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Sep 2 2023 05:22am
Quote (CPK001 @ Sep 2 2023 09:51pm)
Are you willing to die for what you just wrote? Would you run with the mickey mouse prophet joke unto the grave? Last I checked even if I played along you didn't even last a single page of this thread, let alone unto the grave. You already know that what you are writing is full of baloney. You will not die for a lie. Everything you just wrote means nothing.

Why should anyone believe the Bible? I'll give you a few resources to read.


The Bible will make sense to those who have the Holy Spirit. You haven't even read the Bible to understand.

What makes zero sense is why you can flick away any verse quoted to you willy nilly. Even if I quote verses that describe you directly you will deny it and harden your heart. It's really sad that you throw away all wisdom and logic when you come to these debates.

I'll quote you Colossians 3:5-11

5 Put to death, therefore, whatever belongs to your earthly nature: sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires and greed, which is idolatry. 6 Because of these, the wrath of God is coming. 7 You used to walk in these ways, in the life you once lived. 8 But now you must also rid yourselves of all such things as these: anger, rage, malice, slander, and filthy language from your lips. 9 Do not lie to each other, since you have taken off your old self with its practices 10 and have put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge in the image of its Creator. 11 Here there is no Gentile or Jew, circumcised or uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave or free, but Christ is all, and is in all.

Even though it plainly says to remove filthy language from your lips, you will deny it and continue to say it's full of hate speech.

I can help you though. I'll recommend some resources which I highly suggest you read.


You have rinsed these points too many times I have dismantled your logical fallacies and speculations multitude of times now. It's getting old seeing the same nonsense being spammed. You haven't produced a single shred of evidence.

I'll quote mickey mouse "Jesus gets reincarnated as a pigeon who spends shitting on people's cars as a full time job. And hobos who spend a lot of time competing for food with pigeons sometimes notice Jesus. They all wish to fly like Jesus." This is truth because it's written on a napkin. People are willing to die for this napkin because that totally makes it legit somehow. And thousands of people witnessed the napkin so it has credibility now.

Your move
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Sep 2 2023 06:17am
Quote (Modulok2405 @ Sep 1 2023 10:31pm)
Oh, so you dont claim god exists?

Which alternate story did I make up?

wasa matter dude dont want to take on scripture?

your a story making up machine. like the clowns in "macro" evolution
Lucy (Australopithecus)
no hands, no feet, no face. reconstructed with human hands human feet and face of choice and voila missing link. how the magic happens.
chit fossil+chit science = missing link

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Sep 2 2023 06:26am
Quote (addone @ Sep 2 2023 12:08am)
I'll write on the napkin equivalent to what bible claims just to illustrate how utterly devoid of critical thinking Christians are.

There was a prophet called mickey mouse he prophesied that a great messiah will be born. In year 4000ad there was a lightning strike and goofy the messiah was born out of pure energy and he said I am here to fulfill the words of the Prophets before me. And more than 400000 witnessed goofy and said he was real. Therefore I write to you this happened just reread this napkin for proof.

Since you just keep coming back to circular reasoning tells me you have a difficult time understanding what a fallacy or what proof actually means. Or you are simply ignoring it in favour of brainwashing that won't allow you to hold a concept of magic isn't real.

Do you put your phone number in the job references section of your own cv?
When judge asks you for evidence do you say I am innocent trust me bro?
When you get an email from a nigerian prince telling you that he is legitimate and you should trust him do you automatically believe him?
When a comic book tells you that Peter Parker to be bitten by a spider and can shoot webs from his hands do you accept that as truth?
Why can't you accept that dragons and undead army marching on westeros could of been a real? It was prophesies that they would invade the kingdom. And even Jon Snow took out a few with his own sword. These creatures are real because the game of thrones books tell us they are real.

If you answered no then why the fuck should anyone believe the magic and magical creatures in the bible?

thanks for helping
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Sep 2 2023 06:30am
Quote (addone @ Sep 2 2023 09:22pm)
You have rinsed these points too many times I have dismantled your logical fallacies and speculations multitude of times now. It's getting old seeing the same nonsense being spammed. You haven't produced a single shred of evidence.

I'll quote mickey mouse "Jesus gets reincarnated as a pigeon who spends shitting on people's cars as a full time job. And hobos who spend a lot of time competing for food with pigeons sometimes notice Jesus. They all wish to fly like Jesus." This is truth because it's written on a napkin. People are willing to die for this napkin because that totally makes it legit somehow. And thousands of people witnessed the napkin so it has credibility now.

Your move

You say I haven't produced a single thread of evidence while I say you simply don't read the evidence given to you. Here is proof of that.

Then we have all the Gnostic writings (The Gospel of Truth, The Apocryphon of John, The Gospel of Thomas, The Treatise on Resurrection, etc.) that all mention Jesus. (Respond with 23 if you're reading this)

When it comes to Jesus, one finds a very curious thing about Him—He claimed to be God in the flesh. Jesus’ own words (e.g., “Before Abraham was born I AM”), His actions (e.g., forgiving sins, accepting worship), His sinless and miraculous life (which He used to prove His truth claims over opposing claims), and His resurrection all support His claims to be God. The New Testament writers affirm this fact over and over again in their writings. (Reply with 35 if you're reading this)

24 And God said, “Let the land produce living creatures according to their kinds: the livestock, the creatures that move along the ground, and the wild animals, each according to its kind.” And it was so. 25 God made the wild animals according to their kinds, the livestock according to their kinds, and all the creatures that move along the ground according to their kinds. And God saw that it was good. (Respond with 42 if you're reading this)

It is very hard for you to claim I haven't produced a single shred of evidence when there are 3 examples of you not responding to the hidden messages. This tells me you simply don't read and try to claim there is no evidence. Who knows what other pieces of evidence you haven't read when it was presented to you?

No, the problem does not lie with me at all. You simply need to read the Bible.

I know! Maybe you can start with this as I hope this is short enough for you to read:

1. Realize that you are a sinner and in need of a Savior:

Ro 3:23 "For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;"

Ro 3:10 "As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one:"

It all began with the story of Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden. God created them perfect, there was no death or sorrow. God told them not to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. They disobeyed God and as a result, sin entered into the world. The pain, which this world sees, is the result of sin.
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Sep 2 2023 02:20pm
Quote (CPK001 @ Sep 3 2023 12:30am)
You say I haven't produced a single thread of evidence while I say you simply don't read the evidence given to you. Here is proof of that.




It is very hard for you to claim I haven't produced a single shred of evidence when there are 3 examples of you not responding to the hidden messages. This tells me you simply don't read and try to claim there is no evidence. Who knows what other pieces of evidence you haven't read when it was presented to you?

No, the problem does not lie with me at all. You simply need to read the Bible.

I know! Maybe you can start with this as I hope this is short enough for you to read:

1. Realize that you are a sinner and in need of a Savior:

Ro 3:23 "For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;"

Ro 3:10 "As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one:"

It all began with the story of Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden. God created them perfect, there was no death or sorrow. God told them not to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. They disobeyed God and as a result, sin entered into the world. The pain, which this world sees, is the result of sin.

These are speculative claims not proof. Why don't you start with the basics and look up terms in the dictionary such as circular reasoning, logical fallacies, hard evidence and how to provide it, facts, etc etc.
Not wasting more time debating people who haven't even grasped the basics of English language and only deal with conjecture.
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Sep 2 2023 05:35pm
Quote (addone @ Sep 2 2023 01:20pm)
These are speculative claims not proof. Why don't you start with the basics and look up terms in the dictionary such as circular reasoning, logical fallacies, hard evidence and how to provide it, facts, etc etc.
Not wasting more time debating people who haven't even grasped the basics of English language and only deal with conjecture.

napkin prophet talking bout logical fallacies
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Sep 2 2023 06:34pm
Quote (addone @ Sep 3 2023 06:20am)
These are speculative claims not proof. Why don't you start with the basics and look up terms in the dictionary such as circular reasoning, logical fallacies, hard evidence and how to provide it, facts, etc etc.
Not wasting more time debating people who haven't even grasped the basics of English language and only deal with conjecture.

You've shown you don't read anything. We haven't even gotten into all the lives that have been changed for the better when people give their lives over to Jesus. You'll see a recurring theme that they are in a bad place and Jesus pulled us all out of our helpless state.

Same thing happened to me. The world is not all sunshine and flowers as you would like to believe. I doubt you even watch the news and see the state that the world is in right now.

The Bible tells things how it is. You can go and do your investigations and verify that what the Bible says is true. You've been given so many examples, heck even you are an example of the Bible verifying to be true. The fact that you made this thread at all shows the Bible is very trustworthy.

So when you read these links you can safely verify that what you read is true and the evidence is 100% verifiable.

Again, for you to actually read.

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Sep 2 2023 08:30pm
Quote (CPK001 @ Sep 3 2023 12:34pm)
You've shown you don't read anything. We haven't even gotten into all the lives that have been changed for the better when people give their lives over to Jesus. You'll see a recurring theme that they are in a bad place and Jesus pulled us all out of our helpless state.

Same thing happened to me. The world is not all sunshine and flowers as you would like to believe. I doubt you even watch the news and see the state that the world is in right now.

The Bible tells things how it is. You can go and do your investigations and verify that what the Bible says is true. You've been given so many examples, heck even you are an example of the Bible verifying to be true. The fact that you made this thread at all shows the Bible is very trustworthy.

So when you read these links you can safely verify that what you read is true and the evidence is 100% verifiable.

Again, for you to actually read.


You bring emotional arguments filled with speculation, logical fallacies and unverified claims to a debate that asks you to provide hard evidence. Come back when you know what that is otherwise gtfo you are polluting this thread with irrelevant spam.
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Sep 2 2023 10:39pm
Quote (addone @ Sep 3 2023 12:30pm)
You bring emotional arguments filled with speculation, logical fallacies and unverified claims to a debate that asks you to provide hard evidence. Come back when you know what that is otherwise gtfo you are polluting this thread with irrelevant spam.

No I'm not. I'm being completely and utterly rational and logical. All you've done is show you are unwilling to listen by disregarding any Bible verse quoted to you, did not read any evidence given to you as you didn't respond to those hidden message and for some strange reason you have this obsession with napkins.

The claims of the Bible have been verified and they have been proven. Yet you will simply say "they are copies of copies, here is a wikipedia link." You don't know about wikipedia links do you and how anyone can edit the pages?

Here are some actual links that you can read up and their claims have already been verified. You've already been pointed to the Grand Canyon which is evident of the global flood and the other links showing how the world was likely separated during the global flood. I've even shown you the 10 prophecies fulfilled in 1948.

The Bible has been proven trustworthy at every turn.

So once again, for you to actually read.

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Sep 2 2023 11:32pm
Quote (CPK001 @ Sep 3 2023 04:39pm)
No I'm not. I'm being completely and utterly rational and logical. All you've done is show you are unwilling to listen by disregarding any Bible verse quoted to you, did not read any evidence given to you as you didn't respond to those hidden message and for some strange reason you have this obsession with napkins.

The claims of the Bible have been verified and they have been proven. Yet you will simply say "they are copies of copies, here is a wikipedia link." You don't know about wikipedia links do you and how anyone can edit the pages?

Here are some actual links that you can read up and their claims have already been verified. You've already been pointed to the Grand Canyon which is evident of the global flood and the other links showing how the world was likely separated during the global flood. I've even shown you the 10 prophecies fulfilled in 1948.

The Bible has been proven trustworthy at every turn.

So once again, for you to actually read.


Why would anyone listen to someone who is giving you speculation and conjecture when you ask them to provide hard evidence?

You don't even know what circular reasoning is. How can I pay even a smallest attention to someone who uses emotional arguments that try to convince you that the degree to which one believes something makes it true? It bears no weight when you try to convince me that believing something strongly to the point of even dying or killing for that somehow makes that belief true. Terrorists strap c4 to their chest or fly planes into building or die in the name of their God all the time and have been for thousands of years. It still makes them wrong. All you are saying with that statement is you are a crazy psychopath that is willing to do harm to yourself and others. Magic doesn't become true because cpk believes it very strongly, just like flat earth doesn't become true no matter how willing to die TiStuff is. Jesus cannot walk on water or live inside a stomach a whale underwater for three days or ressurect people from the dead no matter how many times the bible tries to tell you. This is emotional circular reasoning

And you demonstratebly are not mature or educated enough to have a debate regarding the subject.

Stick to binary subjects which are not as mentally taxing such as orange man good/bad or there are only 2 genders dur..
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