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Jun 11 2024 08:08am
Quote (Crunkt @ Jun 11 2024 08:37am)
imagine supporting a guy that cries about an election being rigged at the exact same time this same guy hired fake electors to sign fake election certification documents and sent those to washington trying to get them to certify fake election results

it doesnt get more complicated than that

mentally deranged

Sure its quite easy to explain. When someone makes an accusation that an election is "rigged", they are talking about deceptive actions being taken in secret to manipulate the outcome of an election. Stuffing ballot boxes, hacking voting machines, misreporting results, whatever. Those are the accusations. Some people even consider overtly and publicly changing the rules of an election in a way that is undemocratic and favors one side, to be "rigging" even if its not secret. What is not considered "rigging" is to publicly challenge an election in the courts and prepare an alternative slate of electors to be ready if and when your legal argument prevails- and do nothing if it fails.

Conflating "exhausting legal challenges" with "illegally subverting" is textbook example of how MSM tries to tear down the very safeguards of our democracy. If nobody can challenge the results of an election, then elections can be freely rigged
Pretty soon "poll watching" will be an imprisonable offense
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Jun 11 2024 10:12am
Quote (Goomshill @ 11 Jun 2024 10:08)
Sure its quite easy to explain. When someone makes an accusation that an election is "rigged", they are talking about deceptive actions being taken in secret to manipulate the outcome of an election. Stuffing ballot boxes, hacking voting machines, misreporting results, whatever. Those are the accusations. Some people even consider overtly and publicly changing the rules of an election in a way that is undemocratic and favors one side, to be "rigging" even if its not secret. What is not considered "rigging" is to publicly challenge an election in the courts and prepare an alternative slate of electors to be ready if and when your legal argument prevails- and do nothing if it fails.

Conflating "exhausting legal challenges" with "illegally subverting" is textbook example of how MSM tries to tear down the very safeguards of our democracy. If nobody can challenge the results of an election, then elections can be freely rigged
Pretty soon "poll watching" will be an imprisonable offense

sick if you go read then you would realize the only people that tried to steal the election was literally thr republicans. There was no stuffing of ballot boxes there was no bullshit. You seem to forget that people are being sent to jail and arrested as recently as a week ago over the republicans attempt to steal the 2020 election
you have been brainwashed to believe that the dems are doing all the bad when its literally the hogs doing so that way a pleb like you can just say 'no the dems are doing it' its hilarious how brainwashed you people are

why not pay attention tot he court cases and the law at all? you know where in 3 states now the fake electorts have been charged for their involvment and how Fox had to pay like 800 mil to the voting machine company because of defamation. do you know what defamation is? Or you too busy listening to Tim poole call for civil war

wake the fuck up kid
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Jun 19 2024 09:58pm
Trump 2024
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Jun 22 2024 09:27am
The former Democratic governor and attorney general of New York, Andrew Cuomo, spells out what everyone who isn't blinded by TDS already knows:

Quote (Andrew Cuomo)
"That case should have never been brought. If his name wasn't Donald Trump, and if he wasn't running for president, [...] that case would never have been brought. And that is what's offensive to people. And it should be!"

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Jun 22 2024 12:36pm
Quote (Black XistenZ @ Jun 22 2024 08:27am)
The former Democratic governor and attorney general of New York, Andrew Cuomo, spells out what everyone who isn't blinded by TDS already knows:


Perhaps worth mentioning this is the governor who was ousted as a result of numerous sexual misconduct allegations.

Why would it be so offensive that our political leaders were scrutinized more heavily than normal people? Can someone explain that to me? Is Trump paying off a pornstar he had sex with while his wife was home nursing his newborn son a new civil rights category to protect?
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Jun 22 2024 12:51pm
Quote (IceMage @ 22 Jun 2024 20:36)
Perhaps worth mentioning this is the governor who was ousted as a result of numerous sexual misconduct allegations.

Why would it be so offensive that our political leaders were scrutinized more heavily than normal people? Can someone explain that to me? Is Trump paying off a pornstar he had sex with while his wife was home nursing his newborn son a new civil rights category to protect?

Cheating on your spouse is not a felony, though - and the whole purpose of this sham trial was that Democrats and their media allies can call Trump a "convicted felon" for the rest of this campaign season.
Cuomo is a corrupt slimeball, but he has no vested interest in defending Trump, so I don't see why his personal shortcomings should take away from his criticism of the Trump trial.

Speaking of holding political leaders to a higher standard than normal people: I can't recall you criticizing Biden's mishandling of classified documents (lying around in his garage) or the role he played in the flagrant influence-peddling his son was engaged in for literally decades. A holier-than-thou figure who is maximally concerned with upholding democratic norms and standards as well as the general population's trust in politics would have wanted to avoid the semblance of corruption and told his son to stop that stuff.
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Jun 22 2024 06:46pm
Quote (Black XistenZ @ Jun 22 2024 11:51am)
Cheating on your spouse is not a felony, though - and the whole purpose of this sham trial was that Democrats and their media allies can call Trump a "convicted felon" for the rest of this campaign season.
Cuomo is a corrupt slimeball, but he has no vested interest in defending Trump, so I don't see why his personal shortcomings should take away from his criticism of the Trump trial.

Speaking of holding political leaders to a higher standard than normal people: I can't recall you criticizing Biden's mishandling of classified documents (lying around in his garage) or the role he played in the flagrant influence-peddling his son was engaged in for literally decades. A holier-than-thou figure who is maximally concerned with upholding democratic norms and standards as well as the general population's trust in politics would have wanted to avoid the semblance of corruption and told his son to stop that stuff.

Falsifying business records in order to conceal paying off a pornstar very well could be a felony, though. That's the funny thing... you call it a "sham trial" but obviously Trump did it. The only point of debate is whether it's a misdemeanor or a felony. And when you are debating that, you are losing.

In a better world, Biden's opponent wouldn't have intentionally brought home several classified documents, he wouldn't have shown some of them to random people, he wouldn't have stored them in his bathroom and/or in some concert hall. He also wouldn't have clearly obstructed the government's attempts to get them back.

In a better world, Biden bringing home classified documents when he was Vice President would not be surrounded in the context of the above, or the context of Pence bring home documents. But we don't live in that world.
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Jun 22 2024 08:49pm
Quote (IceMage @ 23 Jun 2024 02:46)
Falsifying business records in order to conceal paying off a pornstar very well could be a felony, though. That's the funny thing... you call it a "sham trial" but obviously Trump did it. The only point of debate is whether it's a misdemeanor or a felony.

The campaign finance violation Trump is undoubtedly guilty of in this case is normally treated as a misdemeanor. It only becomes a felony if it was committed to cover up another crime. And the crime they were using here was minor and its statute of limitations had clearly passed - Bragg used a ton of extremely tortured legal bootstrap to get around this "inconvenience". Plenty of reputable legal experts have pointed this out already. And as the cherry on top, the hack judge who presided over the trial literally told the jurors that they don't need to all agree on what the underlying crime actually was to convict Trump.

This post was edited by Black XistenZ on Jun 22 2024 08:50pm
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Jun 22 2024 09:54pm
Quote (Black XistenZ @ Jun 22 2024 07:49pm)
The campaign finance violation Trump is undoubtedly guilty of in this case is normally treated as a misdemeanor. It only becomes a felony if it was committed to cover up another crime. And the crime they were using here was minor and its statute of limitations had clearly passed - Bragg used a ton of extremely tortured legal bootstrap to get around this "inconvenience". Plenty of reputable legal experts have pointed this out already. And as the cherry on top, the hack judge who presided over the trial literally told the jurors that they don't need to all agree on what the underlying crime actually was to convict Trump.

I know you view this as exonerating but all I'm seeing is how corrupt the guy you support for president is.
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Jun 23 2024 12:39am
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