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Aug 4 2023 11:35pm
Quote (JessiWan @ Aug 5 2023 04:19pm)
How is it a generalization?

You are confusing Judaism with Jews. The former is a religion, the latter is a race.

You think in a confused way.

Judaism started out not accepting people who were not Jewish by blood. It is only after some time that they started to accept converts and some leaders still don't consider them real Jews.

The fact you didn't know Jews are a race is beyond funny.

Except nobody is claiming all Jews are violent. You need to think in a more nuanced way. I am saying that Jews as a whole tend to be more violent than other races.

I never said that. Stop making shit up and then attributing it to me.

It took you nearly 3 pages to get to the conclusion that violent minds beget violent religions. I wouldn't say that I am the one with a simplistic mind.

I don't understand how you could have derived these sorts of absolutes from I said. I never claimed all such and such group are such and such way.

Maybe you should stop being so triggered by people telling the truth about your beloved Jews. Btw, I never made any topics about different genders. This is more proof that you are confused.

Your memes make better arguments than you do, lol.

This has got to be the most special view ive seen in awhile.

Jews are most definitely not a race. Anyone can become a jew at any time they wish effectively choosing being a jewish race lol. Is Mein Kampf not allowing you to think?
Its equivalent argument for choosing ones gender. lol Both are delusions.

Even you argument about being born in a jewish household doesn't make you a jew it just makes you have Hebrew ancestry your beliefs determine the religion not your genetics :bonk: .
Pretty sure Judaism claims everyone came from 2 people then again from Noah after the flood. So when certain Judaic or Christian sects tell you that you need to have a bloodline they literally contradict themselves.
But what do I know?

White power is a lie btw its just another side of a racist coin. Just like blm, lgbtq, right wing, left wing you are sitting on the extreme section of the spectrum and a part of a problem. I don't have sympathy for anyone who is that simple.
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Aug 4 2023 11:44pm
Quote (addone @ Aug 4 2023 10:35pm)
This has got to be the most special view ive seen in awhile.

Jews are most definitely not a race. Anyone can become a jew at any time they wish effectively choosing being a jewish race lol. Is Mein Kampf not allowing you to think?
Its equivalent argument for choosing ones gender. lol Both are delusions.

Even you argument about being born in a jewish household doesn't make you a jew it just makes you have Hebrew ancestry your beliefs determine the religion not your genetics :bonk: .
Pretty sure Judaism claims everyone came from 2 people then again from Noah after the flood. So when certain Judaic or Christian sects tell you that you need to have a bloodline they literally contradict themselves.
But what do I know?

White power is a lie btw its just another side of a racist coin. Just like blm, lgbtq, right wing, left wing you are sitting on the extreme section of the spectrum and a part of a problem. I don't have sympathy for anyone who is that simple.

c'mon man no christian says that

any way call it what you want. curious thing about jews is they know who they are. a jew can be an atheist and be fully jewish at the same time. jews dont forget who they are and thats weird?
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Aug 5 2023 02:38am
Quote (addone @ Aug 5 2023 01:46pm)
Oh I see lol. So going back to your earlier enquiry. What conclusion can I derive by looking at the Judeic religion and does it perhaps stem from Jewish mind which is violent to begin with? The answer is no that's a hyper generalised observation.
First of all Judaism or being a jew isn't a race it is a school of religious thought. Black, white, male, female, nationality or political stance are separate categories. One can be both Israeli Jewish and one can be a black female Jewish from Canada. Any race can believe and practice Jewish religion. The fact you think it's a race has anything to do with it is beyond debatable.

Secondly are there some violent Jews? Yes. Are they all violent? heck no, in fact many are conscientious objectors and want nothing to do with violence deriving their beliefs from certain commandments. You maybe fishing for an easy win oh look israel is at war therefore all Jewish people on the planet want bloodshed.
Don't forget there are numerous Jewish denominations with varying degrees of beliefs. Some put on a pretend facades dressing up as Jews but not actually Jews. There is many facets to this question. Simplistic conclusions like yours can only come from simplistic minds wouldnt you say? What's next you will grace us with another enlightened opinion that all Muslims are terrorists? Maybe stick to your intellectually stimulating topics about how many genders there are, and leave this thread for adults thanks.


Not explaining it to you. You don't have the ability to read and understand scripture. Why not start from within and look at your own heart?

1. Realize that you are a sinner and in need of a Savior:

Ro 3:23 "For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;"

Ro 3:10 "As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one:"

It all began with the story of Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden. God created them perfect, there was no death or sorrow. God told them not to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. They disobeyed God and as a result, sin entered into the world. The pain, which this world sees, is the result of sin.

Quote (Vastet @ Aug 5 2023 01:50pm)
ah the delusional christian nobody thinks my total victory means it's over, but no I'll just acquire more of them as the delusional christian nobody is still spouting lies and fantasies. Brilliant indeed.

Ahh, so you don't think you've done enough to 'graduate' from this thread? You're still stuck here with me?

Let's start from the beginning, who are you again? Is this the first time you've been in this thread?

Quote (addone @ Aug 5 2023 03:35pm)
This has got to be the most special view ive seen in awhile.

Jews are most definitely not a race. Anyone can become a jew at any time they wish effectively choosing being a jewish race lol. Is Mein Kampf not allowing you to think?
Its equivalent argument for choosing ones gender. lol Both are delusions.

Even you argument about being born in a jewish household doesn't make you a jew it just makes you have Hebrew ancestry your beliefs determine the religion not your genetics :bonk: .
Pretty sure Judaism claims everyone came from 2 people then again from Noah after the flood. So when certain Judaic or Christian sects tell you that you need to have a bloodline they literally contradict themselves.
But what do I know?

White power is a lie btw its just another side of a racist coin. Just like blm, lgbtq, right wing, left wing you are sitting on the extreme section of the spectrum and a part of a problem. I don't have sympathy for anyone who is that simple.

Not explaining it to you. You don't have the ability to read and understand scripture. Why not start from within and look at your own heart?

1. Realize that you are a sinner and in need of a Savior:

Ro 3:23 "For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;"

Ro 3:10 "As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one:"
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Aug 5 2023 05:45am
Quote (Vastet @ Aug 5 2023 12:06am)
The christians got booted out of government and slapped with restrictions for fucking around enough they were no longer tolerated in power in most of Europe and North America. Any religion which wishes to abide in these regions must accept the same conditions, and while they're still learning how to adapt to Western reality and the West is learning how to deal with new ideas they mostly do. There's about as much threat of a jew or muslim going around killing people as there is a christian or other or atheist, and whichever religion someone belongs to (or doesn't) they all end up in the same grave or prison system.
The jews and muslims are chafing at being put on the same leash but they have no choice. Wear it or go extinct. The longer and harder they resist the less the population will tolerate that resistance until they wear the leash willingly. It took centuries to put christians on the leash and they still whine about it so the jews and muslims won't bow down quickly or easily but they will bow down.

Everything you just wrote is wrong. There's a reason why you have literall no go zones in Europe, Islam bows to no one and the religion is taking over the west at lightning speed and the only group of people to ever historically put them in their place (christians) don't exist anymore.

Remember when you are forced to convert, meccah is to the east!
(Also lol'd at jews "bowing down")
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Aug 5 2023 06:18am
Quote (zorzin @ Aug 5 2023 04:45am)
Everything you just wrote is wrong. There's a reason why you have literall no go zones in Europe, Islam bows to no one and the religion is taking over the west at lightning speed and the only group of people to ever historically put them in their place (christians) don't exist anymore.

Remember when you are forced to convert, meccah is to the east!
(Also lol'd at jews "bowing down")

Mark 8:36 KJV
For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?
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Aug 5 2023 06:21am
Quote (Vastet @ Aug 4 2023 08:51pm)
Monkey boy put on clown makeup for this selfie.

and "monkey boy" is the atheist by their own admission
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Aug 5 2023 09:52am
Quote (addone @ Aug 4 2023 10:35pm)
This has got to be the most special view ive seen in awhile.

Jews are most definitely not a race. Anyone can become a jew at any time they wish effectively choosing being a jewish race lol. Is Mein Kampf not allowing you to think?
Its equivalent argument for choosing ones gender. lol Both are delusions.

In theory, anyone can convert to Judaism. However 1. he might still not be considered a real Jews by some Rabbis, 2. just because religiously, he's a Jew, it does not mean that biologically he's a Jew.

I think you are confused. You don't seem to know that being Jew has two meanings, one being a religious identity, and the other a racial one.


Even you argument about being born in a jewish household doesn't make you a jew it just makes you have Hebrew ancestry

If you are born to two biologically Jewish parents, then you are a Jew, by blood.

What is the difference between having Hebrew ancestry and being a Jew, in your opinion.


your beliefs determine the religion not your genetics :bonk: .

True, except that being a Jew is not just a religious identity.


Pretty sure Judaism claims everyone came from 2 people then again from Noah after the flood. So when certain Judaic or Christian sects tell you that you need to have a bloodline they literally contradict themselves.
But what do I know?

How is it a contradiction?


White power is a lie btw its just another side of a racist coin. Just like blm, lgbtq, right wing, left wing you are sitting on the extreme section of the spectrum and a part of a problem. I don't have sympathy for anyone who is that simple.

Dude, you don't have the right to call anybody simple.

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Aug 5 2023 02:17pm
Quote (JessiWan @ Aug 6 2023 03:52am)
In theory, anyone can convert to Judaism. However 1. he might still not be considered a real Jews by some Rabbis, 2. just because religiously, he's a Jew, it does not mean that biologically he's a Jew.

I think you are confused. You don't seem to know that being Jew has two meanings, one being a religious identity, and the other a racial one.

If you are born to two biologically Jewish parents, then you are a Jew, by blood.

What is the difference between having Hebrew ancestry and being a Jew, in your opinion.

True, except that being a Jew is not just a religious identity.

How is it a contradiction?

Dude, you don't have the right to call anybody simple.

If you see no difference between being a Hebrew or a jew then you don't see a difference between beliefs and race. We have words that define meaning, can't just cherrypick what they mean based on your feelings lol. You are identical to those lgbtq community people who identify as toasters. You really went turbo simp mode.

When a priest or a rabbi tells you that to be Jewish you need to have be born from a jew are contradicting themselves because their origin story begins with 2 people. Then again from Noah and his family. According to Bible or Torah everyone is a descendant everyone has the same "blood" coming from Abraham and Noah. If you have ancestors who were not from the Bible meaning a completely different blood line that means the bible story didn't originate with Adam and Eve. It means that the bible is not true. Hence the contradiction.

This includes you. Everyone according to Jewish, Christian and Muslim religious propaganda has a common ancestor we are all one blood.

Ofc this is a bs story since we know everyone has different blood and different genes and different physiology. We didn't come from from 2 people is some magical garden and a talking snake that is fermented camel milk and magic mushrooms talking.

If you can be born a jew from 2 Jewish parents then one can pick and choose their race at will. Right before having a baby 2 parents can decide to be orthodox jews and their baby is automatically an orthodox jew?
Or what if 2 parents want to identify as 2 non binary black Christians. Does it mean the baby is now born a black non binary Christian?
Beliefs are seperate from the biological race. Otherwise anyone can identify as anything.

Maybe you are confusing the word race with ethnicity?

Race - Physical characteristics that define a person as being a member of a specific group, Skin color, hair color and texture, eye color, facial features, physical build

Ethnicity - Cultural characteristics that define a person as being a member of a specific group. Language, accent, religion, styles of dress, hairstyles, social customs, food and dietary preferences or restrictions

Nationality - The legal sense of belonging to a specific political nation state Citizenship (birthright or naturalized)
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Aug 5 2023 03:03pm
Quote (TiStuff @ 5 Aug 2023 01:34)
lol bow down to what?

To everyone else.

Quote (zorzin @ 5 Aug 2023 07:45)
Everything you just wrote is wrong. There's a reason why you have literall no go zones in Europe, Islam bows to no one and the religion is taking over the west at lightning speed and the only group of people to ever historically put them in their place (christians) don't exist anymore.

Remember when you are forced to convert, meccah is to the east!
(Also lol'd at jews "bowing down")

Your total ignorance of history is showing. Also, islam will bow down. Maybe not for a century or two but it will definitely happen. They've already softened up quite a lot.
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Aug 5 2023 03:05pm
Quote (CPK001 @ 5 Aug 2023 04:38)
Ahh, so you don't think you've done enough to 'graduate' from this thread? You're still stuck here with me?

Let's start from the beginning, who are you again? Is this the first time you've been in this thread?

Your opinion is as irrelevant as you are mr or ms nobody. :)

This post was edited by Vastet on Aug 5 2023 03:06pm
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