman who is a snare,
whose heart is a trap
and whose hands are chains.
The man who pleases God will escape her,
but the sinner she will ensnare.

Fools are suckers for the abuser as they look for pleasure and forget God.

Ecclesiastes 7:27-29

27 “Look,” says the Teacher, “this is what I have discovered:

“Adding one thing to another to discover the scheme of things—
28 while I was still searching
but not finding—
I found one upright man among a thousand,
but not one upright woman among them all.
29 This only have I found:
God created mankind upright,
but they have gone in search of many schemes.”

Here is the issue we have with human wisdom. Each one of us go in search of many schemes. We are wise, we did it ourselves. We are self made and self saving.

Romans 3:22-24

22 This righteousness is given through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe. There is no difference between Jew and Gentile, 23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, 24 and all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.

Yet God has answered our stupidity by doing something very wise.

What is Wisdom?
1 - Accept reality - Death is part of the world.
2 - Accept creaturehood - We cannot know all things.
3 - Accept sinfulness - Only hope is outside of us. Our sin needed answering. Jesus is the answer.

Fix your eyes on Jesus.

Fix your eyes on Jesus and O come to the Altar!


Are you hurting and broken within?
Overwhelmed by the weight of your sin?
Jesus is calling
Have you come to the end of yourself?
Do you thirst for a drink from the well?
Jesus is calling
O come to the altar
The Father's arms are open wide
Forgiveness was bought with
The precious blood of Jesus Christ
Leave behind your regrets and mistakes
Come today, there's no reason to wait
Jesus is calling
Bring your sorrows and trade them for joy
From the ashes, a new life is born
Jesus is calling
O come to the altar
The Father's arms are open wide
Forgiveness was bought with
The precious blood of Jesus Christ
Forgiveness was bought with
The precious blood
Oh, what a Savior
Isn't He wonderful?
Sing hallelujah, Christ is risen
Bow down before Him
For He is Lord of all
Sing hallelujah, Christ is risen
O come to the altar
The Father's arms are open wide
Forgiveness was bought with
The precious blood of Jesus Christ
O come to the altar
The Father's arms are open wide
Forgiveness was bought with
The precious blood of Jesus Christ
The Father's arms are open wide

Kindly shut the fuck up, thank you. This is irrelevant off topic spam.

The only way to redeem yourself is to provide hard evidence in a form that can be verified and physically replicated. I don't want to hear your off topic ramblings, whataboutisms, circular reasoning, endless bible quotes, other logical fallacies, emotional arguments or incomplete pseodo scientific theories. Not interested in taking with people who are unable to reciprocate a cordial debate and stay on topic.

You have one job either provide the asked evidence or zip it. I don't like being preached at it not only doesn't further your case it but it creates unnecessary spam and a bitter taste. If you can't help to devolve into the likes of TiStuff or lodd guy then I suggest staying away.

This post was edited by addone on Sep 9 2023 04:46pm
Posts: 53,996
Joined: Nov 7 2009
Gold: 2,195.46
Sep 9 2023 05:57pm
Quote (CPK001 @ Sep 8 2023 07:25pm)
Ahh, I see the problem with you now. You are searching for wisdom. "We know a lot more now than they did back then." What has honestly changed in the last 2,000 years? I can send an email instead of a letter. It gets to the destination faster but I'm still sending a letter. I'm just doing it in a more efficient way.

Let's explore Wisdom shall we? Luckily it just so happens that I recently made a post about this on Ecclesiastes.

Ecclesiastes 7:1 - 8:1

7 A good name is better than fine perfume,
and the day of death better than the day of birth.
2 It is better to go to a house of mourning
than to go to a house of feasting,
for death is the destiny of everyone;
the living should take this to heart.
3 Frustration is better than laughter,
because a sad face is good for the heart.
4 The heart of the wise is in the house of mourning,
but the heart of fools is in the house of pleasure.
5 It is better to heed the rebuke of a wise person
than to listen to the song of fools.
6 Like the crackling of thorns under the pot,
so is the laughter of fools.
This too is meaningless.

7 Extortion turns a wise person into a fool,
and a bribe corrupts the heart.

8 The end of a matter is better than its beginning,
and patience is better than pride.
9 Do not be quickly provoked in your spirit,
for anger resides in the lap of fools.

10 Do not say, “Why were the old days better than these?”
For it is not wise to ask such questions.

11 Wisdom, like an inheritance, is a good thing
and benefits those who see the sun.
12 Wisdom is a shelter
as money is a shelter,
but the advantage of knowledge is this:
Wisdom preserves those who have it.

13 Consider what God has done:

Who can straighten
what he has made crooked?
14 When times are good, be happy;
but when times are bad, consider this:
God has made the one
as well as the other.
Therefore, no one can discover
anything about their future.

15 In this meaningless life of mine I have seen both of these:

the righteous perishing in their righteousness,
and the wicked living long in their wickedness.
16 Do not be overrighteous,
neither be overwise—
why destroy yourself?
17 Do not be overwicked,
and do not be a fool—
why die before your time?
18 It is good to grasp the one
and not let go of the other.
Whoever fears God will avoid all extremes.

19 Wisdom makes one wise person more powerful
than ten rulers in a city.

20 Indeed, there is no one on earth who is righteous,
no one who does what is right and never sins.

21 Do not pay attention to every word people say,
or you may hear your servant cursing you—
22 for you know in your heart
that many times you yourself have cursed others.

23 All this I tested by wisdom and I said,

“I am determined to be wise”—
but this was beyond me.
24 Whatever exists is far off and most profound—
who can discover it?
25 So I turned my mind to understand,
to investigate and to search out wisdom and the scheme of things
and to understand the stupidity of wickedness
and the madness of folly.

26 I find more bitter than death
the woman who is a snare,
whose heart is a trap
and whose hands are chains.
The man who pleases God will escape her,
but the sinner she will ensnare.

27 “Look,” says the Teacher, “this is what I have discovered:

“Adding one thing to another to discover the scheme of things—
28 while I was still searching
but not finding—
I found one upright man among a thousand,
but not one upright woman among them all.
29 This only have I found:
God created mankind upright,
but they have gone in search of many schemes.”

Who is like the wise?
Who knows the explanation of things?
A person’s wisdom brightens their face
and changes its hard appearance.

What has the theme been so far when the writer of Ecclesiastes has gone to look for meaning at every aspect of life? Meaningless, a chasing after the wind.

Is Wisdom any different?

Ecclesiastes 1:17

17 Then I applied myself to the understanding of wisdom, and also of madness and folly, but I learned that this, too, is a chasing after the wind.

Ecclesiastes 7:3

3 Frustration is better than laughter,
because a sad face is good for the heart.

Ecclesiastes 8:1

Who is like the wise?
Who knows the explanation of things?
A person’s wisdom brightens their face
and changes its hard appearance.

This is a bit weird isn't it? Frustration is better than laughter? A sad face is good for the heart? What's happening here is the writer is taking us on a journey from 7:1 to 8:1. Let's go on that journey. What is Wisdom? Wisdom is how we interact with our world.

There are 3 things that Wisdom must be.
1 - Wisdom must accept reality.

Ecclesiastes 7:1

A good name is better than fine perfume,
and the day of death better than the day of birth.

Is a funeral better than a Birthday? Let's look at the first half where it says "A good name is better than fine perfume." Wisdom must interact and encounter the day of death.

Ecclesiastes 7:4

The heart of the wise is in the house of mourning,
but the heart of fools is in the house of pleasure.

Ecclesiastes 7:8

The end of a matter is better than its beginning,
and patience is better than pride.

As humans we love to rejoice at the possibilities. There is a way of living that denies one but embraces another. As humans we typically avoid the topic of death. We love the idea of possibility and not reality.

Ecclesiastes 7:10

Do not say, “Why were the old days better than these?”
For it is not wise to ask such questions.

In this day and age "We've got to have the latest stuff". There's a term for this and it's called Escape.

Escape our world through Holidays? Escape through Alcohol? Escape through games? Escape through parties?

For all the joy we fill ourselves there is an end that must be faced or reconciled.

2 - Wisdom must accept human creaturehood.

Ecclesiastes 7:11-12

11 Wisdom, like an inheritance, is a good thing
and benefits those who see the sun.
12 Wisdom is a shelter
as money is a shelter,
but the advantage of knowledge is this:
Wisdom preserves those who have it.

This is weird, did the writer say that money, like wisdom is a shelter? What we can draw from this is that wisdom preserves but it also has a flaw. We do not have the ability to change tomorrow. God is in control.


14 When times are good, be happy;
but when times are bad, consider this:
God has made the one
as well as the other.
Therefore, no one can discover
anything about their future.

God is Sovereign and in control of all things.

Can we run and shape our world?

James 4:13-14

13 Now listen, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city, spend a year there, carry on business and make money.” 14 Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes.

Ecclesiastes 7:15

15 In this meaningless life of mine I have seen both of these:

the righteous perishing in their righteousness,
and the wicked living long in their wickedness.

We see a world where the world is flipped. The crooked people succeed while the honest people fail.

Matthew 6:27

27 Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?

3 - Accept human Sinfulness

Ecclesiastes 7:16-17

16 Do not be overrighteous,
neither be overwise—
why destroy yourself?
17 Do not be overwicked,
and do not be a fool—
why die before your time?

Do not be overrighteous? How can one be overrighteous? What if we put a word in front of that? Do not be self-righteous. Now the meaning has changed.

James 4:16

16 As it is, you boast in your arrogant schemes. All such boasting is evil.

That which seeks to control is in defiance of the living God.

Ecclesiastes 7:20-22

20 Indeed, there is no one on earth who is righteous,
no one who does what is right and never sins.

21 Do not pay attention to every word people say,
or you may hear your servant cursing you—
22 for you know in your heart
that many times you yourself have cursed others.

Do not eavesdrop to make yourself look good, it will not work.

Ecclesiastes 7:23-24

23 All this I tested by wisdom and I said,

“I am determined to be wise”—
but this was beyond me.
24 Whatever exists is far off and most profound—
who can discover it?

Do you know everything? Are you God? We cannot understand all things. When we try we show ourselves to be fools.

Ecclesiastes 7:26

26 I find more bitter than death
the woman who is a snare,
whose heart is a trap
and whose hands are chains.
The man who pleases God will escape her,
but the sinner she will ensnare.

Fools are suckers for the abuser as they look for pleasure and forget God.

Ecclesiastes 7:27-29

27 “Look,” says the Teacher, “this is what I have discovered:

“Adding one thing to another to discover the scheme of things—
28 while I was still searching
but not finding—
I found one upright man among a thousand,
but not one upright woman among them all.
29 This only have I found:
God created mankind upright,
but they have gone in search of many schemes.”

Here is the issue we have with human wisdom. Each one of us go in search of many schemes. We are wise, we did it ourselves. We are self made and self saving.

Romans 3:22-24

22 This righteousness is given through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe. There is no difference between Jew and Gentile, 23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, 24 and all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.

Yet God has answered our stupidity by doing something very wise.

What is Wisdom?
1 - Accept reality - Death is part of the world.
2 - Accept creaturehood - We cannot know all things.
3 - Accept sinfulness - Only hope is outside of us. Our sin needed answering. Jesus is the answer.

Fix your eyes on Jesus.

Fix your eyes on Jesus and O come to the Altar!


Are you hurting and broken within?
Overwhelmed by the weight of your sin?
Jesus is calling
Have you come to the end of yourself?
Do you thirst for a drink from the well?
Jesus is calling
O come to the altar
The Father's arms are open wide
Forgiveness was bought with
The precious blood of Jesus Christ
Leave behind your regrets and mistakes
Come today, there's no reason to wait
Jesus is calling
Bring your sorrows and trade them for joy
From the ashes, a new life is born
Jesus is calling
O come to the altar
The Father's arms are open wide
Forgiveness was bought with
The precious blood of Jesus Christ
Forgiveness was bought with
The precious blood
Oh, what a Savior
Isn't He wonderful?
Sing hallelujah, Christ is risen
Bow down before Him
For He is Lord of all
Sing hallelujah, Christ is risen
O come to the altar
The Father's arms are open wide
Forgiveness was bought with
The precious blood of Jesus Christ
O come to the altar
The Father's arms are open wide
Forgiveness was bought with
The precious blood of Jesus Christ
The Father's arms are open wide

that doesn't prove anything lol
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Sep 9 2023 08:06pm
Quote (addone @ Sep 9 2023 03:44pm)
Kindly shut the fuck up, thank you. This is irrelevant off topic spam.

The only way to redeem yourself is to provide hard evidence in a form that can be verified and physically replicated. I don't want to hear your off topic ramblings, whataboutisms, circular reasoning, endless bible quotes, other logical fallacies, emotional arguments or incomplete pseodo scientific theories. Not interested in taking with people who are unable to reciprocate a cordial debate and stay on topic.

You have one job either provide the asked evidence or zip it. I don't like being preached at it not only doesn't further your case it but it creates unnecessary spam and a bitter taste. If you can't help to devolve into the likes of TiStuff or lodd guy then I suggest staying away.

when have you your self ever been on topic?
Christianity Is A Lie And Bible Is Proof

Quote (Jupe @ Sep 9 2023 04:57pm)
that doesn't prove anything lol

there wasnt a claim that it proved anything
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Sep 9 2023 09:30pm
Quote (addone @ Sep 10 2023 08:44am)
Kindly shut the fuck up, thank you. This is irrelevant off topic spam.

The only way to redeem yourself is to provide hard evidence in a form that can be verified and physically replicated. I don't want to hear your off topic ramblings, whataboutisms, circular reasoning, endless bible quotes, other logical fallacies, emotional arguments or incomplete pseodo scientific theories. Not interested in taking with people who are unable to reciprocate a cordial debate and stay on topic.

You have one job either provide the asked evidence or zip it. I don't like being preached at it not only doesn't further your case it but it creates unnecessary spam and a bitter taste. If you can't help to devolve into the likes of TiStuff or lodd guy then I suggest staying away.

Your anger and rage shows that I am right. The truth hurts doesn't it? Since we're on the topic of Wisdom, let's explore what the Bible says about Wisdom.

Isaiah 29:14

Therefore once more I will astound these people
with wonder upon wonder;
the wisdom of the wise will perish,
the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish.

1 Corinthians 1:18-31.

Christ Crucified Is God’s Power and Wisdom

18 For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. 19 For it is written:

“I will destroy the wisdom of the wise;
the intelligence of the intelligent I will frustrate.”

20 Where is the wise person? Where is the teacher of the law? Where is the philosopher of this age? Has not God made foolish the wisdom of the world? 21 For since in the wisdom of God the world through its wisdom did not know him, God was pleased through the foolishness of what was preached to save those who believe. 22 Jews demand signs and Greeks look for wisdom, 23 but we preach Christ crucified: a stumbling block to Jews and foolishness to Gentiles, 24 but to those whom God has called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God. 25 For the foolishness of God is wiser than human wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than human strength.

26 Brothers and sisters, think of what you were when you were called. Not many of you were wise by human standards; not many were influential; not many were of noble birth. 27 But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong. 28 God chose the lowly things of this world and the despised things—and the things that are not—to nullify the things that are, 29 so that no one may boast before him. 30 It is because of him that you are in Christ Jesus, who has become for us wisdom from God—that is, our righteousness, holiness and redemption. 31 Therefore, as it is written: “Let the one who boasts boast in the Lord.”

As you can see, God's Wisdom far exceeds our own. God will make foolish the wisdom of the world. That is why your quest for wisdom doesn't mean anything. The problem doesn't lie with lack of evidence, the problem lies with sin, the same sin that you deny ever having. Why do you think I keep on quoting the first part of Frodo's post where you must first realize you are a sinner and in need of saving? You haven't even done that.

The only thing left for you to do is to offer your heart COMPLETELY to Jesus and walk upon salvation. Do not let your meaningless quest for wisdom be your demise. It's not too late.

The Stand:

You stood before creation
Eternity in Your hands
And You spoke the earth into motion
My soul now to stand
You stood before my failure
And carried the cross for my shame
My sin weighed upon Your shoulders
My soul now to stand
So, what could I say?
What could I do?
But offer this heart O God
Completely to You
So I'll walk upon salvation
Your Spirit alive in me
This life to declare Your promise
My soul now to stand
So, what can I say?
And what can I do?
But offer this heart O God
Completely to You
So, what could I say?
And what could I do?
But offer this heart O God
Completely to You
Sing "I'll stand"
So I'll stand with arms high and heart abandoned
In awe of the One who gave it all
I'll stand, my soul, Lord to You surrendered
All I am is Yours (I'll stand)
I'll stand with arms high and heart abandoned
In awe of the One who gave it all
'Cause I'll stand, my soul, Lord to You surrendered
All I am is Yours (oh, Lord, we will stand)
So I'll stand with arms high and heart abandoned
In awe of the One who gave it all
'Cause I'll stand, my soul, Lord to You surrendered
All I am is Yours (to You, Lord, we will stand)
So I'll stand with arms high and heart abandoned
In awe of the One who gave it all
'Cause I'll stand, my soul, Lord to You surrendered
All I am is Yours (so, I'll stand)
So I'll stand with arms high and heart abandoned
In awe of the One who gave it all
I'll stand, my soul, Lord to You surrendered
All I am is Yours
Posts: 9,744
Joined: Dec 27 2019
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Warn: 40%
Sep 9 2023 11:52pm
Quote (CPK001 @ Sep 10 2023 03:30pm)
Your anger and rage shows that I am right. The truth hurts doesn't it? Since we're on the topic of Wisdom, let's explore what the Bible says about Wisdom.

Isaiah 29:14

Therefore once more I will astound these people
with wonder upon wonder;
the wisdom of the wise will perish,
the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish.

1 Corinthians 1:18-31.

Christ Crucified Is God’s Power and Wisdom

18 For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. 19 For it is written:

“I will destroy the wisdom of the wise;
the intelligence of the intelligent I will frustrate.”

20 Where is the wise person? Where is the teacher of the law? Where is the philosopher of this age? Has not God made foolish the wisdom of the world? 21 For since in the wisdom of God the world through its wisdom did not know him, God was pleased through the foolishness of what was preached to save those who believe. 22 Jews demand signs and Greeks look for wisdom, 23 but we preach Christ crucified: a stumbling block to Jews and foolishness to Gentiles, 24 but to those whom God has called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God. 25 For the foolishness of God is wiser than human wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than human strength.

26 Brothers and sisters, think of what you were when you were called. Not many of you were wise by human standards; not many were influential; not many were of noble birth. 27 But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong. 28 God chose the lowly things of this world and the despised things—and the things that are not—to nullify the things that are, 29 so that no one may boast before him. 30 It is because of him that you are in Christ Jesus, who has become for us wisdom from God—that is, our righteousness, holiness and redemption. 31 Therefore, as it is written: “Let the one who boasts boast in the Lord.”

As you can see, God's Wisdom far exceeds our own. God will make foolish the wisdom of the world. That is why your quest for wisdom doesn't mean anything. The problem doesn't lie with lack of evidence, the problem lies with sin, the same sin that you deny ever having. Why do you think I keep on quoting the first part of Frodo's post where you must first realize you are a sinner and in need of saving? You haven't even done that.

The only thing left for you to do is to offer your heart COMPLETELY to Jesus and walk upon salvation. Do not let your meaningless quest for wisdom be your demise. It's not too late.

The Stand:


You stood before creation
Eternity in Your hands
And You spoke the earth into motion
My soul now to stand
You stood before my failure
And carried the cross for my shame
My sin weighed upon Your shoulders
My soul now to stand
So, what could I say?
What could I do?
But offer this heart O God
Completely to You
So I'll walk upon salvation
Your Spirit alive in me
This life to declare Your promise
My soul now to stand
So, what can I say?
And what can I do?
But offer this heart O God
Completely to You
So, what could I say?
And what could I do?
But offer this heart O God
Completely to You
Sing "I'll stand"
So I'll stand with arms high and heart abandoned
In awe of the One who gave it all
I'll stand, my soul, Lord to You surrendered
All I am is Yours (I'll stand)
I'll stand with arms high and heart abandoned
In awe of the One who gave it all
'Cause I'll stand, my soul, Lord to You surrendered
All I am is Yours (oh, Lord, we will stand)
So I'll stand with arms high and heart abandoned
In awe of the One who gave it all
'Cause I'll stand, my soul, Lord to You surrendered
All I am is Yours (to You, Lord, we will stand)
So I'll stand with arms high and heart abandoned
In awe of the One who gave it all
'Cause I'll stand, my soul, Lord to You surrendered
All I am is Yours (so, I'll stand)
So I'll stand with arms high and heart abandoned
In awe of the One who gave it all
I'll stand, my soul, Lord to You surrendered
All I am is Yours

Spamming irrelevant tripe that no one asked, refusing to provide hard evidence, told to shut up and go away. And somehow you think you are right because people are fed up with your nonsense? Maybe touch some grass.
You have been told by multiple users that you are not proving anything only rage spamming in frustration for the lack of evidence. I don't hijack your group therapy sessions in your church to tell everyone they are wrong or spam Christian subforum that jesus and God are madeup characters. Why do you insist on being an insufferable twerp? Or are you just another little kid who thinks trolling and being a little shit is the funniest thing in the world?
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