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Aug 22 2023 05:52am
Quote (Vastet @ Aug 22 2023 08:30pm)
You are right, Jesus is LORD and the Messiah. I hereby repent of my sins and turn to the LORD.

You certainly don't do a very good job at ignoring my posts, whoever you are.
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Aug 22 2023 06:28am
Quote (CPK001 @ 22 Aug 2023 07:52)
You're right jesus never existed and I'm a pathetic liar.

Who are you? Have I seen you post before? All you theists are so alike. Since you have no argument I can safely ignore your post. I appreciate your concession though.
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Aug 22 2023 02:23pm
Quote (CPK001 @ Aug 22 2023 11:50pm)
It's really funny seeing how you dismiss all the evidence presented to you. Here's even more proof.

Typically, when this question is asked, the person asking qualifies the question with “outside of the Bible.” We do not grant this idea that the Bible cannot be considered a source of evidence for the existence of Jesus. The New Testament contains hundreds of references to Jesus Christ. There are those who date the writing of the Gospels to the second century A.D., more than 100 years after Jesus’ death. Even if this were the case (which we strongly dispute), in terms of ancient evidences, writings less than 200 years after events took place are considered very reliable evidences. Further, the vast majority of scholars (Christian and non-Christian) will grant that the Epistles of Paul (at least some of them) were in fact written by Paul in the middle of the first century A.D., less than 40 years after Jesus’ death. In terms of ancient manuscript evidence, this is extraordinarily strong proof of the existence of a man named Jesus in Israel in the early first century A.D.


It is also important to recognize that in A.D. 70, the Romans invaded and destroyed Jerusalem and most of Israel, slaughtering its inhabitants. Entire cities were literally burned to the ground. We should not be surprised, then, if much evidence of Jesus’ existence was destroyed. Many of the eyewitnesses of Jesus would have been killed. These facts likely limited the amount of surviving eyewitness testimony of Jesus.

Considering that Jesus’ ministry was largely confined to a relatively unimportant area in a small corner of the Roman Empire, a surprising amount of information about Jesus can be drawn from secular historical sources. Some of the more important historical evidences of Jesus include the following:

The first-century Roman Tacitus, who is considered one of the more accurate historians of the ancient world, mentioned superstitious “Christians” (from Christus, which is Latin for Christ), who suffered under Pontius Pilate during the reign of Tiberius. Suetonius, chief secretary to Emperor Hadrian, wrote that there was a man named Chrestus (or Christ) who lived during the first century (Annals 15.44).

Flavius Josephus is the most famous Jewish historian. In his Antiquities he refers to James, “the brother of Jesus, who was called Christ.” There is a controversial verse (18:3) that says, “Now there was about this time Jesus, a wise man, if it be lawful to call him a man. For he was one who wrought surprising feats....He was [the] Christ...he appeared to them alive again the third day, as the divine prophets had foretold these and ten thousand other wonderful things concerning him.” One version reads, “At this time there was a wise man named Jesus. His conduct was good and [he] was known to be virtuous. And many people from among the Jews and the other nations became his disciples. Pilate condemned him to be crucified and to die. But those who became his disciples did not abandon his discipleship. They reported that he had appeared to them three days after his crucifixion, and that he was alive; accordingly he was perhaps the Messiah, concerning whom the prophets have recounted wonders.”

Julius Africanus quotes the historian Thallus in a discussion of the darkness that followed the crucifixion of Christ (Extant Writings, 18).

Pliny the Younger, in Letters 10:96, recorded early Christian worship practices including the fact that Christians worshiped Jesus as God and were very ethical, and he includes a reference to the love feast and Lord’s Supper.

The Babylonian Talmud (Sanhedrin 43a) confirms Jesus’ crucifixion on the eve of Passover and the accusations against Christ of practicing sorcery and encouraging Jewish apostasy.

Lucian of Samosata was a second-century Greek writer who admits that Jesus was worshiped by Christians, introduced new teachings, and was crucified for them. He said that Jesus’ teachings included the brotherhood of believers, the importance of conversion, and the importance of denying other gods. Christians lived according to Jesus’ laws, believed themselves to be immortal, and were characterized by contempt for death, and renunciation of material goods.

Mara Bar-Serapion confirms that Jesus was thought to be a wise and virtuous man, was considered by many to be the king of Israel, was put to death by the Jews, and lived on in the teachings of His followers.

Then we have all the Gnostic writings (The Gospel of Truth, The Apocryphon of John, The Gospel of Thomas, The Treatise on Resurrection, etc.) that all mention Jesus. (Respond with 23 if you're reading this)

In fact, we can almost reconstruct the gospel just from early non-Christian sources: Jesus was called the Christ (Josephus), did “magic,” led Israel into new teachings, and was hanged on Passover for them (Babylonian Talmud) in Judea (Tacitus), but claimed to be God and would return (Eliezar), which his followers believed, worshiping Him as God (Pliny the Younger).

There is overwhelming evidence for the existence of Jesus Christ, both in secular and biblical history. Perhaps the greatest evidence that Jesus did exist is the fact that literally thousands of Christians in the first century AD, including the twelve apostles, were willing to give their lives as martyrs for Jesus Christ. People will die for what they believe to be true, but no one will die for what they know to be a lie.


People are willing to die for the promise of 42 virgins or for land of milk and honey. Does it mean it's true as well? Congratulations you just described many other religions. None of these people you described met or seen jesus. They are writing after the fact and all the information is second hand. Drawing on speculation. Maybe there was a guy named jesus but not "the jesus" who was born of a virgin (another logical inconsistentsy) or performed magical acts like ressurect people and walk on water etc.

Is it possible you are guillable person and the likely explanation isn't magic but a highly exaggerated story? Could it be the ancient dirt farmers wanted to convince other simple minded peasants how "their" god/guy was the best? BTW did you hear our guy can walk on water, heal the sick, resurrect people from death, cannot die, bro he was born from a virgin bro true story. Believe us we are definitely telling you the truth look at our priests with pointy hats they look legit af.
Why can't the most reasonable explanation that Christians just copied off Jews and came up with yet another religion when virtually every other culture had their own God explanations? It's like when a million people say I am reincarnation of jesus, ok sure bud there are million of other people who claim they are also jesus you are definitely the real jesus sure thing yep. Is it possible and highly likely that this jesus guy (if he existed) was just a normal guy who was wise, had good qualities was turned into some kind of superman action poster child for new and up and coming religion?

Why must you turn to the most unlikely explanation? To magic and most batshit crazy stories?

This post was edited by addone on Aug 22 2023 02:33pm
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Aug 22 2023 05:31pm
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Aug 22 2023 08:28pm
Quote (gnarjay @ Aug 23 2023 11:31am)

The demon Barbie house didn't fight back. :rofl:
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Aug 22 2023 09:19pm
Quote (gnarjay @ Aug 22 2023 04:31pm)

Quote (addone @ Aug 22 2023 07:28pm)
The demon Barbie house didn't fight back. :rofl:

bu bu bu bu butt :cry: muh barbies dream house :cry:
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Aug 23 2023 05:43am
Quote (addone @ Aug 23 2023 06:23am)
People are willing to die for the promise of 42 virgins or for land of milk and honey. Does it mean it's true as well? Congratulations you just described many other religions. None of these people you described met or seen jesus. They are writing after the fact and all the information is second hand. Drawing on speculation. Maybe there was a guy named jesus but not "the jesus" who was born of a virgin (another logical inconsistentsy) or performed magical acts like ressurect people and walk on water etc.

Is it possible you are guillable person and the likely explanation isn't magic but a highly exaggerated story? Could it be the ancient dirt farmers wanted to convince other simple minded peasants how "their" god/guy was the best? BTW did you hear our guy can walk on water, heal the sick, resurrect people from death, cannot die, bro he was born from a virgin bro true story. Believe us we are definitely telling you the truth look at our priests with pointy hats they look legit af.
Why can't the most reasonable explanation that Christians just copied off Jews and came up with yet another religion when virtually every other culture had their own God explanations? It's like when a million people say I am reincarnation of jesus, ok sure bud there are million of other people who claim they are also jesus you are definitely the real jesus sure thing yep. Is it possible and highly likely that this jesus guy (if he existed) was just a normal guy who was wise, had good qualities was turned into some kind of superman action poster child for new and up and coming religion?

Why must you turn to the most unlikely explanation? To magic and most batshit crazy stories?

You didn't respond with 23 which means you didn't read. Many people have died for believing Jesus rose from the dead and they will continue to do so. One of the biggest proofs you have is that many people will die for the truth but nobody will die for a lie. Let's take your napkin god and spiderman as an example. You yourself might run through with it for a short while but if you are provoked long enough you will eventually give up the gig. You and I both know you wouldn't go to the grave for your napkin god because you know it's something that you made up. Yet many people to this very day will not give up the faith even though it costs them their lives. Why is that? Many people will die for the truth but nobody will die for a lie.

Since you have established that you are unwilling to read or realize the truth, all I can do now is to continually pray for you.

Heavenly Father, you are our lawgiver. That’s what you say in Isaiah 33:22. We pray right now for addone that he would want to follow you God.
Father we ask that addone who is against you would feel guilt, Lord, that he would realize that it’s folly and he would realize that he is going to Hell Lord.
Hell is real. The lake of fire is real. People weep and gnash their teeth forever and ever. The fire is not quenched. The worm does not die. It’s a miserable place.
Oh Father all of your ways are just and all of your ways are righteous. We submit to you right now.

Father we pray that the fear of God would fill addone and that everyone would say that anybody that is against God is an evil person.
Father this is what our founding fathers believe, this is what your word teaches and Father, we trust in you right now to raise up addone.
Vengeance is yours so we trust in you LORD, we rely on you and we hope in you and now we pray this in Jesus’ name amen.

Thank you for praying today, please tune in next time and may God bless and keep you.

Quote (Vastet @ Aug 22 2023 10:28pm)
Who are you? Have I seen you post before? All you theists are so alike. Since you have no argument I can safely ignore your post. I appreciate your concession though.

Heavenly Father we pray for this person whom I've never met and whose name I'll never know. Lord we pray that this person will manage to find their calling in life as they have no idea where they are going.

We pray that this person is filled with guilt and that they would realize it's folly to go against you, Lord. We pray that the scales will be removed from their eyes and they become a follower of Jesus.

We pray that they will take Matthew 16:25 to heart and find their life in you, Lord. We rely on you and we hope in you and now we pray this in Jesus’ name amen.

Thank you for praying today, please tune in next time and may God bless and keep you.

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Aug 23 2023 09:14am
Quote (Vastet @ Aug 22 2023 03:24am)
Another TiStuff selfie

Cómo estás esta mañana baile monaboi
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Aug 23 2023 01:26pm
Quote (Vastet @ Aug 22 2023 07:28am)
Who are you? Have I seen you post before? All you theists are so alike. Since you have no argument I can safely ignore your post. I appreciate your concession though.

another phoney cellf, smile your on candid chimera.
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Aug 23 2023 01:41pm
Quote (CPK001 @ Aug 23 2023 11:43pm)
You didn't respond with 23 which means you didn't read. Many people have died for believing Jesus rose from the dead and they will continue to do so. One of the biggest proofs you have is that many people will die for the truth but nobody will die for a lie. Let's take your napkin god and spiderman as an example. You yourself might run through with it for a short while but if you are provoked long enough you will eventually give up the gig. You and I both know you wouldn't go to the grave for your napkin god because you know it's something that you made up. Yet many people to this very day will not give up the faith even though it costs them their lives. Why is that? Many people will die for the truth but nobody will die for a lie.

Since you have established that you are unwilling to read or realize the truth, all I can do now is to continually pray for you.

Heavenly Father, you are our lawgiver. That’s what you say in Isaiah 33:22. We pray right now for addone that he would want to follow you God.
Father we ask that addone who is against you would feel guilt, Lord, that he would realize that it’s folly and he would realize that he is going to Hell Lord.
Hell is real. The lake of fire is real. People weep and gnash their teeth forever and ever. The fire is not quenched. The worm does not die. It’s a miserable place.
Oh Father all of your ways are just and all of your ways are righteous. We submit to you right now.

Father we pray that the fear of God would fill addone and that everyone would say that anybody that is against God is an evil person.
Father this is what our founding fathers believe, this is what your word teaches and Father, we trust in you right now to raise up addone.
Vengeance is yours so we trust in you LORD, we rely on you and we hope in you and now we pray this in Jesus’ name amen.

Thank you for praying today, please tune in next time and may God bless and keep you.

Heavenly Father we pray for this person whom I've never met and whose name I'll never know. Lord we pray that this person will manage to find their calling in life as they have no idea where they are going.

We pray that this person is filled with guilt and that they would realize it's folly to go against you, Lord. We pray that the scales will be removed from their eyes and they become a follower of Jesus.

We pray that they will take Matthew 16:25 to heart and find their life in you, Lord. We rely on you and we hope in you and now we pray this in Jesus’ name amen.

Thank you for praying today, please tune in next time and may God bless and keep you.

What are you coping about now?
You made a point that your Bible is true because people are willing to die for it. I easily dismantaled your weak argument that many people in OTHER religions are also willing to die for their religion including kill for. Heck even peaceful religions like buddhism are willing to set themselves on fire.
Those are facts and your point is invalid.

Why dont you pray to your magic man to help you with reading comprehension and forming better arguments.
Back to your hole.

This post was edited by addone on Aug 23 2023 01:42pm
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